Read Mister Romance Page 32

  I sit up so fast, my head spins. “Nan?”

  She looks down at her arm. “Oh, thank God. You’ve been leaning on that thing for so long, I can barely feel it.”

  I stare at her in shock for a full three seconds, until the reality of what’s happening slams into me like a Mack truck, and then I lunge for the remote and hit the nurse button at the same time I yell at the top of my lungs.

  Nan recoils. “Good God, Eden, keep your voice down! You’ll wake the dead with that caterwauling.”

  Shirley hurries into the room, and when she spies a conscious Nan, her mouth drops open in disbelief.

  “You see it too, right?” I whisper, terrified I’m actually still asleep.

  “Oh, yes, honey,” Shirley says. “She’s most definitely awake.” Another nurse comes in, and Shirley instructs her to page the doctor immediately.

  Nan looks at each of us in turn as if we’ve lost our minds. “Of course I’m awake, and what’s more, I’m starving. What’s a girl have to do to get a sandwich around here?”

  High, hysterical laughter bubbles out of me, and then I’m bawling like a baby as I sprawl across Nannabeth’s chest and hug her as hard as I can without hurting her.

  “Oh, sweetie,” she says as she pats my back. “It’s okay. I was only joking about the sandwich. But seriously, I’d murder someone for a coffee. And an explanation as to why I’m wearing this hideous gown. I look like an old woman.”

  * * *

  An hour later, Nan has been thoroughly x-rayed and examined, and the reality of what’s she’s been through finally sinks in when the doctor announces her left arm is partially paralyzed.

  “It’s quite normal to have something like this after a head injury,” he tells Nan, “but I can’t guarantee it’s not permanent.”

  Nan waves him off with her good hand. “I’ll be fine. Do you think I’m going to let a coma slow me down? Please.”

  I laugh, because if anyone can beat a little pesky brain damage, it’s my nan.

  “Now,” Nan says. “When can I get out of here? And don’t tell me a few days, young man, because I’m not having it. I have a duck to get home to.”

  He glances over at me. “Uh ... it’s normal for patients to be disoriented. I wouldn’t worry too much about minor delusions.”

  “Oh, I’m not worried,” I say. “And that’s not a delusion. She really does have a pet duck.”

  Nan looks at the doctor with a smug smile. “Now, about you getting me a speedy discharge ...”

  As Nan browbeats the doctor about leaving, I’m floating on cloud nine. She’s back. Thank you, Lord!

  I pull out my phone to call Max, but then I realize he’ll be in the middle of a date, and I really don’t want to break such happy news in a voice mail. It’s weird that not being able to share my happiness with him takes the shine off it a little. Like nothing is truly real until he knows about it.

  “Eden?” I look over to see Nan staring at me. Apparently, she’s chased the doctor away. “Everything okay, sweetheart?”

  “God, Nan, I should be the one asking you that. You’re the one who’s been comatose.”

  She smiles. “I’m fine. I’m just cranky they want to keep me here for the rest of the week. Poor Moby must be out of his mind with worry, even if Max has been visiting him.”

  I go over to her. “How do you know that?”

  “Oh, I heard lots of things over the past two weeks.” She gestures to the chair beside the bed. “I can’t believe you waited until I was unconscious before getting yourself a boyfriend. Really, Eden. You deprived me of all of the juicy details. So just in case I missed anything, I want you to tell me the whole story from the beginning, and don’t leave anything out. I want to know everything about your handsome Max Riley.”


  Morning Delight

  It’s all Nan’s fault that I’m on my way to Max’s apartment at seven a.m. wearing only sexy underwear beneath a trench coat. She grilled me for hours about Max and what’s happened between us, and when I mentioned his work was causing tension, she told me I had to be proactive in addressing our issues. Last night she practically shooed me out of her room and told me that if I was worried about losing our connection, I should show up unannounced this morning and ‘blow his socks off’. I don’t think she meant ‘blow’ as in suck his dick, but with Nan, I’m never sure. She can be filthy when she wants to be.

  As I climb the stairs to his apartment, I’m surprised to hear voices. From what he’s told me about the hours he’s been working, I expected him to be fast asleep after a long night with multiple clients, but it sounds like he’s having breakfast with Dyson.

  Dammit. I’m wearing thigh-high stockings and stilettos with a super-short trench coat. I don’t think it will take too much imagination for Dyson to figure out why I’m here. I wonder how embarrassed Max will be to have his friend witness my blatant booty-call.

  Oh, well, I guess we’ll find out.

  When I knock, everything goes silent for a moment. Then I hear heavy footfalls before Max pulls open the door. He’s wearing a white tank under a plaid shirt, with faded jeans and work boots.

  Dear God, that’s a good look on him.

  His eyes widen when he sees me, but I’m not sure it’s in a good way.

  “Hey. Hi.”

  “Hey.” He does a full sweep of my outfit, and then his mouth drops open. “Jesus, am I still asleep? Because I swear to God I had a dream the other night that started just like this.” I can see Dyson moving around in the background, and despite how turned on Max seems, he’s also nervous.

  “Uh ... I just thought ...” God, I feel ridiculous. “I wanted to come and let you know the good news in person. Nan woke up.”

  “Holy shit, Eden! That’s fantastic news!” He pulls me into his arms and lifts me off the floor. “Is she okay?”

  I cling to him as my legs dangle. “She’s great. A little paralysis in her left arm, but it’s already getting better.”

  He puts me down but keeps his arms around me. “I can’t tell you how happy that makes me. I’ll stop by this afternoon after we wrap up our job.” He looks over his shoulder then back at me. “Do you want to come in? I was just about to head out to work, but ...”

  “I’m sorry. I should go.”

  As I turn away, he grabs my wrist and pulls me toward him. “I have a few minutes. Come in.”

  He takes my hand and leads me inside where Dyson is also dressed in work gear and clutching what looks like a collection of architect’s drawings. There are two hard hats on the kitchen bench.

  Dyson gives me a wave and does a double take at my outfit before playing it casual. “Hey, Eden. Good to see you. I couldn’t help overhearing. So great about your Nan.”

  I give him a smile. “She said she loved your Mr. Darcy. Thanks so much for doing that.”

  He waves his hand in an ‘it was nothing’ gesture. “Just happy to hear she’s on the mend.”

  I look at Max, then at Dyson. “Construction worker fantasy?”

  Dyson nods. “Yeah. Rich client has booked us for an extended role-play. Long hours. Lots of extra actors. It’s pretty intense.”

  He shoots Max a look then grabs one of the hard hats and heads toward to the door. “Anyway, better go. The guys will be waiting.”

  He hurries out and closes the door behind him. Then there’s silence as Max stares at me.

  “So, this outfit ...”

  “I feel stupid.”

  “You shouldn’t, because, damn ... I almost had a heart attack when I opened the door. Dyson is a friend and all, but getting aroused in front of him isn’t something I’m cool with.” He steps forward and grabs the belt. “May I?”

  The way he’s looking at me makes all of my saliva dry up, so I just nod.

  He unties the belt, and when the coat falls open to reveal the smallest black lace lingerie I could find, I think his saliva dries up, too.

  “God ... damn.”

  Slowly, he pu
shes the coat off my shoulders, and it drops to the floor with a soft whoosh. He runs his fingers over my breasts, his eyes getting hungrier every second. The need I feel in him when he looks at me like that makes me happy. It gives me hope that if he ever had to decide between me and his work, I’d have a fighting chance of coming out on top.

  He walks me back until the cold metal of the door is pressing against my butt, and then he cages me between his arms. “You look ... edible. But, I really should go.”

  “Should you?” I reach behind me and flick open the catch on my bra. He swallows as I slide it off, his gaze searing my skin.

  Choose me, Max. Please. Not your job.

  “Eden ...” He cups my right breast and brushes his thumb over the nipple. I shiver and put my hand over his, urging him to squeeze harder. “If I could, I’d make love to you all day. You know that, don’t you?”

  “Then stay.” Choose me. “Please, stay.” I pull him forward by his waistband and unbuckle his belt, then I start on his jeans. “Even if it’s only for a while longer.”

  He stares at me, and I don’t know if he can read my deeper meaning, but his expression becomes more serious.

  “I’m working really hard to try and make sure we can be together more. I hope you know that.”

  “I do. I just ... I don’t know if I can go on like this. I feel like everyone else is getting more of you than I am.”

  “Eden ...” He kisses my cheek, then my neck. “This isn’t how I want it to be.”

  “But this is how it is. And I thought I could handle it, by maybe I can’t.”

  He pulls back and gazes into my eyes. “Don’t give up on me. I know it’s difficult right now, but I just need some time.”

  I pull off his plaid shirt, and run my hands over the tight muscles in his arms. “To do what?”

  “I’m still figuring that out.” He bends to kiss my breast, teasing my nipple just enough to have me squirming against him, desperate for more. “Just trust that I love you, and will move heaven and earth to make you happy.”

  I grip his head as he sucks a nipple into his mouth and anchor my hands in his hair to stop my legs from buckling.

  “You know what would make me the happiest woman on the planet right now?” I slide my hand into his underwear, and he groans as I close my fingers around him, already rock hard. “Having you inside me.”

  “Fuck ... Eden ...”

  “Please, Max. I need you.”

  I see the moment his resolve melts. His eyes become fiery, as if the pressure of having to always disappoint me is too much.

  He shoves me back against the door and kisses me, hard.

  “How the hell am I supposed to resist you? All day long I dream about being inside you, even when I’m with clients. It’s freaking ridiculous.”

  Then he’s ripping off his tank and yanking down my panties, and as soon as his jeans and underwear are out of the way, he pulls my leg up to his hip and thrusts deep inside of me.

  I gasp as he fills me, and he does the same, our voices echoing in the empty apartment.

  “God ...” He freezes, then withdraws slowly before pushing back in. “Whenever I’m inside you, I don’t ever want to leave.”

  “Then stay.”

  When he starts to thrust, our conversation ends, because the only sounds we’re capable of making are long, extended moans and needy grunts. But I’m not sure the desperation that drives us is a good thing. It feels like we’re both hanging on to the present to avoid thinking about our uncertain future.


  Survival of the Hottest

  Another week goes by with me trying to ignore my growing sense of dread about Max and my inability to deal with his job. I feel like I have a countdown clock running in the background of my life. I just have no idea what will happen when it reaches zero. Will that be it for me and Max? Game over?

  I sigh and dig weeds out of Nan’s garden beds. My mood isn’t helped by the knowledge I’m turning into one of those women I used to think about with disdain. The ones who go out of their minds obsessing about a man and what they’d do if they lost him. The ones who are lovesick and pathetic.

  Nearby, Nan kneels beside Moby’s pond and fusses with him. “I think he’s limping.”

  “Nan, he’s swimming. He can’t limp while he swims.”

  “He can and he is. I think he sprained something flapping around when Max came over yesterday. I swear he’s imprinted on that man. He gets way too excited whenever he sees him. Maybe he needs an X-ray.”

  I shake my head and go back to pulling weeds. It’s good to see that Nan’s near-death experience hasn’t changed her. She’s been home for a week now, and everything’s almost back to normal. Her left arm still doesn’t have much strength in it, but at least she can move it.

  Even though Max is still working day and night, he’s dropped over a few times. I know he’s coming to see me, but he spends most of his time chatting with Nan and charming her into a stupor. He still throws me glances that make me wish we were alone and naked, but I’ve been trying not to pressure him regarding sleepovers, because honestly, he looks exhausted. No wonder he’s never had a successful relationship. The man’s a workaholic. Just one more thing that doesn’t bode well for our future.

  He’s asked me to give him time and trust him, and I’m trying to do that, even though patience and trust are two things I have in short supply.

  “Not seeing Max again today?” Nan asks as she throws some bread into the water for Moby.

  “Nope. Apparently, there are a whole bunch of other women he’d rather spend time with.” Jealousy, however, I have by the bucketful.

  “Aw, sweetie, you know that’s not true. He’s a freelancer. He needs to take the work when it’s there.”

  “I know, Nan. I just can’t help feeling ... we’re the right people who met at the wrong time. The odds are stacked against us.”

  “He loves you. I know that much.”

  “Maybe. But sometimes, that’s not enough.” I always swore I wouldn’t buy into the lie of ‘the one’ and the whole ‘love can overcome anything’ malarkey, but now that I have, it hurts like hell to find out I’ve been right to be cynical all these years.

  I dust off my hands and walk over to her. “Anyway, I’m trying not to think about my issues with Max. I have to get ready for my final meeting with Derek. I’m going to beg him for my old job back and hope he’s in a good mood. If he’s not, Asha and I might have to come and crash here when we get evicted.”

  Nan pulls me down into a hug. “I’m sad you can’t publish that beautiful article about Max, honey, but do you really want to hold onto that job? You hate it.”

  “True, but I’m pretty sure I’d hate being unemployed even more.” I kiss her on the cheek. “So, tell me honestly, will you be okay here by yourself?”

  She pulls back and scowls at me. “Now what have I told you about treating me like I’m an old woman? I won’t have it, Eden. One little coma, and you tiptoe around like I’m made of eggshells. I’ll be fine. Plus, your sister is getting back today, and I promised her we’d spend the afternoon making voodoo dolls of you and sticking them with pins.”

  “She’s not going to forgive me any time soon for not telling her about your accident, is she?”

  I hear a noise behind me before a familiar voice says, “No, she’s really not.”

  I spin around, and then Nan and I both let out noises of delight when we see Asha standing there, looking even more radiant than she was before she left.

  “Oh, my God!” I say as she runs over to us and wraps us in her arms. “Ash, I’ve missed you so damn much.”

  She squeezes me as we all cling to each other in a three-way hug, and I don’t even care that I’m crying right now. My sister is home, and she couldn’t have come at a better time.

  She pulls back, tears glinting on her lashes. “I got in early, so I came straight here.” She turns to Nan and gives her a thorough examination. “Are you okay?”
r />   Nan rolls he eyes. “Don’t you start with me. This is why I choose to never get sick. People start to treat you like you’re an invalid.”

  I hug both of them again, happy that at least this part of my life is holding together.

  “I need to hear all about France, Ash, but right now I have to go get ready for my meeting with Derek.”

  Ash takes my hand. “I’m so sorry about the article, Edie. I know how much you wanted that promotion.”

  I shrug. “C’est la vie, right?”

  She hugs me again. “At least you have an amazing man to console you.”

  “Yeah,” I say, pushing down my emotions. “At least I have that.”

  Ash says she’ll help me get ready, and then turns to Nan. “Will you be okay by yourself, old girl?”

  Nan stares at her, unimpressed. “Get out of here before I forget why I love you two so much.”

  We laughs as we head downstairs, and by the time Asha is finished with me, I look like a French model. She’s dressed me in the prettiest floral wrap-dress I’ve ever seen, rationalizing that if I look like a delicate flower, Derek might be less inclined to yell at me and toss me out into the street. I can only pray she’s right.

  “Edie, no matter what happens today, know that I couldn’t be prouder of you.” She hugs me again. “But please know I will be torturing you for months as payback for not telling me about Nan.”

  I laugh and squeeze her. “I’d expect nothing less. See you later.”

  As I head toward the subway station, I take some deep breaths to calm my nerves. I wish I could talk to Max. I know he’s working, but I crave his support right now.

  As if I’ve willed it to happen, my phone lights up with his number, and a wave of relief rushes though me as I answer. “Hi. I didn’t think I’d get to speak to you until later.”

  “I snuck away.” Even through the phone, his voice soothes me. “How are you feeling?”

  “Like I could win the World Barfing Championship.” I just have to remember I’m doing this for him. Maybe that will stop my stomach from churning with too much acid.