Read Mistletoe and Fire Glow: A Holiday Romance Short Story Page 2

  “I’m pretty sure she’ll be here. I invited her to come. But you’re going to have to step up your game, now, because she met a really nice guy she hit it off with last night while she was waiting for you not to show up at the diner,” Marta told him, trying to put the guilt trip on him for ditching her friend.

  Russ tried to hold back a smile, realizing that Cordi had mentioned him to Marta, and that she thought they had hit it off, too. Maybe there was still a chance.

  “Okay, Marta. Thanks. I’ll see you guys Friday,” he said before pressing End on the steering column, just as he was pulling up into his driveway.

  At that, he got out and trudged through the thick snow that had accumulated on the sidewalk, dusting off his boots as he slipped through his front door.

  He had a renewed sense of anticipation as he started planning how he would approach Cordi at the Christmas party in just a few days.

  Chapter 4

  Jake and Marta’s home was covered from one end to the other in tinsel, garland, candles, and snacks of various sweet and savory varieties. A fire was blazing in the fireplace, radiating warmth throughout the large living room as their friends made their way in from the cold, some in twos and some, like Cordi, alone.

  When Cordi entered the front door, she took in the scents of cinnamon and warm pastries, taking in a deep breath to let the comforting aromas fill her. She shrugged out of her coat and winter scarf, handing them to Jake as she greeted him with a nod and a smile, which he returned.

  She loved this time of year. It had a sort of sweet sadness to it. She was surrounded by friends and family and all the beauty that Christmas held. But still, she couldn’t shake that all-too-familiar feeling of being alone. She found that with each passing year, her hope was waning. She never thought she would be that girl who, at thirty-two, was still single. No husband or companion to kiss beneath the mistletoe. No laughter of children to spread the Christmas cheer with.

  She walked around the party, maneuvering between the other guests who stood conversing, holding their flutes of champagne. She found Marta, and shimmied up to her as Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree played softly in the background.

  “Your party is beautiful, Marta. I love what you’ve done with the place,” Cordi said to her friend as she smiled and they hugged.

  “You made it! When did you get here?” Marta squealed in excitement before handing Cordi her own bubbly glass.

  “Just now. Don’t act so surprised! I told you I would come, didn’t I?” Cordi said as she took the glass and brought it to her lips for a sip.

  “Yes, but I had my doubts.” Marta said with a raised brow. She shook her head and waved the thought away to segue into a new topic. “I have a surprise for you!”

  “What? What kind of surprise?” Cordi asked, feeling guilty that she hadn’t brought a gift for Marta, as well, if Marta had gotten her something.

  “Keep an open mind, okay? It’s a guy.” Marta took Cordi by the elbow and pulled her around to face the crowd that had accumulated in her living room and throughout her home. She looked around, checking to see if Graham had arrived yet.

  “A guy? Haven’t you already tried to set me up once this week? We both know how that turned out,” Marta said, the skepticism evident in her voice.

  “I know, I know, but just give it a chance. I talked to Graham a couple of nights ago, and he said he felt like a jerk for standing you up and wanted a do-over.”

  Cordi didn’t utter a word, but gave her friend an unamused glare.

  “I know what you’re thinking, but trust me. I wouldn’t have went to all this trouble to set you two up in the first place if I didn’t think you two would really like each other,” Marta explained in defense.

  Cordi took another sip from her glass. She gave a slow shake of her head. “I can’t believe I let you drag me into these things,” she said, half-joking and half-serious.

  Marta laughed and squealed enthusiastically. “You’ll thank me someday,” she said.

  A couple approached and greeted Marta, so she introduced them to Cordi before telling Cordi to mingle around a bit while she made the rounds with her other guests, so that she wouldn’t seem rude. Cordi took the opportunity to walk around, taking it all in.

  Even though Cordi felt slighted that Graham had stood her up that few nights ago, her curiosity ended up getting the best of her, and she found herself looking around to see if she could spot him, realizing she still didn’t actually know what he looked like. Maybe he hadn’t arrived yet. Or maybe he wouldn’t show up at all, essentially standing her up again. Wouldn’t that be just about par for the course?

  The background music switched to an old, familiar song by Dan Fogelberg, Same Old Lang Syne, and the slower melody brought on a wistful feeling that Cordi was trying hard to shake. She couldn’t help but feel even more alone at that moment, and she thought about bundling back up into her coat and just heading back home.

  When she felt a chill of cold, night air blow across her skin, goosebumps raised her flesh, and she turned to see who had come in the front door.

  She couldn’t believe her eyes, and she blinked in shock.


  Chapter 5

  Russ had noticed Cordi the moment he opened the door. His heart skipped a beat and his breath caught in his chest when he saw her. She was even more beautiful than he had remembered, dressed up in a form-fitting outfit that accentuated the sensuous curves of her body that the layers she had worn the other night had hidden.

  He closed the door behind him, and Jake greeted him, taking his coat.

  “Hey! Come on in, man. Grab a drink. There are snacks on pretty much every flat surface in the place. Take your pick,” Jake said, welcoming him with a laugh.

  He nodded, having to tear his eyes away from Cordi momentarily as he returned the greetings with Jake. When he turned back around, she had disappeared. His eyes swept the room, darting from person to person, trying to see where she might have gone, but she was nowhere in sight.

  When Cordi had seen Russ coming through the door, it had sent her mind spinning. She panicked, and darted into the kitchen where Marta was arranging tiny squares of white chocolate, peppermint fudge on a festive tray, preparing to set it out for the guests. She lifted the tray and held it up when Cordi approached, offering Cordi a piece.

  Cordi shook her head. “No thanks. Marta! You’re not going to believe this, but Russ, the guy I met at the diner the other night? He’s here!” Cordi’s voice was quick but quiet, communicating her urgency and confusion.

  “You’re kidding. Who did he come with?” Marta asked, also in a hushed voice, mirroring her friend.

  “I have no idea. I just saw him walk in the front door, but I didn’t see anyone come in with him. Marta, what am I going to do?” she asked, as her eyes signaled her plea for help.

  Marta thought about it for a moment. What should she tell her? She knew Cordi had hit it off with this Russ guy the other night and had heard the excitement and longing in her voice. But Graham would be here any minute, and he was expecting tonight to be a do-over with Cordi.

  Marta knew that Cordi would like Graham if she’d only give him a chance, and likewise for him. Why had they both been so stubborn and difficult about this?

  “Cordi, I don’t know. What about Graham?” Marta asked.

  “I know, but in case you haven’t noticed, this Graham guy still hasn’t shown up yet, and he’s already stood me up once. What if he doesn’t show up again? And what are the chances that Russ would show up here at your party tonight?” It was clear that Cordi had a specific direction she wanted to go in, but wanted Marta’s blessing to do it.

  “Well… I guess-”

  Marta’s sentence was cut short when she saw Graham and Jake walk into the kitchen. “Graham! You’re here!” she called out with excitement.

  Marta turned to look at Cordi to introduce her to Graham, but wa
s silenced by the wide-eyed, open-mouthed expression on Cordi’s face staring at him.

  “That’s Graham?” Cordi asked, pointing her hand at him as he halted his approach toward the two girls.

  Confused, Marta glanced between her friends, now seeing the serious expression that had taken over Graham’s face as well.

  “Yes…” Marta said in a long, drawn-out syllable. “Have you two already met?”

  “You said your name was Russ,” Cordi said, now directly to him. She felt confused, but worse, betrayed. “You lied to me?”

  “No, I didn’t lie. Graham is my last name, Cordi. Russell Graham.” He was beginning to realize that this situation was going south, and fast. He had to fix this, but how? Maybe he had made a mistake, he realized.

  “So you just let me believe that I had been stood up. Is that it?” she asked him.

  Russ’s head hung slightly in shame, realizing how he had made her feel, which had not been his intention at all. His hand went to rub the back of his neck in a nervous gesture while he tried to think of what he could say to salvage this.

  Marta and Jake stood by in awkward silence, watching the scene unfold together.

  Russ moved forward, closing the distance between he and Cordi, but when he got to her, she took a step back. She shook her head no, and darted out of the kitchen, heading toward the coat closet where her coat and scarf hung. She was obviously planning to leave.

  Marta, Jake, and Russ stood looking at each other with disbelief.

  “Wow,” Marta said. “You really messed that up.”

  Jake nodded in agreement. They stood quietly for a moment, not knowing what to say, as Tim Halperin could be heard singing, “I need a Miracle,” low on the living room speakers. Then, they heard the front door open and close.

  Russ’s eyes went wide, and panic welled up inside him. Did she really just leave?

  “I’ve got to go after her!” said Russ as he sprang into motion. He had to find her. He had to make this right. He needed a miracle.

  Chapter 6

  Cordi felt like such an idiot. Was this some kind of game being played at her expense? She had really liked Russ, and now? Well, now she didn’t know what to think.

  She had taken a cab to get to Marta and Jake’s house that evening, and it was going to be a long wait or a long walk in the freezing cold. Now that she thought about it, it probably hadn’t been a good idea to just run out on everybody. It was an impulsive move that she already regretted.

  “Cordi, wait!” She could hear Russ calling after her, or was it Graham? She didn’t know what to call him now, and wasn’t sure it even mattered.

  She turned to see him jogging toward her, as quickly as he could in the snow and ice. When he caught up to her, he slowed, as though he were afraid he would scare her off once again.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “Please come back inside. I’d like to explain myself if you’ll let me.”

  The lights from the house and neighboring houses blinked, and their glow shone on his face as she looked up into his eyes. Could she trust the look of sincerity, or did Christmas lights make everything look pure and magical? She hesitated, not knowing what she should do, and began shivering as her breath formed a fog of ice crystals in front of her.

  Russ shrugged out of his coat and moved to wrap it around her over her own. “Here. Please, it’s freezing out here. Let’s get you back inside where it’s warm and we can talk,” he said, hoping she would allow it and go back in with him.

  At last, she conceded, and he wrapped an arm around her as he walked her back inside.

  Once they got back in, he suggested they go talk in an empty bedroom. “Go ahead, and I’ll meet you there,” he said. “I’ll get us something warm to drink and I’ll be right in.”

  When he came in with two cups of hot cocoa, he found her standing at the window, looking out onto the snow covering the front yard. She turned to see him and took one of the cups from him, letting it warm her hands.

  “Why didn’t you just tell me who you were at the diner the other night?” she asked in a calm, resigned voice.

  “I know it looks bad, but I wasn’t trying to deceive you. At least, not in a bad way. Wait, that didn’t come out right.” He was fumbling with what to say, and he had a feeling he was only making things worse. She said nothing, but her eyes widened.

  He sighed, frustrated with himself, and sat down on the bed. “What I meant was, I just wanted you to feel comfortable talking to me, and I wanted a chance to get to know the real you without the expectations that go along with being on a date,” he explained.

  “Expectations? How do you know what my expectations would have been if you don’t even know me?” she asked. “You know something, though? Maybe you were right, because the only thing I expected going into that date was to be disappointed. Turns out, I was right.”

  Russ stood and went to her by the window. “Don’t say that. The truth is, I had a great time with you that night. I’ve just had a lot of bad dates, and didn’t know what to expect, myself.”

  That resonated with Cordi, and she found herself slowly warming to him once again. She thought back to the carefree banter they had shared that night, and had to admit that it would have undoubtedly gone a lot differently had she known that Russ was the guy she had been there to meet.

  She looked down to her feet, and when she looked back up at him, he could see the warmth that had returned to her eyes. He took her hands in his and moved in closer so that only inches were left between them.

  “Can we start over?” he said, barely above a whisper, as he looked at her expectantly.

  She nodded her consent. “I think I would like that,” she said.

  When they rejoined the party, another Tim Halperin song filled the room, Under That Christmas Spell. Russ and Cordi were hand in hand, and Marta squealed in delight as she watched them approach.

  “I knew you two would work it out,” Marta bragged as she snuggled up to Jake who stood beside her.

  “I guess we owe you a thanks for introducing us,” Russ said to Marta, before smiling back at Cordi. Cordi’s heart warmed even more.

  Marta gasped as though she had just gotten a grand idea. “Oh! Come over here by the fireplace. I want to show you something,” she said, and darted off for the others to follow.

  Once they got to where she wanted them, a mischievous grin spread across her face.

  “Marta, what is it?” Cordi asked, suspicious of what her friend was up to.

  Marta didn’t speak, but her eyes trailed up to the ceiling. They all followed her gaze and realized she had them standing beneath mistletoe that had been hanging from an exposed wooden rafter.

  Russ and Cordi chuckled, but Russ looked down at her, a question in his eyes. Cordi nodded, excited at the thought of their first kiss, and Russ decided to go for it.

  He brushed a thumb across her cheek as his mouth drew closer to hers, and her eyes closed in anticipation. Then their lips pressed gently together, and she could taste the sweet cocoa on him as he moved in and pulled her closer to him.

  It was over all too soon, and when Cordi opened her eyes again, she couldn’t wait until the next one.

  Mistletoe and fire glow, she thought, as the fire warmed them from the hearth, her growing feelings for Russ warmed her from within, and Barbara Mandrell sang to them what began their first of many Christmases together.

  It Must Have Been the Mistletoe.

  The End

  A Note From the Author

  Thank you so much for taking the time to read this sweet little Christmas love story, Mistletoe and Fire Glow. I hope you enjoyed reading it, and that you will take the time to leave a review on the retailer website you downloaded it from.

  Mistletoe and Fire Glow - Full Spotify Playlist

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