Read Mixed Signals Page 6


  “I’m really sorry, Rach. If I’d known this would happen, I never would have suggested we go to that stupid thing.” Susan sat on the pink shag carpet painting Rachel’s toenails. “Why don’t you let me talk to him?”

  “No, way!” Rachel fumed. “I’m done with him. If he can’t trust my word, then I don’t want him.”

  “Well,” said Susan, snuggling Rachel’s feet, “if I’ve gotta be bi, I can’t think of anyone I’d rather be bi with.”

  “Get off, you idiot!” Rachel tickled Susan with her toes. “But I did have an idea, and you’ve gotta help me.”

  Susan smoothed down her kinky hair. “That sounds ominous. What do you need me to do?”

  “Find George. Tell him what’s going on. If anyone can make Ryan see the light, it’s his father.”

  Susan eyed her up. “I thought you just said you were done with him?”

  “Someone once told me that a girl has a right to change her mind.”

  “I don’t know, Rach. What if he doesn’t listen to me? What if he doesn’t even remember me?”

  Rachel clicked her tongue. “You’re kidding, right? You offered up your virginity to him, Sue. I don’t think he’ll forget.”

  “No, I didn’t!” Susan’s eyes grew round. “Why didn’t you stop me?”

  Rachel just blinked. “Sometimes I really wonder about you.”

  “Oh,” Susan giggled. “I guess you did. Was he good looking?”

  “You don’t remember what he looks like?”

  “All I remember is glorious Ross. I’d remember him if I saw him again.” She sighed and closed her eyes. “Too bad my virginity was in the way of losing my virginity.” Susan lay back on the rug and stretched. “I can’t wait until they’re done painting my apartment. Your bed makes my back ache.”

  Rachel looked at the clock. “Yeah, and your snoring makes my head ache. It’s almost eleven. We’ve gotta get to bed. I have to be at work by seven bells. Junior wants me there early so he can leave by one. His parents are coming home from their cruise tomorrow and he has to pick them up at two. I’ll let you know where they’ll be so you can sneak a peek at Senior.”

  “And you care about all of this…why? He treats you like crap and you still jump when he calls.” Susan shook her head and climbed up on the bed. “Maybe the answer will come to me in a dream.”

  Rachel turned out the light and climbed in the other side. “Let me know the answer, will you? I’m curious, too.”

  Despite Susan’s snoring, Rachel managed to drop off into a light sleep, only to be awakened by a loud banging on her door.

  “Who in the hell’s beating on my door at twelve-thirty at night?” Rachel sat up and grabbed her robe from the chair beside the bed.

  “Maybe it’s a fire!” Susan rolled out to find her slippers.

  “Probably just some drunk. You stay here and get ready to call for help.” Rachel stomped off toward the door, all the while getting angrier and angrier. “I’m coming!” she yelled. With the aluminum baseball bat clenched in her fingers, Rachel peeked through the peep hole. Now completely infuriated, she threw open the door. “And just why are you beating on my door in the middle of the night?”

  Ryan took a step back in self-defense. “I tried to call, but your phone’s not working. I wanted to let you know not to come in tomorrow. I’m going out of town for a few weeks.”

  Rachel let the bat fall to her side. “Oh. Why?”

  “Elizabeth just announced she’s getting married and the wedding’s in Maine. She wanted to elope, but mother insisted on a small wedding for close family and friends.”

  A pang went straight through Rachel. “You could’ve left a note at the front desk. They’re very good about delivering messages.”

  “Well, I thought maybe…you’d-.”

  “The phone’s out, Rach. Is everything okay?” Susan peeked around the corner of the bedroom door with the phone in her hand.

  Ryan’s face went black. “I guess I should have known you’d have company. Report back to work in exactly two weeks unless you’ve found another job by then.” He spun around and tore off down the hall.

  “Don’t worry!” she yelled after him. “You’ll never have to see me again!”

  Rachel slammed the door and threw the bat in the corner. “I hope you like Maine, because we’re going!”

  “But, you just said-.”

  “I know what I said, but now I’m really pissed off. For god’s sake! Why do I have to prove I’m not bi? Why can’t he just love me for who I am?”

  “I think I liked you better when you swore you’d never look at another man again.”

  Rachel grimaced. “Yeah? Well, I think I liked you better when you embraced your virginity. Ever since you changed your mind, my life’s been turned upside down. When are you gonna realize that what you have is priceless, and you’re willing to give it away like it’s some kind of cheap junk? Look at me! If I had what you have, I wouldn’t be having the problems I’m having.”

  Susan shook her head. “Too many haves and havings for me. I’m going back to bed. We’ll discuss amending my current state of mind in the morning. Okay?”

  “Oh, okay,” Rachel grumbled. “But no snoring unless you wanna find a chip clip clamped on the end of your nose.”