Read Mobster's Girl Page 5

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “I’m gonna send you alone. Do you think you can handle it?”

  “Sure, no problem.”

  “If he gives you anything less than three G’s, you gotta break his leg.” I look up from web surfing. He continues. “You count the moolah, then break his leg if it ain’t all there.”

  I hesitate, but I declare, “Got it.”

  Donny’s head turns, and he sees the guy who ran. Simultaneously, we get out of the black Lincoln. My adrenaline starts humming through my veins. We pace each other, then fan out. The asshole sees us. He starts to bolt, but I take off like a shot. I catch up with him instantly and swing out my leg. My leg rips his out from under him, and he goes down—hard. His head smashes on the cement sidewalk. I hold him down with my foot pressed against his throat. That’s what twelve years of martial arts training will do for you.

  Donny gets to us. He rifles through the guys pockets. He finds fifteen hundred. Not even close.

  The guy pleads, “Donny, I need more time.”

  “You’re a runner! I don’t like to fuckin’ chase people!”

  “Donny, please, I just need another week.”

  “Thirty-five hundred next week.” Donny turns to me, “Take care of this, Tonio.” And I do.

  I grab the guy by his shirt and pull him to a standing position in one fluid motion. I cock my fist back like I’ve been doing all week and plant it in the guy’s face. His nose makes a cracking sound, and I know I’ve broken it. I’ve heard that sound before. I wind my hand up again and punch. The guy wails and staggers. While he’s staggering backwards, I grab his hand and snap two fingers. He howls long and loud.

  I walk away. Donny already has the Lincoln running and waiting. I don’t look at the guy crumpled up on the ground as we screech by.


  Chapter 9

  Cappatosta (ca bah dos): thick-headed, stubborn


  All week Raven has been talking about going to Alessandra’s party. On the way to school, about what she’s going to wear. On the way home, about how she’s changed her mind and about the new outfit she’s going to wear. She has gone over and over who she thinks is going to be there.

  It’s Friday, and she’s driving me home.

  “Okay,” she starts. “I’m going to pick you up at seven. Be ready. Do you think that guy Louie will be there?”

  I roll my eyes. She’s asked this same question no less than ten times this week. I’ve offered to text Alessandra and ask, but Raven yells, “No! She might tell him I was asking.”

  “Yes, I do think he will be there. He’s friends with Alessandra,” I reassure her again.

  I don’t mean to be short with her, but I’ve got my own issues going on. All week I’ve been waiting to see Antonio. The anticipation is killing me, and every day I’ve been let down. He hasn’t shown up for study hall since that first day he sat beside me.

  I’ve been dwelling on the way Antonio looked at me when I was with Troy. His face was murderous. I’m not sure why, but it seemed like Vito was laughing at him. What were they doing anyway? Besides just standing there glowering at us. I had an ugly fear deep down inside. It wasn’t for me. It was for Troy.

  Then they just left. Just like that.

  Troy and I walked home, and the atmosphere between us was not as jovial as before. Troy was uncommonly quiet. He called me a few times this week, but there was something unspoken between us. He promised to call me tonight because he leaves for Notre Dame in the morning.

  Later that evening he calls.


  “Hi, Megan.”

  “You all set to go?” I ask, getting excited for him.


  “Come on, Troy. It will be great. I want you to call and tell me all about it. I want to know everything from where the cafeteria is to how annoying your roommate is.”

  Troy’s voice gets quiet. “I wanted to ask you about that party tomorrow night.”

  “What about it?”

  “Is that guy with a hard-on for you gonna be there?” he asks softly.

  “What?!” His harsh words shock and confuse me. “Ummm, what are you talking about?”

  “Don’t act stupid, Megan.” He’s practically yelling at me. In all the years I have been friends with Troy, he has never talked to me this way.

  “What is wrong with you?” I ask heatedly, frustrated.

  “The guy, Megan! The guy leaning against the car smoking! The one that looked like he wanted to rip my throat out, then have his way with you!” Hurt filled his words.

  “Troy, I have to go practice,” I force out. “I’m playing the harp in church on Sunday. I’m sure you’ve got stuff to do for tomorrow. Give me a call when you get settled in.”

  “Yeah, whatever. Bye, Megan.” And he hangs up. The dead air on the other end of the line makes me feel awful. I’m not sure why, but I don’t want to talk about Antonio to Troy. I’m not sure about anything.

  “Megan!” my mother calls from downstairs. “Your father wants to talk to you!”

  I find my father in the living room with his feet up on the coffee table watching soccer.

  “Dad?” I say. “Mom said you wanted to see me.” He turns off the TV.

  “Your mother tells me that you’re going to a party in the neighborhood.”

  “Yes, my friend Raven from school is picking me up.”

  “I’m not sure how I feel about you going.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask warily.

  “You know what it means. We live here, but we don’t belong here. I don’t know if I can trust those kids.” His face is its usual hard expression.

  “Alessandra has been very nice to me.”

  “Megan, those kids are troublemakers.”

  “Dad, I’m going to be eighteen. This is my last year of school, then I’m off to join Troy at college. I don’t think hanging out with Alessandra and a few other kids from school is going to make a difference now since I’ve never done it in all the years we’ve lived here.”

  Dad seems to consider this. “Make sure you make good decisions. If Antonio Delisi is there, or any of his friends, stay away from them. Okay?”

  “Okay,” I agree and head back to my room for bed. It’s been an exhausting week. Different images of Antonio keep popping into my head, some delicious and some scary. I fall asleep to the delicious ones.


  It’s Saturday and Raven has called me every hour on the half-hour to make sure I’m still going and to find out what I’m wearing.

  I fix my hair so that my red curls lay in waves down my back. I put on a crimson-colored halter top and dark skinny jeans. I take a cue from the shoes Alessandra always wears and select a pair of matching high-heeled sandals. If Alessandra can walk everywhere in high heels, so can I. I shove money and my lipstick in my pocket, and head outside to sit on my front steps. Raven should be here soon.

  When Raven pulls up, she looks gorgeous.

  In front of Alessandra’s house, a bunch of people are hanging out. Everyone seems to have a plastic cup in their hand. I reach for the door handle to climb out of Raven’s car when she asks, “Ready?”

  “Ready.” I smile. Startling me, my door opens up on its own. A tall guy with light brown hair and green eyes stands above me, holding open the car door.

  “Oh, uh, thank you.” I stammer.

  “Hi.” He smiles brightly, revealing beautifully white teeth. “I’m Dino.” He holds out his hand to help me out of the car. I blush and take it.

  “Hi.” Raven comes around the car to where we’re standing.

  “Hi,” Dino says to her.

  “I’m Megan, and this is Raven,” I introduce her, waving to my friend.

  “Yeah, I know who you are,” he admits. “I’ve seen you around.”

  I don’t have a chance to respond when Vito, Antonio’s friend, pops out of nowhere. This is more attention than I’ve had since I moved here.
  “Hey, Red, you want a drink?” he asks.

  “Uh, sure.” After the cell phone scene at the church, I’m a little leery of Vito. Louie comes up behind him drinking a beer.

  “Hi, Megan.” I notice Raven go rigid next to me. I can see why she likes Louie. He is cute. I never paid attention to him before. He’s not as tall as Dino or Antonio or even Vito. But he definitely takes care of himself. He’s also smart. I’ve peer reviewed some of his papers in English class.

  “This is Raven.” Louie salutes her with his beer and Vito nods.

  “Why don’t you come in the house and pick what you want?” Vito suggests. It seems like he’s trying not to make it sound like an order. My father told me to stay away from Antonio and his friends. It’s kind of hard when they’re greeting me at the car.

  Alessandra hugs me when I walk in her house. I let her. I know we haven’t really been friends for all these years, but I’ve always liked her.

  “Oooh, love the shoes!” she notes. Dino, Vito, and Louie are right behind her.


  Raven meets up with some kids from our classes. I scan the crowd quickly. No sign of Antonio. My heart plummets, a little disappointed. I follow Alessandra to the kitchen. She fills cups lined up on trays with a pink liquid.

  Dino leans against the counter. He seems to be assessing me. There’s a gleam in his eye that is anything but just friendly.

  “Megan? Can you help me with these?” Alessandra asks.

  “Sure.” I’m glad to do anything but just stand there being looked over by Dino. I feel uncomfortable here. I’ve never spent much time with these people. There’s also a ton of people here I don’t recognize at all—Dino being one of them.

  I wrap my hands around the handles of the tray and turn to go to the living room.

  “Can I help you?” Dino offers, moving to take the tray from me. I catch Vito out of the corner of my eye. His face is threatening. He stares at Dino like a panther ready to pounce on its prey.

  “No thanks. I’ve got it.” I smile and retreat in to the thrashing bodies dancing in the living room.


  Johnny Nero doesn’t have the all the money again. I need to break his leg now so I can get home, shower, and get to Alessandra’s party.

  Johnny’s face is still swollen from last week and he’s still walking with a limp. I wonder if I should break the limping leg or the good one. Should I make the one that’s hurt worse or make the good one bad? I don’t need this right now. I’ve counted the money and the time has come. He’s only five hundred dollars short. Should I really break his leg for five hundred of juice? Thinking is bad. My pop would say “Don’t think—just do.”

  So I make it fast. I push Johnny to the ground and snap his leg, not caring which one it is.

  I get home and get dressed in record time. I’m just getting my shirt on when my dad walks in.

  “He didn’t have it all, huh?” Pop asks.


  “You break his leg?”

  “Yup, all set,” I tell him. My voice sounds as casual as if I just told my dad I went to buy milk.

  “Here, some money for tonight.” He sticks another $500 in my hand. I fold my fingers around it. My dad pats me on the cheek.

  “You’re a good boy.” He smiles at me. “Your ma loved the perfume.”

  “Thanks, Pop.”


  I head through Alessandra’s front door and the party is already rockin’. People are smashed together, dancing to a deep beat coming out of the stereo system. A few couples are making out in the corners of the living room. Everyone I pass says hi to me or claps me on the back. Others, when they see me coming, move out of my way.

  Most people only want to be my friend because they don’t want to be my enemy. I don’t give a crap. There are very few people that I care about or trust among these individuals. My limbs are still humming with the beating I just gave Johnny—and with my anticipation to see Megan. Calm and collected just is not working for me right now.

  The kitchen is filled with people drinking beer, wine, and some pink shit San made. At the table, Louie, Ronnie, and Vito are playing poker with some other kids from school. Maria is standing over Vito’s shoulder, watching with her cousin Dino. What the fuck is he doing here?

  Maria squeals, “Tony!” and rushes over to hug me. Over her shoulder I see Alessandra by the refrigerator mixing drinks. Standing next to her helping is a sight that makes my knees weak—long waves of red hair spilling over her shoulders. She turns with a tray of drinks in her hands and my heart stops. Megan looks fuckin’ gorgeous!

  Maria still has her arms around me, but I am immobilized. I don’t even notice that Maria is talking to me.

  “Tony, dance with me?” she whines. She’s clutching the front of my shirt now. I barely register what she’s saying because I’m too busy watching Megan walk away with Dino close behind her.

  I pull Maria’s hands off me. “Can’t,” without even glancing down at her. The only person I can look at is Megan and the beauty of her form and grace. Maria storms away.

  Vito shakes me. I notice he’s standing next to me now. “Where the fuck have you been? San and I are trying to keep Dino off her. San asked Red to help out just so we could keep an eye on her. Go make a move, paesan. I’m exhausted and about three seconds away from wailing on Dino.”

  I nod and enter the living room to see Megan passing out drinks while Dino tries to talk to her. She seems to be politely trying to ignore him. That’s how I feel she acts with me. I silently pray I don’t get shot down.

  Megan finishes passing out drinks and heads to the kitchen. I block her path.

  “Hi.” I step in front of her.

  “Hi,” she squeaks and moves to step around me.

  I reach out and gently touch her arm to stop her. My heart’s racing at the touch of her skin. She looks down where I’ve touched her and gets a panicked expression. Is it fear? Just as I’m about to say something else, Dickie Saco comes up to me.

  “Hey, Tonio, how about those Red Sox?” I swing my head at him and my anger goes from zero to sixty. I’m so pissed that this little fuckin’ weasel is bothering me when I’m trying to talk to Megan. Every time I see this guy, he wants be my friend. He’s the biggest fucking empty suit! Get a life!

  “I don’t fuckin’ know! Who the fuck cares?” my voice booms as I glare at him. A couple of people turn around to stare at me. Dickie shrinks back and Megan scurries away. Fanabola! I roughly scrub my hands down my face, trying to get a hold of myself. I notice that there is a wide open area around me. The dancers have shifted away.

  Dino is leaning against the wall in the kitchen watching Megan. Louie calls out to me, “Hey, Tonio, how about a game?”

  “Nah, I don’t feel like it right now,” I say. Alessandra is talking to Megan. They are deep in conversation by the refrigerator again. What the fuck are they talking about?

  I step closer. “So he likes college?” San asks.

  “Yeah. He’s hasn’t said too much. It’s probably a really big adjustment and it just started,” Megan replies.

  They’re talking about the chooch, Troy. Marrone! That really doesn’t help my attempt to calm the fuck down.

  This night is not turning out the way I was hoping. I wanted to show her she doesn’t have to be scared of me. I want her so bad. All of the bottled up, repressed feelings over the years coupled with the adrenaline of today’s beating consume me. I shake my head in frustration and disgust. I slip outside for a cigarette. Maria must have seen me leave because she snaps up right in front of me.

  “What’s the matter, Tony?” she asks.

  “Nothing,” I tell her.

  She sidles up to me and wraps her arms around my waist.

  “You wanna have some fun?” she asks suggestively.

  “Maria… I just want to be alone right now.” I push her away. I don’t know what else to say. This girl just doesn’t take a hint. My phone buzz
es with a text message.

  Alessandra: Where did u go?

  Tonio: Outside 2 smoke. Send someone out for Maria. NOW!

  “Who’s that?” she asks, gesturing to my phone.

  “Alessandra.” Vito comes outside.

  “Maria, come on. Let’s go have a drink.” He takes her hand and she follows him inside.

  My phone buzzes again.

  Alessandra: I’m gonna bring Megan out there. Don’t fuckin’ scare her away!

  I laugh at the stupidity of this night. It’s like friggin’ middle school all over again. I hear the door open. Alessandra is talking. “My parents put this deck on the house last year.”

  The screen door opens. Alessandra and Megan are standing in front of me. Megan gasps a little. That can’t be good.

  “Megan, why don’t you keep Tonio company? I have to get back in the house.” San immediately leaves. Megan stiffens. I need to come up with something to say, fast.

  “How was the first week of school?” I ask. Whew! That came out easy and normal sounding.

  “Okay…” A long pause fills the awkward air around us. “How come you weren’t there?” She noticed I wasn’t in school—that’s a good sign.

  “I had some stuff to do for my dad,” I tell her.

  “What kind of stuff?” she wonders.

  I’m taken aback by her question. No one ever asks me that. Once I say I had to do something for my dad, the conversation is generally over. No one pushes for more information.

  “Work stuff.” The front of her blouse dips down just enough for me to see the swell of her breasts. I subconsciously lick my lips again. My stalker is back. Red is such a killer color on her. Her hair is different tonight—the waves are like zig-zags. I want to reach out and touch her hair, but I’m afraid she’ll run away like an abandoned kitten.

  “I saw you the other day,” I continue. Why am I bringing that up?

  “I saw you too,” she confides.

  “You looked beautiful…” I take a step closer, but she takes a step back. “But there was something I didn’t like about it.” I move a little closer. Are you stupid, Antonio? You’re going to frighten her away again!

  She doesn’t step back again as I move closer. I notice her breathing getting heavier. Her lips are glossy. Warning bells are going off in my head that I’m pushing too much. But I can’t stop myself—I feel drawn to her. I lean down and whisper in her ear. Her breath hitches and her eyes close. “I didn’t like that it wasn’t me playing in the water with you.”