Read Monkey Business Page 16

  And then finger number three had to enter the picture and be…well, an asshole.

  She wasn’t sure she could take it. It stung and burned in a not-good way that fingers numbers one and two hadn’t.

  “Get her to the edge,” Doc ordered Tango. “Relax her. But don’t let her come yet.”

  The hand left her nipple and fisted her hair again as the fingers on her clit sped up.

  Oooh, sweet fucking hell, that is greeeaaat…

  The burning quickly turned into a pleasant ache that soon added a delicious bite and amplified her pleasure, like a pinch of salt in cookie dough.

  Unfortunately, Tango apparently sensed when she got too close to the edge, and he’d slow his fingers down on her clit, leaving her whining and trying to fuck herself against him.

  Finally, Doc must have been satisfied. He carefully withdrew his hand and she heard him peel the glove off, replaced by the sound of him tearing open a condom wrapper.

  Then the head of his cock pressed against her still-confused ass. He slowly worked his way in, stretching her not quite as much as he had with the three fingers, but bigger than two.

  “Fuck,” Doc gasped. “Such a sweet…tight…gorgeous ass.” His hands grabbed her ass cheeks, digging in a little.

  I’m probably going to have his handprints there in the morning.

  The next thought stumbled on top of that.

  I hope I have his handprints there in the morning…

  Then, after what felt like forever, with the two of them stretching and filling her in a way she’d never felt before, Doc’s thighs pressed against the backs of hers as he got his cock buried all the way to the hilt in her ass.

  “There, baby,” he said. “Now we’re going to show you what it’s like to belong to real men, not those losers you thought you ever wanted.”

  Tango had to break his kiss with her as Doc pulled her up and against his chest. One arm easily hooked around her, his hand cupping her breast and playing with her nipple. He reached his free arm around her and took over navigation of her clit while Tango played with her other nipple.

  “Now, baby,” Doc, whispered in her ear. “You’re going to come on our cocks. These are the last two cocks you’ll ever have for the rest of your life, so you’d better get used to that right now. We’re not letting you go, and we’re going to take any chance we get to fill you up with them.”

  The possessive tone in his voice churned her heart, spiking the power levels on her need. No one had ever talked to her like that before.


  She loved it.

  Tango tweaked her nipple even harder, making her gasp. “You’ve got two real men now, men who know how to keep a woman happy. Guess it’s okay we all got here how we did, because you’ve had a chance to see how worthless other men can be. You’re gonna wonder why you ever wanted those other losers in the first place.”

  Doc’s fingers in her clit worked harder, faster.

  His breath felt warm against the side of her neck. “You’re going to wake up a little sore in the morning, but that’s okay, baby. It’ll be the good kind of sore. The kind of sore like you know you’ve had the best fucking ride of your life. The kind of sore you’ll want over and over again until you realize it’s the best feeling in the world.”

  Her orgasm felt like a comet had slammed into her. Her body squeezed their cocks as she rode them, both men groaning as they held back.

  “Oh, fuck, baby,” Tango said. “That’s it. Give it to us. Every last bit of you, we want it. It belongs to us.”

  She felt like she couldn’t take it anymore, and yet she didn’t want it to stop. She felt connected to them, the warmth of their bodies, the sound of their breath and moans and even the musky tang of their passion hanging in the air around them.

  The first orgasm started to fade, but Doc didn’t relent. “Oh, no, you don’t. Gals are lucky. They get multiples.” He chuckled. “You give us at least one more, making it one for each of us, before we wreck your sweet body for good.”

  Her head lolled back on his shoulder. He nipped the side of her neck, hard enough to likely leave a mark, and definitely hard enough to make her realize what had been missing all of her adult life—besides a good man.

  She liked it rough. Especially with them.

  Tango reached up with his free hand and slipped two fingers into her mouth. She automatically started sucking on them, now free to let her moans loose, muffled by his hand.

  “That’s it,” he encouraged. “Suck it like you’ll be sucking my cock for the rest of your life. I think we just found your hidden switch, didn’t we?”

  She moaned in reply even as her second orgasm started building.

  In her ear, Doc whispered just loudly enough for Tango to also hear, “That’s okay, baby. It’ll be our secret. We’ll always take good care of our girl. Make you come so hard and often you won’t want to think about anything except the next time you can get us alone. You can be tough in front of anyone else, as tough as you want to be, but when you’re with us, you’re ours. We own this sweet heart and body of yours, got it?”

  That did it. Both men groaned again as she moaned, louder, even with a third finger now in her mouth. Doc waited until they felt her ride all the way through that climax, then he relented and lowered her back onto Tango’s chest.

  “Such a good girl,” Doc said, grabbing her hips. “Now we’re going to take our turn. He started slow, taking his time and letting Tango, who now had his fingers dug into her ass cheeks, meet his rhythm.

  “I can’t hold on long,” Tango gasped. “She’s too damn good.”

  “S’okay,” Doc said. “You wait until you get a chance in her ass. You’re right—she’s perfect.”

  Her swollen, sensitive clit was rubbing against Tango’s body when another, smaller orgasm rippled through her.

  The men laughed, Doc managing to say, “Proof she’s ours—we just rode another one out of her,” before he let out a loud groan of his own and fell still with his cock deep inside her ass.

  That left Tango, whose fingers dug in more as his thrusts sped up, deeper, harder, until he, too, finally came.

  She went limp on his chest, the hair on his chest pressed against her cheek as she tried to catch her breath.

  Above her, Doc leaned in and kissed the nape of her neck. “You’re screwed, baby,” he whispered. “Because we love you, and you’re not ever getting away from us.”

  “Ditto,” Tango said. “Don’t even think about walking away from us.”

  She blindly reached around behind her to find and squeeze Doc’s arm. “I don’t want to walk away from you guys,” she said. “I love you both.”

  Tango slid a hand up so he could stroke her cheek. She tipped her head up to look into his blue eyes. Even in the dim light she could see he was smiling. “Baby,” he whispered, “if you’re a dream, I don’t want to wake up.”

  She winced as Doc untangled himself from her and withdrew from her ass. Yep, she would definitely be sore there in the morning. He walked over to the bathroom and unlocked the door, going inside. She heard water run and the sound of the toilet flushing. He returned a moment later with a warm washcloth and a towel, locking the door again. After Doc cleaned her up and settled back in bed with them, Tango rolled onto his side so she was safely snuggled between them.

  “Sleep now, baby,” Doc said, pressing a kiss to her lips. “Take advantage of the rack time while we can.”

  She giggled. “Then what was that all about?”

  Tango nuzzled closer. “Neither of us would have gotten to sleep if we hadn’t,” he said. “Neither would you, with two rock-hard dicks poking into you all night.

  He was right, and she knew it.

  Fortunately, with three orgasms of her own under her belt, she quickly slid toward sleep, feeling safer than she’d ever felt in her life.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Jerald knocked on the office door. Silo made him wait a moment before calling him in.

; Just because he could.

  Jerald softly closed the door behind him. “Just wanted to give you an update, sir.”

  Silo sat back in his chair. Good news, I hope?”

  “Well, progress. Some friends of friends from Kiev have been put on the job we’ve requested. Contractors.”

  “They’re good?”

  “I’ve been assured they are the best at what they do.”

  “And the target?”

  “We only have the same information that the competition was given. They are going to use that to find the secondary target, and then, hopefully, extrapolate the primary target’s location from that.”

  “Why couldn’t our friends pull some American contractors in for the job?”

  “It’s too difficult at this time. Our contact’s position might be tentative right now. It would have drawn too much attention.”

  Dammit. That meant their mole in Arliss’ office might have been discovered.

  Well, a loss, but not unexpected. He’d reserved that little trick for an extra special occasion like this, knowing it might be a one-trick pony when all was said and done. He was already working on cultivating others, but they weren’t yet reliable enough to take on a task like this at his command.

  “How much longer can we rely on them? On our friend in that particular position?”

  “Unknown. The information dried up nearly as soon as they tapped into it, which is why the tentative nature, sir.”

  Well, if he had a chance to get one of the scientists behind Kite under his control, it was worth it. “Okay. Keep me posted.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He dismissed Jerald. Once Silo was alone again he stood and turned to stare at the Sandia Mountains.

  They would be there long after humans disappeared from this planet.

  He wanted his legacy to be that permanent. So that in a new and improved Bible, generations of his begotten progeny would be written about.

  So close. So, so close.

  Jerald was careful, and good. But even Jerald didn’t know where all the bodies were buried. Silo had taken care to spread that out amongst several people.

  Jerald was skilled at this kind of endeavor, of making sure the pieces were there and fit together in their proper places without arousing the slightest bit of suspicion.

  Silo actually had a couple of people he wouldn’t mind putting their friends of friends from Kiev onto after they secured the doctor for him.

  Clean house, a little. Whittle away the dead wood.

  Because the fewer people he had behind the scenes who knew all his secrets, the fewer people who’d come to him later for handouts when he controlled the Kite vaccine, and the happier he’d be.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  On the morning of Celia’s eleventh day with the men, they were no closer to figuring out who the mole was even though they now had more indirect evidence, via inquiries made by the mole to others, that the mole had to be someone under Arliss’ command.

  They were also running low on food and needed a grocery run, but Papa had everyone busy either guarding the Quong family, going in search of lab supplies the doc needed, working their own contacts for information, or getting a chance to sleep.

  And she could tell Papa wasn’t happy with the lack of progress on any front.

  Papa gathered everyone he could around the kitchen table. “We need to think about our next move,” Papa told them. “Sooner, rather than later. I want some ideas from all of you before I make the call. I don’t want to bounce around out there in the wild. We don’t want to be stuck here when Kite closes the borders. I want to move within ten days. Preferably less.”

  The men nodded. “Preferences?” Uni asked.

  “Not really. Closer to the US mainland. Somewhere we can get reliable electricity for Quong’s lab. Somewhere we can stay for at least a little while, easily get supplies. Rural area just outside a city, maybe? Someplace we won’t be too conspicuous.”

  “You want mints on your pillow at night, too?” Uni asked.

  Papa let the comment go. “Just work on it. You know the drill.”

  “That still doesn’t solve the grocery problem today,” Celia said. “We need to stock up again. I don’t mind going. Look, let me pull my weight.”

  Papa turned to Doc and Tango. “Thoughts?”

  Doc shrugged. “We trust her.”

  Papa looked like he didn’t like the idea, but knew he didn’t have a better choice. “I’d rather not pull anyone from here. I need all hands guarding Dr. Quong and his work.” He pulled a small burner cell phone from his pocket and showed her the speed dial settings.

  “That hits my burner, that one goes to Alpha. You have problems, you call me first, then Alpha if you can’t get me. Got it?”

  “Got it.”

  He turned it off. “Keep it turned off unless you need to call us, then turn it off again immediately. Don’t want someone intercepting calls and tracing you.”

  “Got it.” She took the phone from him.

  “Tuck it in your bra,” Tango said, walking over and pulling the neck of her T-shirt open.

  She blushed. “Why?”

  He reached up under her shirt with one hand, and, sure enough, lodged the phone under her left boob. “Easy access. No one can pickpocket it from you that way.”

  “Well, they can,” Doc said, “but she’d knife them.”

  “Good point,” Tango said. He reached into her jeans pocket where she carried the multitool knife at all times as the men had instructed. That he shoved under her right boob.

  “Hey.” The metal felt cold against her skin.

  Tango grinned as he withdrew both his hands from her shirt and then cupped her breasts in his hands, adjusting things from the outside.


  She arched an eyebrow at him. “Gee, thanks.”

  He kissed her. “There and back, got it?”

  “I need money.”

  Papa pulled a roll of Australian cash from his pocket and peeled off several bills. “That should be enough. Get two days’ worth for now. Less to go to waste if we have to move fast.”


  Doc handed her the keys to the men’s car. “Why not take my rental?” she asked.

  The men just stared at her.

  She blushed. “Duh, sorry. Right. It’s being looked for. I’m surprised they haven’t found it already.”

  “Lima disabled the tracker in it when we picked you up,” Papa told her.

  “What? I never saw him do that.”

  “Little plug-in data tool, like they pull engine codes with. Only he pushed codes to the tracker to make it read differently and then disable itself.”

  “Oh.” There was so much she didn’t know, it was pitiful.

  But she was learning.

  They had her leave her purse there, too, just taking her Illinois driver’s license and passport and tucking them into her back pocket. Her extra hotel room key, which she’d stuck in her passport folder upon checking in, was still there.

  Celia felt a little naked going out alone. It’d been the first time she’d left the property since her arrival there eleven days earlier. At least she had the burner phone they’d given her.

  Dammit, I’m just going out for groceries. If anything, it’d be pretty freaking suspicious if she was running around everywhere with a bunch of monkeys following her.


  She smiled. Although she would never complain about Tango and Doc following her. The other guys were nice enough, she supposed, but she still couldn’t believe she’d lost her heart to the two hunks in such a short amount of time.

  Her mood sobered. What kind of narcissistic idiot am I that I’m worried about getting laid right now?

  Without a GPS, she got turned around following the instructions the men had given her to get to the grocery store. Then she stumbled across an intersection she remembered from her journey from the hotel.

  Okay, I’ll backtrack from the hotel. She w
as only five minutes from there at this point. And they hadn’t sent someone to her hotel room yet to rumple the sheets. She could do that for them and save them the trip. Besides, the men had told her they hadn’t seen anyone around.

  When she pulled into the parking lot, she was thinking back to how she first met the Drunk Monkeys.

  Never in her wildest dreams would she have ever imagined the twists and turns her life would take from that point on.

  But maybe we have a chance of getting rid of Kite before it kills us all off.

  She thought about Emily and Roger again. Maybe, between getting a viable vaccine out and the boost to her career from the story, she’d get a pay raise and be able to afford to help her sister and brother-in-law move to a better place. Maybe someplace outside the city. Where the kids could actually run and play and be kids for a change.

  Maybe they’d actually have a chance to grow up.

  Because she was certain if they couldn’t stop the virus’ progress, the world was guaranteed to take a face-plant right into the shitter.


  * * * *

  Juju and Delta tailed Celia, pulling into a parking spot on the street where they could watch her car. Damned civvie was totally clueless.

  “Do you think she’s even paying a lick of attention?” Juju asked Delta.

  His partner shook his head. “You’d think for a journalist that she’d be a little more careful.”

  They could tell she’d gotten lost from the way she hesitantly made turns, pulled over out of traffic once, and then even backtracked at one point.

  They would likely face a ration of shit from Doc and Tango when they returned, once Papa told the two men what he’d ordered as both a test of her true motives and as a possible way to draw out anyone who might be looking for her. Twice Tango reported he thought he might have spotted someone at the hotel, but that they didn’t seem to fit a pattern of surveillance and were likely either a local or someone else staying at the hotel.

  They kept that information from Celia, not wanting to worry her when they didn’t know for sure.