Read Monkey Business Page 20

  “Maybe she wants or needs just a little more with her fucking,” Doc said.

  That tipped her over. Between the sweet bite of pain and them unlocking her body, it finished her. The orgasm rippled through her from one end to the other as her moans were muffled around Doc’s cock.

  “Don’t you stop your hand, girl,” Tango ordered, making her fingers speed up again as if of their own volition. Normally she would have stopped after coming, but obviously they had other plans.

  Doc slid his cock deeper into her throat, not quite enough to gag her but enough to let her know who was in charge. “Keep sucking me,” he sternly commanded.

  She did, her tongue eagerly working around his shaft as he started fucking her mouth harder and faster.

  “You’re ours,” Tango said. “Never forget that, baby. We own you and your body, and if we tell you you’re going to come for us, by god, you will.” He punctuated that last bit with harder thrusts, and that did the trick.

  Another climax shocked her, Doc burying his cock in her mouth and pausing to let her scream around it.

  “Fuck,” he whispered. “That’s sooo fucking good when you do that.”

  “We get RnR, baby,” Tango said, his voice taking on a strained tone, “you’re gonna get tied down in a decent bed and we’re going to get a vibrator and fuck your brains out for days. Only going to let you up to eat and use the bathroom. We’re going to drain every last drop out of you that we can, until you’re begging us to stop. You’ll never look at another man after we finish with you.”

  “You’ll laugh at any man who ever makes a pass at you,” Doc said. “We’re going to make you come so much and so hard you’ll have to wear a skirt and no panties, because you’ll be begging us to bend you over and fuck you. We’re going to get you so used to being horny for us that it’ll feel weird when you aren’t.”

  The walls of her pussy clenched around Tango’s cock even as her fingers frantically frigged her clit. Doc pinched her nipple again. “One more, baby. Do it.”

  She felt like crying, not from pain, but from pleasure. And not just physical, but the mental part of it, too. This was sooo beyond anything she’d ever been through before, she finally had to let her brain switch to autopilot and follow the men’s commands.

  “That’s it,” Tango urged. “Quit being stubborn and do what we say, baby. You know you want to.”

  Yes, she did want to. He started fucking her harder, faster, deeper, bottoming out in her pussy and driving her against Doc, who was pinching her nipple even harder now.

  And it happened. Number three.

  “Good girl,” they both said at the same time, now fucking harder, faster, until Tango’s cock exploded in her pussy about the same time Doc emptied his balls into her mouth.

  She collapsed onto the bed, Tango bracing himself over her on his arms while Doc stroked her head.

  “Such a good girl,” Doc said, leaning down to deeply kiss her.

  “She swallow?” Tango playfully asked.

  “Of course,” Doc said. “She’s our good girl.” She tilted her head and forced her eyes open, looking up to see his smile, his sweet brown gaze. “And she loves us as much as we love her.”

  “Love you,” she whispered.

  Tango nipped her shoulder. “Love you, too, baby. I’m ready for another nap.”

  “We don’t have to get up?”

  “You just got us up.” He moved back to his original position on the edge of the bed. “And after one more little nap, we’ll get it up again and Doc will add a load to your pussy while you swallow another load from me. And then we’ll clean up and see what shit the world’s gonna throw at us next.”

  Doc also got back into his previous location. He yawned. “What the cowboy said.” This time, he fell asleep on his left side, facing her.

  Nestled between them, she quickly fell asleep again.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  As much as she would have loved to spend the whole day—hell, her whole life—in bed with the men, she knew they had to get up and face reality.

  Kite still ravaged the globe, Dr. Quong and his former teammates were their best chance of success for finding a vaccine…and someone seemed bound and determined to either stop them or try to take control of the situation for their own nefarious purposes.

  After another romp in the hay, they grabbed a quick shower and joined the rest of the men out in the kitchen and dining room area, where someone had cooked dinner for everyone.

  “I have to get in touch with Mike,” she told her men. “If nothing else, to tell him not to worry about me, and to get a message to my sister.”

  Doc and Tango passed it over to Papa, who considered it for a moment. “He have a cell phone?”


  “Go ahead and call him.”

  “Right now?”

  “Yeah, right now. I’m guessing you’re smart enough to not reveal anything that will blow this.”

  “Gee, thanks,” she snarked. She retrieved the sat-phone from her purse, powered it up, and entered his number from memory after punching in the country code.

  After what felt like forever, she heard a ringing on the other end. When Mike answered, he sounded a little out of breath and half-asleep.

  “Ce? That you?”

  “Listen, I can’t talk long—”

  “You all right? Where the hell are you?”

  She stared at the men, who were staring back at her. “I can’t tell you that. I’m safe.”

  “What the hell, you can’t tell me that? What—”

  “Listen, please. I’m safe. I’m…with some friends.”

  That gave him pause. “Friends? What kind of friends? You don’t know anyone over there.”

  “I can’t tell you that.”

  “You damn well can and will tell me.”

  “No, I can’t. I need you to pass a message to Carole for me that I’m all right.”

  “Those ‘friends’ of yours men?”

  “I can’t tell you.”

  He sounded a little more awake now. “Ask those ‘friends’ of yours if they know the way to Hive 15.”


  “Just do it.”

  She found Doc’s gaze first. “He asked me to ask you guys if you know the way to Hive 15. What the hell does that mean?”

  Before she could react, Papa snatched the phone from her hand and turned away, dropping his voice as he responded. “It’s a whiskey-sour honeypot.”

  She couldn’t hear Mike’s reply, but now Papa was racing over to the table and grabbing a pen and notebook. She followed him, listening as he wrote down numbers and repeated them back to Mike before shutting down the sat-phone again.

  “Hey! I needed to talk to him!”

  Papa ignored her, keeping the phone as he ran from the room. He returned seconds later with his secure sat-phone and she realized the numbers he’d written down were part phone number and part security access code.

  Only when Papa had all the numbers punched in did she hear a loud series of tones from the handset, even with him holding the phone to his ear. Then, a double buzz. At that, Papa handed the phone to her.

  She took it, hesitant before speaking into it. “Hello?”

  Mike’s rolling laugh filled her ear. “Ce, I don’t know how you did it, but you stick with them boys, you hear me?”

  “What’s going on? What is this?”

  “Don’t you worry, because it won’t be active after we get done here. After we finish talking, you’re going to hand me back over to whoever it is I was just talking to so we can conduct some more business.” In the background, she heard his fingers flying over a keyboard.

  “I’m confused.”

  “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, honey. About who I used to be and what I used to do, how I got injured. Let’s just say those men you’re with, they’re the ultimate in brothers from another mother, and you’d best stick to them like glue. Got it? And that’s an order.”

Her head swam. “What?”

  “They’ll explain some of it to you. Suffice it to say, we have common interests.”

  “Wait, are you some sort of spy or something? Is that how you got all the information?”

  “Not exactly. Doesn’t matter right now. What matters is I have a feeling by the time this is all over, you’re going to have one hell of a story on your hands.”

  “I…I can’t talk about that right now.”

  He laughed again. “I’m sure you can’t, and I don’t want you to, neither. You’re sittin’ on something bigger than you ever dreamed possible. I’m going to enjoy this from the front row as much as I can for you. I still have plenty of friends and contacts in my old world. Don’t worry about your sister. I’ll take care of her and make sure she doesn’t raise too much of a stink about you being gone.”

  Celia already missed the kids, hell, even missed her sister and brother-in-law.

  This, however, was bigger. Way bigger.

  “I owe you big-time, I think.”

  “Ce, you don’t owe me nothing. A chance to jump back into it and save the world from the comfort of my own living room? Honey, that’s worth its weight in gold. You’ve given me back my reason to live. And here I thought I was grooming you to at least take over for me, if you didn’t jump ahead in the world with this story.”

  Her gut clenched. “What?”

  “We don’t have time for—”

  “Make time.”

  She felt the weight of his sigh from across the world. “I miss my Lana. I’d just about had it. We didn’t have kids. I met you, thought at least I could help you make a difference, help you improve your life before I relieved myself of mine. But that doesn’t matter now, because you just gave me a whole new reason to keep livin’, girl.”

  Processing information was growing increasingly difficult, and she didn’t know if that was due to stress, sleep deprivation, or just flat-out feeling overwhelmed. “Oookaaay.”

  He laughed once more. “Ce, like I said, all you need to know is you’re in good hands with whomever’s hands you’re in. I’ll take care of letting your sister know. I’ll set it all up so it looks legit with her, and with CMM, so they keep your paycheck coming.”

  “Thank you,” she said, not knowing what else to say since her face was heating from his statement about being in good hands.

  She sure was. Mike just didn’t know she literally was.

  “Stay safe, and let me talk to that other man.”

  “Thanks, Mike. You, too.” She returned the phone to Papa. He grabbed the notepad, pen, and headed into his room where he closed the door behind him.

  Tango walked over, scratching at the back of his head. “What was all that about?”

  She slowly shook her head. “I…I don’t know.” She didn’t even know Mike had a military background, even though she’d suspected it. But if the context she derived from his statements was any indication, there was apparently a lot of stuff she didn’t know about Mike’s history.

  It felt like forever, but was probably closer to fifteen minutes, when Papa emerged, off the phone. He returned her sat-phone to her.

  “Please keep it powered off,” he said. “We don’t want anyone tracking us through it.”

  “Okay.” She curled her fingers around it. “What was all that about?”

  Papa glanced at his men before focusing on her. “You’re one of us now, right? For sure and for good?”

  She nodded. “Yep. Wherever Tango and Doc go, that’s where I’m going.”

  “Good.” Papa started explaining things to her, as much as he knew. Like how Mike had been injured during his stint in the military, in a unit that was a precursor to the SOTIF units of today in what had once been the US Army. How he’d been transferred to military intelligence following that, still active in the service and rising up the ranks…

  …And serving under one then-Major Arliss.

  A man he remained friends with, through covert channels, to this day.

  “Your friend, Mike,” Papa finished, “is a secret weapon we’ll definitely keep close. He gave me several alternate and secure ways to reach him in the future.”

  Things had flipped around so fast, she wasn’t sure what happened. “So it’s okay for me to talk to Mike?”

  Papa held up a finger. “He knows our protocol. He said his code name is now ‘Bubba.’”


  “Hey, he said it, not me. And yes, you can talk to him, but only the way we say it’s okay to do so. Until you learn all the ropes, so to speak. Not saying you can’t talk to him, but when you think you need to, let us handle the logistics of putting you in touch with him. Okay?”

  “Okay.” She felt overwhelmed, not stupid. “He has a friend here in Melbourne. We’d arranged before I came here that I could go to him for help and information if I needed it.”

  “I know. He told me. Also, that’s now a dead end. I meant figuratively,” he quickly added when she must have looked horrified. “Mike’s going to help us himself from this point forward, but he doesn’t want us tied to his friend here locally, because it could incidentally lead back to him. His friend is total civvie hacker, not intel. We need people with intel background right now, who know how to keep secrets and from whom, and definitely don’t need any civvie hackers trying to out us or our location.”

  “Oh.” She sat back in the chair, rubbing at her temples. “I still don’t understand any of this.” She stared at Papa. “The guys who abducted me, and you guys. How did you guys find out what we’d discovered?”

  “You still haven’t figured that out?”

  She shook her head.

  Papa grinned. “Mike sent Arliss an encoded message giving him the heads-up about what you all had found and who you were.”

  She was too mentally exhausted to feel betrayed. “Why? And how do you know that?”

  Papa grinned. “The ‘how I know that’ is because Mike just told me he did it. Why he did it…” His smile faded. “I suspect he was worried about you, about something bad going wrong. He knew enough to know Arliss would immediately jump on the info and send someone in. He wanted someone watching your six. It wasn’t directly, but he suspected that’s what would happen when the guys in white hats got sent in. Namely, us.”

  Her feelings of betrayal fizzled. “He was worried about me?”

  “He told me he loves you like the daughter he never had.”

  “Aww.” Now she had to fight the urge to cry.

  That was so sweet.

  Papa reached out a hand and gently clasped her shoulder. “Guess what, Pandora? You just earned yourself a code name, and are the first female Drunk Monkey. Mike picked it for you.”

  Some of the other men laughed. She was satisfied to see that both Tango and Doc looked proud. “Thanks. Not that I’m objecting, but did he tell you why he picked Pandora?”

  Alpha snorted. “Easy. Because you cracked open a fuckin’ barrel of monkeys and all hell broke loose.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Papa looked grim when he emerged from the bedroom following his conversation with his contact.

  “Do we want to know?” Lima asked him.

  “This isn’t public knowledge yet. Not even people in the Australian Ministry of Health know about this yet. There were four confirmed cases of Kite in Darwin yesterday. And another seven that didn’t make it to shore. Refugees from East Timor on a boat. They were intercepted by the Australian Coast Guard. But there’s a lot of damn coastline on this island the military can’t patrol. I wouldn’t doubt that there are likely far more cases on the island already than authorities are aware of, people out in the bush, in small towns, refugees who made it ashore.”

  Doc stared at him. “Shit. We need to move. Now. Before they shut down the ports and other countries refuse to let people in who’ve been here.”

  “We need to move yesterday,” Papa said. “I want everyone ready to leave here in sixty minutes.”

  “What about
my family?” Quong said. “I cannot and will not leave them.”

  “Oh, they’re coming with us, Q,” Papa said. “That order meant them, too. Whatever they can carry. If I have to have my men bodily pick them up and load them on the trucks, I will. Everyone goes.” Dr. Quong didn’t move. “Did you not understand me?” Papa asked. “Move it.”

  “My equipment? The research? We cannot leave that behind.”

  “That gets loaded first. I’ve already got my buddy at the port in Melbourne on notice that we’re going to be coming in hot and heavy and need him to cast lines as soon as we’re all aboard. Call your family and get your shit ready to go. Now.”

  Dr. Quong nodded and scurried off to pass the word to his family and prepare his lab.

  “It’s the middle of the night,” Celia said. “Won’t this look strange?”

  “Not in a military port. Ships come and go all the time. We get there, we make the tide. No one will question it, and we’ll be out of Oz before they realize we’re gone. He had already restricted shore leave to just the docks anyway out of Kite risk, so his crew’s all on board and accounted for.”

  “We going in black?” Oscar asked. Papa nodded.

  “What does that mean?” Celia asked.

  “Off the books,” Doc explained. “Need to know only. Go get all your stuff ready.”

  “And if you need a shower,” Tango said to her, “I suggest you grab a quickie now, because it’ll be the last luxury you get before we hit land again.”

  She took the hint and did just that. She was ready to go with all her things packed less than thirty minutes later. She was a little surprised to find that yes, the men had already packed and loaded Dr. Quong’s equipment and were now helping the rest of the family pack and load everything they could for the trip.

  “What about their papers?” Dr. Quong asked Papa. “What if they aren’t allowed into Hawaii because they’re listed as being from South Korea? I was trying to obtain Australian papers for them when you found us.”

  “Don’t worry about that,” Papa assured him. “We’ve got a guy on the Big Island.”