Read Monkey See, Monkey Do Page 22

  He leaned in and kissed her. “We’re okay.”

  “You sure?”

  He smiled. “This is like a first-class flight for us, babe. No one shooting at us, no bands of Kiters to avoid. Hell, Panda’s probably doing this one half-asleep.”

  Zed had related the story told to him by Panda, of her frantic take-off from LA as the base was overrun.

  The thought of that made Leta’s stomach roll. “We’re going to be okay, right?”

  He cupped her cheek with his palm. “We’re going to be fine, babe. Just fine. Settle back and try to nap, if you can.”

  She wasn’t sure that would happen. Especially once she heard the engines rev up and felt them start moving. With no windows to see out of, it felt like forever they trundled along until they paused. Then the whine of the engines surged to a roar and they started moving forward again, faster, the vibration rattling the plane and its occupants until, suddenly, the vibrations stopped and she felt the tug of gravity against them as the plane lifted off.

  Uncle squeezed her hand. “See? Easy.”

  Inside the cargo bay it was dim except for a few red safety lights here and there. They sat to the left of the RV, which had been secured in the center of the cabin. Now she understood why they’d all been instructed to dress warmly. She even pulled the hood of her new parka up over the stocking cap on her head, snugging the scarf around her neck a little closer to her throat. Her breath frosted in front of her, a glowing red cloud in the safety lights.

  “Heading north, I take it?” she asked Uncle.

  His eyes opened. “Huh?”

  “Were you seriously asleep?”

  He smiled. “Yeah. Sorry. Kind of gotten used to napping on flights over the years. What’d you ask?”

  “Are we heading north?”

  “You might say that.”

  And that was all he’d say before he dozed off.



  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  It was still dark when they landed. Leta gave thanks yet again for the warm clothes they’d equipped her with. Especially when upon opening the cargo ramp door the cold reached in, grabbed her nipples, and twisted them, hard, in the not-fun kind of way.


  She knew as a native Floridian that people tended to pick on her kind for their inability to handle cold, but this wasn’t cold.

  This was fucking insane.

  Hell, this left insane in the rear view mirror.

  Uncle leisurely stood and stretched while she shivered. “Cold enough for you?” he teased.

  “Fuck you.”

  He snorted, obviously amused, much to her annoyance. “Don’t worry, babe. Inside will be warmer.”

  “It better be,” she muttered.

  They were in a large, covered hangar. The doors had been rolled shut behind them, but the cavernous space obviously mirrored the frigid temperatures outside.

  Leta and some of the others stood out of the way as the men jumped into what appeared to be a carefully choreographed operation. With the assistance of some of the base personnel, they got off-loaded and taken inside the base proper via a large ramp leading underground.

  The entire time, Tank kept her group together and spoke for them whenever anyone approached.

  None of the other students seemed willing to challenge her for the job, either.

  Tank especially seemed to want to keep Sylvan and Alpha apart. Any time the man got close to the group, Tank glared at him until he left.

  “What time is it?” Leta asked when she and her men were finally alone again in a tiny room with two bunk beds.

  “Nearly 0600 local time,” Uncle said. “We’ve got twelve off, down time.” He made sure their door was locked. “That means we finally have alone time.”

  “Thank god,” Zed said as he yawned. “Mattresses on the floor?”

  “You read my mind,” Uncle said.

  Five minutes later, the men had pulled the mattresses down onto the floor, filling the space between the two bunk beds with a makeshift pallet that would hold all three of them. Snuggled together, she thought maybe they might enjoy the time.

  Then she yawned, and realized both men were already snoring on either side of her.

  Okay. I can wait.

  She gladly joined them.

  * * * *

  One more disorientating wake-up that felt a little less unsettled once she identified the comforting warmth of Uncle and Zed on either side of her. Despite knowing their names, calling them Paul and Mickey felt…weird.

  They were Uncle and Zed and always would be Uncle and Zed, in her mind.

  Although, fortunately, she noticed they usually called her Leta, saving the Snarky for when other people were around.

  She shifted position a little, making Zed, who was behind her, hook an arm around her waist and pull her closer. Along the seam of her ass she felt his cock harden, his hips flex.

  “Mmm. Morning,” he mumbled.

  Her clit tingled at the sound of his voice. Despite their short time together, they’d managed to blow her—literally and figuratively—out of the water like no other men.

  She reached behind her, wrapped her fingers around his cock, and pumped it a couple of times. That drew a deep, hungry moan from him. Wiggling her hips a little, she managed to get him lined up with her pussy and he easily slid into her already wet channel.

  “Yesss,” she whispered.

  His hand slid up her body, cupping her right breast, playing with her nipples. “Reach down and play with yourself, baby,” he whispered.

  “Did you start without me?” Uncle muttered.

  “Maaaybe,” Zed teased.

  Uncle kissed her, sucking on her tongue before he kissed his way down her body. At her breasts he took his time, taking back the one from Zed and sucking on her nipple, going back and forth between them, before heading south again and letting Zed’s hand once again regain its cherished territory.

  He pushed her back a little, so he could burrow between her legs.

  And when his mouth settled over her clit, Zed’s other hand covered her mouth, two fingers pressing between her lips.

  Of course she sucked them. One of her men putting something in her mouth so she could suck it was quickly becoming an automatic reflex for her. She loved the reactions they gave her, and they readily reciprocated. As she sucked on his fingers, he breathed a heavy moan into her ear.

  “That’s it, baby. Just like it’s my cock.” He kept fucking her, slowly, not the best angle but with Uncle between her legs and zeroed in on her clit, it didn’t take long for them to get the first one out of her.

  “Oh, you’re in trouble now, baby,” Zed told her. “Papa said we’ll get some time off over the next couple of days. Plan on spending it right here, with our cocks buried inside you.”

  Between her legs, Uncle mumbled agreement, the feel of it vibrating through her clit and triggering another orgasm in her.

  “Going to fuck you so long and good that you forget what it was like not to have one of our cocks in you,” Zed continued. His voice hit every perfect note inside her, the timbre, the passion, the neural connection right to her clit.

  “He said we’ll likely be here for several weeks, too,” Zed said. He nibbled on her earlobe. “Maybe longer. We’re going to take that time to learn every square inch of your body properly. Going to see if we can set a new personal best record every time on how many times we can make you come.”

  She whined around his fingers, already awfully close to coming again.

  Something they apparently excelled at, making her orgasm.

  If this was the next stage of her life, as scary as it had the potential to be, she was ready for it. Completely ready and willing.

  Because of these two men.

  Managing to hold on to a few brain cells, she pulled his fingers out of her mouth. “I love you guys,” she said. “I mean it.”

  Zed kissed her. “Love you, too, babe.”

nipped the inside of her left thigh before he lifted his head from her pussy. “Love you, too, babe. Now, can we get back to making your head explode?”

  “Uh huh.”

  And they did. Uncle sucked on her clit, making her explode. Zed was kissing her, swallowing her helpless screams as Uncle kept her orgasm rolling through her, a tsunami of pleasure.

  They owned her, her body, and she was happy to totally surrender to them in any way they wanted. For the first time ever, she felt like she belonged.

  Only after they had worn her out, leaving her gasping and nearly hoarse, did Zed finally pick up the pace. He grabbed her by the hips and rolled her onto her stomach, his hands sliding up her arms, lacing fingers with her and pinning her to the mattress as he started fucking her, hard, fast, deep.

  She squeezed his hands, arching her back and trying to move with him, to fuck him back, but he didn’t need her help. He sped up, harder, deeper, until he let loose the familiar groan she was quickly coming to love as much as she loved them.

  He paused for only a moment before rolling onto his side again, taking her with him but his softening cock pulling out. Uncle immediately filled her with his cock, sandwiching her between them, his green gaze boring into hers as he thrust deep inside her.

  Nibbling on her lower lip, he sucked, teasing, fucking her mouth with his tongue even as he fucked her pussy with his cock.

  Zed reached around her and played with her clit, drawing a whimper from her.

  “Come one more time for us, baby,” Uncle whispered. “Show us what we do to you.”

  Oh, yes. She’d come one more time for them. She couldn’t help herself.

  Rocking in time with Uncle’s thrusts, staring up into his eyes, between his cock and Zed’s hand, she was coming one more time for them.

  “That’s our girl,” Uncle said, starting to fuck her hard and fast as he felt her coming around his cock, pounding into her, sending that delicious liquid heat through her one last time until she felt like she couldn’t survive the pleasure of it.

  He finished with her, resting his forehead against hers, all of them quiet except for the sound of their breathing in the small room.

  “Canada, eh?” she softly said. “You did get the memo that I’m a native Floridian, right?”

  Zed snickered first. “We promise we’ll get you someplace warmer as soon as we can.”

  “We promise,” Uncle echoed.

  “I’ll hold you to it,” she said, snuggling in between them. “But I guess meanwhile you’ll need to teach me how to survive up here.”

  “They have an indoor shooting range here,” Zed said. “We’ll get you up to speed.”

  “There was talk about having me help with the vaccine stuff,” she said. “Although I’m not sure what good I’ll be.”

  “We don’t need to talk about that right now,” Uncle said, pulling the blanket over them. “We can deal with that tomorrow. Preferably after breakfast and coffee and a long, hot shower.”

  “And blow jobs,” Zed said.

  “Mmm.” She giggled. “Definitely after blow jobs,” she agreed.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  It was late Tuesday afternoon by the time their entire group was all unloaded and settled into their new quarters.

  “So where, exactly, are we?” Leta asked. Most of the base was underground. There was just a small section of the base above ground, besides the hangar, a common room, with small port-like windows allowing a person to stare out at the landscape around them.

  Not that there was much around them, except snow, snow, hills, some rocks, and more snow. Leta stared out the small window at what looked to her to be frozen tundra surrounding them. Everything that had happened over the past few days had totally thrown her for a loop and completely disoriented her.

  Mentally, physically, and emotionally.

  Wasn’t even a week since Uncle and Zed had walked into her life.

  About the only thing she knew for sure was that she was madly in love with the two men and didn’t want to lose them. Considering the crazy turns her life had suddenly taken, loving the men actually seemed like a fairly sane option.

  “We’re at a secret RCAF base east of Pilot Mound in Canada.” Uncle told her. “A couple of hours south of Winnipeg. Not the worst place we’ve been.”

  “How long are we here for?”

  “That’s up to the PTB, babe,” Zed said. “Depends on how long it takes them to get the vaccine produced in enough quantities that it can’t be ignored or shoved under the carpet. Arliss got us clearance from the RCAF and Canada’s equivalent of their military intelligence to stay as long as we need, whatever it takes. They have a well-equipped medical research facility here, and they’re going to be testing a batch of RCAF volunteers in the morning with the version they have now that they want to take into full production.”

  “Isn’t that scary?”

  “It’s scarier to die of Kite,” Uncle said. “It’s their blood that will be tested first.” He grinned. “You’re the doctor. You should know this shit.”

  “I’m a doctor barely out of med school, not an immunology specialist.”

  His smile faded. “Trust me, the videos and pics on the Internet cannot do justice to the in-person terror of a Kite-raging mob. It’ll make what we went through at the CDC look like a Kindergarten picnic. The guys at this base have seen action, have faced Kiters in the field. They’re more than happy to volunteer for testing a vaccine if it means saving lives.”

  Leta shivered. “Guess Canuck is happy to be home, huh?”

  “Well, happier when she was told she and all the scientists have full immunity and asylum here based on the circumstances of what happened. Bubba’s going to get Q’s family and Mama’s son moved up here. And Pandora and Panda’s families.”

  “At least we’re safer up here, right?”

  “Right,” the men agreed.

  “No new cases in Canada in weeks,” Zed said. “The cold is working in our favor. Another bonus to being stuck up here in the asscrack of winter.”

  The blanketing of snow fascinated her. “I’ve never seen snow before all of this. I know I should go back to the lab and see if I can help by doing doctor stuff, but I can’t stop staring at it.”

  The thirteen surviving Freedom World Fighters had trooped off to their quarters earlier. They had, so far, mostly kept to themselves and talked in low tones around the others, looking at them suspiciously. Now they were all huddled around two tables in the far corner of the common room, speaking so softly you wouldn’t know they were there if you weren’t looking right at them.

  “Do you think they’ll manage it?” she asked.

  Zed frowned. “Manage what?”

  She nodded toward the hacker group. “To expose what happened in Barstow and LA?”

  “Of course they will,” Uncle said. “They already have, to a certain extent. Besides, Arliss wants that to happen. He’s helping them.”

  She turned, shocked. “He is?”

  “Duh,” both men said. Uncle continued, dropping his voice. “Arliss wants the public to know all of this. He wants the President out so he can move the VP into power and clean house for good. Goldfinch was probably one of the last moles with any power to make something happen for Silo.”

  “Then what?”

  They shrugged. “Then,” Uncle said, “Arliss gets the country back on track. His hands were tied until we got Kite kicked. That was the big elephant to eat. Well, that’s done. The rest from here on out is easy. I imagine Silo will be at the top of his list, now, too.”

  She thought about the death and destruction she witnessed in Atlanta. “They’re sure he’s behind this? One-hundred-percent sure?”

  “Absolutely,” Zed said. “We have the proof. What we didn’t have before now that would have allowed us to move on him sooner was Mary Silo confirming or denying the existence of a fail-safe. Well, a fail-safe is irrelevant at this point. We have the vaccine. Silo is a walking dead man. He just doesn’t kno
w it yet.”

  * * * *

  Bubba sat back and sipped at his drink. Not more than a couple of fingers of forty-year-old scotch, but he felt he’d earned it.

  The Drunk Monkeys were safe.

  The scientists from The List—the ones who were in from the cold—were safe.

  The vaccine had been identified and would be in production, soon, in a secure facility.

  Ax and Mary Silo—Kali Enyo, he corrected himself—were in St. Louis and apparently planning on taking Silo out. Which was absolutely fine by him, and he’d do his best not to piss on their parade by sending anyone else in to do it for them.

  When his sat-phone rang, he smiled as he answered it.

  “You are one magnificent bastard. I ever tell you that?”

  “That’s what she said, Joe,” he shot back at the familiar compliment, both of them breaking into laughter.

  “What are you drinking?” Arliss asked.

  “I finally cracked open that bottle I won off you after Du Kai that time.”

  Another chuckle from Arliss. “Rat bastard. You set me up that night, and you know it.”

  “Then why’d you pay up?”

  Identical, contented sighs escaped them. “I heard about the two we lost. Sorry.”

  “Well, I think Tank is taking that pretty hard.”

  “What’s that Shakespeare quote about crowns and heavy heads?”

  “Command sucks.”

  “That’s one way of putting it.” Arliss paused. “Sorry. I’m enjoying a beer. Nothing as fancy-shmancy as what you’re drinking.”

  “Don’t worry. I plan on saving enough for a toast for the two of us.”

  “What about not jinxing us?”

  “Oh, so now you’re a believer in it, huh?” Bubba swirled the amber liquid around in his red plastic cup. “What do you need from me for this last part?”

  “So far, I’m good. Make sure you and everyone else are secure. After New Year’s, when Congress is back in session, that’s when the last stage kicks off.”

  “Are we still gonna need the boys, or are they free to let their tray tables remain in a down and unlocked position?”