Read Monkey See, Monkey Do Page 8

  “You don’t have to be an expert in Kite. You can be support staff. Doc and Tango, our unit’s official med officer and medic, they’re helping with the research. So’s Clara, and she’s a nurse practitioner. With them doing that, we can always use another doctor on staff to handle mundane stuff while they’re all stuck in the lab.”

  “You going to teach me how to shoot?”

  “That would be a helpful skill to know if you want to learn it, yes.”

  She took a deep breath and studied the area again through the windshield. “I hope you don’t think I’m some sort of a slut,” she said. “Normally I don’t just meet guys robbing a hospital and sleep with them.”

  “I kind of figured this was a special situation.”

  “And I’m not mentally or emotionally at my best right now.”

  “How about we get you inside, put you into a turkey coma, let you take a nap, and then we can talk once you’re feeling…conscious.”

  “That sounds like a great idea, thank you.”

  Nobody was wearing face masks. “We don’t need them,” Uncle said when she noted that. He held up a test strip. “I do need to stick you, though.”

  She held out her left hand and he performed the test.

  Clear, as she’d expected.

  “Sorry,” he said. “Procedures. Not that these are very accurate anymore.”


  “Just like the problem nailing down a vaccine, the mutations have mostly rendered the test strips moot.”

  “Terrific.” That hadn’t been in any of the updates she’d seen.

  Then again, she’d deliberately avoided most of the updates lately.

  Zed walked downstairs from one of the buildings to help Uncle and Leta unload her gear. The accommodations weren’t exactly five-star luxury, but Leta was in no mood to complain. And she grabbed a quickie shower, too, before being introduced around.

  Not that there was any way in hell she’d remember a single person’s name.

  Zed and Uncle led her to a table, brought her a plate of food, ate lunch with her, then led her back to their room, where she face-planted onto the bedroll on their floor.

  And that was her last conscious memory for…a while.

  * * * *

  “Guess we should give Papa a sit rep,” Uncle said as he stared down at her.

  She snored. Which was annoying as fuck with Zed, and cuter than hell with her.

  “No, I talked with him when I got back,” Zed told him. “We’re good until tomorrow morning. Rest of the day off.”


  He smiled, a yawn escaping him as he pulled off his shirt. “Really. I’m thinking a nap is in order.” He walked to the far side of where they’d shoved both their bedrolls together to make it comfortable for the three of them and started removing the rest of his clothes.

  “Won’t argue with that.” Uncle stripped, too, and it felt better than right to snuggle in bed with her head tucked against his shoulder.

  “You think she’ll get some sleep in her and change her mind when she wakes up?” Zed asked.

  “God, I hope not.” Uncle didn’t want to admit how scary-good it felt thinking about her staying with them.

  No way he was going to label it love that fast, but it sure as hell beat not having her there at all.

  Okay, so having a woman in their bed was something he’d thought about for a while. Ever since Pandora first joined their unit, and then each additional woman who’d teamed up with a pair of guys.

  Every other situation had seemed equally unlikely, and yet none of the women had left or broken up with the men they’d partnered with.

  None had wanted to, apparently.

  Who knew an apocalypse was such a great match-making opportunity?

  Leta let out an adorable snorting snore, followed by a fart.

  Uncle had to clap a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing out loud and waking her up. He got out of bed.

  “Where you going?”

  “Shower,” Uncle said, reaching for his towel to wrap around his hips for the walk. “She had one. I’m hoping she wakes up in a mood to have some more fun.”

  “Oh.” Zed sat up. “Damn good plan.”

  They grabbed their shower kits and headed for the bathroom.

  Chapter Ten

  Leta woke up completely disoriented in the darkened room, which didn’t surprise her. After years of med school and residency, it was the rare day she didn’t wake up feeling disoriented and needing a couple of moments to remember where, exactly, she’d laid down her head.

  It was the presence of not one but two fine hunks of men, one on each side of her, that made it a game-changer. And as she stretched, she felt the nice aches and pains speaking up. Nice aches and pains that she hadn’t felt in quite a while.

  Her sex life with Gary had tanked long before she started sleeping on the couch. He was a bed hog, and if she wasn’t getting laid, it wasn’t worth getting rolled out of bed in the middle of the night by the big oaf because he had no sleeping concept of personal space.

  These men had blown the bell curve of her expectations right out of the water in an unrepeatable way.

  Hopefully not too unrepeatable.

  Because she really wanted at least an attempt at a repeat of that morning’s experience. Only this time, maybe she could process it a little better. Savor it.

  More actively participate in it.

  Uncle opened his eyes first and rolled onto his right side to face her. “Hey.”

  “Hey. I take it I’m awake?”

  “I guess so, unless we’re both dreaming.” He really did have awesomely gorgeous green eyes.

  She reached out to stroke his cheek and found him freshly shaven. “You guys took a shower?”

  “Not together.” He smiled as he captured her hand and brought it to his mouth. As he feathered his lips over her fingers, his tongue flicked out, lightly caressing the pads, sending shivers straight to her clit.

  Which woke up with a vengeance.

  “Damn,” she said. “Too bad.”

  “Sorry. We don’t swing that way.”

  “Hope you realize I’m not sharing you two.”

  “We don’t want to be shared.”

  “Good. How come you guys are okay sharing a woman?”

  “Are you complaining?”

  “No, definitely not. Just thought that didn’t happen very often in real life.”

  He sucked her middle finger between his lips and laved his tongue over it. “Even before TMFU, with everyone in the unit paired up, sort of brother with brother.” He smiled, and it reached the far corners of his eyes. “So it’s not like sharing.”

  “Is this the good-morning-fucking part of our day?” Zed mumbled from the other side of the bed. “Because if it is, I have a cock that would love to be sucked.”

  Uncle’s gaze never left hers. “It’s not morning. It’s nearly eight o’clock at night.”

  “I just woke up,” Zed said, “so my body says it’s morning. Therefore, I have morning wood.” She felt Zed roll toward her, his body spooning around hers.

  Yep, that was a helluva tree trunk he was sporting there, pressed up between her ass cheeks and saying howdy.

  She wiggled her hips against him and loved the roller-coaster jolt her stomach made when he draped his arm around her waist and started rocking his hips in time with hers.

  “You better believe you’re going to get a morning fucking from me,” Zed hoarsely whispered against the nape of her neck. “And an afternoon and evening one, too, just to make sure.”

  “Don’t you guys have some world-saving to do?”

  Uncle’s green gaze stayed fixed on hers. “Yeah, but even a Drunk Monkey earns a few hours off here and there to monkey around a little.”

  “Ugh. That’s horrible.”

  Uncle’s smile widened. “That’s only the first of many puns that you’ll hear flying around. Trust me.”

  “Me trust a man—a couple of men—
I caught stealing from a hospital research lab?” She arched an eyebrow at him.

  “Dammit, she’s a talker,” Zed muttered against her skin, sending pleasant shivers through her. “Can we start fucking her now, please?”

  Uncle sucked her ring finger deep into the warm, wet heat of his mouth and swirled his tongue around it. “Soon enough, buddy,” he said when he released it. “Soon enough.”

  Her pussy, her clit, her nipples—every erogenous zone on her body, and a few she didn’t even know she had, stood up and said holla.

  All at the same time.

  “Men trying to save the world,” Uncle gently corrected her. “Normally we are not thieves. We do what Uncle Sam tells us to do, and Uncle Sam says save this shitball of a rock we’re stuck on. Considering I don’t like the idea of dying, a little bit of thievery for a good cause doesn’t really make me feel guilty.”

  “Good.” She leaned in and kissed him, hard, deep, belatedly hoping she didn’t have a raging case of morning breath. On the heels of that came the realization that these men probably wouldn’t care even if she did have Godzilla breath. “Because I think saving this shitball of a rock we’re stuck on is a pretty damn spiffy idea.”

  “You worried me there for a minute,” Zed mumbled against the back of her neck.

  “If you were stealing bread from orphans, I might have something different to say about it.” She wiggled her ass against Zed again. “And please don’t let me forget that I need to call work tomorrow.”

  “Then I suggest you do it,” Uncle said. “Because you’re about to have a cock in your mouth for the next little while.”

  Even the way he talked flicked at her clit, made it vibrate with need. “I can do it in the morning. Just don’t let me forget to do it, please.”

  “Does that mean you want to stay with us?” Zed asked.

  “For now.” She turned so she could look at him. “I’ll warn you, I’m not some brave warrior type.”

  “Not asking you to be. That’s our job.”

  “Thought you said you wanted to learn how to shoot?” Uncle noted.

  “I do. Self-preservation. If I’m going to be traveling with guys who might have a habit of getting shot at a lot, being able to shoot back could come in handy.”

  “We don’t deliberately set out to get shot at,” Zed said. “It just happens sometimes. Occupational hazard.”

  “Hasn’t happened much lately,” Uncle added.

  “Dammit,” Zed muttered. “You know you just jinxed us, right?”

  “Let’s be honest that we haven’t been shot at much at all over the past several months,” Uncle said. “Not since Australia.”

  Zed rolled onto his back and stuck his fingers in his ears. “Lalalalala! Not listening!”

  Uncle let out a disgusted-sounding snort. “You big baby.”

  “Do not fucking jinx us, man,” Zed shot back, almost sounding frantic.

  She rolled onto her side to face him. “I don’t believe in jinxes.” She kissed him. “Besides, you found me, right? Isn’t that a good omen?”

  “Maybe,” he reluctantly admitted.

  “Wow, thanks for the vote of confidence.”

  “That’s not what I meant!”

  She kissed him again. “Just teasing you.”

  * * * *

  Zed was so out of his element at that point it almost felt like he’d been punted onto another planet. Besides the obvious reasons, he suspected Leta’s presence in their lives was going to feel like being dropped into a blender while someone hit the button for mulch.

  It scared him more than a little to realize how much he didn’t want her to walk out of their lives now that she was there.

  Mission to save the world or not, there was something about her. Even if they hadn’t had hot stranger-sex in the hospital, in spite of her obvious exhaustion her personality, her ability to think on her feet and keep him and Uncle off-balance, meant she was damned special.

  He hoped he could live up to that standard in her eyes.

  After another kiss he pushed her onto her back and slid down her body, coming to rest between her legs. “I think I know a way to shut her up.”

  He lowered his mouth to her pussy and this time he could savor the task, enjoy her reactions, make her moan as much and as loudly as he wanted to without worrying about getting caught or if anyone heard them.

  Considering everyone else in their unit except Papa and Alpha were paired up, he dared any of them to complain about the noise.

  Fortunately, Uncle was there to kiss her and muffle the sounds.

  With Zed’s arms wrapped around her thighs and holding her in place so she couldn’t squirm away, he laved his tongue up and down, around her clit, learning her body and trying to ignore his aching cock. He wanted her to enjoy this so that she’d hopefully keep wanting them to do these kinds of things to her.

  Of course they didn’t know what the future would hold. They could all be dead tomorrow with the way the world was headed.

  Even more reason not to waste a single opportunity. They weren’t trying to get her to marry them. They might all hate each other in a few weeks.

  For now, he was satisfied making her moan and squeal and…mmm, yeah. The way she grabbed the back of his head and held on tight as she rode his mouth through her first orgasm made his cock throb even harder, painfully.

  “How about we fill that sweet ass and pussy, baby,” Uncle said. “I don’t want to waste a single chance we have together.”

  Zed interpreted her happy moan in reply as assent. Uncle quickly retrieved a bottle of lube and a condom for whoever would need it. She sat up and rolled over on top of Uncle, effectively answering the question for them when she impaled herself on his cock.

  Zed sat up and reached for the bottle. “My lucky day.” He planted a hand between her shoulder blades and pushed her back down on top of Uncle. Uncle then grabbed her by the hair and started tongue-fucking her mouth, making Zed chuckle. “Someone’s a little eager, huh?”

  “Mmm hmm!”

  She only held still long enough for Zed to get her ass lubed up. Then she was once again fucking Uncle’s cock, long, sexy strokes that drew gorgeous moans from her as his partner filled her up.

  Zed grabbed a packet of wipes and cleaned his hands before rolling on the condom. After slathering more lube on that, he edged in and pressed the head of his cock against her ass.

  She did the work for him, casting a look over her shoulder before impaling herself on both their cocks with a satisfied hiss.

  “Yesss!” She held still for a moment, and so did he, waiting for her to move. She sat up, leaning back against him and capturing his mouth in a searing kiss that telegraphed her hunger for them, every bit as voracious as theirs for her.

  * * * *

  Leta felt like she’d hit the sex jackpot. These two men put the twins to shame, and she’d thought the twins were pretty damn wild.

  As she sat there kissing Zed and letting her body adjust to the size of them, she realized she was in for one hell of an explosion. Already her clit screamed for more attention, every nerve ending on fire and sizzling, the slightest touch threatening to send her into orbit.

  Zed’s hands rested on her hips. She grabbed one and shoved it down, between her legs to her clit, and he got the message. Then she groped for Uncle’s hands, pulling them up to her breasts.

  Both men were quick studies, she was grateful to see. Uncle started kneading her breasts, tugging on her nipples as she slowly started moving while Zed’s fingers played with her swollen, sensitive clit.

  Then Zed nipped the side of her neck and her world exploded. Her orgasm shattered every cell in her body, her muscles squeezing their cocks as she cried out, moving harder and faster and milking every last ounce of pleasure out of them that she could get. Only when she’d collapsed on top of Uncle did the men start moving, Zed coming first, quickly followed by Uncle, until all three of them lay there in a sweaty, panting heap.

  “Fuck,” she w

  “Is that good fuck or a bad one?” Zed asked.

  She turned her head, found his lips, and nipped his bottom one. “A damn good one. You try to get rid of me any time soon, I’m going to stow away.”

  “That won’t be necessary,” Uncle assured her. “We are definitely not in a rush for you to leave.”

  She winced a little as Zed pulled out and disposed of the condom. A moment later, she was surprised and touched when he brought wipes over and cleaned her up. Then they were snuggled together again, the heat from their bodies washing through her on both sides.



  Gary? Gary who?

  “Any chance of getting an after-nookie snack?” she mumbled.

  Uncle kissed her. “I think we can manage to find you something.”

  “Actually, I could use something, too, since you’re offering,” Zed said.

  “Then you can go get it,” Uncle countered.

  She snickered. “You two are so cute. You sound like an old married couple.”

  Zed mumbled something, but then he kissed her and she gave serious thought to another roll in the hay with them right then.

  Then he got up, pulled shorts on, and headed out of the room.

  She snuggled closer to Uncle, draped across him. “Seriously, I’m not usually…promiscuous.”

  “We get it. Special circumstances, and all that.”

  “I really feel like I haven’t put my best foot forward.”

  “Hey, we were stealing from a hospital. I think we’re even.”

  She stared into his green eyes, his smile warming her heart. “As long as you don’t hold it against me. At least you’re trying to save the world.”

  “And now, so are you.” He kissed her. “I think a little snack and then some more sleep is definitely in order.”

  “So…we’re good?”

  “Oh my god, Zed’s right. You’re a talker.” But he smiled.

  “Not the only thing I can do with my mouth.”

  He waggled his eyebrows at her. “I know. Just one of your many charms.”