Read Monkey's Uncle Page 19

  She cupped Oscar’s balls in one hand and stroked his shaft with the other. But then as Yankee was fucking her, she realized it felt better than good, and as she moaned her way through her second orgasm, she found herself being filled at both ends by twunk cum.

  They collapsed in a spent, exhausted heap. “If anyone knocks in the morning,” she said, “tell them to go away.”

  “How do you say that in Spanish?” Oscar asked.

  “It doesn’t matter. Ellen and Paul speak English.”

  That was the last conscious thought she had before crashing into an exhausted sleep.

  * * * *

  From the angle of the light slanting through her window, India knew it had to be about ten o’clock in the morning. Through her locked door she heard muffled sounds of people out in the clinic…

  And there was a man between her legs, slowly fucking her.

  Oscar grinned down at her. “About time you woke up. I was beginning to get my feelings hurt.”

  Yankee lay stretched out next to her, his fingers playing with her clit “Yeah, me, too.”

  “You?” Oscar asked, now picking up the pace. “I’m the one fucking her.”

  “Shh!” she warned. “Keep it down.”

  The men laughed. “We’re keeping them up until we each dump another load inside you, baby,” Yankee told her. “Then we’ll go grab another group shower.”

  They got the first orgasm out of her then, and when they switched places so Yankee could fuck her, Oscar coaxed a second out of her.

  She wanted to drift back to sleep and realized she couldn’t. Too much to do.

  Then again, as she stopped to think about it, no, there wasn’t anything for her to do. Paul and Ellen would have it under control. Hell, Paul had trained her.

  She snuggled between the men. “Another nap first. Then a shower. Then breakfast.”

  “Lunch,” they said together.

  “Whatever,” she mumbled as she crashed into sleep.

  * * * *

  It was past noon when India and her men finally got up and grabbed their showers. After, they made their way into the storeroom where the kitchen area was, India doing her best to ignore the disapproving looks Mama shot her direction.

  Oscar leaned in. “I don’t think she’s very happy with us,” he said. “I get the feeling she wants to take me and Yankee to the woodshed.”

  “She’s never seen me with anyone before. I’ve been here four years and she’s sort of protective of me.”

  “Won’t be much longer,” Yankee assured her. “Papa’s working on an exit plan.”

  When she didn’t respond, Oscar and Yankee both turned to her. “Are you rethinking your decision to come with us?” Oscar asked.

  She shook her head. “No. Before everything went to hell yesterday, Pandora and I were talking.” She looked from one set of blue eyes to the other. “I want to make a bigger difference in the world. I want to help you guys do this. I know I can do it.”

  “It’ll be tough, sometimes,” Yankee said. “Dangerous.”

  She shrugged. “Can’t be any more dangerous than me with a scalpel, performing a castration.” She grinned.

  The men winced. “Do us a favor, please?” Oscar said. “Don’t talk about that, okay?”

  “Ever,” Yankee suggested. “And especially before or during sex.”

  * * * *

  Papa came by later to give them the news. The plan was to pack up and leave the next morning with John and Robert, following them back to the same Texas border crossing they’d come through at Nuevo Laredo.

  Bubba had made contact with General Arliss and informed him of what happened in Mexico City. Their standing orders remained unchanged—stay OTG, get the scientists, and keep them safe until further orders were issued.

  As India gathered her things, she felt a wistful pang hit her. She really didn’t have much, her life able to fit into three large duffel bags. She had thousands of pictures, books, movies, and music albums stored on portable drives she could access via her tablet or laptop. But when she packed up the room and stared at the duffel bags on her bed, she realized the room didn’t look much different than it had when she’d first arrived four years ago.

  Did I make a difference?

  “We’re going to miss you,” Paul said from the doorway.

  She turned. Yankee and Oscar had returned to the safe house to help the group complete their packing and loading. They would return later that evening to sleep there with her that night before they all left in the morning.

  “I’m going to miss you, too,” she said. “And this town.”

  “And the tequila?” He grinned.

  “Yeah, even that stuff.”

  That night, India and her men took advantage of the privacy of her room to have one last fling before their traveling started.

  India let Oscar and Yankee completely distract her. Oscar buried his face between her legs, tongue expertly flicking her clit while she devoured Yankee’s cock.

  She loved this, loved them.

  Not that I can tell them that.

  Not when she’d made such a big deal about being a big girl and not expecting them to declare their love.

  She knew they weren’t using her, knew they were good men with good hearts and good intentions. Just her luck the timing sucked.

  Maybe one day.

  Shoving thoughts of the future out of her head, she focused on the head of Yankee’s cock, laving her tongue over the glans and tracing the outline of the slit.

  This was something she could do all night long without getting bored. Every sound she drew from him drilled directly through her ears into her heart and soul. She loved doing this to him.

  When Oscar pulled the first orgasm from her, she closed her eyes and didn’t hold back her moan. The vibrations from her mouth finished Yankee off. As hot, tangy spurts of cum pumped from his cock she deep-throated him, swallowing every drop even as his body vibrated with his release.

  “Oh, baby,” he whispered, leaning in to kiss her once she’d relinquished his spent cock. “I could get addicted to that.”

  The men switched places, Yankee adding two fingers to her cunt in addition to licking and sucking on her clit. Oscar cradled her head in his hands, taking over and fucking her mouth as she closed her eyes and enjoyed her journey back up Pleasure Peak, courtesy of Yankee.

  Yes, she could get addicted to this, too. Hell, she already was.

  Oscar held back, apparently paying close attention to her moans, her body, as Yankee worked her closer to another orgasm. He timed his thrusts to match her rhythm. When she gave in to the next climax he was ready, speeding up his pace until he was coming in her mouth even as her moans were resonating through his cock.

  When they collapsed together in bed, she laced fingers with them and closed her eyes, sated and happy and hoping the next stage of their journey wasn’t dangerous.

  Or deadly.

  I’ll have to take things as they come.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  The next morning, India felt a little sad to bid good-bye to Colima and the people. When she gave Paul and Ellen one last round of hugs, she whispered in his ear, “There are three cases of po-clo syringes, top shelf, back corner of the storeroom. CMI sent them to me in January. Fifteen hundred doses.”

  He whispered back, “Understood. And I’m going to tell CMI you’re still here. That way, you can still get the paycheck. Or come back, if you need to. But it’ll also mean you can stay in the system and get info.”

  “Thanks.” She would miss him, and Mama. “Hopefully we’ll get this situation handled and I’ll be able to come back here for good.” She’d already made up her mind that she wanted to see Colima again. Maybe settle down there.

  Maybe with the twunks, maybe not. She didn’t want to think that far ahead about what-ifs that might not make it past a week from now.

  Hell, they still had to get out of the country and back into the US without the men being apprehended.

/>   She had a new passport and identity cards Papa had given her that she would use for the crossing. No one wanted India Pelletier to be logged in as returning to the US. Especially if she was supposed to be in Colima, Mexico. Bubba didn’t think anyone had a bead on her as being involved in anything that happened in Mexico City, but they didn’t want to take any chances.

  It was far better if it looked like she was still living in Colima.

  She also had a traveling medical kit she put together to take with her. Some medicines Doc didn’t have in his kit, some emergency trauma supplies, and even some extras.

  If they were on the road long enough, she didn’t want to get stuck without being able to put another five-year in, and likely Pandora wouldn’t be happy about that, either. Never hurt to have backups.

  And who knew who might join their merry band of misfits in the future?

  It took them two days of traveling to make the border at Nuevo Laredo. The landscape varied from desert to rugged mountains to lush agricultural lands, depending on the area.

  This was a drive she’d never taken before, and it helped ease her homesickness for Colima, the excitement of a road trip, the discovery of new lands. When she’d first traveled to Colima, CMI had flown her into Mexico City, where Paul had picked her up at the airport.

  That had been before Kite, when flying was logistically easier. She hadn’t flown since then. Even back then, air travel was prohibitively expensive for the average person.

  India wasn’t sure how they were going to get across the border but figured if the men were as smart at what they did as they said they were, they probably had that all figured out.

  It was in the middle of the night when the convoy stopped a couple of miles south of the US-Mexican border.

  Finally, when no one had made any mention of what was to happen, she had to ask. “I’m guessing there’s a plan?” she asked Yankee.

  He shrugged.

  “Greeeaat. Thanks for the confidence.”

  “Not my job to have a plan for this,” he said. “I wasn’t told to make one.”

  “Then it’ll be a pleasant surprise when we cross into Texas, huh?”


  “Beats the hell out of an unpleasant one,” Oscar said.

  Papa gathered them around. “Here’s how this will work. We’re going to do this the old-fashioned way,” he told them.

  “Firepower?” Tango asked.

  Papa laughed. “Bribery.”

  He deferred to John and Robert.

  “We got through Customs without problems, and with a bribe to keep them from hassling us about our cargo,” John said. “This isn’t a very busy checkpoint, so the US lets Mexico control it. It was fairly easy to slip money to them to keep them from questioning what we had once they found out we were law enforcement. Of course, we were more concerned with them wanting to confiscate our guns. Which they didn’t, luckily. We’re going to be at the front of the line and prep them. Remind them who we were. As long as we show clear stick tests for everyone, they’ll let us all through.”

  “You sure that’s going to work?” India asked. “Sounds too easy. And how do you know they’ll remember you? What if it’s different people?”

  “We told them when we’d be back through,” Robert said, “and they said they’d be here. Plus, they’re overworked and understaffed and a few weeks from quitting themselves. They aren’t military, they’re Mexican Border Patrol. Pretty soon, if Kite hits hard here, there won’t be anyone left to guard the borders on the Mexican side who gives a shit about their job. They won’t turn away a chance to feather their early retirement nest. That’s why we want to get back to New York as soon as possible and get our families moved down here before the US military ends up controlling the border crossing. It’ll make leaving a lot easier.”

  “Fair enough,” India said. “So what do we do after we cross the border?”

  “Haul ass west,” Papa said.


  “Los Angeles.”

  “Going to check out that facility Paul told us about?”

  He smiled. “According to Bubba, we need to head there anyway. One of our friends from The List is likely in the area. Fucking up any nefarious plans the Reverend Silo might have would just be an added bonus.”

  Alpha snorted. “We are OTG now. That means we can’t be held responsible for any breakages.

  * * * *

  As predicted, the border crossing went quickly and smoothly, well-lubed with a good bribe from Papa. India, Pandora, and the rest of the group stayed with John and Robert as far as San Antonio before saying their good-byes and swinging west. Papa wanted to avoid smaller back roads, because with commercial flying being as difficult and expensive as it was now, they felt a certain safety in staying hidden in plain sight among the tens of thousands of other drivers they shared the main roads with.

  Traveling nonstop, they quickly made their way to Los Angeles in less than two days. Being stateside had its advantages besides not being hampered by a language barrier. They could once again don the surgical masks in public without looking conspicuous, and it provided them with an extra layer of anonymity.

  Papa had already arranged a safe house for them. Even better, while it wasn’t located in the best part of town, it was a self-contained compound with a huge enclosed garage area. There was a functional chemistry lab on the first floor where Sin and Q could set up their lab. The two-story building, with an enclosed garage area below, had apparently been a small private school of only twenty classrooms. It had gone bankrupt and closed a few months earlier when all the rich parents withdrew their kids from classes because of the threat of Kite. The building sat functional and furnished, but vacant, on the market.

  Now they were renting it. Rather, one Andrew Davenport from New York City was the renter.

  Not that he existed anywhere but on paper, but the real estate company who’d leased the building to them didn’t need to know that.

  “Dibs on the showers,” India and Pandora both said at the same time after inspecting the facilities. They looked at each other laughed.

  Their four men all perked up.

  “Not with each other,” India snarked. “Down, boys. Don’t get so excited.”

  All four men let out soft sounds of disappointment.

  “How’d you get your hands on this?” India asked Papa.

  “I have several secret operating accounts that only I and General Arliss know about. It was easy to arrange a rental in this depressed market. Until the risk of Kite is over, real estate agents will be desperate to earn anything they can. Nothing’s selling in this market. People are leaving, not coming here.”

  “Figures we’d do things bass-ackward, huh?” Pandora asked.

  He smiled. “Hey, it works for us. Why fix what ain’t broke?”

  That evening, India and Pandora sat together to eat their dinner. “Is life always this crazy with this group?” India asked her.

  Pandora shrugged. “Couldn’t tell you. I’m only into this a few weeks longer than you are. But yeah, I think this is about the best we’re going to get. At least until Q and Sin and any others come up with a vaccine.”

  “It could be worse, I guess. Someone could be shooting at us.”

  “No one’s kidnapped me in a couple of weeks,” Pandora said, “so I call it a win.”

  “Speak for yourself,” India groused.

  Pandora laughed. “Yeah, sorry. Sucky kind of hazing, huh?”

  “I think I prefer my tequila ritual.” She’d brought six bottles with her from Colima. No telling if or when she’d be able to get more from Paul once those ran out. Then she had a thought. “I hope the water here doesn’t make me sick.”

  Pandora looked confused. “Why would it?”

  India shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m so used to the well water there in Colima, I didn’t think about what it’d be like coming back to the US.”

  “At least we have our own rooms,” Pandora said. “Th
is is like a luxury spa resort. Compared to Colima.” Her face reddened. “Eh, sorry. No disrespect meant to the town or you, but that safe house was a dump.”

  “No, it’s okay. I went through culture shock at first, too. It grows on you.” She shoved her food around on her plate. “They’re good people. They deserve a quiet future. No, most of them don’t have any money, but you know what? They’re mostly happy. People smile at you and say hello on the streets. They know and look out for each other. If I had a choice of going back to someplace like St. Louis, with all the luxuries but not knowing a damn person and struggling to make ends meet, or living in Colima, where I can be happy and at peace, I’ll take Colima every time. Yeah, it was a pain in the ass when I had to run the clinic on my own, but it was the good kind of pain in the ass. I slept well every night. I didn’t worry about bills or my job. I did what I could and started fresh every morning.”

  “So you really castrated guys, huh? All joking aside, I don’t know if I could do that.”

  “I didn’t think I could at first, either, until I saw the victim of the first attacker I had to castrate.” She drew in a shuddering breath. “Twelve-year-old girl.” India shook her head. “Made it a lot easier to do it, believe me.”

  That still haunted her. India had been the one to perform the rape exam on the traumatized girl, and the DNA sequencer had confirmed the identified suspect’s identity. A cousin of someone local, he’d moved to Colima a few months earlier from Mexico City.

  Apparently, he didn’t know they did things a little differently in Colima when it came to rape.

  He moved out of the area a week later, or so the cousin said.

  India suspected the man, horrified at his cousin’s behavior, had likely helped the girl’s parents kill the perpetrator and bury him somewhere. The day after the suspect’s supposed departure, India had run into the victim’s father in one of the stores.

  He’d looked happy, at peace, in sharp contrast to his angry visage even after the public punishment was administered.