Read Monkeying Around Page 11

  And that she was anything but drugged.

  Or cowed.

  Or that something deep inside him really liked this side of her and wished he’d seen it early in their relationship.

  She held up a water bottle with a straw in it. “Drink.”


  “Drink it, or I will bust out your teeth, tape your mouth mostly shut, and then staple your nose shut just for fun so you have to drink it to breathe.”

  He gave his arms and legs one more test pull.

  “Last chance, Hannibal.”

  He wrapped his lips around the straw and started drinking. It tasted bitter, and he nearly retched.

  Mary reached out with her other hand and ruffled his hair as if he were a dog. “Such a good boy. Yes you are. Oh, just so you know, I’m videotaping all of this for me to play back later at my leisure.”

  She giggled, a sound that chilled him as he continued choking down the obviously drugged water. “You know, for fun. The way you used to tape our sessions, husband.”

  Odd tendrils of…well, need started flowing through him. Even though he wanted to rebel, wanted to curse, wanted to crush her, something deep inside him…wanted this.

  Wanted her.

  This version of her, not the one he’d been married to, the one of his creation.

  What else did I fuck up in my life?

  Once he’d finished the bottle’s contents, she set it aside. “That will take a few minutes to kick in,” she said. “I put enough in there to give an elephant an erection.” She stood and unfastened her belt.

  A leather belt, he noticed.

  “Now let’s see,” she said as she walked around the coffee table. “We need to start off with a punishment session, don’t we?” He heard the belt slip through her belt loops.

  Part of his brain still felt a need to try to rebel, even though to the very depths of his core, another part of himself didn’t just think he deserved this, but he wanted it.

  “Mary, do not do this, woman. You have no idea—” A howl of pain finished his sentence as the belt cut into his flesh.

  “I think someone needs one hell of a punishment session,” she softly said, her calm tone chilling him as she took another hard stroke.

  He yelled, screamed, raged as she mercilessly beat him with the belt.

  “That’s all right, Hannibal,” she gently said. “It’s okay to cry. I own your tears. I am your wife, after all, and what’s yours is mine.” She kept up an inhuman pace until he realized he was begging, pleading with her to stop.

  For mercy.

  And, with growing horror, he realized he now sported an involuntary erection.

  Well, not completely involuntary.

  She noticed, letting out one of those giggles, which chilled him to his core at the same time it added to his need, stiffening the member between his legs.

  “Oh, look at that.” Her hand reached between his legs and her fingers wrapped around it. The first erection he’d managed in months, and she was in control of it. “Someone likes being punished. Well, you can’t help but like it,” she said. “The drugs are making sure of that.”

  Her hand disappeared and she beat him some more. Not just his ass, either, but the backs of his thighs, until he once again howled with pain.

  “Scream all you want, Hannibal,” she said. “Only us up here. No one to help you. Jerald’s dead, and I’m in control.”

  “What do you want?” he begged. “What do you want from me?”

  “Your soul, asshole. I’m sending you straight to hell. But before I do, your last moments will be a taste of what I hope you’re going to be in for once you arrive at your final destination. Especially considering you were so fond of dishing it out to me during all of those years we were married.” It felt like the flesh was going to peel right off his ass as hard as she was whipping him.

  She had taken this and more from him over all those years? Yes, he’d greatly underestimated her. And now it was slamming home how great a mistake he’d made.

  In more ways than one.

  This was a creature of his design.

  And damned if he wasn’t passionately wanting more of her.

  Finally, she stopped, Hannibal’s head drooping with relief. It was only after she cinched the belt up tight and he’d felt it almost cutting into him did he realize she’d fastened it around his waist.

  “I want something to hold onto,” she said, another of those terrifying giggles escaping her.

  Then she walked around in front of him and pulled his head up by the hair, forcing him to meet her gaze.

  “I have a very special treat for you, Hannibal,” she said. “Shopped around until I found just the perfect Christmas gift for you, my husband.”

  She started stripping, and he knew his throbbing member had everything to do with seeing her naked flesh before him and nothing to do with the drugs.

  Then she dug into the backpack on the floor in front of him and she pulled something out, putting it on.

  When she turned around, he nearly passed out.

  She reached down and stroked the strap-on, her fingers barely encircling its huge girth. With her other hand, she grabbed him by the hair again and forced his head up.

  “Now, Hannibal,” she said, patiently, as if talking to a child, “make sure you get it good and wet. Remember, the lube is for your benefit, not mine.” She shook his head with her grip in his hair. “And if you bite it, I will slice your dick off with a knife and make you eat it.”

  She stood in front of him, the gigantic head of the dildo in front of his lips. “You know what to do.” He wondered what she was waiting for, until it finally pierced through his brain.

  “Mary, please let me—”

  She slapped him. “Last chance, Hannibal. Do it right, or I’ll kill you now.”

  Choking back snot, he finally managed, “Please let me suck your cock before you fuck my ass.” With a ragged sob, he opened his mouth.

  It was a relief to know he wouldn’t have to admit to her how much he wanted it now, to understand that she was a force he couldn’t overcome and to gladly give himself over to her.

  “There’s a goood boy,” she cooed as she started working it between his lips, gagging him. “Get it nice and wet.”

  Tears of ecstatic agony ran down his face as he tried to lick and suck on it, eagerly, wanting to please her.

  With her free hand, she reached down and scooped a couple of his tears off his cheek and wiped them on the dildo. “Tears or spit, either one is fine by me. Isn’t that what you used to say?”

  This is hell. I’m in hell.

  And I like it.

  She giggled.

  He didn’t know how long he struggled not to choke on it as he tried to please her with his efforts. She started fucking his mouth with it, talking to him as if he was some cherished lover and there wasn’t forty years of his abuse of her between them. Then she pulled it from his mouth and walked behind him again.

  “Okay. Since you’re an amateur at this, I will have a little mercy on you.”

  He heard the snick of a cap being opened, then felt cold lube drizzle down the crack of his ass. She pulled on a glove before one finger immediately found and breached his asshole, making him moan.

  Not in pain, either.

  “Now, I don’t want your filthy shit on me, so I’m doing you a favor by using a glove.” Another hair-raising giggle. “Otherwise, you’d be tasting shit as you clean my hand off.”

  She started stroking his cock with the other hand, and he wasn’t shocked to soon find himself eagerly rocking his hips in time with her motions despite her now having three fingers buried deep in his ass.

  “There, you see, Hannibal? All you really needed all these years was for me to take you in hand properly and turn you into the little ass-whore you obviously are. Sorry I didn’t recognize that sooner. Had you said you wanted it, I would have given it to you.” She gasped. “Oh, wait, I couldn’t, because you spent all those years abusi
ng me.”

  Her hands disappeared, replaced by the feel of the dildo pressing against his asshole, stretching him way more than her hand had.

  “Now, I know this will hurt, but it’s for your own good. You have to learn your proper place. It’s my job as your wife to teach you exactly where you belong.” She giggled over his moans as she slowly started thrusting, working the dildo deeper into his bowels. “You need to ask me for it, Hannibal. Be a good husband.”

  He tried to form the words, then she slapped his already raw ass with her hand. “Ask for it!”

  “P-please f-fuck my ass, Mary.”

  She smacked his ass again. “What are you? Tell me.”

  “I-I’m your ass-whore. I want you to fuck my ass.” He let out another moan as it pressed against his gland, teasing him, promising him deeper pleasure than he’d ever felt in his life. “Please make me your ass-whore and fuck my ass.”

  She sounded pleased. “That’s right! Good boy!” She thrust, making him cry out as the dildo slid all the way in. He felt her thighs pressed against his ass and she held still after peeling the glove off and dropping it onto the floor next to him.

  “Okay,” she said, her fingers wrapping around the belt and his cock. “Let’s see how many times I can make you come before I get bored.”

  He looked forward and moaned when he spotted the video camera propped up in a chair not feet away. When he looked to one side, he spotted another one.

  It excited him to realize that she would watch him like this the way he’d watched her for all these years.

  What’s happened to me?

  “You’re going to come for me, Hannibal, whether you like it or not. Time for you to understand I am your wife, and as such, I own your body, your orgasms, your tears. No child brides for you, buster. Because I’m alive and well, and for the first time in a long time, I finally have a reason to live again.”

  When she milked the first orgasm out of him he thought his head would explode, between the now pleasant sensation of the dildo fucking his ass and hitting his gland with every deep thrust, and her fingers stroking his cock.

  Exhausted, he hung his head. “I need…I can’t…” But he wanted to. He wanted more.

  Needed more.

  Wanted and needed to please her.

  All she did was pause, coat her hand with lube, and start stroking him again. The medication she’d dosed him with kept him hard even after his orgasm had ended.

  “No, Hannibal. You’ve said it yourself I don’t know how many times over the years. A wife’s job is to pleasure her husband. Well, everyone’s going to see how much pleasure you are having with your ass nice and red and a huge dildo shoved up it.”

  Another of those giggles that were about to drive him to true madness of the bad kind. “And now it’ll be on tape for everyone in the world to watch.” She paused again, leaning in, her weight pressing on his back. “Because they will watch it. It’s going to go onto the Internet, with a little careful audio editing, of course. Everyone’s going to hear you begging for it. Tell me how much you enjoy it, Hannibal.”

  He blubbered, realizing he wasn’t making any sense, a purple haze of insanity taking over from inside and working its way through his brain.

  “Tell me you want it, Hannibal.”

  “I-I…I want it…”

  “Tell me exactly what you want.”

  “I…want my ass fucked.”

  “Ask nicely for it.”

  “Please fuck my ass. I want you to fuck my ass and make me come.”

  “Tell me you love it.”

  “I…I love it.”

  “Now tell me how much you love me.”

  “I love you, Mary. I love you fucking my ass. Please fuck my ass some more and make me come again! I need you to fuck my ass, please!”

  He realized he was now eagerly humping back against her as much as his restraints would allow, his body wanting this, craving this, needing her to fuck him and make him come again for her.

  It was all he wanted.

  She started fucking him, hard and fast as her other hand stroked his increasingly raw cock.

  It shocked him when the second orgasm exploded from him, not as strong as the first, but completing his descent.


  “Please, what, Hannibal? Please don’t stop?”

  “Yes! Please, don’t stop!”

  “Please fuck your ass some more?”

  “Yes, please fuck my ass some more!”

  “You always wanted your ass fucked, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, I always wanted my ass fucked!”

  “Because what are you?”

  “I’m a dirty ass-whore, and this dirty ass-whore needs his ass fucked!”

  Reality shattered, spinning, dumping him somewhere, he wasn’t sure where.

  He no longer cared, either. Because all he wanted was this.

  Chapter Fourteen

  When Hannibal next came to, he found himself seated in the chair at his desk in the condo. He couldn’t move his arms and legs and realized he’d been duct-taped to it.

  He wore a shirt and tie, but he was naked from the waist down. And inside his painfully aching ass, he felt…

  His still-firm cock twitched as he realized there was a butt plug stuffed inside his ass.

  And it wasn’t just the medication making him horny, either.

  Mary, now dressed, stood in front of his desk next to a younger man, who was making adjustments to a camera on a tripod.

  On the desk in front of Hannibal lay a piece of paper.

  Mary held a gun trained on him. “Okay, Hannibal. You’re going to read that exactly as it says, and then when I walk into the frame, you’re going to keep your mouth shut and behave yourself. Understand? If you fuck this up, every time you do, I will use the stun gun on your balls and we’ll start over.”

  He licked his raw, chapped lips and nodded. He’d do anything to please this woman.

  Especially if she’d do that to him again. The fucking.

  Forgive me, for I have massively fucked up my life…

  She turned to the guy and handed him the gun.

  He realized from the way he was sitting behind the desk that she’d lowered the chair so his wrists weren’t visible from the camera.

  She’d apparently planned this well.

  Taking a deep breath, he focused on the words. “My dear beloveds, it has been several long months, but miracles do come true. My dear, sweet Mary has finally been returned home to me.”

  He didn’t even try to process the words, his decades behind the pulpit allowing him to automatically slip into the comforting persona that would take him out of his head for a while.

  “The circumstances no longer matter. Only I am, ultimately, to blame for her leaving. I did not realize that I had neglected her and she felt desperately abandoned by me, prompting her to disappear after having been tricked and used by others. People I had trusted and hired to care for her, people who ultimately used and abused her.

  “The only thing that matters now is that she is home. And effective immediately, I am handing the reins of the church over to her. I need to focus on being a better husband to her and supporting her. The truth is, even before she left on her sabbatical—which I completely understand how it happened—I was not a well man.

  “But now it is time for me to retire. She wishes to continue the work that, for so long, I could never have done had it not been for her loving me and supporting me. She is far stronger than I ever imagined her to be. I also had no idea that her doctor, Dr. Isley, had been drugging her inappropriately and stealing money from us, using her.

  “My inattention to her as a husband is inexcusable, but I am so blessed that she still loves me and wants me despite everything that befell her due to what I caused. I love you, Mary. Having you back is the best Christmas present I could have ever dreamed of.”

  She walked around the desk, a beatific smile on her face as she stepped next to him and laid
a hand on his shoulder. Then she looked down into his eyes. “I love you, too, Hannibal. And I forgive you, because it was others who tried to tear our happy world apart. I just didn’t know it at the time.”

  She turned to the camera. Hannibal was once again fascinated to find his cock twitching as she took over. She sounded strong, forceful, nothing like she had before.

  “It pains me that someone tried to come between my beloved husband and myself,” she said. “It was only after I learned that Dr. Isley had committed suicide—likely out of guilt over what he’d done to me all of these years—that I decided perhaps I should try to escape from the people who claimed they were ‘helping’ me and return. Those videos that have been shown? Doctored, just as Hannibal said. The people who did this stole our private, loving marital moments, manipulated the audio on them, and distributed them to unwitting third parties while claiming they were me. The audio was faked, too. Do not blame the people who posted them. They were pawns in someone else’s game. I will not be pressing charges, either.

  “My happy reunion with my husband was everything I could have hoped it would be. He is honoring my request to step down from his day-to-day duties and handing everything over to me, as it states in our church’s charter. The way we’d set it up so many years ago, as a partnership between us…and God. Our church’s focus from this point forward will be helping our country heal from Kite, helping the world recover, putting our full efforts into producing as many vaccines as is possible so they can be distributed—for free.

  “The church has made so many innovations throughout this difficult time, including ways to help with food production to help alleviate hunger. We want our church to be, from this point forward, a partnership with our members, not of evangelizing simply to speak, but showing God’s love and spirit through our humanitarian acts.”

  She leaned in and kissed Hannibal’s forehead before turning back to the camera. “My husband did the bulk of the public work all these years. He’s agreed it’s time for him to sit back, especially with his increasingly poor health, which he went to great lengths to conceal from everyone, and let me take control and direct the church’s next generation of our world’s spiritual leaders. He’s done an admirable job trying to mask his condition, but he is far more frail and weak than he ever let on.