Read Monkeying Around Page 20

  “What are you waiting for? Get the fuck in here!”

  Ken burst through the door, freezing at the sight.

  Sam stood there, naked and grinning.

  That’s not what caught his attention, though.

  As he pointed his gun down at the floor, it was the sight of Noel lying there on the exam table, also naked, her feet in the stirrups, that had his attention.

  “Damn,” she said. “I was picturing a condom. I didn’t think you meant that when you said ‘full protective gear.’” They both burst out laughing.

  Ken was trying to catch his breath when Sam walked over and took the gun from him, flipping the safety on and laying it on the counter. Then he reached behind Ken and closed and locked the exam room door.

  “Gotcha,” Sam said. “Top that.”

  Ken was still trying to downshift from full alert mode to…whatever the fuck this was. “What?”

  “Surprise!” Noel brightly said, waggling her fingers at him.

  He dropped the shield, ripped off his helmet and dropped that, too, then stepped between her legs. Pulling her up, he kissed her, a fist in her hair and his other arm around her waist.

  “You better fucking be here to tell us you’re back for good,” he hoarsely said when he came up for air. “Otherwise, I’m gonna wanna go suck-start that nine right now.”

  She wrapped her arms around him, staring up into his eyes. “I’m back for good,” she whispered. “I’m all yours.”

  Sam loudly cleared his throat.

  She blew Sam a kiss. “That wasn’t a royal yours. I meant both of yours.”

  “That’s better.”

  Ken pushed her back onto the table, fumbled around and finally got the flak jacket off and dropped it, then shoved his trousers down enough he could get his cock free. He slammed home inside her, enjoying the gasp she let out. Grabbing her legs, he draped them over his shoulders, leaning as far forward as the table would let him.

  Sam leaned in and kissed her as Ken fucked her, hard, fast, angrily to let her know how upset he was with her for leaving them, and more than just a little possessively, too. To let her know that no way in hell would he let her walk away again without a fight to keep her there.

  “You’re gonna get that five-year taken out today,” he hoarsely said. “And then you’re gonna spend the next several fucking weeks totally naked and in bed with the two of us.”

  Her moans grew louder as he picked up the pace and the force of his thrusts. “I warned you that when we got you back I was gonna make sure you wouldn’t leave again. You’re here, sugar, so obviously you want us, ’cause you know I am a man of my word.”

  He timed his thrusts, slowing down, not wanting to blow just yet, wanting to make her come with him. He could tell from her muffled mewling that she was getting close.

  “Gonna take every opportunity I can to get you horny as hell, and if you wanna come, it’s only gonna be with one of our cocks stuffed tight up this beautiful pussy of yours and getting you pregnant.”

  Sam reached between her legs with one hand and started playing with her clit, making her moans even louder despite him kissing her.

  “Yeah, that. Once we get you pregnant, sugar, I plan on spending a lot of time between your legs eating out that sweet pussy of yours. Gonna make you remember how good it is with us so you never even think about leaving us again.”

  He felt her come even before her back arched and her muffled screams filled the room.

  That was his cue to finally let go and empty his balls deep inside her. “Just…like…that.” His fingers dug into the tops of her thighs as he kept his cock deep inside her. “No DP for you, either, until we get you knocked up. No spit-roasts. You made us a promise, baby, and I’m gonna hold you to it.”

  Sam finally lifted his mouth from hers. “Move your goddamned ass,” he said. “I need to bust a nut.”

  Ken stepped around the other side of the table as Sam took his place between her legs and was soon fucking her.

  Ken leaned in close, staring into her eyes. One hand stroked her hair, the other slid between her legs, his fingers finding her swollen clit and playing with it.

  “Missed you so goddamned much, baby,” he said. “Thought you’d fucking gone and died on us.”

  She reached up and laced fingers with him. “Not a chance. I’m too mean. But there’s one slight problem with your plan.”


  She pointed to her left arm, to a little bandage just above her elbow. “India took my five-year out just before you got here.”

  He had to let that sink in for a moment. He slid his hand under her neck and kissed her, hard, enjoying the sound and feel of her moans as he rolled her clit between the fingers of his other hand and sent her into orbit again.

  “Then game fucking on, sugar,” he hoarsely said.

  Sam spoke up, his voice sounding strained. “India said…couple of weeks…to totally wear off.”

  Ken grinned. “Good. Then we’ll be using that time to practice. Build up our stamina.” He kissed her again, relentlessly forcing her toward a third orgasm and enjoying the way she responded to him.

  He’d honestly thought, deep in his heart, that she’d never come back. Maybe not by her choosing, but the world was still a damned dangerous place in many areas.

  Maybe she’d want to come back and a bullet or a Kiter or something would make it so they’d never even know what happened to her.

  This…this was a dream come true.

  “And pick one, but you’re marrying one of us today,” he said. “I don’t give a shit which one of us, but your days of leaving us are over.”

  She nodded, her eyes falling closed as she came again, crying out before he kissed her again and muffled it.

  That tripped Sam over the edge. After several hard, final thrusts, he fell still between her legs. “Didn’t you hear the news?” he finally said.

  “What news?” Ken asked, refusing to look away from her gorgeous face.

  “Mexico passed a law last week allowing plural marriages.”

  “Did they now?”

  “Yeah, damnedest thing. US passed one, too.”

  Noel’s eyes fluttered open and there was that sweet, sated look he’d quickly grown addicted to before. “Guess that means I don’t have to choose, huh?” She smiled.

  Ken kissed her again, just for insurance. “Fucking marry us, baby. Please? Don’t you leave us again.”

  She cupped his cheek in her hand. “Yes, I’ll marry you,” she softly said, “and yes, you can gladly fuck me pregnant. Um…but there’s just one teensy tiny thing you two have to do first.”

  Ken frowned. “What?”

  They were interrupted by someone loudly pounding on the exam room door.

  “Gentlemen,” her father called from the other side. “If your reunion with my daughter is over, please join me out here. We have some unfinished business to attend to.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “Why are we doing this, again, exactly?” Gia asked. She had been out on patrol, called in by India to welcome the newcomers and witness…this.

  Noel shrugged. “It’s my dad. Go figure.”

  “I’m not even sure this is legal,” Gia said.

  “It’s just paintball guns.”

  “Yeah, but your dad looks like he wants to use live ammo on them.”

  India snorted. “Yeah, we all got an earful of you three in there. Wow. That got me wet and horny just listening.”

  Noel reddened in the face but didn’t reply. She wasn’t even sure where he’d gotten the paintball guns from, and hadn’t seen them in his gear while caravanning to Mexico from the States with the others, but somehow, it didn’t surprise her.

  She was just glad he’d let them have a reunion before running her men through the gauntlet. That had taken a lot of begging and pleading on her part on the way over to the clinic once he’d told her all his plans.

  She’d even had to remind him that he’d ordered her to leave h
im behind in Manila. Then her mom—who hadn’t heard that part of the story before—stepped in, put her foot down, and told him he would let them have their reunion first.

  Then he could hunt them down and shoot them.

  What Noel hadn’t expected was for him and her mom to actually be in the clinic during her reunion with her guys. She thought they were coming over later.

  Her father had decided not to wait, apparently.

  Sam and Ken looked unsure, glancing back at her as they stood outside the entrance to the wildly overgrown former city park.

  “Five more minutes,” her mom called out, looking like she was enjoying this entirely too much.

  India walked over. “Hey, check this out.” She hooked a finger over her shoulder, pointing.

  They turned. Bubba was talking to an older local woman who was blushing and smiling like a smitten teenager at his attention.

  “Who is she?” Noel asked.

  “That’s Mama. The other Mama. The unofficial matron of our clinic, and a widow. And I’ve never seen her giving anyone googly eyes before.”

  “Huh. Well, good for them,” Noel said.

  “She doesn’t speak much English,” India said.

  “That’s okay,” Noel assured her. “He’s fluent in Spanish.”

  Doc and Tango walked over. “Did you see Bubba and Mama over there?” Doc asked in a low, amused tone. Doc and Tango would be working at the clinic, adding their medical talents to the staff and helping shoulder the growing caseload at the expanding facility.

  “We were just talking about that,” Clara said.

  “Hey,” Sam called out to Noel. “Anything else you want to say about this?”

  “Yeah. Shoot first and don’t miss. He won’t hesitate to aim for your head or your balls.”

  “Don’t forget to double-tap him,” her mom added.

  The men rolled their eyes. They’d no sooner gotten dressed and the exam room door opened than her mom had basically marched her out of there, leaving her poor men to be taken charge of by her father.

  She’d honestly thought her dad had been joking about this crucible when he’d first mentioned it on their way down to Colima from the States.

  Of all people, she should have known better.

  Now it was twenty minutes later, and all of the Drunk Monkeys and crew, and a few of the townspeople, were standing at the park entrance. Her father had apparently prepared quite well for this and done his homework in advance of their arrival, much to Noel’s dismay.

  Not that he could stop her from having a relationship with Sam and Ken, but it would damn sure make her life a lot easier if the two men could beat him handily the first time out.

  Otherwise, it might make their weekly family dinners a little…awkward.

  Appealing to her mother in this case would do no good either, she knew. She hadn’t lifted a finger to intercede on Noel’s behalf in the great driving permit wars of Noel’s sixteenth year.

  The only way through it was through it.

  A large group of them had traveled down to Mexico together, all the remaining Drunk Monkeys and their families who’d come with them, to resettle there in Colima. They’d wanted it to be a surprise for their friends and had hoped to arrive two days earlier, except a washed out bridge had taken them over two hundred miles out of their way and slowed them down.

  The town of Colima had just grown by over thirty more people.

  Not including the fact that Kyong, Stacie, and Shasta were pregnant.

  Noel was hoping to soon join their ranks. The sooner, the better.

  “Time,” her mom said. “Good luck, gentlemen. You’ll need it.”

  “And we’re supposed to do what, exactly?” Sam asked. “Shoot him?”

  Her mom nodded. “You have twenty minutes. And she’s right. He’ll aim for your balls or head. Better get moving.”

  The men exchanged a glance before heading into the park.

  Doc chuckled. “Wow. And here I thought Celia’s sister grilled the two of us when she first met us back in Chicago. We had it easy.”

  Tango slapped him on the shoulder. “Dude. We had it real easy.” Their brother-in-law would be opening a garage there in town with Stacia, Dolce, and some of the others. Kyong and Quentin already had a head start on building a small airport in Colima, the landing strip already repaved and in great shape.

  Their little town would be a peaceful oasis in a world finally starting to settle down.

  “You got this, guys,” Nolan called out at their disappearing backs. “Remember, you trained for this shit.”

  Kenner held up a hand and flipped them a bird as Nolan cackled in glee.

  Noel nervously stood there next to her mom. “Dad does realize I’m still marrying them tonight whether or not he beats them in there, right?”

  “He knows, sweetheart, but let him enjoy this. You’re our only child.”

  “I saved his freaking life in Manila,” she groused. “All three of us did. Wasn’t that good enough? And I fought shoulder-to-shoulder in Germany with him to clear out the Kiters and exfil all of you. I think the three of us have proven our point that we’re worthy.”

  “Almost. That’s why he’s only going to make them do this once, win or lose, and he’s not making you do it.”

  “But why make them do it at all?”

  Her mom shrugged. “You should have seen him on our honeymoon. Thank god I missed his balls and hit him in the thigh. That would have sucked.” She looked at her daughter. “Hey, thank your lucky stars I’m a better shot than him or you might never have been conceived.”

  Noel clapped her hands over her ears. “Ew, TMI, Mom!”

  She arched an eyebrow at Noel. “Really? That wasn’t exactly a soundproofed exam room, honey.”

  “Oh. My. God! Mom, please just stop talking!”

  * * * *

  Sam was having a hard time getting his mind around the plan. He’d barely started getting the hang of civvie life and not waking up at every noise he heard.

  He hadn’t exactly given Noel time to tell them about her dad’s plan, either. He’d given her exactly one chance to say no to India removing her five-year. When Noel had told him she was good with that, then it was game on, motherfucker.

  That he’d gotten a chance to get one up on Ken was a bonus.

  Unfortunately, it looked like Noel’s father was going to get one up on both of them.

  He tapped Ken on the shoulder and pointed to him to go to the right.

  Sam headed to the left, painfully aware of every noise around them and that her father could be anywhere inside the four-square-block park.

  What the hell is this? I was having a nice reunion with my girlfriend and her parents basically walk in on us.

  Just the thought of getting to be with her again already had him at half-chub.


  He’d already lost sight and track of Ken. The older man had completely vanished into the park, leaving no trace behind.

  While he had, from afar, admired the man’s determination and tenacity as related by Tank, right now it was just irritating the snot out of him.

  Something whizzed by his left ear and he ducked, seeing a splash of pink splatter against a tree trunk behind where he’d been standing.

  Holy crap!

  Under cover, he looked and couldn’t even see so much as a leaf rustle.

  No, he hadn’t expected this to be easy, but…fuck!

  He picked up the pace, circling around what he guessed to be close to the outer perimeter of the park. When he caught a flash of khaki moving through the trees he fired, moving fast away from it and toward where he hoped Ken was heading. Then he ducked at the sight of leaves rustling in front of him, hiding behind a tree trunk.

  Ken emerged from the foliage and Sam grabbed him, pulling him behind the tree.

  “He almost got me.”

  “Almost got me, too,” Ken muttered. “Fucker’s spooky.”

  “I think I got him.”

“He didn’t yell he was hit.”

  They split up again. It was only sheer luck that Sam spotted the shadow on the ground and whirled around in time to fire up into the trees, hitting Noel’s father with a ball that splashed blue across his chest, over his heart.

  “Ha!” He jogged toward the entrance. “Got him!” he called out to Ken.

  “About fucking time,” Ken called back.

  They joined up again at the entrance and were walking out when Ken, a step behind him, let out a shout of pain. Sam was turning to ask what happened when two paintballs painfully smacked him right in the back of his head, making him shout out in pain, too.

  Both he and Ken turned to see James Tanakasawa standing there with a smug look on his face. Sam imagined the back of his head was now coated with pink paintball goo, just like Ken’s.

  Noel and her mom walked over to join them. Her mom examined the blue splash across her husband’s chest. “Tsk. You only got him once. I warned you boys to double-tap him. He doesn’t consider one shot a kill shot unless it’s in the head. Those are our family rules.”

  Speechless, Ken and Sam turned to look at each other, then Noel.

  She wore a smile. “Well, guys, at least he didn’t get you in the balls.”

  The man walked up and extended his hand to Sam. “Still, you did shoot me first. I’ll consider it a win for you since it would have been a kill shot with a bullet.”

  Sam shook with him. “Then, no offense, sir, why the hell did you peg us standing here?”

  He grinned as he shook with Ken. “You two are sleeping with my little girl. It’s just a friendly warning what could happen to you if you break her heart.”


  “Oh, he’s all huff and puff, sweetheart,” her mom said as she hooked an arm through her husband’s. “He likes them. If he hadn’t, he would have shot them in the balls.”

  Sam stared at Noel. She shrugged. “Sorry?”

  Rolling his eyes, he pulled her in for a long kiss. “You, my gorgeous sight for sore eyes, aren’t leaving our sight for a while.”

  Ken took over and kissed her, too. “Let’s go grab showers and then hunt down the padre. We’ve got a little matter of making this legal to take care of.”