Read Moon Struck: When Were & Howl Book 1 Page 18

  Chapter 18

  Rob had crossed a one more name off the list while Ali and I removed two more. We met up again at Ali's house. She yawned for a good thirty seconds, and Rob convinced her that he and I could finish with the list.

  The next name on the list was a teenage werewolf by the name of Tyler Baker. His house was a small one-story in a crowded part of town. Rob was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, so at least he didn't look too badly out of place. With the window rolled down, I could hear everything they said.

  A woman with graying hair swept back in a braid answered the door. “Whatever it is you're selling, I don't want it.”

  “I'm not selling anything. We're looking for Tyler Baker? He's missed a few of the full moons and we wanted to make sure he was okay.” Rob used that super-smile that could charm a cactus.

  “I'm so glad you stopped by. I'm at my wit's end. Tyler is adopted, and none of the rest of us have the full moon changes. He stopped going because the changes stopped. I don't know what to do.” She opened the door wider, “Tyler is at that werewolf park. ”

  Rob handed her his business card. “We're going to swing by the park and see if we can talk to him there. If we don't run into him, can you have him call this number? We may be able to help him with his problem.”

  The woman took the card, “Thank you. He's been so depressed lately.”

  “Ma'am, any wolf who loses their ability to shift is bound to get depressed. If we're able to get his wolf back, I'm sure he'll be happier.” Rob would know. I never thought I'd miss being a mouse if it came down to it, but I suppose I would.

  “I hope this helps. Would you like to come in for a few minutes? I just have a few questions.”

  Rob looked over his shoulder. Just in case he needed permission, I nodded. “Maybe for a few minutes.”

  I waited in the car for an eternity in wolf time. In human time, it was only twenty minutes. Afterward, we drove to the park where werewolves are most likely to roam during full moons. The park is huge with ample room for us were-types to cavort in. As a mouse, I never had much use for it. This was actually the first time I'd even been there.

  Trails wove in and out of the trees and the werewolf park was in many ways a forest playroom for wolves.

  “It's rare to find humans lingering about here. I'll just walk along one of these paths. If you can use your nose to sniff out the humans, we should be able to find him if he's here.” Rob said.

  It was nice of him to actually come to the park with me. He'd suggested going home and waiting for Tyler to call, which was a whine-worthy moment in my opinion. But I only whined a little. Tired of four legs and drool, it was time for a cure.

  A few scents caught my attention, the first a cologne that seemed promising. I followed the scent through the park, only to be disappointed upon discovering a middle-aged man instead of the teenager I was hoping for.

  His skin was normally dark, but in the light he seemed almost gray, and he wheezed when he spoke.

  “Are you a...” He gulped a breath and then another. I frowned or at least did the wolfish version of a frown. Something was wrong here. I stepped forward while he struggled for another breath, “were or pet?”

  “Awoo” I leapt onto the bench next to him.

  He coughed and struck himself in the chest. “Sure wish you were a were. I think I need help.”

  He was having a heart attack. I put a paw on his hand and howled for all I was worth, hoping I wouldn't upset him. Rob would know it was me. He would come and then he could call for help. The howl probably carried some panic. That's how I felt, frightened and helpless. He looked bad. Something about the way he struggled, the way he seemed to force his head up every time he took a breath.

  “Name,” He winced and gasped, “Ned.” It took all his breath just to say those words.

  I would have told him to save his air if only I had words.

  I howled again. A lady came running out of the woods. Strange. I thought my panicked howl would only bring Rob. She stopped when she saw me and looked like she would turn around.

  Ned stared off into the distance. “What a strange...”

  And that was all he said. Ned's head fell to his chest and he didn't say another word. I tried to put my head by his chest to hear his heart but I couldn't even tell if I was close enough and his head got in the way. I howled again.

  This time the woman turned back and ran up to the park bench. She touched Ned's hand. “Are you okay?”

  Rob sprinted out of the trees from the other direction. He was at the bench before the woman decided she hadn't felt a pulse.

  “I think he's dead.”

  Pulling him off the bench, Rob started CPR. “Call an ambulance.”

  I paced back and forth, feeling helpless in my wolf paws. A couple ran out of woods. “I can help.”

  When Rob felt for a pulse, there was still no heartbeat.

  Ned. His name is Ned. The thought kept running through my mind. It bugged me so much. Maybe if I had been human, I could have helped him right away and he wouldn't be laying there without a heartbeat. At least the ambulance would have been there sooner.

  But then if I were human, we wouldn't be in the park. Maybe Ned would have died alone.

  “Help is coming.” That from the lady on the phone. She wore a pink jogging suit, a strand of hair had fallen out of her pony tail. I thanked her silently for not turning completely away the second time I howled.

  Rob was dripping with sweat. I'd never seen such a determined look before. He was wasted on real estate. He would have made a great paramedic.

  Ned still looked grey. It was so strange. I had been talking to him, exchanging words and then there were no more words. I felt so young. No one close to me had ever died, and the feeling that somehow this person was dying stunned me to the core. I'd never seen anything like this. I felt a strange shock, almost awe that life could come and go so quickly.

  When I heard the sirens, I whined. It was a natural impulse, one I couldn't control. Did anyone think of meeting the paramedics in the parking lot. I barked once and sprinted for the ambulance, hoping I could make myself understood once I got there. At least in a were park, they would be more likely to follow me.

  A police cruiser and fire truck pulled into the parking lot first. The ambulance was still coming.

  From the pathway, the woman in pink ran waving her hands. “Over here.”

  I trotted alongside the firemen until we neared the park bench. Rob was red and dripping, his sleeves were pushed up and there were sweat stains under his arms. I was so proud of him.

  When the fireman took over, he staggered away, wiping his forehead. Scanning the crowd, he found me weaving my way to him and came over.

  “He's been down a long time.” Rob said in a whisper to me.

  I was glad to have the kind of vocal chords that didn't work with words, because I had no idea what to say. I made a little noise in the back of my throat. Rob scratched the top of my head, and we watched.

  The paddles didn't work the first time. I felt an incredible sinking in my heart. We were all drawn like a magnet to the lifeless form on the grass. The second jolt worked, coinciding with the arrival of the ambulance team.

  “Shall we go?” Rob's words were quiet beside me. I'd forgotten he was standing there.

  I nodded. My whole soul felt quiet, and I longed more than anything for home.