Read More Than Her Page 21

  I shook my head.

  Then the door swung open. Mom stood in the doorway, her arms crossed. "It's midday, Dimmy. Get out of bed. Were you guys having sex?"

  "Oh my God," I heard him mutter. He began to blush.

  "Mom!" I warned. "We're not having sex, we were sleeping."

  She rolled her eyes.

  "We're clothed. See?" I lifted the covers so she could see for herself.

  "Shit," Logan huffed, quickly covering his hard on with his hands. He rushed to grab the blanket from my grip and covered himself. "What the hell?" he whispered to me, shaking his head, his eyes huge.

  I laughed.

  "It's not funny," he ground out.

  Mom slowly closed the door, "Your dad sure as hell never looked that good."

  The second she was out, Logan was on me. "What the hell?" he said again.

  I laughed. Again.

  I got out of bed and stood at the edge. "Come on, Lucas. Let me make you some breakfast."


  Logan wanted to go to his house and speak to his dad about the whole long lost sister issue. I told him I'd wait for him in his pool house.

  So that's where I was, going through his clothes and pulling out all his old sports jerseys.

  He walked in a half hour later. His eyes instantly went to the pile of clothes on his bed. "You ready?" he asked, his eyes remaining on the pile.

  "Nearly," I told him, packing the clothes into an old gear bag I found.

  He strolled over to help me, picking up an old basketball jersey and putting it in his bag. “What are you doing?"

  I shrugged, "I can't be in bed with you while wearing some other assholes jersey." I reached up and kissed him quickly

  “Okay, pretty girl.”


  I leaned over the center console and took his hand in mine. He was driving us home. "What are you going to do, Logan?"

  He eyed me sideways, and then pursed his lips. "I really don't know." He shrugged. "It's not going to change with time, right? So I guess I'll just think about it, you know?"

  I nodded. "Thank you, for sharing that with me. I know it must have been hard for you."

  He brought our hands to his mouth, kissed the inside of my wrist, and then rested them on his lap. His shoulders lifted. "You're my person, Amanda. It's what we do, right?"



  It's official.

  She has my balls and she's not giving them back. Ever.

  It'd been a week since Amanda and I became a thing, but we've both been so busy with practice and classes and work and study that we barely had time to see each other. I was so busy doing double practice sessions because of the upcoming game, that I didn't even have time to drive her to work. I picked her up every night, but by the time we got home, we were both too tired to talk about our days, let alone fool around. I cop a tit touch every now and then, but that was as far as it went.

  She asked the night we got back if I wanted to talk more about what happened when I was a kid. I said no. I also told her that no one else knew about it. Not even the adoption side. No one but Jake and Micky. It wasn't that I didn't trust anyone; I just didn't want people's pity. I especially didn't want hers. So she left it alone and hasn't asked since.

  I was sitting in my bed, books all over the place, when I heard the front door slam shut, "Babe?" she yelled.


  She came into the room, dropped her backpack to the floor and fell forward onto the bed with her head on my lap. "I'm so deliriously tired," she muffled into my leg.

  I tried to contain my laugh. "Have a nap."

  Her head lifted to face me so she could show me the most exaggerated eye roll ever. "If I had time to nap I wouldn't have this issue, Asshat."

  "Sorry," I grimaced. "You're in a good mood."

  She grunted. "I have to be at work in an hour." Her head fell back on my lap.

  "Can someone cover your shift?"

  "No!" she snapped.

  Clearly I was an idiot for even asking.

  She lifted her head again, staring at my lap for a few seconds. Then she raised her hands lazily and started to undo the drawstring of my pants. "Let's have sex," she announced through a yawn.

  What? "What?" I tried to jerk my hips back but there was nowhere to go.

  "I don't know," she rushed out, starting to put her hand down my pants.

  I grabbed it, "What the hell are you doing?" I laughed out.

  She let out a frustrated moan. "I don't know. I don't know what's happening right now. I'm so tired. Is this real life?" She pouted. She looked so damn cute. "Logan?" she sighed, flipping over and looking up at me.

  I stroked her hair, trying to relax her. "Yeah?"

  "Please don't be mad but I have to work during your game tomorrow. Everyone else already had tickets and I couldn't get out of it. I'm sorry. Don't hate me." Her eyes began to drift shut.

  "That sucks."



  "Why haven't we had sex yet?"

  "Because it's not just sex with you. It never will be."



  Game days were always so busy at the bar. But today was hectic because it was the first game of the season. I tried to watch as much as I could on the big screen but I was completely distracted and useless at my job.

  Everyone’s eyes were glued to the screen, Jake was pitching, and Logan was catching. It was the top of the ninth; the opposition had two outs, two strikes. This pitch could make or break their perfect game. The buzz so far was that it was the Andrews/Matthews dynamic. Personally, I just thought my boy was that fucking amazing.

  I didn't see it but I heard it. Loud cheers on the screen as well as in the bar broke the intensity. Everyone was on their feet, celebrating. I walked through the patrons so I could see the TV. The camera was on Jake and Logan, talking shit as they walked to the dugout. Both carried huge grins. Logan had his mask off, his dimples on full show. My heart swelled— if anyone deserved to have a moment like this—it was him.

  I got lifted off the floor by someone's arms around me. At first I panicked, but when I realized it was just Shane, Ethan's friend, I celebrated with him. "I'll see you at your house!" he yelled.


  He threw his head back in laughter. "Ethan called!" He had to scream over the celebrations around us. "Party at your house!"

  Normally, I'd be pissed. But right now, I just didn't care.

  The game got closed out and the bar emptied out pretty soon after. Because we were so close to campus, most of the patrons were students, which meant I'd probably see them at my house.


  Two hours later I finally pulled into the driveway. Ethan let me borrow his car because he knew he'd be drinking. There were people all over the house, and the music was blaring.

  I saw a bunch of girls and guys on the front lawn. I recognized the guys from the team. Was everyone here? All of a sudden I was nervous. It was different when it was just me and Logan and our close friends, but I don't know what it'd be like in front of everyone. I know I shouldn't be, and a part of me hates that I was, but I couldn’t help being insecure when it came to him. I was confident with how he felt about me. It was just how other people felt about us. I shouldn't give a shit. But I did.

  I made my way into the house and walked to the kitchen. And he was there, leaning against the counter, beer in his hand, his arms crossed over his chest. He had two girls in front of him. They held hands, clearly trying to flirt. Probably trying for a threesome. He shook his head, clearly uninterested in whatever they were offering.

  He must've sensed me in the room, because his eyes moved around, until finally, they locked on mine.

  I stood there and waited. Anticipating his next move.

  Slowly, he began to smile, it got wider and wider until his dimples got as deep possible. He wordlessly kicked off th
e counter, walked between the two girls, until he stood in front me. So close our chests touched. Then we just stared at each other, wearing the same stupid goofy grins. Without a word, he took my hand and led me to his room, closing the door behind him.

  "I wish I was there," I said, the same time he said, "I wish you were there."

  Then we laughed at each other.

  I sat on the bed.

  He paced the floor. It was obvious the adrenaline from the game was still flowing through him.

  "Oh God," he started, his fingers linked behind his head, "I couldn’t even explain what it was like."

  "Try!" I told him. I needed to know. I wanted to share the excitement with him.

  He faced me, his smile huge. He shook his head, like he couldn’t believe it. "It was just—I don't know. Being out there—and the crowd cheering—it was so loud!" He started to get animated. His words coming out in a rushed. "It was unbelievable. I mean—I've played before, but it was never about me. And this time, it kind of was, you know? And the crowd was wild. Like, crazy wild. And I got to share that with my best friend. How fucking good is that?! You know, not many people could say they experienced something like that. I mean Jake—he's probably used to it. But for me, it was kind of a big deal—being out there. I just—" he stopped abruptly, then stepped up to me. He looked in my eyes. "Why are you crying?"

  I wiped my face, surprised. I didn't even know I was. "I'm sorry," I sniffed, wiping them with the back of my hand. "It's just—" I level my breathing. "After everything that's happened to you, and you just—it's like you don't even let it get to you. And you—you deserve to have this moment, Logan. You deserve all the amazing moments in the world. I just—I'm so happy for you and I'm being a sucky person because this should be about you and I can't stop crying," I was doing that half laugh, half cry thing. "I just—I want you to be happy."

  He laughed a little, taking a seat next to me. "I am happy," he said, pulling my head to his chest. He took my hand and kisses the inside of my wrist. "And you're not a sucky person. And even if you are—you're my sucky person."


  We ran out of alcohol an hour ago. It was around the same time most people bailed. Funny how that happens. Now it was just us and our friends in the back yard. We were all a little buzzed. It was good times.

  Amanda changed out of her uniform and into a dress. I don't know shit about girl’s clothes but I know they made her tits look huge. I'd been staring at them all night. She had nice tits. I should probably tell her that more often. She knew how I felt about her ass. I wonder if her body parts get envious of each other. Maybe I should tell her I loved her entire body. Maybe I should tell her I love—wait. No.

  "Oh, okay," Micky said, pulling me from thoughts. "Maybe I should remind you that I answered a call on your phone from Marissa just last week."

  Lucy gasped.

  The guys stayed silent. We know when to keep our mouths shut.

  Amanda obviously didn't, "Who's Marissa?" she said from next to me. I shook my head at her. She shrugged.

  "Jakes super model ex-girlfriend," Micky answered.

  "She's not my ex-girlfriend."

  "Whatever," Micky huffed.

  "Dude," Jake said to me. "Tell her."

  I took in a deep breath. "She's not." I said to Micky. "They never dated. She wanted to. She invited herself as his date for prom. I think they fooled around a couple of times." Micky's face contorted to a look of disgust. "Not sex." I clarified.

  "Oh, well that helps." She rolled her eyes.

  Then Dylan spoke up, "Who gives a shit. You guys are all good now. That's all that matters, right?" There's a hint of anger in his tone, but no one digs further.

  It was quiet for a moment. No one wanting to speak. Dylan had that kind of presence. Amanda nudged my side, a questioning look on her face. I guess she hadn't seen this side of Dylan before.

  I just smiled at her, my arm going around her shoulder, I leaned in to tell her something but my cap hit her head, she laughed. Faced me, turned it backwards, then resumed her position. "Are you buzzed?" she asked.

  Yes. "I think maybe a little. But fuck, I missed you," I whispered into her ear.

  The others had started talking again, ignoring us.

  She bit her lip, turning her head and facing me. I saw her slowly leaning in. My heart started to pound faster. I licked my lips and waited.

  But then the back door opened and I heard Heidi. "Hey guys," she greeted, causing Amanda to pull away. I threw my head back, frustrated. And then caught Lucy smirking. She tipped her beer towards me. I did the same.

  "Nice of you to fucking join us," Dylan spat.

  Heidi took a step forward, getting closer to him. "I told you had sorority stuff to take care of." She sounded pissed. Amanda leaned closer into me. I rubbed her arm up and down.

  Everyone watched Dylan and Heidi.

  "Sure. Sorority stuff." He rolled his eyes, mocking her tone. "You mean stuff with that asshole, Jonah"

  "Not now, D." She was getting more and more annoyed.

  "Not now, she says." He faced everyone, then looked up at her. "Then when? When do you think you might be able to schedule your fucking boyfriend into your life, huh?"

  He was on his feet, in her face. We never saw Dylan and Heidi argue, so the fact that this was happening right now had us all a little on edge.

  "Oh wait..." Dylan continued. And I don't know much about girls, but I was pretty sure this would be about the time he shut the fuck up. Whatever it was that was going on between them must have been boiling for a while. Dylan never talked shit to Heidi. Ever. "Maybe I should ask Jonah when he's free, maybe clear it with him."

  "You’re an asshole!" She yelled, wiping tears.

  "Dude," Jake tried to calm the situation.

  "Shut up, Jake," Dylan warned. He must be wasted.

  Then the Pre-Heidi Dylan came out. "I'm getting sick of your shit, Heidi. You wanna be with him. Do it. Leave. But you have to do it. You have to be the one to break up with me."

  What the fuck was happening?

  He went on. "You don't think girls are up in my shit every day. You don't see it do you? You know why? Because I make it fucking clear that I'm not interested in anyone but you. So how do I get treated? Like shit. You ignore me for days, and spend all your time with that asshole!"

  "Fuck you, Dylan!" She turned and walked away.

  "Fuck," Dylan breathed out. Then he chased after her before any of us could get a word in.

  It was dead silent.

  No one wanted to speak.

  Then a slapping sound was heard.

  I heard Cam yelp, and his chair being pushed back. He was on his feet rubbing his head, facing Lucy. "What the fuck, Luce?"

  "Why the fuck don't you ever go all jealous-and-hot-alpha on me?"

  "Are you fucking kidding me right now?"

  "Fuck you Cameron. I want that same fucking treatment. I'm gonna start chatting up assholes on a daily." I looked at the ground next to her chair; there were five empty beers.

  Then Jake laughed.

  Everyone faced him.

  "Shit, dude, does she know about Mike?"

  I laughed too, remembering Mike.

  "What?" She turned to Jake, and then to me. "What were you talking about?"

  "Shut up." Cam instructed, directed at me.

  I laughed harder. And just to be an asshole, I don't listen to Cam, instead I tell Lucy the story. About how I overheard this kid, Mike, that went to our high school, talking about Lucy in the locker rooms. He was her partner in some class and he bragged about how he could see her tits whenever she bent over. She gasped at this point, but I kept going. I told her how I mentioned it to Cam, and the next day Mike came to school with a black eye. He wouldn't tell anybody how he got it. Cam looked at me with 'shut the fuck up' clear on his face, but I didn't care.

  Lucy was staring at Cam in shock. Her face flushed from the alcohol.

  Then Amanda gasped from next to me. "Oh my God," she started. "Remember that guy—your partner from journalism class? The one that asked you out last semester? Cam was behind you...and he didn't know..." she trailed off.

  "Oh God," Lucy whispered.

  Amanda giggled. "That was the last time you saw him in class, remember? He dropped the class."

  Cam looked at the ground, shaking his head.

  She continued, leaning closer to me again, "And every time you see him, he bee lines the opposite direction!" She was all out laughing. So was Micky.

  "Is it true?" Lucy asked Cam softly, standing up from her chair.

  "Whatever," Cam ground out. "I'm pissed at you, Luce. Don't treat me like that."

  "Holy shit, Cameron," she said seductively. We all watched, trying to hold in our laughs.

  "Dammit, Lucy. I mean it." He said, squaring his shoulders and facing her.

  She bit her lip and looked him up and down. Amanda held onto my arm, her face pressed against it to block her giggles.

  Lucy eye's zoned in on Cam's junk.

  He covered his dick with both his hands. "I mean it, Lucy."

  He took a step back.

  She took a step forward.

  "Quit objectifying me!" he yelled. "I have feelings, you know!"

  She took a few more steps forward until she was in front of him. She placed her hand over his; still covering his parts, and raised her eyebrows.

  "No," he warned.

  She pouted.

  "No," he said again.

  She licked her lips.

  "Oh, fuck it!" he grunted, before lifting her over his shoulders. He bumped fists with me on the way out.

  "I want you to fuck me rough tonight," we heard her say.

  The second we heard it the door shut, we all let go of our laughs.

  A minute later Ethan came home with James in tow. Jake stood up, "We're out." Micky just shook her head, following behind him.