Read More Than Her Page 29

  Now to the books:

  Alexis at Reality Bites, Let’s Get Lost Book Blog. You were the first blogger to give me a chance, I can’t tell you how much that means to me.

  Donna and Willow at The Romance Cover Book Blog; for believing in MTT, and organizing my first blog tour, while holding my hand and answering my stupid questions.

  Michele Tucker - for being the first to reach out and say hello and friend me, and tell me my story reminded you of The Sea of Tranquility (!!!), and also for introducing me to Ari at

  Ari - you’re so much more than just the amazing artist that designed my cover, you became a friend, a confidante, a hand holder, a back patter and tour guide into the crazy world that is books. You also introduced me to Chantal.

  Chantal Fernando - My everyday chat buddy. Thank god for Facebook, and it’s ability to stop us from doing what we should be doing. Like walking, exercising, and all that jazz. I love our daily talks about our daily lives (baby poop face). Thank you for encouraging and supporting me when I had no idea what I was doing. You have been my go to when I had my “author pants” on and freaked out over the littlest things. My name will forever be in the front of a NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLER.


  Jacqueline Russell, Jacqueline’s Reads - Thank you for leading me when I was blind and helping me get around this whole author/reader/blogger world. You helped me when I had no idea how to promote myself, and I’ll forever be thankful for your honesty and support. It means the world.

  Tricia Santos - You are amazing. I don’t know how you live your life always on the go, and always have time for me and my “author pants” - but I love that you do. Thank you for beta reading this story and your honesty. I hope that we stay friends for a long time - because as sucky as this sounds - considering I’m only 10 years older than you - I can’t wait to watch you grow up and become an amazing woman.

  Chelcie - My sister from a paler mister. My 6 foot Filipina by association of asian persuasion. I love your guts. Hard. And not because you loved my book, but because I’m your future—Only you will get that. Be strong, live life. Laugh with your girls, love with your husband. You are so much more than what you give yourself credit for. Be the person you want to be, and say fuck you to anyone that doesn’t like who that is.

  Tina and Alex Dunn - Yes, I include your husband, because I need to be blamed for taking you away from him and possible sexy times, multiple times. I bet you’re glad you stalked me, became my friend, and then offered to be my PA. Now you get stuck on teaser image/blog tour/contest organizing/constant first hand “author pants”-ing. We’re kind of obsessed with each other, it’s probably not healthy, but I don’t think either of us care. Like when I say, “I’m going away for the weekend.” And you don’t ask where, or with who, or how long…but you say, “Will you have wifi?"

  All bullshit aside though, I wouldn’t even know where I would be without you. Apart from my family, you are the one constant in my life. I love how genuine you are. I love that you shoot straight and aim high, and I love that you motivate me to be more.

  Maybe This Time

  By Chantal Fernando

  Chapter One


  This isn't exactly how I expected to meet him for the first time.

  I wait outside the jail, nervously glancing around as if someone could mug me at any second.

  And they probably could.

  Finally, after an hour of waiting, he walks out. He's tall and muscular, with a familiar head of light brown hair. His stride is confident, sure. A smile quirks his full lips when he sees me, and he instantly quickens his pace. As he steps right in front of me, I stare into hazel eyes that are so different from my own dark brown.

  “Summer,” he says, his eyes crinkling with warmth. I huff out a sigh, trying to look put out, but then fall into his embrace the second he opens his arms to me. I squeeze him tight, not wanting to let go.

  He smells like cigarettes and leather, but I couldn’t care less.

  “'Bout time you came home,” he says, rubbing my back.

  “I know, I just felt guilty,” I say truthfully, pulling from his embrace. If my mother was alive, she wouldn’t want me to be here.

  “You have no reason to feel guilty. Come on, let’s get out of here.”

  I nod and watch as my brother gets into my car.


  “You gonna tell me why I had to pick you up from jail?” I can’t stop myself from asking.

  “Misunderstanding,” is all he tells me. It’s a bit late for me to play the big sister role, so I don’t ask him anything else. Instead I sigh, and ask him for directions to his house.

  Xander is only a year younger than me, but this is the first time I've met him in person. I can’t help glancing at him from the corner of my eye every now and again, taking in his every movement, his every feature. His hair is long, almost to his shoulders, and he has a dimple in his chin. He's covered in tattoos, with two full sleeves and even a few peeking out from under his collar. His knuckles are split open, like he’d gotten into a fight recently.

  I've waited for this day for years, but now that it’s here I’m not quite sure what to say or do.

  “You might wanna keep your eyes on the road,” he says, amusement lacing his tone. I don’t answer him, but turn my head forward. Xander leans forward and puts the CD player on. Drake’s ‘Started from the Bottom’ starts to play, and I can feel his amused gaze on me. He skips to the next song, which happens to be ‘How Do You Want It’ by 2pac. He turns the music off and the rest of the drive is quiet.

  “Turn left here, and keep going.” I follow his instructions, glad for the distraction.

  “Right here, Summer. It’s the third house on the left,” he says, pointing.

  “Okay. Dad won’t be here, will he?” I ask quietly after we pull up in the driveway to a large brick house.

  Not what I was expecting at all.

  Xander flashes me an unreadable look. “No, he’s not here.” I exhale in relief. No way am I ready to see him just yet.

  “Open the boot and I’ll get your bags,” Xander offers. My brother is chivalrous, interesting. Looks like my mother was wrong about him in so many ways.

  I lean against the car, playing with the rips in my distressed jeans as he takes out my bags. He starts to walk towards the house, dragging my pink leopard print suit case with him. I bite my lip, trying not to laugh at a rough looking man covered in tattoos with such a girly accessory. Xander turns around when he realizes I’m not following him, and raises an eyebrow in question.

  I reluctantly take a step towards the house.

  Towards my new life.

  My temporary new life, or so I’ve been telling myself. Xander opens the door wide for me to enter, and I hesitantly step in behind him.

  This is the house that Xander grew up in, with my father.

  Our father.

  And I’d never even seen it until today. My greedy eyes take every detail in, until my gaze stops on Xander watching me closely.

  “Your room is the first on the right.” I don’t know what he saw when he looked at me, but it caused him to soften.

  “Okay,” I say, heading towards my room.

  “I’ll go out and get us some dinner. Make yourself at home, Summer,” I hear him say behind me.

  I nod, even though he can't see it.

  The house might be older, but inside it looks modern and welcoming. My room is spacious, especially compared to my old room. My mother may have been financially stable but there was just the two of us, so we shared a three bedroom apartment. It was in a good area, but the rooms weren’t large like the one I'm standing in right now. The bed is a queen size, surrounded by a wooden heard board and side tables. There's a dressing table with a huge mirror, and two sets of drawers. Opening the wardrobe, I find more drawers, and space to hang my clothes. A lot of space. There's an unopened set of pink sheets for the bed in
the cupboard, along with new pillows and a doona. I grin, imagining Xander shopping for these items for me.

  After a long shower, I dry myself and tie my brown hair up in a messy bun. Wrapping the towel around myself, I walk from the bathroom to my room.

  I’m almost at my bedroom door when I scream.

  I pull the towel higher, and take a few steps back, looking around for a weapon.


  “Fuck, I’m sorry. I’m not gonna hurt you,” comes an amused drawl. He puts his hands up in a calming gesture.

  “Who are you?” I demand, narrowing my eyes.

  “Dash!” I hear Xander call out as he walks around the corner. He pauses when he sees us, and shoots a glare at Dash.

  “What the fuck are you doing staring at my sister like that?” Xander practically growls. I look at Dash, who is indeed eye-fucking me, and not being subtle about it one bit. Dash throws a crooked smile my way, before turning his violet coloured eyes at my brother.

  “You didn’t tell me how fucking hot your sis was,” he says in a deep rumble. I roll my eyes and walk around him and into my room, slamming the door behind me. I hear his masculine chuckle, along with Xander hissing something about Dash keeping his dick in his pants.

  I dress in worn jeans and a black tank top, and head out into the kitchen. I see Xander and Dash in what looks like a heated conversation, all hushed whispers and hand gestures. Feeling a little awkward, I almost want to head back into my room.

  “Come and eat, Sum,” Xander says when he sees me. He pushes a pizza box towards me, and I also notice some beers on the table. Dash’s gaze is on me as I open the pizza box and take out a giant slice of pepperoni. My favourite.

  “Does Jack know she’s here?” Dash asks Xander, his eyes still glued to me. Xander runs his hand though his hair, looking a little worried.

  When Xander rang me, asking me to move in here with him, I told him that I was reluctant because of my father. He doesn’t know me, at all, and it feels awkward that he would suddenly want to be in my life after all these years with only making an appearance once a year at most. The truth was, I wanted to be with Xander. I’d wanted to get to know him my whole life, and when he rang me, telling me that if I didn’t get here he was gonna drive up there to get me himself, I decided it was time. Time to break free.

  There was no point staying at home anymore, in my small rental apartment where mum and I used to live. So I quit my waitressing job and left everything and everyone I'd known my whole life behind. All for my brother.

  “Yeah, he knows,” he answers, his tone and look telling Dash to shut up. I look at Dash. I’m not gonna lie, he's ruggedly handsome. Dark hair, piercing violet eyes and a perfectly sexy amount of stubble on his face. I see a matching pair of dimples pop up when he flashes me a flirty smile. I roll my eyes at him, feigning non-interest. The twinkle in his eyes calls my bluff.

  “How long are you here for?” Dash asks me, picking up his own slice of pizza.

  “Forever,” Xander says, the same time I answer, “not long.”

  My brother pins me with a harsh glare. “What do you mean not long? This is your house, too!”

  “No, it isn’t, Xander,” I say softly. This is his house, and his alone. I know my father gave it to him. I want to spend some time with my brother, and get on my feet, then I can find my own place to live.

  “Summer, you have to know that-"

  “It doesn’t matter. I don’t want to be in your way,” I tell him, cutting him off.

  “Is it cos all of that shit your mother said about me? You don’t think that you’re safe here?” he asks me, his voice mocking, but his eyes shine with hurt. My whole life my mother has been telling me my brother is a low life. A thug, a criminal, a waste of space. I’ve heard it all. She tried her best to turn me against Xander and my father, tried to instil it into me from the beginning. I had no idea that he knew about the things she told me. I don’t think he cares what she thinks, but from the look in his hazel eyes I can see that he does care about what I think.

  “If I listened to everything my mother said I wouldn’t be here right now, Xander,” I tell him truthfully. He shakes his head, staring down at his feet in annoyance. Dash is watching him, a thoughtful look on his face.

  “She told me you were a biker. Is it true?” I blurt out. The two of them eye each other, almost like they are having a silent conversation. I shrug, grab a beer and head to the couch, turning on the TV.

  “How old are you, baby?” Dash asks me. Baby?

  I take a slow sip of my beer before I reply. “What’s it to you?”

  “Xander is eighteen, so you must be, what, nineteen?”

  “And how old are you?” I ask.

  “Older,” is all he says. I give him a once over. I’d say he’s about twenty five.

  “You must be, what, thirty?” I ask, pursing my lips so I don’t laugh when I see his reaction.

  He narrows his eyes. “I don’t look that old.”

  “Of course not,” I say, dragging the words out.

  He opens his mouth to say something else, when two men walk into the house.

  Does no one even knock? Or believe in locking doors?

  I peer up at them, surprised to see that they are twins. Identical twins. Both have blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. The only difference I can spot between them is the scar one of them has, marring the right side of his cheek. It looks like it might have been made by a knife, and runs deep along his jaw line. His hair is shaved on both sides, and a little longer on the top, while the other has his hair longer and messier, falling charmingly over his forehead.

  “Anyone ever tell you it’s rude to stare?” the scarred twin says with a growl.

  “Reid,” the other twin says, a warning in his tone.

  “Summer, this is Reid and Ryan,” Xander introduces as he sits down on the couch opposite me.

  “This is your sister? Holy fuck,” Ryan says with a smile. Reid just glares at me, brooding. He seems… charming.

  “Yeah, and she’s off limits,” Xander says, his eyes on the TV.

  “Where’s the fun in that?” Ryan says, sitting down next to me. He nudges me playfully with his elbow, and I can’t help it when my lips curve into a smile. I turn to look at Dash, currently staring daggers at Ryan, his fists clenched. Having no clue what his deal is, I turn back to Ryan.

  “Nice to meet you, Ryan,” I tell him. And I mean it. Ryan may seem flirty but I can tell he's harmless. Reid, on the other hand - let’s just say I wouldn’t wanna meet him in a dark alley any time soon.

  “Jack said we all gotta be at the warehouse in an hour,” Reid says, still standing, his arms crossed against his muscular chest.

  “Warehouse?” I repeat, looking at Xander for answers. I eye all four men warily.

  And they all ignore me.

  “Alright, we’ll be there, don’t worry,” Xander says, looking at Reid.

  “He wants us all there,” Reid says, looking straight at me.

  “I’m not going anywhere.” I cross my arms over my chest in protest.

  “Just fucking great,” Reid mutters, his eyes darting to Xander.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Of course you'd be an uptight princess,” he says, looking pissed off.

  I blink once. “Fuck you.” I draw out each word.

  “No, thanks,” he replies, standing there with his feet shoulder width apart, his arms crossed.

  My eyes widen at his response. “I'll take you up on that offer,” Ryan says, scowling at Reid before flashing me a charming smile. A charming smile that I can imagine has worked on many before me.

  “Can you guys not chase her away, please?” Xander says, rubbing his hand down his face.

  Something works behind Reid’s eyes. “Let’s get ready to head out.”

  Taking that as my cue to leave, I stand up and head to my room. I close the door quietly, although I want nothing more than to s
lam it with all my might. I lie down on my bed, pulling out my e-reader.

  Time to tune out the world.


  Jack’s daughter is hot.

  No, she’s beautiful. Of course she’s fucking beautiful.

  Jack’s told us we needa treat her like she’s family. Protect her.