Read More Than Him Page 13


  She grimaced. "Classes and then gym."

  "You can't skip gym?" I started kissing her neck. "I'm sure we could find a way to work out together."

  She started to laugh, a low build-up from deep in her throat. "I can't. I have self-defense classes."

  I pulled back. "So that's how you learnt to attack me."

  She nodded, grinning as she did.

  "Well, I'm glad you can hold your own." I kissed her again. I could kiss her my entire damn life and it wouldn't be enough. "Can I come with you?"

  Her eyes widened. "You want to?"

  "I'll do anything to spend even a second of my time with you."

  She smiled. And it was all I ever wanted.

  I kissed her again.

  And again.

  And then some more.

  Over and over.



  I walked over to her car when I saw it pull into the gym parking lot. She stepped out, one tanned leg first, then the other. All leg, upon leg, upon leg. It's all I could see. Leg. Then she came to stand. Her gym shorts barely covered her ass. Her tight tank . . . I don't even know. Words can't—they don't—

  "Hey," she said, her smile huge.

  I couldn't speak. All functioning neurons fled my brain and travelled straight to my dick. I didn't even know how I ended up with my body pressed against hers, pushing her into her car and kissing her like she was my oxygen, my water, my food, my goddamn everything.

  She laughed into my mouth and tried to pull away.


  Just no.

  I needed more of her. I'd missed her so much in the day we were apart.

  Somehow, I managed to pull her off the car long enough to open the back door and get us both inside.

  She laughed again. "Logan, what are you doing?"

  "Shh," I told her. My tongue swept into her mouth, and my hand went to her breast. She gripped my wrist and then laughed. Hard. "It's the middle of the day. Control yourself."

  I grunted.

  She laughed again.

  I pounded my chest with my fist. Then in a low caveman voice, said, "Me, Logan need his woman. Woman look too damn sexy."

  She laughed. But then her eyes darkened. She shifted until she was straddling my waist. I don't think either of us noticed how uncomfortable we were in the tiny space. She ran her top teeth against her bottom lip. Her hand moved down and rubbed my hard-on over my shorts, her fingers curling around it. "Mm," she moaned. "Looks like caveman Logan is happy to see me."

  I chewed my lip and nodded. Her hands flattened under my shirt onto my bare stomach. She kissed my neck, moving her tongue in slow circles, so fucking slowly. It made me insane. Her hands went lower, and lower, until they were under the band of my shorts. "I wonder if caveman Logan would be happy to feel me."

  My dick twitched.

  She kissed me once. "Too bad we have to get to that class."

  Then she was off me, out of the door and walking towards the gym entrance.

  "Blue balls!" I yelled out.



  When my dick had finally settled down, I went inside the gym. She sat at a table opposite the juice bar with a smug look on her face.

  I shook my head at her. She laughed at me.

  The guy that was there the day Amanda decided to go kamikaze on my entire body was her instructor. Of course he was.

  "Jordan," he said as he shook my hand. I didn't miss his extra strong grip, and his over cockiness as he watched Amanda talking to some girls. "So that's your thing, huh?" he asked, lifting his chin at me. "You get girl’s numbers at the gym after pretending they hurt you?"

  Fucking. Asshole. "Not at all what happened, but maybe you should watch your mouth."

  He let go of my hand so he could raise his arms in surrender. "Buddy," he said. I wasn't his fucking buddy. "It's all good. I'm just messing with you."

  And that's what he decided to do for the entire session: mess with me.

  "Logan has volunteered to be the attacker," he announced. I hadn't, but what-the-fuck ever. I wasn't going to let him win. He watched me with amusement in his eyes and a smug smile that matched Amanda's earlier one.

  I squared my shoulders and stood next to him. Amanda grinned at me.

  "Who wants to be first defender?" Jordan asked.

  All at once, every single girl in the room raised their hands.

  Amanda's face changed instantly. It seemed like she simultaneously glared at each of them, one by one. Her glare seemed to intensify when her eyes landed on me, and my newly developed smirk.

  One girl stepped forward. She was hot. The Heidi kind of hot. She wasn't Amanda, so she wasn't my type. "I'll go first," she informed. She stood in front of me with her back turned and pressed against me. Then she grabbed my arm and placed it over her shoulder. I chanced a peek at Amanda. Her arms were crossed over her chest, her eyes narrowed to slits.

  I couldn't help the grin that took over. "Blue balls," I mouthed at her.

  Her eyes widened. She got my message. Payback was a bitch.

  For the next twenty minutes I let girls beat on me, all the while watching Amanda's unamused reaction to it all. It was good times—until it was her turn.

  I ended up limping away from the class.

  I couldn't be mad. I deserved it.


  She sat at a small table opposite the juice bar while I got us some drinks.

  "Hi, Logan." I heard from next to me. "Do you remember me?"

  The girl looked familiar, but I couldn't place her. "I'm sorry," I told her. I spent my freshman year screwing around, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if she'd been a one night stand.

  "Kellie," she said, as if that was going to help me. "Kellie I E."

  "Oh." Now I got it. "Kellie I E. Sad face emoticon?"

  "Huh?" She looked taken aback.


  The guy behind the counter handed us our drinks.

  "Shoot," Kellie I E huffed, looking in her bag. "O M G. WTF. I totes don't have my purse. Lol." She slapped her palm against her forehead. "I left it in the car."

  I have no idea what the fuck she’d just said, but I handed the guy a twenty and covered her drink.

  "Aaaww," she cooed. She had that annoying baby voice I hated so much. "You totes didn't have to do that. Soooo sweet."

  "It's no problem." I started to walk away but she grabbed on to my arm. "Maybe you could give me your number, and I could pay you back some time."

  I looked over her shoulder at Amanda. She was watching, but quickly looked down, paying attention to her phone when she caught my eyes.

  "Not necessary," I replied, walking away from her.

  Amanda stood when I reached the table. She took her drink from my hands and started to lift all her bags. "I gotta go." Her voice was firm.

  "What?" I blocked her path. "Is something wrong?"

  Loud, shrill, giggling filled the room. We both turned to see Kellie I E, Heidi-hot girl and a few others all watching us.

  "I don't really feel like being patronized by a bunch of hot mean girls because I'm here with you," she mumbled.

  My eyes narrowed at the girls, and then at her. "Did they say something to you?"

  She shook her head. "They don't need to use words."

  Amanda was amazing; she really was. Her confidence and carefree attitude was one of the things that drew me to her, but there was this part of her that seemed to turn into this young, insecure little girl at times like these. I never knew what caused it, or why she was like that. I never asked. I should ask.

  "I just want go," she repeated. The girls giggled again. Her lips turned down at the corners.


  She fixated on the floor. "Yes?"

  "Are you jealous?"

  She nodded. She looked so damn cute.

  The group of girls got up and started walking towards us. She dropped her bags, stepped forward and wrapped her arms tight arou
nd me.

  My shoulders shook with silent laughter. "What are you doing?"

  She didn't look up from the floor. "Bitches need to know you're mine."

  I lifted her chin with my finger and let my eyes roam her face. A slow smile formed on my lips. And then I said the words I'd wanted to say, ever since I saw her at that party. "I love you."

  Her eyes went huge. "What did you say?"

  "Don't act surprised. You know I love you. You know I've always loved you."

  She grinned. "Say it again."

  "I love you."

  "Okay," she breathed out. "Now don't say it until I do."

  "Yes, Demander."

  The giggling girls got even closer.

  "I love you," I yelled, loud and proud.

  And then I kissed her.

  It wasn't just to prove a point to those girls; it was to prove a point to her. She needed to know that she had nothing to worry about, at all. She was my person. She was it for me. Always.


  We walked to her car, but she didn't get in. Holding both her hands in mine, I asked her, "Are we really doing this? You and me?"

  She nodded. "Being amazing, you mean?"

  I kissed her again. I couldn't stop fucking kissing her. "Yeah."

  She looked down at the ground again. "I want to," she confirmed. "If you do."

  I released her hands and held her face instead, making sure she was seeing me, really, truly, seeing me. "I want to. More than anything. You know how I feel."

  She removed my hands from her face and placed them on her waist. Her arms curled around my neck, bringing us chest to chest. Heart to heart. "I just—I want to, I really do . . . but maybe—can we just keep it on the down low for a bit? Just until . . ." She blew out a breath. "Just until people get used to the idea."

  I knew exactly what she was saying. I tried to pull away, but she held me closer. "You mean just until people won't judge you for taking me back?" Saying the words hurt more than her kick in my gut earlier. I knew she'd have some barriers to overcome, and I'd overcome them with her. I wasn't lying when I told her that I'd fight for her. It's the least she deserved.

  "Yes," she said quietly.

  "I don't like the idea of us sneaking around."

  "It's not sneaking around," she said, unconvincingly.

  I ignored her, and held her in my arms. "Stay with me tonight."

  She laughed. "You're not sick of me?"


  "I have to work."

  "Fuck work."

  She laughed again.

  My head dropped to her shoulder. "I just want to be with you all the time." Seriously, someone needs to put an APB out on my balls. She started stroking my hair like I was a scared, sad, lost little kid. Maybe that's exactly what I was.

  She kissed the side of my head. "Baby, I have three more days of classes, and then I'm all yours."

  I hugged her tighter. "Mine?" I said into her shoulder.

  "All yours."



  I finished work at midnight and waited for Tony to be done so he could walk me to my car. Sitting on the bar stool, I pulled the phone out of my bag and checked the messages.

  Unknown number: I know you're working, and that's fine. But just FYI—I'm up. You know, in case you're not tired and feel like hanging out . . .

  Unknown number: Or not . . .

  Unknown number: I mean, you're welcome to come over, regardless of time.

  Unknown number: Fuck, I'm spamming your inbox. Either way. You don't have to, but the invite is there.

  Unknown number: Shit. This is Logan.

  Unknown number: Fuck, ignore all my previous messages. I'm going to sleep.

  Unknown number: I lied. I'm wide awake. Offer stands

  Unknown number: Did I say it was Logan?

  I couldn't help the grin that took over my face. He answered first ring. "I know what you're thinking. Maybe a fifteen-year-old girl had stolen my phone and was texting those things to you. I'd love to say it's true, but I'd be lying. Please don't think I'm crazy. I mean I am. Over you. Shit. I just really want to see you. Bad. Wait. Do I sound like Nicholas Sparks?"

  My laugh interrupted his rambling. "Logan, stop. Let me just call E and tell him I won't be home ton—"

  "Wait." It was his turn to interrupt. "I just invited you to come over." His tone switched to amusement. Cocky, even. "I didn't say anything about spending the night. It's a little presumptuous of you, isn't it?"

  "Yeah," I teased back. "Plus, I've kind of triple booked with my other boyfriends. They might get upset."

  "Shut up, don't even joke about that," he said playfully, then, in a more serious tone, "Call me when you're nearly here. I'll wait out the front. Don't get out of your car unless I'm there, okay?"

  I agreed.

  Amanda: I'm going to a late-night study session at one of the dorms. I'll probably just crash there.

  Ethan: Is your phone charged? You got mace? Is the building secure? Have you got gas?

  Amanda: Yes, Dad. I'll be fine. I love you.

  Ethan: Call me in the morning.

  Ethan: Please.

  Ethan: You know I worry about you.

  A knot formed in the pit of my stomach. I hated lying to him. I hated the sneaking around. I stared at my phone, deciding whether or not to call Logan and cancel. It chimed and vibrated in my hand.

  Logan: I'm out the front waiting. Can't wait to see you.


  We walked up the five flights of stairs hand in hand, but we didn't speak. Not until we were in his apartment. He closed the door behind us, and checked the four locks at least three times. Then we just stared at each other, awkwardly. Kind of like the first time you're alone with a boy and you want to do so many things at once, but the idea of it makes you hold back, and you just stand there and do nothing.

  "So." That was him.

  This was me. "So."

  Smooth, right?

  He closed the space between us and loosely linked our fingers together. "How was work?" There was a slight mocking in his tone, as if the question had been asked a thousand times in the past, or a thousand times in our future. My chest tightened at the thought. This could be our future.

  I tried to hide my smile. His teeth clamped around his bottom lip, doing the same. There was a certain energy around us: excited, anxious, nervous, terrifying. He lifted our hands and placed my palm flat against his heart. It thumped so hard, so fast against my skin. He sighed. "I know I saw you this morning, but shit, I miss you so damn much."

  My eyes drifted closed at the same time as his lips found mine. I sucked in a quick breath on contact, let my body relax, and let it out in a moan into his mouth.

  I felt myself falling. Again.

  He released his hold on my hands and placed one on the small of my back, the other in my hair. He deepened the kiss. His tongue brushed against my lips, my teeth, and then my mouth. I gripped onto his shirt. I needed to hold onto something so it would hurt less when my feet landed back on earth.

  He pushed me backwards until my back hit the door. He never pulled away from the kiss. Not once. My hands went under his shirt. I needed to feel him. My nails dug in when his mouth moved to my neck, kissing and biting gently. I inhaled deeply, needing the air in my lungs as much as I needed him.

  His hand went to my thighs, bringing my legs up and around his waist while he pinned me to the wall. I didn't stop him. I didn't mind. Not at all. The need in my body caused a buzzing in my brain.

  He cupped a breast with one hand and my ass with the other. A deep guttural moan escaped him, right before his mouth met mine again. These kisses, they were different. They weren't fueled by lust. They weren't demanding. It was passionate, but slow. So slow. As if he were taking me in for the first time. Treasuring me.

  Suddenly, he pulled his face away and cursed under his breath. I slowly dropped my legs to the floor while he took a step back and away from me.

  "I'm so sorry," he
said. "That's not why I asked you over. I lost control. I'm sorry." He shook out his hand.

  "Hey." I cooed. "I didn't exactly try to stop you." I placed me hand on his face but he pulled away.

  "I know. It's just—" He blew out a breath. "I just don't want you to think that that's all I want, you know? That's not—I mean—fuck." His eyes shifted, glaring at his shaking hand. He covered it with the other. Agony consumed his features while his chest heaved.

  "Logan." I took his trembling hand between both of mine and kissed it a few times. It seemed to help when I'd done it in the past.

  His breath becomes steady, and after a few seconds, his hand settled. "What's going on?"

  He chewed his lip but refused to look me in the eyes, instead opting to look past me. Then he was off and walking to the kitchen.

  I followed.

  He pulled out two beers from the fridge, and offered me one. I declined, so he exchanged it and handed me a bottle of water. His head tilted back to take a swig, but his eyes focused on me. When he was done, he placed the bottle on the counter, but then dropped his head forward. He rubbed his palm against his jaw. "I just don't want to fuck this up." He said it so quietly, I didn't know if I’d heard right.

  I stepped forward so I was right in front of him. His hand went to my waist. "What?"

  His eyes lifted to my face, darting around, taking me in. "You know, the time I was gone, I never stopped thinking about you. I knew that coming home would mean maybe running into you. I swear, I hoped you'd just talk to me." He swallowed loudly, and shook his head. "I just hoped you'd talk to me, maybe get a meal once or twice. But I never thought—I mean—never in my dreams did I even want to imagine that we could be this." He pointed his finger between us. "I never thought that you'd want us again, not after what I did. And now we're here. You're here. And I don't want to fuck it up. I can't, Amanda. I can't fuck this up." His eyes started to glaze over but he wiped at them before I could grasp what was happening. "You can't let me fuck this up, Amanda. Please." He was pleading with me. Begging.