Read More Than Him Page 18

  Her head lifted again. "What stupid question?"

  "The question." I wanted to ask her to be mine forever.

  A gasp escaped before she could stop it. "Oh," she said, her eyes wide.

  Then it was silent.

  We both stared at each other.


  Wanting the other to speak first.

  She cleared her throat. "I would've said yes," she whispered.

  "I know," I said honestly. "That's why I didn't ask you. It can't be like this. Not now. Not yet."

  "I would've if you’d asked me in Vegas, too."

  My eyes narrowed. How did she know about that? Then it hit me. The journal. "I thought it would be okay, but it's not. I want to give you everything. The world, remember? When we do—it needs to be right. We have to have everyone's support."

  She knew what I meant. We had to tell Ethan.

  "I have an idea," she said, kissing my neck softly.

  "Mm?" Within seconds, the trembling in my hand had ceased and my heart rate had settled, "What's that?" My hand went under her shirt, the other on her ass; she'd started to move her hips, rubbing herself on my dick. It only took a second before I was hard as a rock.

  "I think . . ." She trailed off. Her mouth sucked harder, as it made its way up my jaw.

  She drove me crazy. My hand went under her panties, gripping her bare ass. I squeezed hard. She moaned into my skin, pressing harder onto me. My other hand went higher on her back, through the neck hole of my jersey she was wearing. I laced my fingers in her hair and curled them, gripping and pulling softly until she lifted her head. "You think what?" I breathed out.

  She sat up, her palms flat against my stomach. She wet her lips, closed her eyes, and moved on me. Just once. But it was all I fucking needed. My cock rubbed in between her legs. Our only barrier: our underwear. I wanted them gone. I wanted nothing between us.

  She opened her eyes. They landed where we connected. Her hips moved back and forth a few more times. "I think . . ." She trailed off again. She lifted her gaze and looked around the pool house. She chewed her bottom lip as she took in the space, then finally, they rested on me. She removed her top, her breasts out in the open, waiting for me. I sat up on my elbows and took one in my mouth. Slowly making circles. Savoring this moment. "Oh God . . ." she moaned.

  She pulled back, and her fingers curled around the band of my boxers as she pulled them down, freeing my raging hard-on. She ran her palm across the head. It jerked against her hand. Her eyes went wide. Then she shifted again until she was back grinding on me. My bare dick against her panty-covered pussy. Her head was thrown back, her eyes closed. She started to moan. I wanted more. Slowly, lightly, I ran my hands on the inside of her thighs. She didn't stop me. Not even when I got to where we joined. I slid my finger under the material and moved it to the side. We both moaned when it was skin on skin contact. She was so fucking wet. I was so fucking hard.

  "You think what?" I asked her again.

  She started moving harder, faster.

  I cursed under my breath.

  "I think . . ." She stopped moving and opened her eyes.

  Then she slid off me, pulling my boxers down with her. I lay naked on the bed with my dick standing up in the air. Her eyes raked me from head to toe, resting longer than they needed to on my junk. I placed my hands behind my head and let her take her time. I could never get sick of her reaction to my body. Ever.

  "I think you and I need to make new memories in here." She pushed her panties over her hips and let them fall to the floor.

  I tried to speak, but her standing naked at the end of my bed, offering herself to me, was too much. I’d failed the first time, and the second. By the third, I'd finally gotten my shit together. "I think that's a really great idea."



  He came to a stand next to me. His breath warmed my cheek but I kept my eyes straight ahead, focusing on the bed in front of me. One of is his fingers brushed against my lip, down my chin and in between my breasts. He kept moving it lower and lower until I felt it between my legs. I let out a gasp.

  "You want to make memories?" he said into my ear. His voice was scratchy and oozing with lust.

  I sucked in a breath and held it.

  "Close your eyes," he ordered. It was soft but demanding, just like his touch.

  I did what he asked. He still had that power over me.

  Then I heard his footsteps, moving around the room. I exhaled loudly, just as I felt his hand on my breasts. He cupped them both, then ran his thumb over my nipples. I whimpered, and squeezed my legs together. "You trust me, right?" His thumb on my nipple was replaced with his mouth, his tongue making circles around it. My hands fisted at my sides, and my back arched, pushing my breasts further into him.

  I wanted to open my eyes. I wanted to see him. My breaths became heavy, my mouth dry. Then he was gone. My eyes snapped open, and he was right there—in the small space between the bed and me. "Pretty girl," he sighed, shaking his head slowly. "I told you to close your eyes."

  I opened my mouth to speak, but he cut me off with a kiss. "It's okay," he said into my mouth, and then he pulled back, smirking, right before lifting his hand to show me a tie. "Now I'm going to have make sure of it."

  He took a step forward, his hardness pressed against my stomach. He made a show of blindfolding me, knotting it tightly at the back of my head. He moved behind me, making sure it was secure, and then he growled over my shoulder. "I want you on your hands and knees, crawling on the bed."

  I whimpered. "Logan," I whined, covering my breasts and sex with my hands.

  "Amanda," he scolded. "What's wrong? Are you self-conscious?"

  I swallowed my nerves, chewed my lip and nodded once. Then he was in front of me. "Are you kidding me?"

  I stayed silent. He removed my arms and exposed my breasts. Kissing my neck slowly, he directed my hand to his dick, encouraging my fingers to wrap around it.

  "Does this feel like you have any reason to be self-conscious?"

  I let out a moan as he slowly pumped into my hand.

  Then he pulled away, moving behind me again. His palm splayed flat against my stomach as he pushed me forward. "Hands and knees," he repeated.

  I did what he asked, climbing onto the bed and slowly crawling forward. I tried to stay confident, remembering his words and how he’d felt under my touch. "That's it baby, keep going." I felt the bed dip as he climbed on behind me. His hands covered both my ass cheeks as he squeezed them, tight. I was wet, so fucking wet I could feel it dripping down my leg. "Stop," he said. I did. Then, lifting my hands slowly, he guided them to the top of the bed head. "Don't let go." I felt the bed shifting again; he was moving away. "Spread your legs," he ordered.

  Ho. Lee. Shit.

  I'd been with Logan before; he was always alpha in bed, but never like this. The effect it had on me must have been evident when his finger slid effortlessly inside me. "Oh fuck," he mumbled. And that's when I felt it; his warm breath blowing against my wetness. I didn't have time to ask him what the hell he was doing before his mouth covered me. My hips jerked instantly when his tongue made contact with my clit. "Holy shit, Logan."

  I started thrusting slowly, encouraging his mouth and his tongue to fuck me and bring me over the edge. It only took seconds, my body already prepared for the build up. My thrusts came faster, jerkier. He grabbed handfuls of my ass, pulling me down onto him. And then he sucked. Hard. It was all I needed. I screamed his name—louder than I’d thought possible. I tried to move off him but he kept going, his mouth insistent on getting everything out of me. I rode out every wave, every shock, with my throbbing sex on his face. He never let up, not until the last wave hit and my body became limp. "Holy shit," I breathed.

  I tried to open my eyes to get my bearings, but the blindfold was still on. The bed shifted again, as he pulled out from underneath me. Moments later, I felt his hardness against my ass, his chest against my back and his breath against me ear. "W
e can't go any further."

  "What?" My chest heaved. "Why?" I panted, trying to fill my lungs with much-needed air. "But I need you."

  He bit my earlobe gently. "I need you, too, baby. But I don't have anything."


  "Condoms—I don't have any."

  "Oh." I took a few more breaths. "Did you get tested when you got back?"

  "Yes—for everything."

  "Then we're good, I'm safe."

  He let out a breath. "Thank fuck."

  I felt the air hit my back when he straightened up. He slid his dick between my folds, spreading me open for him.

  "You have to go slow, babe. It's been a while. I need to get used to your size."

  He grunted as he slowly slid inside me, inch by inch, letting me get comfortable.

  "Okay," I assured him, once I'd taken all of him. I felt his hand flatten on my back as he pulled out almost all the way and then thrust back in slowly. He did this a few more times, coating his dick with my juices.

  "I fucking love watching you take me like this. Your ass is incredible."

  His words turned me on even more. I started meeting him thrust for thrust. He was so slow, so gentle.

  I wanted more. I needed more. "Logan?"


  And I don't know how the words were formed or how I let them leave my mouth. "Fuck me," I begged.

  He moaned. Then one hand cupped my breast, the other rubbing my clit.

  "Are you sure, baby?" He kissed down my spine.

  "Please, Logan." I needed him.

  "Hold on tight," he ordered, right before he moved.

  Within minutes, I exploded again. It was stronger this time, and I felt myself throbbing around him. He pulled back, released my breast and splayed his hand against my back again. He kept pumping into me, harder, faster, just the way I wanted it. "Fuck me!" I demanded.

  Then I felt him get bigger inside me, right before his body stilled and a growl escaped him.



  "Why did we agree to be up this early?"

  I heard her low chuckle from next me. "Because we didn't plan on staying up half the night."

  I turned to face her. "Mm," I hummed as I took her in. Short shorts and a tight tank covered just enough of her perfectly tanned skin. Her long legs kicked out in front of her, crossed at her ankles. We were sitting on a bench just outside the entry gate to the carnival.

  I ran the backs of my fingers against her thigh, flipped my cap backwards, and moved in to kiss her neck. She chuckled again. "What are you doing?"

  "Just remembering last night."

  She turned her face towards me and skimmed her lips against mine. "Yeah?" she whispered, kissing me once. "Are you remembering that part where I asked if I could finger your a—"

  I cut her off with a kiss, and then deepened it. One of her hands fisted into my shirt, the other curling around my neck, bringing me closer. I pulled back slightly. "Don't bring that up ever again."

  She chuckled into my mouth. "Fine, just keep kissing me."

  So I did.

  She moaned when my hand went under her top and rested on her waist. My fingers dug into her skin when her tongue brushed against mine. I'd started to get hard.

  "Hey assholes!"

  We instantly pulled apart and turned to see a kid standing in front of us.

  It was Lachlan, Lucy's brother. He was older now. Not the same four year old who helped me get Amanda to agree to a date back when she worked at the diner.

  He turned around and looked at a bunch of boys standing a few yards behind him—the rest of Lucy's brothers. They all wore goofy grins.

  My eyes went from the older boys to the kid in front of me. "What's up, little man?"

  He looked from me, to Amanda, and back again. "Do you guys give each other blowfish jobs?"

  Amanda snorted with laughter. "Oh, jeez."

  "What?" I tried to hide my own amusement.

  "Not blowfish," one of the older boys said. I'm pretty sure it was Little Logan. "BLOW JOB!" he yelled. Then all the boys started yelling, "Blow job! Blow job!"

  Lachlan just shrugged, but stayed put.

  "Blow job!" The other boys kept shouting.

  "What the hell?" Lucy shrieked, walking towards them. "Why are you all yelling blow job?"

  The boys fell into a fit of laughter.

  Then Lachlan stepped in front of Amanda. "You're pretty," he told her, then wriggled his way to sit between us. He put his tiny hand in hers. She grinned from ear to ear. "And you," she said to him, "may just be the most handsome boy I've ever seen."

  I rolled my eyes. "Gee, thanks."

  Lucy and Cameron headed towards us, and we all stood up. Lachlan held onto Amanda's hand. Lucy introduced us to all her brothers. "I don't expect you to remember them all," she quipped.

  Once we'd paid and entered through the gates, Cam pulled out his wallet and handed them all some money.

  "I want to stay with pretty girl," Lachlan told them.

  I had to laugh at his name for her. "Dude," I teased. "You're stealing all my game."

  He growled at me with a sneer on his lips. I took a step back in shock, and Amanda laughed.

  "Let him go with them," Little Logan insisted. "Then we can all go on the bigger rides, and we don't have to worry about him."

  "We don't mind," Amanda spoke up. "We'll take him. You guys have fun."


  "Okay, bud," I spoke quietly into Lachlan's ear. "I'll aim, you hold down the trigger, okay?" His eyes were huge. It matched his smile. He sat on my lap as they reset the little ducks with the targets on them back to the starting line. It was one of those water pistol aiming games.

  Our winning celebration was a little over the top. It was all fine, until we were handed a panda soft toy, and the little girl next to us started crying. Lachlan pouted when he saw her, and then walked to her side. "Here you go," he said, handing it to her. "My uncle, Logan, will win more things for me, you can have this one." Then he hugged her.

  "That was a good thing you did, bud," I told him.

  He shrugged. "Now you have to win me more, otherwise I lied, and liars are bad."


  Two hours later, we all met back up to eat. I laughed when Amanda told me to get her one of everything. My features straightened when I realized she was dead serious. "Are you sure?" I asked cautiously.

  She pulled out the girl card. "Are you calling me fat?"

  I walked away without a word. I wasn't stupid.


  When I got back—after the third fucking trip—I noticed one of Lucy's brothers, Leo, fixated on a girl a few yards away.

  "Leo!" I tried to get his attention. "What's up? You into her?"

  This made the other boys look up and follow his gaze. "Oooh," one of them said. "Double D Debbie."

  "Shut up," he spat through clenched teeth.

  I ignored the funny nickname and asked, "Why don't you go talk to her?"

  He shrugged. "She's with her boyfriend."

  I looked back over at her. She was standing by herself, shifting on her feet and looking at the ground. I scanned the area around her. There was a group of guys a few feet away, chatting up a bunch of girls. "Where's her boyfriend?" I asked, not bothering to look away.

  "The one at the front of the group, talking to the blonde."

  I faced him again, my eyebrows drawn in. "You mean her boyfriend's letting her stand there alone while he tries to get on with another girl?"

  He shrugged.

  "What a dick."

  Cam and Lucy laughed. My attention went to them. "What's funny?"

  Cam spoke first, "That dick is classic high school Logan."

  "Gross," Amanda muttered.

  I couldn't say shit; they were right. I went back to Leo. "You know what you should do . . ."

  "What?" He was all ears. "You should go over to her, tell her that her boyfriend's a dick, and that you'd treat her so much better. Because you would, right

  "Oh no . . ." Lucy groaned.

  Leo nodded.

  "Then, without giving her a chance, hold her hand, and move in for the kiss. If she doesn't knee you in your junk—" I paused to let Amanda's laugh fill my ears. "If she doesn't push you away, and she kisses you back, bring her over here."

  "Her boyfriend’s gonna kick your ass," one of the brothers said.

  I shrugged. "If he tries, you got me and Cameron." I looked at Cam. "Right?"

  He leaned forward and jerked his head in a nod. "Go for it, dude," he told Leo. "You'll never know if you don't try."

  Leo looked over at her, then at us. He blew out a breath and stood. Running his hands over his shirt, he nodded. "Okay, I'm going in." He wiped his palms on his shorts. I knew that action. He was nervous. Hell, I was nervous for him.

  We all watched as he made his way over to her.

  "No way he's gonna do it," Little Logan said.

  He stood in front of her and must've said something, because her eyes lifted to his. We could see his mouth moving, and then she smiled. He reached his hand out, gripped hers, took one step forward, and then leaned in for the kiss.

  We all sucked in a breath, the anticipation of her reaction killing us. "Get it," I heard Cam say.

  We waited.

  And waited.

  Then her arm came up and curled around his neck, bringing him closer.

  We all cheered, and then laughed at how stupid we were.

  We must've been loud, because it caused them to pull apart. He turned around and shook his head at us. His mouth started moving again. She nodded, her smile huge. They walked towards us, hand in hand, and then her boyfriend called out. He broke through his little group and followed them. By the time he reached them, they were already at our table. Cameron stood up and placed his fisted hands on the table. He glared at the kid. "Problem, you little punk?"

  The kid halted. I stood up. He raised his hands. "No problem."

  He walked away.

  "Great," Little Logan said. "Now he's gonna beat the shit out of you when Cam's not around."