Read More Than This Page 2

  “OH MY GOD…” she gasps, panic written all over her face. “Who was your first, James?”

  He flinches, it’s a small movement but we both catch it.

  “Our first time at the hotel on my birthday, that wasn’t your first time was it?”

  This guy just bought asshole to a whole new level.

  “God, you faked it all, and the lies… I must be so fucking stupid!” she cries.

  It’s silent for what seems like the longest time. Asshole must sense that nothing he says is going to make this any better.

  A sob escapes from her and he begins to move forward to comfort her. I do everything I can to stay still. He manages to hold her while she sobs in his arms. After a minute, she rears back from his hold and pushes him away. “Was I not good enough in bed? Is that what it was? Did I do it wrong?” She sounds so sad now. “If you didn’t want to be with me, you could have just broken up with me, James. You didn’t have to cheat on me, over, and over, and over again. With my best friend. You could’ve just told me you didn’t want to be with me anymore, and you could’ve had all the girls in the world. It didn’t have to be like this. God, James…” she looks up at him. “You didn’t have to break my heart,” she whispers.

  My chest tightens at her words.

  Tears are falling freely down both their faces.

  She squares her shoulders and lifts her chin, “You need to go, James. I can’t even stand to look at you right now.”

  “Mikayla, please,” he begs.

  “Please, James. Just go,” she pleads.

  He actually listens, and walks away, brushing past me, as if I don’t even exist. I look back at her. She’s leaning against the wall, and slowly, her body gives up and she slumps against it, falling to her ass. Her body breaks out in silent sobs. Her arms shielding her head from the outside world.

  I’m still standing here like a creeper and she has no idea. I need to do something. I need to comfort her, to make sure she’s going to be okay. Or maybe I should just go out there and kick that guy’s ass.

  I clear my throat.

  She looks up startled.

  “Holy shit, accent boy. How much of that did you see?”

  Chapter 3


  I can’t believe accent boy has just witnessed that whole thing. I’m so fricken embarrassed by all of it. Mainly because I was the dumb girl that got played for so long.

  “So that just happened, huh?” he says, with this deep voice that doesn’t belong on a teenage boy. It belongs to a rough middle aged lumberjack… or something. He starts towards me and motions his head to the spot on the floor next to me, I nod once not looking at him.

  “So… your boyfriend’s an asshole and your best friend’s a selfish whore,” he states, taking a seat next me.

  I can’t help but laugh, “That pretty much covers it.” I sniff.

  “I’m Jake, by the way.” He nudges my side with his elbow. He’s looking straight ahead, not at me. He’s taken his dress shirt off. The beer obviously ruined it. I don’t even know what my dress looks like, I never got the chance to check. I look down at the satin material.

  “Mikayla,” I say to the dress.

  “Yeah, I figured that.”

  We sit in silence for a few moments, then he clears his throat. It might be a nervous habit, I don’t know. He clears it again, causing me to look to my left at his profile. He senses my gaze and turns to look at me.

  It’s the first time I see him properly and he’s extremely handsome, not boyishly, more rugged and manly. Like he could grow 5 inches of facial hair in one night. He smiles at me then quickly looks away.

  I was staring. Shit.

  “So…” he starts, “you’re all dressed up and nowhere to go, huh?” Where is that accent from?

  “Yeah, I guess so. Hey… um, where are you from?” I have to know.

  He’s confused for a second, “Oh, my accent, huh? Yeah, um, it’s Australian, but I’m actually from here. It’s a long story.”


  “So…” he starts again. He rubs his hand through the hair on the back of his head, little curls of dark brown, almost black form at the bottom of his hair line. His hair has a kink in it that can only be caused by wearing a baseball cap anytime he’s not sleeping or dressed in formal wear, it’s long enough that the ends would curl over the edges of his cap. “You heading to senior prom?” he asks.

  “Yeah,” I sigh. “I mean, yeah, I was. I don’t think I could handle going anymore.”

  “To yours, or any?”

  Huh? What was he saying?

  “I don’t know yet. I haven’t really processed everything, y’know?”

  “Okay… well…” he clears his throat again. “I mean, you can come to mine. I have a spare ticket and it would be a shame to waste that amazing dress. You look beautiful, by the way.” His eyes dart to mine quickly, then look back down. James didn’t even comment on the way I looked. “I swear I’m not a psycho,” he continues, “and we have the limo for the whole night so you can just leave when you want, if you hate it I mean, or me, if you hate me,” he lets out a single laugh. “God, you must think I’m crazy, and my mate Logan, spilling his beer on you…” He shakes his head, “Shit, I’m sorry, by the way. He’s kind of a dick.” He hasn’t stopped rambling and I let him. “Look, I just don’t think you should let bad people dictate what should be a good time. Come hang out with me and my friends… It’ll at least take your mind off things for a little bit. I just think that maybe-"

  “Okay,” I cut him off.


  “Okay,” I say again. I look into his deep blue eyes and he smiles, a panty dropping smile that most girls would swoon over. Too bad I’m not most girls.

  “Okay,” he confirms with a nod. “So… I’ll just let the guys know what’s happen-"

  “Yo, Jake. What the hell man? You’ve been in here for ages, I was about to-" Logan stops in his tracks when he sees us, how were sitting, and probably the state of my face.

  “Give us a minute?” Jake says to Logan.

  “Yeah man, sure, of course.” Logan starts backing away from us.

  “So… I should probably go tell them what’s up. I mean, they won’t mind you coming along but they’ll probably want to know why. I can lie to them if you want, but I don’t think they’d care either way, so it’s up to you, what you want me to tell them.”

  “It’s okay,” I smile at him. “You can tell them the truth. I’m just gonna go freshen up and then I’ll be right out, okay?”

  “Sure.” But it comes out more like… shaw. It’s the accent.


  Ten minutes in the restroom to freshen up and I’m almost back to normal. I hope ten minutes is enough time for all his friends to ask whatever they need to. I just don’t want to ruin their night, but I don’t want to down play what happened here either. I can’t believe I’m doing this, with a stranger, but right now, I think it’s what I need.

  I check my phone, it’s been blowing up with calls and messages from James. None from Megan, not one. Two from my parents and a text from them asking if I’m okay, and that James has called there a few times. I text them back to tell them everything’s fine, and I’ll see them at home later tonight and explain everything then.

  I tell them I love them, because I really do, and nothing has made me realize it more than the shit that’s just happened here.

  A few seconds later I get a text from Mom,

  ‘We love you too, sweetheart. Have a good night. Emily is begging for ice cream. We’ll bring you back a big batch of cookies’n’cream. It will be waiting for you in the freezer, wake me if I’m asleep to share it.’

  I’m actually really looking forward to it.

  I walk out from the back of the restaurant and into the dining area. Jake and his friends are waiting for me at the entrance foyer. They turn towards me as I walk up. They all smile, but I don’t know them well enough to know if it’s genuine.

p; Jake puts his hand on the small of my back to lead the way. It’s skin on skin contact because of the way my dress is, and I don’t think he expected it. He tenses for a second next to me, before he asks, “Ready?”

  I nod my head and smile up at him.

  “Well, let’s go then.” he smiles back.


  Once were all seated in the limo, Logan’s outside having a cigarette, so we wait for him while introductions are being made. I can tell by their builds that all the boys are jocks. The guy opposite me looks familiar, maybe he plays basketball and I’ve seen him play against our school. I did go to all of James’ games. He’s introduced to me as Dylan. Dylan does a quick head nod and then returns his eyes to the girl sitting on his lap. Obviously a man of many words.

  “I’m Heidi,” the blond on his lap says. “Don’t mind him, he’s quiet. Likes to make me feel real special by not looking at other girls for more than a second. It’s sweet, but it can be awkward if you don’t know him,” she shrugs.

  “‘Him’ is sitting right here, Heids,” Dylan says, rolling his eyes.

  “It’s nice to know there are actually guys like that around,” I say flatly, looking out the window.

  “Oh shit!” Heidi gasps. “I’m such a fucking idiot.” She pounds her palm to her forehead. “I’m sorry, Mikayla. I really didn’t mean anything by it.”

  “It’s fine.” I smile at her. “Honestly.”

  “I’m Cameron, or just Cam,” the guy next to them says. I think Heidi is relieved to move on. “That little lady,” he says, pointing to the girl on the other side of Jake where we share a bench seat, “her name’s Lucy.”

  Lucy looks up from what looks to be an e-reader with a timid smile on her face. “Hi, Mikayla. It’s nice to meet you,” she says quietly, then resumes her reading. I look over at Cameron, he just shrugs. “She’s on the last few chapters of some book she’s been reading. She can’t stay away from it. We’re used to it now, we always find her reading at the oddest times. Don’t we, babe?” He says the last sentence a little louder to get her attention.

  What! These two are dating?

  “uh-huh,” Lucy says, not looking up from her book.

  “I have the biggest dick you’ve ever seen, don’t I, babe?” Cam yells at her, trying to distract her.

  The car erupts in laughter, me included. Jake shakes his head next to me.

  “Yeah, babe. I know exactly what you said, and I’d deny it if it weren’t true, but your right, it’s true, it’s definitely the biggest I’ve ever seen,” Lucy says with a small smirk, eyes never leaving her book.

  “Awwe, I love you, babe. Best. Answer. Ever.” He smiles a shit eating grin.

  “But… Babe,” Lucy says, eyes still on the book, “yours is the only one I’ve ever seen so I have absolutely nothing at all to compare it to, it could be tiny and I wouldn’t have a clue. Now let me finish my book.”

  Everyone laughs again and Heidi leans over to give Lucy a high five which she enthusiastically provides.

  I smile at Lucy. She’s something else. “What are you reading?”

  She looks up at me and blushes a little, “um, it’s called ‘The sea of tranquility’, it’s by-"

  “Josh Bennett, right?” I interrupt. She smiles a huge smile, like she’s finally found someone she can talk to about this stuff. Inside, I’m kinda feeling the same way, none of my friends read the kind of books I enjoy.

  “I’ve definitely found my new book boyfriend,” she swoons, holding her e-reader close to her heart. Cam just shakes his head at her.

  “I bet you’ll never look at wood the same?” I say faking a dreaminess in my voice. The car is silent for a second and then everyone cracks up, including Lucy. Then it hits me, what I just said.

  “NO!” I yell “I mean, because he likes to build things, from wood.” I’m animated now, trying to prove my point, and backtrack my words. I start using my hands to explain further. All eyes go to my hand and everyone starts laughing harder. I look down at my hand and almost die of embarrassment. Who would have thought that motioning sanding a chair leg, which made total sense in my head, would look the same as jerking off.

  I make a moaning sound of defeat and embarrassment and try to hide my face on Jake’s shoulder. He chuckles into my hair and adjusts us so he can put an arm around me. I’ve known this guy for a minute and I’m already comfortable with him.

  The laughing at my expense is still going strong when the door opens and Logan looks inside.

  “What’s so funny, assholes?” He looks around the group and no one bothers to fill him in. “Fine, don’t tell me.” He starts to look at the seating arrangement, and though it would make complete sense to sit on the opposite side of me, he squishes in next to me, forcing us all to move along to the point where I’m nearly sitting on Jake’s lap.

  Lucy, who is still enthralled in her book, works out what’s happening and moves to the other side to sit on Cam’s lap. I smile at her, she reminds me of me a little.

  “Tell me when you get to the last two words,” I tell her.

  “Almost there,” she says, lifting her finger to shush me. Then her eyes go wide and I know she’s done. “No shit,” she says.

  “Shit,” I nod my head. “It’s my favorite book.”

  “We should totally be book best friends.”

  I laugh, “Yeah, sure.”

  “What the fuck are they talking about?” Logan looks between me and Lucy. No one says anything.

  “Hey, uhhh…” he nudges my leg with his.

  “Her names Mikayla, asshole.” Jake says, slightly tightening his hold on my shoulders.

  “Mikayla,” Logan nods, “I owe you an apology about the beer thing… it was an asshole thing to do. I wasn’t think-"

  “Hey,” I cut him off with my hands. “it’s fine. Don’t worry about it. Actually, I should probably be thanking you. If you hadn’t spilt that drink on me I would’ve never walked in on what I did. I’d probably be at my own prom right now, dancing with my so called ‘perfect’ boyfriend, clueless to the fact that he and my best friend were fucking for two years behind my back.” I try to smile but the anger overcomes me.

  There’s an awkward silence in the car.

  Jake slowly removes his arms from around me, probably because I’m batshit crazy.

  Just as I’m about to apologize to them for my instant display of wack job, Lucy pipes up, “You should totally key the dickheads car,” she says mid yawn. Everyone turns to her, then slowly to me. I should laugh it off as a passing comment, a little joke between friends.

  “Well, I do have his keys. I know his trucks at his house and no-one’s home.” I can’t help the smile that creeps on my face.

  I look at Jake and he grins, eyeing me sideways.

  “Wait…” Cam breaks the silence, “are you saying you have his car keys, you know where his car is, and no one is around?”

  I nod my head slowly, glancing at all of them.

  “uh-ohhh” Heidi coos.

  “Operation Mayhem!” Dylan declares loudly, as he pulls Heidi off his lap and places her to his side. It’s the most I’ve heard him say.

  In two seconds flat the boys have somehow repositioned the girls to one side of the limo while they discuss whatever it is they’re discussing on the other side.

  “What are they doing?” I ask Heidi, but its Lucy that answers. “Trust us, it’s better you don’t know. It’s more fun this way.”

  Chapter 4


  “You guys…” I say, trying to catch up to the boys as we walk towards the 24 hour Walmart, “you’re gonna miss your senior prom.”

  “No one cares, as long as we’re there at end when they declare little miss Heidi Prom Queen, we’re all good, and that’s hours away,” Logan says as he taps Heidi on the ass. She squeals and hides behind Dylan.

  “Touch her again and I’ll break your arms, asshole,” Dylan glares at Logan, who throws his hands up in surrender. Dylan’s one of those gu
ys that doesn’t say much, so when he does, you listen. Now that I see him at full height, he’s huge. Bigger than all the other guys. He seems loyal and protective, willing to give his all to his girl. I can see why Heidi loves that kind of a guy. I would to. I thought I did.

  We walk into the store.

  “What are we doing here? I mean, what are we getting here?” I ask no one in particular.

  “Don’t you worry your pretty little face,” Logan coos while his hand rubs down my back, lower and lower, until his hand is cupping my ass.

  “Get your hands off me, before I get Dylan to break your arms.” It’s said as a joke, but I’m serious.

  “I don’t think it’s Dylan I have to worry about,” he mutters as Jake gets between us and shoves him to the side.

  “Leave her alone you asshole,” he holds his hand out, “come with me?”

  I take his hand, “Um, okay. What about the others?” I ask.

  I really want to know what their plan is, what this ‘Operation Mayhem’ is. Shit, I hope its nothing permanent, or illegal. I don’t know these guys at all, they could be buying stuff to bomb his truck, or his house. Oh my god, what if they’re going to ki-

  “Relax,” Jake laughs. “Shit, Mikayla, we’re not gonna do anything crazy. It’s just a bit of fun, trust me okay?” He must have seen the internal meltdown I was having.

  I smile and nod. Because I do. Trust him.

  “Now, help me choose please, I don’t know anything about this stuff,” he says, pointing his finger in the air and motioning around us.

  “Huh?” I take a look around and see that we’re in the mens formal wear section, “Oh, okay.” I look over at him. He’s still wearing his suit pants and the plain white tank. His broad chest and muscled back defined behind the material.