Read More than a Promise: The Separation Page 16

  “Sit up I’ll rub your back and neck, I should have thought of you being sore from the fall.”

  “I told you my Mom would come home early,” she hissed. “That was too close.”

  “Yeah you’re right I should have listened to you, but I’m glad we got some time alone. I really needed you. You know the next few weeks are going to be crazy since I’m going back to work,” he said.

  “Yeah I don’t want to think about now. I want to enjoy being with you this weekend,” Lia said. “That feels so good, you keep it up much longer and I’ll be asleep soon.”

  “Here, lay back on me and go to asleep,”

  She laid back, but wasn’t comfortable, “Lay down with me the couch is big enough.”

  He switched his position held her close both of them were asleep within minutes.


  After Lia got off work they headed up to New York getting there at 1:45, Cris and Steph followed them in his car. When Seth parked under the apartment building, Chris had to park in the visitor spots that were a little farther down. They met at the elevators and went up to his apartment. Walking inside they saw how quickly his Mom decorated the apartment. In the week since they were there she had everything up on the walls, all the boxes empty, everything was in order.

  “Mrs. Rossetti, the place looks wonderful. You did so much since we were here last,” Lia said. “The way you arranged the living room to look out over the city is great. It must look awesome at night.”

  “Oh it does, wait till tonight you’ll see, and it’ll be great for the dinner party were having tonight,” Mrs. Rossetti said excitedly. “I can’t wait till everyone from his office sees it.”

  “Tonight?” Lia questioned looking at Seth. “You didn’t say anything about a dinner party?”

  Seth shrugged his shoulders, “I didn’t say anything, because we won’t be here, we’ll be at my game. I don’t want to be here for it so I’m not going to be. Let’s get your stuff in my room and then I want to take you all out to eat.”

  “Seth, don’t be like that,” Mrs. Rossetti said. “You know this job means a lot to your Dad and he needs to make contacts. We’re sorry we won’t be at your game, but this was the only time we could have it. Everyone at the office kept asking when we were having our first party for everyone to see our place. I had to get everything organize here quickly. Seth is your room done?”

  “I don’t care if my room is done or not. No one should be in there anyway,” Seth said. “Come on guys let’s put your stuff in there and go out.”

  “Seth, why are you giving your Mom such a hard time? You never gave her a hard time it was always your Dad,” Lia asked.

  “I’m sick of them both; once we got up here she changed. She was fine until they went to their first party last weekend. They made me go and it was so boring, but she loved it. I can’t blame her she wants a different life, but it’s not for me I don’t want this life. I want the one back in PA.” he said giving Lia a kiss.


  They walked a few blocks and everything they saw was amazing to them, from the sky high buildings, to the extreme dress of some of the people, and the high end boutiques. Seth took them to a pizza shop that he said had the best pizza around. When they walked in the aroma of pizza smacked them in the face making their mouth water.

  “Smells great in here better than at home,” Cris said. “Let’s sit in the back, then we can go order Seth.”

  “It’s fine with me, ok Lia?” Seth asked.

  “Yeah fine,” she agreed.

  Lia and Steph sat across from each other. Steph looked at her and said, “I think something’s going on with Seth and his parents. Something he doesn’t want to talk about.”

  “Yeah I noticed that last night, but he was giving the excuse of my face to avoid me. I don’t know what to do, when we’re together it’s great, but when he’s here he’s different. I know he’s going through something up here, but I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to get him to talk about it.”

  “Well I hope you do before it all blows up in his face,” Steph said.

  “Yeah me too, it feels like a time bomb just waiting to go off and I don’t know if we’ll survive it. I keep getting this feeling of dread, but can’t figure anything out. I don’t want to push him and then we end up fighting. It’s not like we’re together every day. Hell the first week we barely talked to each other on the phone our schedules are too full and too different. I’ll see what I can get out of him tonight after the game. Let’s just act like we do at home and it’ll make him feel better.”


  “Cris I don’t know what to do. My parents are trying to push me and this girl, a daughter of a coworker of my Dad’s, together. More my Dad than my Mom, but she’s changed so much up here I don’t trust her either. I don’t want anyone except Lia. I keep telling him no and we had a big blow out the other night about it. He wanted me to go to this party last night and I left school right after practice to go home to PA, to Lia. He wasn’t happy with me, but I don’t even like this girl. She’s snobby and a poor little rich kid type. I need to find a place back home, somewhere, anywhere, I’m gonna finish out the football season and try to work as much as I can up here and then try to be back home by the holidays. Don’t tell Lia she’s insecure as it is,” Seth said as they waited for the food to get done.

  “Wow that really sucks, just try to stay away from her as much as possible. Is she gonna be at the party tonight?” Cris asked.

  “Yeah probably, or my worst nightmare, she’ll show up at the game tonight, just what I need her and Lia there at the same time. Lia will kill her with one punch, but then it’ll hurt my Dad in the long run.”

  “Well then you Dad shouldn’t be forcing you to be with her. He knows you’re engaged to Lia. This freaking sucks, my Dad finally let’s up on you and now your Dad has to be the same way with Lia,” Cris stated.

  “I don’t think it has anything to do with Lia as it has to do with me. I don’t want the life of a stock broker. I don’t want all this, it’s nice to visit, but I don’t want to live here permanently.”

  “Yeah I can understand that, it’s not for me either, but tread lightly, don’t have it get blown out of proportion. Talk to your uncle, maybe he can help,” Cris suggested.

  “No I don’t want to. I’ll work it out on my own,” Seth said.

  “Well have Lia help you. And for God’s sake, tell her about all this. If she finds out about it any other way she’ll kill you,” Cris said.

  “Yeah I know,” he said.

  Walking back to the table Seth tried to think of a way to tell her, but nothing came to him. How do you tell your fiancé that your Dad is trying to hook you up with another girl, one who will further his career? He thought the truth would be right, but he didn’t know how she would take it. He’d try when he took them to the park nearby.

  Steph took the first bite and moaned, “I’m in heaven. This is so good.”

  “Yeah it is,” Lia agreed.

  The meat lovers’ pizza was their favorite so the guys got both that way along with garlic knots, and fries. They were all so hungry they wolfed it all down within minutes. They were sitting there stuffed when two girls walked into the pizza shop. Seth saw them and groaned. He leaned toward Lia, and whispered, “I need to talk to you, not now, but trust me I’ll explain everything later. Remember I love only you.”

  “Ok” she said feeling that dreaded feeling creep up her spine.

  “Oh Seth, dear how are you?” the first girl said.

  “Fine,” he replied definitely not enthused.

  “I missed you last night at the party. Your parents said you weren’t feeling well and couldn’t come to my parent’s party. It was such a drag without you there. Even though I just met you it seems like I’ve known you forever. Are you going to introduce me to your friends?” she asked.

  “Cris, Steph this is Felicity,??
? he introduced looking at Cris. Cris got his meaning and groaned inward.

  “Hi Cris, Hi Steph. And?” she said looking at Lia.

  “This is my fiancé, Lia. Lia this is Felicity,” Seth said with dread in his voice.

  “Your fiancé?” Felicity screeched.

  “Yeah his fiancé, got a problem with it?” Lia demanded knowing this was the girl he told her about.

  “Ok time to leave,” Cris said standing up. “Nice to meet you Felicity, but we really got to go. Steph, Lia, let’s go.” He waited till Lia walked past him with Seth right behind her with his hand on her back. Lia walked with her back so stiff, Seth knew he was in trouble.

  They walked three blocks to the park in silence, the tension was strung so taunt between them Seth was afraid it would explode. He knew he had to explain, but didn’t know where to begin. When Cris suggested that Steph and him will walk ahead and meet then back here in an hour, he really dreaded it.

  Lia walked slowly not really knowing what was going on and why was Felicity so surprised that he has a fiancé. What the heck was going on, but she refused to speak to him. If he wasn’t going to explain she wasn’t going to talk to him. She figured once they got back she would ask Cris to take her home.

  Seth pulled her hand into his and sat down on a park bench under a beautiful oak tree. She sat with him because she didn’t think her legs could carry her much further. Her insides were churning with that damn dread.

  “Lia, don’t be mad at me, please,” he begged. “I swear I didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “Yeah right. Why was she so shocked I was your fiancé? I know you told me she was following you around school, but she was too friendly to be someone following you. What’s going on? Is that why you didn’t call me much this past week? Geez it wasn’t even a week Seth.”

  “Now wait a minute! I didn’t tell her about you because my life is none of her business. She’s the daughter of one of my Dad’s co workers and the two of them thought it would be great if the two of us got together, NOT me. I didn’t go to that party last night because it was at her house and I wanted to be with you. I left school without my parents knowing I was leaving and called them from my car when I got close to your home. It’s my Dad, not me, Lia. You got to believe me,” he stated.

  “I still don’t get why you didn’t tell her you were engaged,” Lia stated.

  “I didn’t talk to her much at all, every time she came near me I walked away. Then her parents and my parents went out a few nights this week and she came along all the time. After the second time I didn’t go with them. I made sure I stayed out till they left or stayed in my room. It’s been hell being here,” Seth explained.

  “She’s gonna make trouble for you isn’t she,” Lia asked.

  “Yeah probably for my Dad too, but I’m not giving in. You believe me?” he asked.

  “Yeah I believe you. You’re lucky I know you like the back of my hand and if for a moment I thought you were lying to me I’d leave right now.”

  “I love only you, Lia.”

  “As I love only you, Seth,” she said giving him a kiss.

  Unknown to them they were being watched by Felicity. She was so mad; she vowed to herself she was going to get Seth no matter what it took. She might have only met him, but she wanted him and she always got what she wanted.

  Chapter 22

  When they regrouped Cris asked, “Everything ok?”

  “Yeah everything between me and Seth is ok, but if I see that Felicity it won’t be. I’m sorry Seth the more I think about it the more pissed off I get. If she starts anything with me any time I’m here she better just look out.”

  “What ya gonna do, Sis. Punch her in the face?” Cris asked jokingly.

  “You bet I will! That and a whole lot more.”

  “Don’t encourage her,” Seth said as they walked back into his apartment.

  “Encourage who, dear?” Mrs. Rossetti asked.

  “Me,” Lia said. “I just had the pleasure of meeting Felicity. You know we’re engaged, but she’s pushed in front of Seth’s face all the time. It’s not right and not fair to her or either of us. Seth and I are going to be married and there’s nothing either of you can do to stop it. I really don’t mean any disrespect to you Mr. and Mrs. Rossetti, but it’s how I feel and if you want me to leave tonight I will.”

  “No, Lia we don’t want you to leave and I do agree with you. You two are engaged and it should be respected even if it is not agreeable with everyone,” Mrs. Rossetti said glaring at her husband. “You better stop it now. I told you to stop it the first time I saw you trying to put them together. You’ll make us lose our son, because he’ll pick Lia over us.”

  “You’re damn straight I will. I told you Dad from the first time I don’t want anything to do with her. Stop making this move a disaster for me. I hate it here to begin with and you’re making worse. If it doesn’t stop I’ll go back and you won’t stop me!” Seth thundered. “Just get it straight, Lia is my world and she always will be.”

  Unknown to the kids Felicity’s parents were in the living room. “Keep it down all of you her parents are in the living room and can hear us I’m sure,” Mr. Rossetti said.

  “I don’t care anymore. I’m done here,” Seth said. “Come on guys I got to get ready for the game.”


  When Mr. and Mrs. Rossetti went back into the living room Felicity’s mother asked, “Is there a problem with our daughter?”

  “No, no,” Mr. Rossetti said.

  “Well actually it seems your husband and mine were trying to do a little bit of match making between our kids, but Seth is engaged to Lia. Even though my husband might not like it since he thinks they’re too young, it’s a fact and he needs to remember it. I didn’t know anything about it, before this and I apologize,” Mrs. Rossetti said.

  “Think nothing of it. My husband has been trying to find a suitable man for his daughter, to get her off his hands. It seems that he can’t handle the monster he created. He spoiled her rotten and now is trying to find a boy to take over where he wants to leave off. Don’t get me wrong we love our daughter very much, but we see her flaws. While your son would be able to handle her, as she needs someone to stand up to her, we would never think to break up another relationship to do that. Is that right, Dear?”

  “She’s going to be the death of me yet. As my wife pointed out I did create a spoiled little monster, but there is a heart under all that. She’s right my daughter needs the right man to handle her and your husband and I thought Seth would be the right one. I apologize for any problems we caused.” Felicity’s dad said.

  “I have one question.” Mrs. Rossetti said. “Did my husband tell you he was engaged?”

  “Yes he did, but he said it was just an infatuation.”

  “Infatuation? You got you be kidding me. They have grown up with each other since they were five and have not be apart from each other since then, except for a month for a disagreement between adults, not them. This is not an infatuation and as soon as you get that through your head the better off you’ll be,” Mrs. Rossetti said to her husband. “I have to apologize to the both of you for my husband’s lack of understanding his son.”

  “We do understand, truly we do. Let’s put this all behind us now,” Felicity’s mom said. “And no more match making.”


  They arrived at Seth’s school; he left them while he went to go with the team to get ready for the game. Lia was still mad and it was making her stomach hurt. She felt like she was going to be sick, but she sat very still in Seth’s car. Cris was outside pacing back and forth which was making her sicker. She turned to Steph and asked, “Can you make him stop pacing? He’s make me sick.”

  “Yeah I’ll go out and tell him. Lia is Seth worth all that you have gone through? It seems like you too are always fighting to be together, either your Dad or his, or someone.”

Yeah he’s worth it. I can’t ever see myself with anyone else. I know it seems like that, but there are times when it’s perfect for us. Once we get away from our parents it’ll be better for us. Really you need to tell him to stop pacing,” Lia moaned.

  Getting out of the car Steph walked over to Cris, “Can you stop pacing? You’re making Lia sick.”

  “Again? Damn it if Seth wasn’t like a brother to me I’d kick his ass.” Cris roared.

  “Why? He didn’t do this. It’s your fathers. They did this to them. Why doesn’t your father give us a hard time? We’re as much in love as they are or don’t we count?” Steph asked.

  “It’s not that at all. You have to understand it wasn’t natural the way those two have been through the years. It seemed like they were a couple since they were young. Remember back to when you were seven or eight, did you even like boys?” he asked.

  “No, I didn’t like boys till I was about eleven or twelve,” she answered.

  “Well it wasn’t like that with them. Even though they wouldn’t admit liking each other it was the way they moved with each other. If one moved the other moved right with them. I remember our mothers commenting on it a lot.”

  “Our Moms were once best friends and spent a lot of time together, but with Seth’s Dad’s drinking Mrs. Rossetti pulled away from my Mom. Then the last straw was last year when Seth got into all that trouble with Lia. I still remember how they used to laugh that maybe they would get married one day.”

  “Now that it’s about to happen they’re all freaking out. You should have seen my Dad after he found out; he went into the garage and broke a few things. She thinks Dad accepts it all, so please don’t tell her it would break her heart. He has to work it out himself.”

  “I wouldn’t tell her something like that,” Steph said. “But you need to stop pacing your making her sick.”

  Walking over to the car he opened the door and knelt down by his sister, “Lia are you feeling ok?”