Read More than a Promise: The Separation Page 5

  “I’d try anything and I really thought it would work,” he mumbled.

  “Well it didn’t so you better think again. And get away from that stupid window.”


  “My Dad’s away from the window. Cris, would you please put the sleeping bags back in the garage before Dad comes back? All I need is for him to notice they’re missing.”

  “Yeah, Yeah. I’m getting there,” Cris muttered.

  “Well if I do it and get caught I’ll be grounded. You don’t want that to happen do you?” Lia muttered.

  “No, I’m not putting up with you being miserable. You always take it out on me,” he replied.

  Seth walked up and put his arm around her shoulder, “Don’t be too hard on him once I’m gone.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “When you’re mad or miserable you take everything out on him. He takes it because he feels guilty how your Dad treats the two of you differently. Just cut him some slack that’s all I’m asking.”

  Turning to him she looked into his eyes. She just stared at him for a moment, “You’re serious aren’t you? I never wanted him to feel guilty. I want my Dad to feel that, but not Cris”

  “He knows that, that’s why he takes it without complaining,” Seth said softly kissing the top of her head.

  “Wow. Now I feel terrible I didn’t know I did that to him,” she said miserably.

  “Yeah you do,” Cris said walking up behind her.

  “No I didn’t!” she yelled going after her brother, but Seth held her back.

  “Babe, stop it. I need to go home and let my Mom know I’m home, but I don’t want to leave knowing you two are fighting.”

  “You can go I won’t kill him today,” she replied laughing.

  “Good, give me a kiss I’m leaving. I’ll be back in an hour or so,” he said.

  “I don’t want you to go,” she said hanging onto him.

  “I have to and I don’t think your parents will let you go with me.”

  “Let’s go in and ask,” Lia suggested.

  “Ugh, ok if you want,” Seth replied.

  She grabbed his hand and pulled him up the driveway toward the back door. He reluctantly went with her. Opening the door she yelled, “Mom where are you?”

  “In the dining room, dear,” she replied looking up from a pile of papers scattered all over the table.

  They walked through the kitchen to the dining room. “Hi Mom what ya doing?”

  “Writing out the bills. What’s up? Hi Seth, how are you?”

  “I’m fine, Mrs. Lombardi,” he replied.

  “Nothing we had a great time in the Poconos. I brought back some more ferns. They’re baby ones so I have to bring them in to grow through the winter. Do we have any potting soil?”

  “More ferns?” her mom asked sighing. “Where are you putting them?”

  “In the back yard, where the ferns didn’t grow last year.”

  “The potting soil is in the garage along with the pots.”

  “Ok I’ll get them, but can I go to Seth’s first?”

  “You’ve been gone all night and most of today. Don’t you think it’s time you stayed home?”

  “We’ll be back soon. Seth just wants to take a shower and check in with his parents. Please Mom.”

  “Ok don’t be too long you have school tomorrow.”

  “We’re going to hang out here tonight. We should only be gone about an hour,” Seth said.

  “That’s fine. You going to take care of those plants when you get back?” her Mom asked.

  “Yeah we’ll do it in the garage so we don’t make a mess in the house,” Lia said. “Bye Mom see ya in a little bit.”


  When they were in Seth’s car Lia said, “See we asked and I could go with you.”

  “Yeah I didn’t think they’d let you go.”


  They got out of the car at Seth’s house and his Dad was working on his car in the driveway. “Hi Lia. Seth.” Mr. Rossini greeted them.

  “Hi Mr. Rossini how’s the car?” Lia asked concern in her voice.

  “Good, good, just getting it all ready for the trip. Making sure all the hoses and belts are good,” he replied.

  “Great,” Seth murmured.

  “What was that Seth?” Mr. Rossini asked

  “Nothing. Where’s Mom?”

  “In the house,” he replied.

  “Come on Lia I want to grab some thing before we go back to your house,” Seth said.

  “You’re going to Lia’s house?”

  “Yeah Dad, she can’t be gone long and we want to hang out.”

  “Not a real good idea for you to be there too long.”

  “Don’t worry Mr. Rossini my Mom’s home she’ll keep my Dad away from us,” Lia said gloomily.

  “Dad knock it off! Don’t make her feel any worse!” Seth snarled.

  “I’m not trying to make her feel worse just stating a fact. You know her Dad doesn’t like you,” Mr. Rossini said.

  “Dad we all know that, but it doesn’t change a thing between us,” Seth reiterated again. “Let’s go in Lia.”


  As they walked in Lia was in a solemn mood and Seth picked up on it right away. “Hey Babe don’t think about what my Dad said. It’s nothing that any of us haven’t known for a while.”

  “I know, but I’m tired of fighting everyone,” she muttered.

  “What does that mean?” Seth questioned.

  “It means that I tired of fighting for us to be together all the time. I love you and I will fight for us forever if I have to, but I’m tired of it. We have so little time and all we’ll do is fight, my Dad and your Dad so we can be together.”

  “I thought you wanted to break up for a second,” Seth said.

  “Alright, Seth what’s up with you? You keep thinking we’re breaking up. Is that what you want deep down? Do you want to be free and clear of any attachments when you start your new school?” Lia demanded.

  “When my Dad told me we were moving the first thing that went through my mind was that you would break it off, not wanting a boyfriend living so far away. And when I told him I wasn’t moving, I wasn’t going to lose you. He told me I was moving because I wasn’t old enough and he didn’t want me in anymore trouble. Then he said if she loves you she’ll be there for you after you graduate. Is that true? Are you gonna wait for me? I need to know.”

  She stopped dead in her tracks and looked at him, “Seth, of course, I’ll wait for you. That’s not my fear. I’m terrified you won’t want to come back to me. You’ll find another girl or girls to replace me. Last night I dreamt that you found someone else, but didn’t have the guts to tell me and you never did. I found out on my own. It was the most frightening of nightmares I ever had. I woke up in a cold sweat just thinking about it. It’s not me you have to worry about. I have to worry about the girls at your new school.”

  He walked up to her and stood inches from her looking directly into her eyes, “No, you won’t. We have been through hell and back and I won’t give you up for anyone,” he said.

  “I hope not, but I’m still worried.”

  “Don’t be I’ll always be there for you. I’ll always love you,” he said bending down to kiss her.

  Chapter 7

  When they went back to school on Monday it was all over that Seth was moving in two weeks. When Lia walked into homeroom everyone stopped talking and looked at her. At first she stood there a second and wondered what she did. Being in a homeroom full of cheerleaders you never know what faux pas you could have done to make them talk about you behind your back.

  “What’s going on? What did I do now?” Lia asked.

  “Not you, your boyfriend, he’s our best player and now he’s moving away. What’s that going to do to the football team?” Courtney Schale, the cheerleading captain said. She was the typical cheerleader with blonde hair,
perky little nose, and slender figure with ample breasts. “Looks like our winning season, is out the door.”

  “First off he’s is not the only one on the team that’s good. Most of them on it are good. Second he has no choice in the matter. Third, why is it any of your business?” Lia retorted.

  “Why are you getting down on Lia, she’s one of us and we are suppose to stick together,” said Tina Paulson, a pretty brunette with curly hair, stunning green eyes, “You need to back off Courtney.”

  “I don’t have to back off. Ever since she got on the squad, the squad has gone downhill,” Courtney replied. “Now her boyfriend is leaving us high and dry for the rest of the season.”

  “You need to knock it off. And if you don’t like the squad anymore you know where the door is,” Tina, who was one of Lia’s true friends on the squad, replied.

  “She needs to go not me! I’m the captain!” Courtney shouted.

  “I’m not going anywhere. It’s not my fault that he’s leaving, but if you want to blame me fine. I’m really sick of you, Courtney and all the trouble you cause. The only reason you don’t like me is because I have Seth and you don’t. Well too bad! We will never break up! So deal with it,” Lia stated with more confidence than she actually felt.

  “You little bitch,” Courtney started toward Lia, but was blocked by most of the squad.

  “I’m beginning to think voting you in as captain, of our squad, was a mistake,” Tasha Richardson said. Tasha was also a good friend of Lia’s. She was the most beautiful girl on the squad. She was tall and skinny, with olive colored skin, light brown eyes that could look right through you. But it wasn’t only her appearance that made her so beautiful it was her personality. She always stuck up for the underdog, and went to bat for anyone who needed it. And she was not about to let Lia be blamed for something that was not her fault.

  “You need to back off,” another girl said with a lot more of the squad agreeing.

  “You wait, Lia, I’ll get you for this,” Courtney said through clenched teeth.

  “I don’t think so, Courtney. You won’t get her for anything,” Seth said standing at the doorway of the homeroom.

  “Oh and what are you gonna do Seth? You won’t be here to protect her,” Courtney snickered.

  “No, but I will be,” Cris roared as he stepped into the room. “Let me hear one thing, Courtney and you won’t know what hit you. Leave my sister alone.”

  “Don’t worry she won’t do anything, we’ll make sure of that!” Tasha stated. “I fact I think we need to rethink who our captain is. Don’t we girls?” Tasha asked.

  “Yeah we do,” Tina replied.

  “No don’t do that. Just forget it,” Lia said. “I’m not worried about what Courtney thinks anyway.”

  “Well you should be,” Courtney replied.

  “I would have let it go at Lia’s request, but you had to open your mouth Courtney. I don’t want you as my captain any longer and we’ll see what we can do about it.” Tasha replied.

  The bell rang and Mrs. Smytheson, their homeroom teacher and advisor for the cheerleaders came walking in. “Boys don’t you need to be in homeroom?” she asked.

  “Yeah going there now, Mrs. Smytheson,” Cris replied. “Lia you let me know what goes on.”

  “Ok just go now. Seth I’ll see you at lunch,” she said gloomily.


  Lia and Seth were sitting at their normal table in the cafeteria when he asked, “What was that all about this morning? Why was Courtney ready to bit your head off?”

  “She’s mad you’re leaving. She said that thanks to you our football team won’t win another game since you’re moving.”

  “And what does that have to do with you? The team this year is good with or without me. My being gone isn’t going to change that.”

  “I know and I told her that. But then I said something that really pissed her off,” she smiled remembering the shocked and angry look on Courtney’s face

  A few minutes went by and Lia didn’t say anything more. “Lia are you going to tell me what you said to her?” he asked.

  Smiling Lia said, “I told her that she was mad because I had you and we are never breaking up.”

  Seth laughed. “Good one. I don’t know why I ever took her out at all.”

  “To make me mad.”

  “We weren’t even going out then,” Seth replied.

  “Oh I know that, but I wanted you back then and you knew it,” Lia said moving closer to him.

  “Babe if you come any closer we’ll be in a lot of trouble here,” Seth said looking into her eyes with so much hunger.

  “Get a room,” Cris said across the table. Both Seth and Lia looked at him. “Oh forget I said that to my younger sister.”

  They all laughed.


  The rest of the week went by without a comment from Courtney, except for the glares she kept throwing her way. That was up till Thursday when they were in homeroom and Mrs. Smytheson announced, “Seems like we have a problem on this squad. Almost half of the girls came to me and asked if we can have a re-vote for the captain of the squad. Now I told them that they voted in the captain and that stays until the end of the year, but since they all told me they were going to quit unless they were able to re-vote I had to take them seriously. Now I don’t know what exactly transpired here this week. I talked to each one of them individually and I don’t like what I heard. I also spoke with your captain. She knows what I’m going to say.”

  “Mrs. Smytheson can I say something?” Lia asked.


  “I didn’t ask for this and I don’t want this to happen. I agree we voted her in and it should stay that way. What happens between us, we have to work out. I don’t want to be the cause of this,” Lia said.

  “Lia you’re not the cause of this, she is,” Tasha said.

  “Ok now girls we’re not getting into this discussion now. I’m sorry Lia, but the re-vote has to take place and if you still want Courtney as your captain then she will be. Now remember the only requirement is she has to be a senior. Write down the name of the person you want to be your captain and put it in the box on my desk by the end of homeroom.”

  Everyone put their votes in the box right away except Lia. She didn’t know what to do, should she put in who she really wants, or put in Courtney? She was thinking not to put one in, but then everyone would see that she didn’t put one in. She decided, folded up her paper, and as the bell rang she put it in the box and then walked out of the room.

  “Who did you vote for?” Tina asked as they walked down the hall.

  “It’s to be a secret remember?” Lia replied evasively.

  “Oh come on. Tell me I won’t tell anyone,” Tina said.

  “Oh ok I didn’t put anyone. The paper I put in was blank. I didn’t feel right outing anyone. I feel like it’s all my fault. I don’t think I should have voted,” Lia replied.

  “It’s not your fault and you know it,” Tina replied.

  “Yeah, I know, but I didn’t have to spout what I did to anger her further. I know Courtney, and I should have just ignored her. Instead I stooped to her level and inflamed the situation more. Don’t get me wrong it felt good at the time, but now look where we are,” gloomily she replied.

  “Well if she wouldn’t have pushed it so hard. Like this is your fault, Seth’s moving away. And you were right there are other guys on the team just as good as Seth. I think you hit it right on the nail. She thought she would get Seth away from you and she would go out with him. But now she won’t have that chance with him moving away.”

  “Seth and I talked about it and he would never go out with her. He regretted taking her to the movies a few years back.” Lia said.

  “Well I guess we’ll see tomorrow who the captain is going to be,” Tina said.

  “Hey who did you vote for?” Lia asked.


  “Good c
hoice,” Lia said.


  The next morning in homeroom everyone was there including Courtney. She was quiet and didn’t speak to anyone. She sat there glaring at everyone.

  Mrs. Smytheson was sitting at her desk and when the bell rang she stood and announced, “The re-vote was interesting and the person who won did it by two votes. And the captain is Tasha.”

  “Yeah!!!!!!!!!” the girls yelled.

  “Now girls quite down. Since Tasha was the assistant captain we have to replace her and the new assistant captain is Lia.”

  “But I thought you had to be a senior!” Courtney demanded.

  “No not for the assistant captain,” Mrs. Smytheson said. “I am the one to appoint a new assistant captain as our original one is going to be captain now.”

  “Ugh,” Courtney said in a huff and sat gloomily in her seat with her arms crossed over her chest.

  “Congratulations girls. Now since that is settled I want you all to report tonight a half hour earlier at 5:30 since it’s an away game. We’ll go over everything once we get to the game. Tasha and Lia I need to talk to you before the bell rings.”


  At lunch Seth and Lia were sitting at their table when Courtney walked up. “You think you won this, but you didn’t. I will get you in the end.”

  “Try it Courtney. I don’t really care what you say or do,” Lia replied.

  “Oh you think just because you made assistant captain that your all that? Well you’re not,” Courtney replied.

  Before Lia could replied Seth cut her off, “You made assistant captain and you didn’t tell me. That’s great!” Then he stood up and yelled down the table to everyone, “Hey guys Lia made assistant cheerleading captain.”

  Everyone at the table was cheering and congratulation her. Seth looked at Courtney and gave her a sarcastic smirked, “Told you not to mess with her,” Seth said to Courtney.

  Courtney shrieked, stomped her foot at the same time, turned and flew out of the cafeteria.

  “You really didn’t have to tick her off anymore,” Lia said.