Read Moron's Guide to Surviving the Space Race Page 16

“Hello?” Gabriella said, when she was done with the fifth video journal her father had done. No answer was forthcoming. She had to admit to herself that she felt somewhat ashamed of herself for flipping out so bad and beating on the walls. It was almost as bad as when she played with herself for the camera that she knew was watching her. Nothing was yielding a response from John Moron though.

  The itch was starting to begin, slowly her body was getting rid of her last hit of moondust. The burning desire inside her for another hit was nearly overwhelming and she knew it was only going to get worse.

  “Hello? I’m in pain! Don’t you understand, I’m sick and need a doctor!” Gabby yelled at the top of her lungs.

  “No, you aren’t.” a computerized voice that was very similar to Angelina Jolie’s voice answered her.

  “Yes I am! Who are you? I thought Moron was alone on this ship.” Gabby asked.

  “I wouldn’t call him that if I were you.” Came back the response.

  “What can he do to me that he hasn’t already done? I have friends in Las Vegas that’ll be looking for me!”

  “No you don’t. All of your friends are junkies. As long as they get their next fix, they won’t care what happened to you.” The voice explained. “The police may wonder where you disappeared to when Steve is found dead in the warehouse. But they won’t be looking for a living person. They’ll be looking for a dead one.”

  “Are you planning on killing me?” Gabby asked, fear sweeping through her again.

  “Haven’t decided. Still up in the air. Also it depends on how much of a problem you are. See, no one will clean up the mess you made by taking that food tray and throwing it against the wall. But the smell is going to annoy all of us so we may kill you because it stinks when it begins to rot.” The voice informed Gabby.

  “Fuck you! You fucking assholes took me from my home, my friends, my apartment and are holding me hostage!” Gabby flipped both her middle fingers out and waved them around. That’s when the lights turned off. The room was pitch black and there wasn’t a single sound to be heard. “What happened to the lights?”

  “John gave me permission to tend you. So I’m teaching you manners. When you are rude, I turn off the lights. And leave them off. Good bye for now.” The voice clicked off and Gabby sat there in silence and darkness, screaming at the top of her lungs.

  * * *