Read Mortal Banshee Page 22

  The others not only wanted to stay, they tried to convince him that it would be fine for Rapture to sing for the other customers. After some circular discussion, Evan ended the argument. “Don’t be a dork, Donne. I double-dog dare you to play the keyboard.”

  Up on stage, Rap hummed a few notes and Visor followed them with the organ. It had some sticky keys and misaligned valves, but would work well enough for this tipsy crowd. Rap didn’t really need to warm up. As long as she was hydrated, she could wail out an opera.

  Visor sat uncomfortably on a stool he’d taken from the bar.

  Rapture stood behind him.

  Athian, Sorana and Evan formed a protective perimeter around Rapture, as most of the patrons had packed up near the stage in anticipation.

  Rapture and Visor passed the tune back and forth, teasing the crowd with sequential notes of popular songs, as they had done together numerous times at inns and in the court of WaterCrescent. He could feel his adrenaline surge as Rapture’s pheromones swept over him. She was prepping the crowd.

  Athian plucked his lute in harmony when he could predict the melody. His riffs were impressive.

  Rapture hummed the cue, and Visor led into the opening riff of Sirenia. It was considered a black sheep of sirenic symphony—one of two popular songs that were less appropriate for formal settings, primarily due to their graphical lyrics. Sirenia also had heavy percussion and rough string instrument riffs.

  Athian took over the melody, which was good as his lute was a better instrument for the gritty opening sequence.

  The crowd recognized Sirenia and cheers went up. Some clapped and danced while others stumbled about, searching for something to use as a percussion instrument.

  Then Rapture began, and everything but her voice faded.

  You sleep to find your sensual queen

  She touches you and she is me

  Cespenar, perched on the organ pipes, flashed lights in rhythm to her notes.

  Rapture reached the chorus and the women in the crowd sang along.

  This Wailing Siren for human souls

  Forbidden strokes in dreaming strolls

  This Screaming Banshee grand guignol shrine

  Erotic hex body and mind

  Rapture was loud, but Visor’s ears soon adjusted. The siren sang and the crowd was enthralled. She imposed her want and will upon them, and they beseeched her for sound and scent. They swayed to her gestures and danced to her rhythm, alternately wailing and cheering in reaction to her subtle inflections. The thralls screamed as she directed and stood solemnly when she desired.

  The closing accompaniment was simple and Visor looked around as he played. People were filing in off the street. Mackenzie’s staff was distributing instruments to their patrons.

  A Knight of the Moon blocked the entrance. He began frisking everyone before letting them enter Mackenzie’s.

  Ranie was sitting on their original table, resting her back against the wall.

  Rapture took a drink of water from Visor’s cup. Her forehead was beaded with perspiration and her cheeks flushed.

  Visor said, “Nice Rap. What now?”

  She rested her hands on his shoulder, licked his neck, and said, “Let’s see your tower witch do this!”

  She hummed the introduction for Venom. That was the other black sheep song.

  Evan made her way to Ranie.

  Ranie played with some figurine from the pile of Sanctuary donations, pretending it could fly.

  Evan snatched Ranie’s cup and held it out of her reach.

  Rapture was finishing Venom. It was traditional for the singer to vary the words of the closing stanzas.

  Deep in warm and wet sensation

  Irresistible temptation

  Your mouth so hot, my skin so moist

  Lässt du mich ihren Namen schreinen

  Ranie said something to Evan and lazily pointed in Rapture’s direction.

  Evan watched the stage for a second. She dropped Ranie’s drink and said something that started with ‘holy’, if he was reading her lips right.


  Athian said, “Mine’s the maroon one with the crimson monogram.”

  The Visitor’s Center attendant hefted Athian’s pack up to the counter. He asked Ranie, “You’re housing all of them?”

  “Yes.” Ranie smacked her residency paper and employee card on the counter. “I work for the university.”

  The attendant read the paper. “Rainaria Lewis, 26 Acatia district.” He mumbled to himself. “Do you need any help with the gear, ma’am.”

  Ranie said, “I think we’ll manage.”

  Visor put some extra coins on the counter. “Please see that the gray Holstein gets special attention. Her name is Mystique.” Visor waved over the Knight of the Moon that had followed them from Mackenzie’s. “Could you get some of these?”

  The knight asked. “The Engel’s?”

  Visor handed him a bag. “Yep. And this one. Thanks.” He gave another of Rap’s bags to Evan. “We all ready?”

  Rapture yawned. “Yeah.”

  Ranie put away her papers. “What a night.”

  Evan led the group. “When you guys started the Sirenia encore, I seriously thought the ceiling was going to fall in. My boobs are still jiggling.”

  Athian said, “That was a lot of percussion.”

  Visor said, “They keep a lot of instruments in taverns around here.”

  Athian said, “Because the sanctuary is here.”

  Ranie said, “Most of the vibration was from tables and chairs.”

  Cespenar sneezed. “There was dust falling from the rafters.”

  “That was truly a concert for the ages.” Athian readjusted his pack. “Rap was just fabulous. When she wailed that outro …”

  Evan said, “That was a freaking Floorgasm!”

  Athian cupped his ear. “What! I still can’t hear you for some reason.”

  Rapture looked at Visor inquisitively. “A what?”

  “It just means you nailed a line.”

  “You mean my transition to outro?”

  “I think they’re talking about the close of the last meta-chorus.”

  “Oh, yeah.” She huffed. “I kinda lost control there with the crowd so close, and sweaty. And grabby.”

  “Don’t touch me.” Visor flung his hand around, pretending to fend off people getting too close. He spoke with an accent of a native speaker of old sirenic. “Don’t touch my hair.”

  “Why do they do that?”

  “Maybe because you fling it around.”

  “All sirens do that at the Sirenia outro.”

  “But they don’t all color their hair red.”

  “I do not!” She slapped his shoulder.

  “Maybe because you’re irresistible.”

  Visor and Rapture caught up with the group, which had stopped to observe an arrangement of logs. Shorter logs were stacked like tipi around a taller, vertical log.

  Evan said, “They do this every year. A waste of wood.”

  Athian said, “That must be quite a blaze.”

  Evan said, “Yeah. They make it bigger. That’s just the first stack. They put a pile of outhouses and other junk on top of that.”

  Athian said, “Isn’t that the Engelfire? It’ll be the 89th build.”

  Visor said, “I’ve heard of that. It’s a school event, right?”

  Ranie narrowed her eyes at him. “An undergrad event, mostly.” She walked off.

  Others followed, with Rapture and Visor trailing again.

  Rapture said, “I am so tired.”

  Visor put an arm around her waist. “Go straight to bed when we get to Ranie’s. I’ll take care of the gear.”

  Rapture said, “I’m surprised she’s letting you stay.”

  “Yeah. What’s with the animosity?”

  “I don’t know. Did you sleep with her?”

No!” Visor scoffed.

  “I don’t know, then.”

  “Wait, do you mean ever?”

  “Ach du lieber Gott!”

  Visor said, “Well, it was so long ago. We were still working the farmstead. She can’t really still care about that.”

  Rapture stopped. “Ach du lieber Gott!”

  “She’s two years older, you know. She was just playing around.”

  “Oh, really? Did she tell you that? Are you so blind—” She shook her head.

  He held out his hands. “What’s wrong? There’s nothing to worry about.”

  “Is that what you think?” Rapture gasped and held up a hand standoffishly. “Good night.” She turned and limped away. She smacked her thigh and Burke followed.

  Visor took a step after her. “But really, there’s nothing to worry about.”

  And just like that, Rapture walked away from him.

  The Knight of the Moon watched for a moment, then set out after Rap.

  Chapter 46


  Visor said, “Well it’s not so funny to me.”

  Athian laughed. “You have to stop thinking like a ‘me’ and think like a ‘we’. Then it all makes sense.”

  “Easy for you to say, mister ‘in tune with your feminine side’.”

  “Tune has nothing to do with you being a little more open minded and less of a dork.”

  “Your.” Visor leaned against the wall, causing his floor cushion to slide along the floor.

  Athian swirled his wine. “Traditionally, I’m supposed to tell you to talk with her.”

  “Ah, thanks for the insight.”

  “Fine, I’ll just give you the answer. She just wants to see you suffer a little.”

  “Okay. So, fine, she walked off and now I’m suffering.”

  Athian closed his eyes, put a hand on his head and scrunched his face in concentration. “I predict … Visor will screw up again.” He laughed.

  Evan came in with a plate of rice snacks. “What’s so funny?”

  Visor said, “Nothing.”

  Athian said, “He told Rap that Ranie didn’t mean anything to him, and he’s wondering why she’s upset.”

  Evan said, “You’re a dork. Want a ricey?”

  Visor shook his head. “It’s not funny. She could be in danger. Who knows where she is.”

  “Aww, can you not eat?” Evan rolled her eyes. “She’s an adult. She has a lion—”

  Visor said, “Leopard.”

  “—and a Knight of the Moon with her. And hmm, maybe she went to the Sanctuary?” Evan put the tray on the table and sat in the empty chair.

  Visor sighed. “So, what am I supposed to do? She walked away from me.”

  “Women do that. Yes I know! You are binded.” Evan air-quoted ‘binded’. “And she’s a siren … yada yada. She’s still a woman.”

  Visor said, “But—”

  Athian said, “But in all seriousness, it’s about honesty. They always know when you’re lying.”

  Visor said, “But I’m not lying. I’m not going to run off with … another girl. She hates me anyway.”

  Evan said, “See, now you’re being defensive. That’s not even what he’s saying, dork.”

  Athian held up a ricey. “These are fabulous. Are you cold, Hun?”

  Evan rubbed her hands on her arms.

  “She’s just wanting assurance. Go see her in the morning.” Athian patted his lap.

  Evan grabbed a ricey and sat in Athian’s lap. “You have to talk about feelings.”

  “Can you do that part for me?” Visor got quiet as Ranie walked in.

  Ranie carried a bottle of wine and glasses, and a fine hair brush. She was fresh from the bath and in a long, multi-layer gown. She looked at the three others as she put the bottle on the table. “Oh. I see you were talking about me. I’ll just leave this and go to bed so you can continue.” She turned to leave.

  Evan said, “Meole—”

  “No, don’t … please.” Visor surprised himself.

  Ranie regarded him with a sneer. She crossed her arms, but did not leave.


  Athian plucked his lute.

  Ranie sang, “To my blue melody …” She took a breath and sat up straight. “My f-a-a-a-all” she gasped, “wi-i-i-ll—” She broke into laughter and the others joined in. “That’s impossible without the choir backup—holding it that long.”

  “Fail!” Evan brushed Ranie’s hair.

  Athian said, “Okay, Ranie. That’s one shot.”

  Ranie rolled her eyes. “Fine.” She reached for the wine bottle and her sleeve knocked over Visor’s glass. “Ooo. Sorry.”

  Visor set the bottle back upright, but it had already spilled. “No biggie.” He sat back to check the wetness on his pants.

  Evan got up. “I’ll get a towel.”

  Ranie said, “I’m not used to these long sleeves. I’ve just been chilly recently.”

  Athian grabbed the lamp’s oil flask and walked over to the fire pit. “It is kind of cold in here.” He poured some oil on the kindling and lit it. The fire flared. “Is the flue open?”

  “Yeah, but it’ll still get smoky until the condensation burns off.” Ranie poured a drink. “Sinking is just way too slow without the choir.”

  Visor said, “But it was good up until you missed the word transition.”

  Ranie did not look at him. “M-hmm.”

  Sorana, also fresh from a bath, joined them. She was in some borrowed night clothes.

  Evan returned and tossed a towel to Visor.

  He stood up and pressed it on his pants.

  Ranie said, “My turn. Donnie, sleeping, second stanza, two shots.”

  Visor sat down and drank two shot’s worth of beer.

  Evan said, “You can’t just do that!”

  Visor said, “I’m just saving time.”

  Ranie said, “Chicken.”

  Visor said, “There’s no way.”

  Evan said, “No crap, but the whole point is to hear you screw it up.”

  Athian said, “Sorana could do it.”

  Evan said, “Yeah because she don’t drink.”

  Ranie said, “A cappella, then.”

  Athian said, “There’s no way.”

  Sorana said, “I do drink.”

  Ranie said, “Okay, then—Sleeping, second stanza, a cappella, two shots.”

  Visor said, “Intercede, double call.”

  Sorana drank a double shot of whisky. “Nasty.”

  Ranie said, “Quite, but sometimes necessary. Evan, are you okay?”

  Evan was rubbing her head and appeared to be in significant pain. Her eyes were tearing up. “Ung … it’ll be fine. Recently, my head sometimes … does this.”

  Visor asked, “Like Deja-vu?”

  Evan said, “No, it just hurts like a bitch.”

  Athian asked, “The drinks?”

  Evan said, “No, it just happens sometimes—usually in the morning.”

  “And more often.” Ranie pushed hair back from Evan’s forehead. “And then she sings.”

  Visor said, “She used to sing when she got moody, back when we were growing up.”

  “Yeah, that’s pretty much it. She gets moody, then starts singing.” Ranie leaned oddly close to Evan. “Passionate vocals—depressing lyrics, though.”

  Sorana sat on her knees in front of the fire place. She locked gazes with Visor and began an eerie hum. It was definitely an adaptation that he’d never heard. The fire flared behind her. The induced draft of air wafted her hair towards the flame. The alcohol was starting to affect him. Everything was solemn and dreamy. Her opening crescendo was perfect … her intonation and dramatic hesitations … all perfect …

  Cede … yield to her wailing call, seek out her rancid shawl,

  To Banshee’s beckon succumb

  Evan wrinkled her nose. “What is that!”
  Athian asked, “Sorana?”

  Sorana broke into the chorus:

  Hear the call of Banshee’s sweet opera

  The ancient song, that compels your soul

  We’re drunk on blood

  We’re sleeping in her arms

  Athian said, “Sorana!”

  Sorana blinked. “What? Oh, Sleeping … in her Arms.”

  Ranie said, “I’ve never heard that.”

  Athian said, “I think she meant Sleeping Moon.”

  Sorana said, “Oh, okay.” She took a breath and started a sweeter, more familiar tune.

  Chapter 47

  Sister Mary’s Suite

  Rapture sang:

  Blue moon decrees ‘adoration imbue’

  Sleeping … dreaming … with you

  Mary and Vivian clapped lightly.

  Mary said, “Thank you, Rapture.”

  Rapture said, “Thanks for letting me stay tonight. Your suite is so nice.”

  Vivian said, “I’m sure we can find you a private room, Rap. It may not be as spacious as a suite. We do have suites that are unused, but they are unkept and full of stuff.”

  Rapture said, “Well, I guess if Mary doesn’t mind, I’d be fine …”

  Mary nodded enthusiastically. “Oh, certainly. Stay here. We have so much to talk about.”

  Rapture said, “Thanks. I just didn’t feel like being alone tonight.”

  Sister Mary said, “I don’t quite understand. Why exactly are you here?”

  Rapture explained the situation with Ranie and Don.

  Vivian said, “I don’t understand. Why would he lie like that?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Mary said, “Perhaps he thought you might be jealous.”

  Vivian said, “Maybe. My bindings never did that. Of course, I’ve always burned out by two years, so ….”

  “Violates’ bindings normally are shorter.” Mary rubbed her belly. “I’m afraid the little one is sapping my strength. It was a long day with the visit to Zacharie and all. And I was supposed to see Yvette.”

  Vivian said, “I could go get her, if you like.”

  “That would be great. Maybe tobacco gum would help. There’s probably some in the kitchen.”

  “Sure.” Vivian left.

  Sister Mary said, “Rapture, have you ever been able to observe another binding?”

  “Well, sure, at dances and balls and stuff. I don’t have any friends that—you know, any sirenic friends.”