Read Mosa Page 15

  Chapter 15

  Unhealthy Obsession

  In the institution, professors were busily talking in the hall room. Today they were hosting an orientation for the first year students. This institution wasn’t a typical college; it was a mixture of both college and a high school for the age group twelve to nineteen. It was made this way because of the limited option for the students, lack of diversity and due to the financial reason. Nevertheless, the teachers working there called themselves professors. The young faces, however, weren’t filled with excitement but filled with groaning, complaints and boredom. They look tiresome and seemed like having difficulty breathing due to the pressure and stress. The institution, both in and outside, was an ugly steel framed structure.

  The reddish curtain hung on the side and the big Veron’s painting positioned itself in the middle. Outside there were heavy rains falling down from the sky. There were drinks with a small umbrella on the tables. The old man grumps at the tax deadline with his friend, who is nipping about current politics. Southern style barbeque and Caesar salad were put on the table. Little chubby waitress in grey shirt and flowery apron hasted her step, crossing the marble floor.

  A principal’s fluffy white cat loitered, on the middle of the stage, leering at the professors. The assistant hurriedly went up and caught the cat, which struggled and tried to scratch him, but failed, the assistant swung the cats around back and forth, and handed to the principal. The principal, a fat bald man sitting on the front table seemed bored; his piggy drowsy eyes were gazing at the military officers and other professors. Hands on a throbbing head, the host of the day dressed in suit walked up to the stage, his left sleeve was stained with black coffee. He frowned due to blinding sunlight, which was worsening his headache and he held up the microphone.

  “Is this on? Ahh Ahh, testing,” he cleared his throat. His skin was rough, resembling the mars terrain; he took out the microphone and went to the middle of the stage to stay away from the sunlight. “Hello, ladies and gentlemen, what a great day to be here in the 12th orientation, I’ll be your host today,” said the host, smiling with his lip stretched wide, showing his yellow stained teeth. And he talked about the how secure this institution is from “poor and the thieves,” outside the border and he boasted about the creation of a mine field surrounding this institution.

  “What a horrible person, don’t you think Randolph?” said one of the professors at the table.

  “Watch your tongue, Walsh, he is one of the royal blood,” muttered Randolph.

  “I’m aware of that he is Mr. Habington’s son.” said Walsh.

  “Yes, he is not too happy about the things happening in the institution. Now he got promoted in Veron’s lair, have power to end out career easily, it is better to keep low.”

  Randolph took a deep breath and looked around with haughty eyes at the other professors, not fond of them.

  “Yes yes, of course. Those high ranking officers are now trying to find a scapegoat. They are losing control over the public rising against the regime. The situation is really bad, Randolph. Current youths are becoming more and more rebellious,” Walch showed a concerned look. “I personally blame protests and riots these days… What are they thinking really? Do they really want to go back to the old war-ridden times? I mean did you hear about the youth group who just sang and dance in the street rather than submitting to Veron?”

  “No wonder Veron threw them to the prison!” Randolph barked. “They should be reeducated completely! The regime will hold! Yes, of course!”

  “I don’t know Randolph, the movement is getting bigger, there are also the group of young rebels who themselves called ‘Rodents’ I mean look at our students! Normal and acting with respect! Those poor people are to be damned!” said Walch.

  “Yes! How outrageous!” shouted Randolph, banging the table. The other professors frowned at them.

  “Those youngster will pay!” sneered Walch.

  “Yes indeed, and let them punish them like the old days, as they did it to the war prisoners!” Randolph sniggered.

  “Oh that reminds me about the property which the Mr. Havington is selling. It is the estate of the old castle, built by Bacon Saxe himself! Such a brilliant and magnificent architect, he has a pure royal blood, just like Veron Komer himself! Unlike what the commoners make, it is beautiful!” exclaimed Walch, his eyes full of tears.

  “Shame on you, Walch. How can you even compare him to the commoners?” said Randolph, with a contempt and arrogance.

  “And I have another news to tell you Randolph, that new guy, Mangieri, I think he’s feeling guilty after bribing the principal,” hissed Walch, in a low voice.

  “Ha! Such a good eyes you have Walch. That weak link shall be removed. Let’s take him out, we don’t need him. Or else those weak ones will sell us out later,” said Randolph, delightfully.

  “Yes, indeed, Randolph. Indeed!” exclaimed Walch.

  And the desk suddenly shook. The heavy bag fell in front of them, shaking the whole table, knocking off the glass. Walch screamed, startled, and spilled his wine on Randolph’s expensive suit.

  “What is this insolence!” bellowed Randolph, grabbing the tissues and wiping the liquid off from his chest. He looked up to see who ruined his suit.

  However, neither of them talked, as if they were afraid of saying another words. The man was gazing at them, grinning. He seems to be suffering from the severe dehydration; he had a reddish eyes and his skin roughened like a Komodo dragon.

  “Crime is a matter of creativity. It is a piece of art in the underworld. You shall never teach; all you can do is witness. But know that there are always those who can break the rules. And you pigs will never understand the world of villains,” said the man, grinning, and he sat down, leaving both professors angry and puzzled.

  “Karl, what the heck are you doing here?” shouted Randolph. “You aren’t qualified to be here!”

  “Well, the committee seemed to think otherwise. I blackmailed them to shut their mouth or I will blow their house half way to the moon. And guess what? I passed the exam,” said Karl, chuckling. “What a shit school this is, wouldn’t you agree?”

  “It’s the royal institution serving royal army of Veron! It’s not called ‘school,’ the school is for a pagans and low lives!” Randolph bellowed.

  “Oh, yes, that is much comforting, Randolph. At least you don’t defile the word, ‘school.’ Do you mind?” said Karl, grabbing the steak on the plate with his hand, ripped it open and started chewing it like a dog. The blood dripped on the table, making red spots on the table.

  “Professor Wolff, please!” Walch cried out, pulling himself back to avoid the splatter, almost falling from the chair.

  “Karl! Get away!” Randolph growled.

  “Relax, relax gentlemen, because I’m here to help you,” mumbled Karl, his mouth was full of meat and his hands were bloody. He made a loud chewing noise, his dry skin stretched on the side as if it was about to burst open.

  “Help us with what?” asked Walch.

  “Get you on the same page, my dear professors.” said Karl, acutely.

  “Ha! You?” Randolph smirked. “You are getting us on the same page?"

  “Alice’s experiment, has succeeded,” said Karl, other two professors were silenced, utterly dumbfounded.

  Alice’s Experiment, directed by the Minister of National Defense in Cassandra, was one of the main projects in the military development. After series of modifying genes of various cells, they successfully found the way to massively regenerate the cells.

  However, when applied to real human beings, most subjects died from turning into a disgusting jelly as the cell structures got ruined and melted down. As a result, it fumed a horrible scent and the subjects died from the internal bleeding. Alice died from an unidentified infection even before the cells were put into a practice. After continued efforts, they successfully managed to prolong the body cells by keeping the cells together with sturdy substances, therefore
bolstering the structure. Eventually not only it enabled the faster recovery, it enabled various practices of mutation breeding.

  “I don’t believe it… Why we are not informed then? We put so much effort! We should be rewarded!” shouted Randolph. Walch, startled, looked at Karl intently, demanding an explanation.

  “No one was informed officially, except few high ranking generals…” said Karl. “I think,”

  “Then how did you find out about it Karl?” asked Walch. “You didn’t even participate in the research.”

  “There has been an accident in the southern sea. Something attacked the vessel. Next morning I was called in by the ministry and was informed of such matter,” Karl fluttered his eyebrows, his face seems to be itching; he scrubbed his chick and chin.

  “You are full of nonsense, Karl, Veron himself have assured us to tell us about the outcomes of Alice’s experiment! We are the pioneers of science! We have a right to be informed and rewarded afterwards!” Randolph burst into laughter.

  “Use your head, professor, the experiment is not fit to use in practice. In fact it is already out of control. There is no other explanation that all the crews are ripped open and eaten by some beasts,” sneered Karl.

  There was another silence. Walch and Randolph were looking at each other nervously.

  “Well, still, we have to look at the evidence first…” mumbled Walch, playing with his palm.

  “Yes, Walch is right Karl, stop jerking around with your filthy lies!” yelled Randolph.

  Karl scoffed and stood up. “My ex-girlfriend said that to me once,” said Karl. Randolph growled, leering at him. “She was on a period.”

  Karl threw a smile. He stood up and walked away.

  “Arrrr…! That man! How dare he disrespect me?” shouted Randolph, his face became scarlet.

  “Now now, Randolph, it is an opening day, you should calm down for our students. Everyone is looking at you,” said Walch, tapping Randolph’s shoulder.

  “Yes yes, I should be a bigger man! Hrmph!” said Randolph, stretching his chest with contempt. The micro phone made a screeching sound; the audience frowned, plugging their ears. The host cleared his throat and start talking. “Now shall we move to the auditorium where the kids are? It is time, professors.”

  The professors rambled amongst themselves, clattering their silverwares, wiping their mouth with a handkerchief. And they started walking toward the auditorium. There were swarms of students waiting. The professors positioned themselves in the front row, and a moment later the principal walked into the auditorium. The principal gave his cat to his assistant. The cat resisted, trying to scratch the assistant. He walked toward the stage and stood in front of the students.

  “Greetings, students, welcome to the institution in Cassandra. Our school has dedicated us the finest teachers around the world to fill you with most precious knowledge of breakthrough of science and mathematics! We will teach you to get exposed to that knowledge so you can rule over those poor and miserable souls outside of these walls. Your purpose here is to dedicate your life to serve our great ruler Veron, by becoming skilled scientists. You are chosen amongst commoners!” principal shouted. Very few audiences cheered, only the professors clapped.

  Karl rolled his eyes, treating this as some freak show; he took out his aluminum bottle which contained whiskey. When he got out of the auditorium and around the corner, he bumped into the young kid who was running around in the hallway. His face was pink and vigorous.

  “Sorry sir!” he shouted. The kid looked at Karl and was amazed at his face. Karl frowned, little embarrassed about his skin condition, ignored the kid and went past by, but as he did, the kid wheeled around walked alongside him.

  “What is it kid?” snarled Karl.

  “You are Professor Wolff right?” asked the kid.

  “Yes, I am. Would you mind?” snapped Karl, walking away and the kid followed him.

  “I’ve heard a lot about you from my father and his friends in the institution!” exclaimed the kid.

  “If your father has friends in this place, then I’m assuming he talked shit about me,” said Karl, annoyed by the kid.

  “Yes he did sir,” said kid, plainly. Karl looked at him, little fascinated by the kid.

  “So, what is it that you want with me kid?” asked Karl.

  “Because he also said you are the best, but he said as you do not respect the science and technology, you will wither away soon,” beamed the kid.

  Karl looked at him for a moment; he held his whiskey bottle and drank it.

  “Withering away…” said Karl, chuckling. “He is right about that.”

  “Sir, I want to learn, that’s why I came to school. I know my friends used to live on the street. I want to help them sir, but I don’t have any money or power to do it. I have to learn sir!” said the kid, with passionate eyes. Karl silenced for a while, continued to walk.

  “…What’s your name, kid?” asked Karl.

  “It’s Tyler Rutherford, sir,” answered the kid, quickly.

  “…Well, Tyler, you look like a rugby player. You may visit me in my office. It is at the end of this hall. Bye for now, I’m going to the bar,” muttered Karl.

  “Is your drink empty sir?” said Tyler, pointing at the metal bottle.

  “No,” Karl scowled. “To pick up the women.”

  “Can I come with you?” asked Tyler, smiling, stretching his lips.

  “Don’t you need to be assigned to the dorm?” said Karl.

  “Can take care of that later, sir,” said Tyler, grinning. Karl’s eyebrows raised a little but his face got brighter.

  “… Maybe there is a hope in this wretched soil after all. Come along, kid,” said Karl. They have passed the sculpture of tree of life and the monkey statue, and they entered Karl’s office.