Read Mosa Page 20

  Chapter 20

  A Dinner

  Veron beheaded all the youths who were killed in the nest and presented them in the middle of the square. The soldiers pierced those heads and lined with the heavy chain. Although what this act did in effect was not the fear amongst the public but the rage against the dictator. People talked about how horrible the situation is and some loudly criticized the regime. Many mercenaries, including Robert, were disgusted at this and left Cassandra.

  The Assassins’ Chamber was relatively calm than other groups, they were convinced that the wind have changed against Veron, they alerted themselves, observing carefully.

  Melady cried days and days, couldn’t stand the sight of Veron. She, bravely, slapped and spat at Veron. Veron, dumbfounded and furious at this, beat her up with a bat, locked Melady in a cell and tortured her. Titto was having an intense headache and didn’t know what to do. He hasn’t had a proper meal nor sleep since the execution of the youths.

  Alvin and Diana were watching the news, and seeing Jake and Tasha, they knew what happened in that night. Alvin tried to stop the war when he was in Nina’s command, which Nina reacted harshly against him. And after series of arguments with Nina, Nina ordered him to leave the command. Ever since then, he lived in this house. Now that the situation gotten like this, Alvin knew that there’s no turning back.

  Alvin went to the living room and saw Diana sitting at the chair. Her face was filled with grief at the news.

  “Jake and Tasha are at sleep,” said Diana, sniffing.

  “It must be hard on them,” said Alvin.

  “Yes, how horrible this is…” said Diana, wiping her tears.

  They sat for a while, he held Diana in his arm; she closed her eyes, hugging him. He turned off the television. Alvin’s stomach grumbled. Diana was too disturbed by the news that she forgot to cook dinner.

  “Come on, let’s grab something to eat,” said Alvin.

  “…but the soldiers might come here, and children will be in trouble,” said Diana.

  “This house my dear, is safer than you think. But I want to make you feel better,” Alvin winked at her.

  “I’ll get the coat,” she said, with a subtle smile, and stood up slowly.

  The moon loomed among the twilight. The wind was chilly, it was fresh and clear. Diana breathed the cold air in and out, calming down, and strolled along the city light like a sparrow jumping lightly from the ground. Alvin, like a lazy hound, walked grumpily behind her.

  “Is this a date?” said Diana.

  “Of course not,” said Caravel.

  “I thought you want to make me feel better,” said Diana, with a soft laugh.

  They went to the local burger place. Young waiter had reddish and dull face, as if he was drinking. He greeted them.

  “Hello there, sir and a beautiful lady. Welcome, I’ll be hosting your table today,” said the young waiter, hiccupping and giving them the menu. Diana giggled, looking at the menu closely.

  “Any appetizer or drinks I can start for you?” asked the young waiter.

  “Water,” said Alvin, plainly, with a low gurgling voice.

  “I’ll get pink lemonade, tortillas and onion rings, please,” said Diana.

  “Right away ma’am,” said waiter and went away.

  “See? You were hungry after all,” said Alvin.

  “Oh yeah,” giggled Diana.

  They looked at the menu closely, Alvin was thinking hard, tapping his head. Diana already picked what she wanted. Alvin couldn’t decide even when the waiter visited them twice, so Diana just ordered the grilled salmon for him. Tortillas and onion rings looked delicious, Alvin started digging in. Now Diana was sipping the lemonade, ice clattering, enjoying the outside air.

  “I knew the Bleu cheese burger is better,” said Alvin, glimpsing at the dish next to his table, with his mouth full of food.

  “Oh, hush Alvin, they are famous for this,” said Diana.

  “They better be,” Alvin snorted. Diana tried to ask him something, but she seemed having a hard time letting it out. Alvin looked at Diana. She just blinked and sipped the lemonade again.

  “Go on, ask me anything,” said Alvin, picking up the tortillas and chewing it.

  “Alvin, I know you worked under Nina Polchinski…” she spilled the words as if she was unsure about asking this question.

  “Yeah, I did,” said Alvin, plainly with a dull face.

  “Do you know her well?” asked Diana.

  “Yes, more than I need to know.” said Alvin, with little darkness on his face. “It’s not a dinner conversation, dear.”

  “Oh well, I can always ask you later.” Diana smiled.

  “Do you still remember when you first came to my house?” said Alvin, changing the topic.

  “Oh yes of course! How can I forget? I can still remember that stupid face of yours.” Diana laughed, little blushing. Diana first came in for a job as a cleaning and cooking. Alvin was dumbstruck what just came to his doorstep.

  “Oh yeah, I still remember vividly, I said, ‘can I help you?’” said Alvin.

  “And I said I was looking for a job. And you said, ‘Oh you came to the right place. Let’s say I’ll meet you tomorrow.’ And you just hired me.” Diana giggled.

  “Well, yeah,” Alvin laughed.

  “So… tell me, Alvin, do you still like me?” Diana looked at him dearly. Alvin gulped as if his heart stopped, his face heating up,

  “I didn’t hear you,” said Alvin. Diana snorted, shaking her head.

  “I thought you are more into the bars or tavern,” said Diana.

  “Yeah, about half of people drinking there will try to kill me there,” Alvin grumbled.

  “Oh look there is our food!” Diana exclaimed.

  The waiter brought a gorgeous meal.