Read Mosa Page 8

  Chapter 8

  The Assassins’ Chamber

  The Assassins’ Chamber was the network of assassins which shares the minimum information for convenience, but most of the assassins worked alone. James was still on the floor at Sharine’s office, shaking his refrigerated body. Sharine, the headmistress of the Assassins’ Chamber, entered her office and observed him. James looked up, clattering his teeth.

  “Huh, what does Nina Polchinski want from me?” asked Sharine, her left arm on her hip, enjoying the view of James in his awkward and helpless posture.

  “We want to take out some person in the cargo ship named the Lady in the Water leaving Idalian dock, a week from now,” said James.

  “What a shit name for the ship,” said Sharine. “Are you sure it is not on the water?”

  “… We will hand over the details of the personnel whom you will be working with. And they will inform you about the detailed description of the mission, the main objective is mainly to observe what is going to happen,” said James.

  “I work alone baby,” said Sharine, smiling.

  “No, you need to join our squad… our offer is that we will give five thousand ora,” James grunted, still cuffed on the pillar, struggling.

  “Ok then, double it,” demanded Sharine, playfully.

  “It is not my authority to…” James mumbled.

  “Take it or leave it, plumber,” Sharine sneered. James, coughing and teeth clattering due to the low temperature in his body, glared at Sharine.

  “… Alright, I’ll contact the base,” answered James.

  “Or, maybe if I can talk to Nina, I’ll lower the price,” she suggested, her eyes beamed dangerously. James felt a shiver on his back.

  “There’s no need, we will double the money,” spoke James, coldly as possible. Sharine was smiling. There was no greed in her eyes; it was more of a pure enjoyment of some kind.

  “What a shit place this is, don’t you agree?” said Sharine, taking out the key.

  “…” James didn’t know what to say, he gulped as she walked toward her, she was insanely beautiful.

  “Let’s get out, baby. You need to work out a little bit.” Sharine smiled, and unlocking the cuff.

  “I prefer to speak business here,” muttered James; his skin is almost blue now.

  “Little shy one I see, don’t want to be seen by others? That’s good, but let me tell you something really important, plumber. I choose my client, whether you like it or not,” said Sharine with a ridiculous confidence.

  “But I said we’ll double the…” muttered James.

  “Baby, if your life is on a string, money is more like a paper. And you can’t spend the money with the hole on your head, can you?” scoffed Sharine. “So, buy me a dinner at a nice restaurant. I could use some wine… Today was such a shitty day for me. After that, I’ll tell you whether I like to go along with your petty trip,” Sharine winked at James, still smiling.

  “All… All right. Where do you want to go?” stuttered James, sensing his heart is beating faster, he cleared his throat.

  “I know the right place,” she said. “And you can’t dress like that,” said Sharine, looking James in his underwear.

  James gulped, couldn’t quite conceive in his mind that she was the one who kills Veron’s men without hesitation. James wore a tuxedo, which she handed to him, and she still was in her blue dress.

  They got into the car; she was in the passenger seat, directed him to go right and left. Few minutes later, she finally said stop. James looked up. It was the dining place where the high ranked military generals have dinners.

  ‘Is this woman nuts?’ James thought to himself.

  They got out of the car and she showed them her names and identification and threw some big tips along with it. They both entered the restaurant.

  They sat down and ordered the wine while looking at the menu. James was wearing a tuxedo, it was little smaller than his size; it was hard to move his arm and his hip was about to burst.

  Sharine was looking at him, enjoying this situation, and took a sip of the wine and smiled. James saw under a bright light, that there were some blood spatters on the side of her dress, although it was hardly visible.

  “Nice dress,” said James, gulping wine like water, as he was dehydrated.

  “Nice Tux,” smiled Sharine, looking at him struggling to move.

  “Did you go to some cocktail party before you picked me?” asked James.

  “Yes, actually, I did, unfortunately I had to work in the back stage,” said Sharine. “Enjoyed the lodgings at my place?”

  “Yes, it was a pleasure.” said James. Sharine laughed softly, taking another sip at wine.

  The waiter came and handed out the appetizer, baked mango with curry powder and cream. It looked delicious, Sharine forked piece of mango, and put it in her mouth. James ordered the steak and Sharine ordered the salad.

  “So, how may I address you Mr.?” asked Sharine.

  “Wichmann, but call me James,” answered James.

  “Alright, James,” Sharine grinned.

  They talked for a while, casually without speaking business, and the waiter came and handed them the steak sprinkled with parsley and the Caesar salad. Because James had days and days of rustic bread as a diet, when working as an undercover agent, his jaw dropped at the sight of the food. He was already drooling from his mouth.

  “What? Were you not eaten well as a child?” said Sharine, staring at him pitifully as if she is looking at the poor dog in rain. James realized that he was staring at the food for too long, he cleared his throat and sipped the wine. Sharine poked the lettuce, which made a crunching sound and started eating. James took the big chunk of the steak and crammed it into his mouth.

  “So, what brings you to the top of the chain, James?” questioned Sharine.

  “Orders,” snapped James.

  “Yes, I’ve noticed. Loyal dog huh? Jump the loop and getting the treat. What a boring way to live,” said Sharine, sipping wine again.

  “We work as a group, like you do,” said James.

  “Nope, you got it wrong. Only outsiders call us the Assassins’ Chamber, the fact is that we hardly see each other, we work alone. Only the limited information is being shared for our mutual benefits,” said Sharine.

  “So, you guys are just killers shooting at people?” said James, discomforted.

  “If you don’t know how this country operates, you just define whatever you feel like concerning us. But let me tell you the truth, baby, we are not the group of interest, we are the string of pendulum that runs this wretched soil,” said Sharine.

  “Justifying yourself huh?” said James.

  “Maybe,” smiled Sharine.

  “The plan is set. If you want to play this, play the part, Ms. Pestice,” said James, sharply.

  “As you are in the field, I thought you already know that planning doesn’t worth anything,” said Sharine.

  “Nonetheless, we do it anyway,” said James.

  “Why? It is best to read what is given at hand.” said Sharine, as if she is playing a game.

  “At least we have to know which way is up!” shouted James. But as his voice was too loud, and some people stared at them, he lowered his stature and continued to eat.

  “Oh, they do know which way is up, James, you just have to pick a right person,” said Sharine.

  “… I don’t understand,” said James, in a low, gurgling voice. Sharine forked the salad and bit it; there was a fresh crisping sound.

  “Too much disruption causes fear, especially when it expects the loss; they will then look for the stableness. But too much stableness causes boredom, and then they will look for the disruption,” said Sharine, charmingly.

  “…” James cut the big chunk of steak, carefully looking at Sharine.

  “And when people are in group, that is all they do, James, but if you deal with individuals, it is quite different; that is why, dealing with an individual is such a pain in the
ass,” said Sharine, chewing her steak.

  “I’m bit puzzled,” said James, biting the steak.

  “Is it?” said Sharine, shrewdly smiling at James. James stayed in silence.

  “My point is this, unless I see Nina Polchinski and talk to her, I will not work as a dog. If this is a case, it is better for me and you to work separately,” Sharine poured the wine into her glass.

  James stared at her for a moment and then nodded. James was bit distracted but at the same time pitied her. He didn’t know the reason why, maybe it is her tone of voice, her extremely practical behavior, or the fact that this beautiful woman entered the vicious world of assassins. What he knew was that it was something similar to what he feels whenever he talked to Nina.

  “… You are born here?” asked James, mouth full of meat.

  “Yes,” answered Sharine.

  “Was it…” said James, but Sharine stopped him.

  “Come on, talking about my past will make you cry like a little girl,” said Sharine.

  “…” James blinked and chewed his meat in silence.

  Sharine snorted, looking at James where little shadows on his face.

  “You are a good man, plumber.” Sharine smiled, and took a last piece from her plate.

  “…” James stared at this beautiful woman in front of him, who looked rather mysterious; he found himself being obsessed with her charm.

  “Cheers?” she said, holding up her glass. James glimpsed at her smile. They touched the glass, and drank the wine.