Read Most Alpha Book II (Werewolf Romance) Page 2

  Derrick brought the ball back up and passed it to Nick in the post. Nick made an attempt at a layup, but got blocked by Marquese.

  “Where's the foul?” Nick yelled to the ref. “Come on!”

  Marquese took the ball coast-to-coast and pulled up for another three points.

  “You can't guard me, punk!” Marquese taunted.

  “He's killing us,” Scott said.

  “Tell me about it,” said Carter. Jenni sat in silence, unsure of what she could say.

  “Hey, Zach! Take point!” Nick directed.

  “Like that's going to make a difference,” Carter scoffed. “How about you play some freaking D, instead?”

  “Come on, guys!” Jenni cheered.

  Zach got the inbound pass from Clinton and decided to call a timeout. NYB was leading twenty to fourteen. Omega Omega Psi converged on the sideline. It was do-or-die time.

  “Guys, what happened?” Bartley said. “We were doing really well there for awhile.”

  “I'm trying,” Nick said, gasping for air with his hands on his knees. “Don't look at me.”

  “What?” Zach asked, offended.

  “You want to try to take this game seriously, Zach?” Nick snapped. “You never take anything seriously. That's your problem.”

  “What? You don't want me to play?” Zach asked.

  “If you don't want to play anymore, Zach, that's fine,” Bartley said evenly.

  “Like it's going to make any difference,” he retorted.

  “Fine then,” Nick said. “Scott, you're in. We only have room for people that want to win right now.”

  “Alright! Make way for the comeback!” Scott said with a hint of sarcasm.

  “Oh Lord,” Carter sighed.

  “Okay, everyone in,” said Bartley. “On three. One, two...”

  “Sunt omnes unum!” The team broke the huddle and took the court to inbound the ball with the new lineup. Zach took a seat with Carter and Jenni.

  “You must have pissed someone off,” he said with a brow raised at Carter.

  “I guess so,” Carter replied.

  “Well, it's better to be pissed off than pissed on,” Zach said, as if those were the wisest words he knew.

  “You don't say,” Carter chuckled.

  “No, really,” Zach said seriously. “Look, I'm only going to tell you this because you helped validate my 'Nick is an asshole on the court' theory. If Nick offers you some Gatorade after the game do not drink it. They did it to us last year. You don't know the taste of defeat until you're tasting another man's…”

  “Whoa!” Jennie cried. “You are disgusting!”

  “Thanks for the advice,” Carter said with a disgusted look on his face.

  Back on the court, Clinton inbounded the ball to Derrick who was quickly double teamed.

  “We would win so many games if Nick would just calm down when he played,” Zach thought aloud. “You know that?”

  “I guess,” said Carter, leaning back on the bench. He could care less who won or lost the game.

  Derrick forced an ugly outlet pass to Scott.

  “I can't even watch this,” said Zach.

  Almost instantly, Marquese broke into the passing lane and stole the pass before Scott could get it. He sprinted into a fast break and attempted a dunk but Nick fouled him in the air, slamming him to the ground. Marquese got back up and started throwing punches on Nick who avoided the blows and threw his own on defense.

  “Dumbass, who the hell you think you're messing with?” Marquese raged.

  Nick charged Marquese, using his inner strength to tackle and wrestle him back down to the ground. The ground made a sharp thud upon impact. Nick was on top of Marquese in no time, thankfully players of both teams rushed in to break them up before Nick managed to land any punches with his inner strength.

  “You bitch!” Nick yelled as his teammates pulled him away. The white of his eyes gleamed with that yellow glaze. “You don’t know what you’re messing with! I'll kill you!”

  “Double ejection!” the referee announced after he blew his whistle. Nick threw his jersey off and stormed out of the gym. Marquese strolled to his team's bench as another player subbed him out.

  “Carter!” Bartley shouted. “Get in here!”

  Carter ran in to take Nick's spot on the free throw. The subbed in player on NYB missed the free throw but it bounced off the rim directly back towards him. After he got the ball back, he easily laid in the rebound and the buzzer indicated the end of the game.

  “That's game!” the ref yelled. “Final score: NYB 21, OOP 14.”

  “Get out of my gym!” Marquese whooped from the bench.

  “Whatever, dude,” Zach chuckled.

  “Don't worry about them,” Bartley consoled. “We gave it our best and tried our hardest. That's all that matters.”

  “They're lucky,” Scott teased. “They don't even know. I was about to go AND 1 Mixtape Tour on their asses!”

  “Yeah, we know,” Zach chuckled.

  “We know, we know,” Carter smiled and shook his head as he smelled his jersey. “I need a shower badly.”

  “I agree,” Jenni chimed.


  Standing with closed eyes beneath pulsing jets of hot water, Jenni ran her hands through the soapy rivulets cascading down her tawny flesh. Her fingers trailed along the silken curves and valleys of her body before pausing to caress her full, luscious breasts. Her nipples instantly hardened and rose above peaks of foam like tiny bullets.

  Fragrant steam swirled throughout the glass shower enclosure. The cream and chocolate speckled marble tile gleamed, the gurgling water on the floor rapidly spiraling down multiple drains. Jenni slowly turned and sighed as the massaging bursts of water eased away the tension in her neck and shoulders. Sweeping away a stray strand of ebony hair, she tucked it back into the loose twist crowning the top of her head.

  As she turned, her eyes widened at the handprints plastered all over the sliding glass door. Sapphire blue eyes crinkled through a misty gap that widened as the hands busily wiped a clear patch, reflecting the leering smile on a handsomely chiseled masculine face. The eyes held hers for a moment before traveling down her invitingly wet, soapy body to linger on her cleanly shaven delta.

  Jenni grinned. “Carter, you are such a perv,” she said, coyly trailing tapping her fingers against the area he intently stared at. “If you were a dog you’d be drooling by now.”

  “I am a dog,” Carter said, quickly stepping out of his jersey and shorts. “Woof.”

  Now it was Jenni’s turn to leer, and for good reason. Carter’s tall, well cut body was eye candy for any red-blooded female, but his truncheon-hard cock rising like a fleshy flagpole was more invitation than she could resist.

  “I guess that redefines the meaning of throw the dog a bone,” she said, “or should I say, boner?”

  Laughing, Carter opened the shower door and stepped into steamy warmth. Gathering Jenni into his arms, the two melted into a passionate embrace. They kissed deeply, their tongues fencing, the breath erupting in harsh gasps. Slowly, they descended to the floor, their bodies writhing in the foamy water. It was no coincidence they had designed an extra-roomy shower. Though they both enjoyed playing in the huge Jacuzzi tub, a frolic in a hot, steamy shower did more than open their pores.

  Carter rose and slid Jenni onto her hands and knees, taking a moment to loosen her long raven locks and run his fingers through them.

  “Since I’m behaving like a dog today,” he said in a voice husky with desire, “then we’re going to have to do it doggy style.”

  Jenni cast him a sexy smile over her shoulder and spread herself open in front of him. Pummeled by the spray, the water pooled on her body and dripped invitingly from the smooth crack of her ass, offering a peek a her deliciously plump pink lips.


  The four pledges sat around the dining room table with the three brothers wearing dark suits and ties, ready for their initiation. They drank thei
r champagne and shared jokes for several minutes before Bartley dinged a fork on his glass and called for attention.

  “Alright, alright, alright,” he said. “You know what tonight is.” The pledges whooped and clapped. “Tonight,” he continued when the room quieted again, “you are scheduled to become the newest brethren in the legacy that is known as Omega Omega Psi. Many classes have come before you, and many shall come after you, but there will only be one – just one – 51st class in Omega Omega Psi's history. The first class of the next half century: You all.”

  “You stuck together as brothers,” Zach chimed in, “through thick and thin. You've exhibited the qualities of family and unity. You've kept the spirit of sunt omnes unum with you throughout it all.” He looked at Nick to cue him in.

  “We are proud of you,” Nick said, looking over the pledges. “We are honored to initiate you into our fraternity on this here night. However,” he paused and grinned, “there is one challenge left.”

  “The final challenge,” Bartley continued, “will test your will, and your ability to face adversity as a unit for one final time.”

  “And your pledge master Nick shall determine what that challenge will be,” Zach announced with his hands opened toward Nick as if he had just revealed a glorious prize.

  “Nick,” Bartley said, “will you do the honors?”

  “Thank you, gentlemen,” Nick said with a slight bow. “I have thought about this for some time. What could you do? What activity, what skill, what challenge would instill the values of Omega Omega Psi into you as you make the transition into becoming brothers - men of the fraternity?”

  “So?” Bartley asked, waiting for Nick to get to the point.

  “So,” Nick said, giving Bartley an irritated glance, “I have decided that your final challenge will be a search-and-return mission. A hunt, if you will.”

  “Well that doesn't sound so bad,” Carter whispered to Clinton.

  “Bartley, Zach, if you don't mind?” Nick said, jerking his head toward the door.

  “Oh, no problem, man,” Zach said. He and Bartley stood up to leave. Zach saluted the pledges, then showed himself out of the room.

  Nick waited a few moments to ensure the brothers could not hear him. “Alright,” he said with his voice low. “Here is your real challenge. Everyone come here.” Derrick and Scott squeezed in close to Nick while Carter and Clinton remained in their seats. “All you little bitches,” Nick said. “I'm not repeating myself.” Carter rolled his eyes, and he and Clinton moved in closer.

  “Now,” Nick continued. “You all know Carter's friend, Adrian Finch?”

  Carter looked confused as everyone turned to look at him. “That bitch is not my friend,” he defended.

  “Well, you all know her, right?” Nick said.

  “No,” said Clinton.

  “Short red headed chick, right?” Derrick asked.

  Carter eyed Derrick. “Uh, yeah,” he said.

  “I know her,” Scott offered. “She's hot. I totally would bang her.”

  Nick looked at Scott as if he had five heads. “Back on topic,” he said. “We're going to kidnap her.” Carter's mouth opened slightly. “Nothing too serious, guys,” Nick said quickly. “It's just a prank. It is going to take some skill, though. The plan is: surprise her, grab her, scare the shit out of her, and then release her a little later. You know it's going to be fun. And stop looking at me like that Carter, 'cause you've got no choice.”

  There was silence as the guys processed what Nick said.

  “I'm not cool with this,” Clinton said slowly.

  “Me neither,” Carter said.

  “I don't really care either way,” said Scott.

  “I don't give a damn what y'all think,” Nick spat. “You are doing it. There's no choice in the matter. I'm the pledge master; y'all are the pledges. You've got two choices: do this, or go home and pledge some other shit. It's that simple.”

  “Well,” Clinton said. “Okay. What do we have to do?”

  “That's what I thought,” said Nick. “Now, Derrick, you have a class with her, right?”

  “Chem Lab,” Derrick confirmed. “Monday and Wednesday night.”

  “Okay,” Nick nodded. “Here's the plan. When the class lets out, you're going to shadow her, but try not to be obvious about it. You don't want to give yourself away. You all will be in position and will wait for my sign. On my signal, we'll run up and grab her. Then, we're going to tie that bitch up like the dusty pig she is and leave her in the woods.”

  “Sounds easy enough,” Derrick said.

  “Piece of cake,” Nick smiled. Carter's eyes pierced through Nick. “Everyone meet me here at- what time does the class let out?”

  “Seven,” Derrick said.

  “Right. The rest of you meet me here Monday at six. If you're late, you're out. Done. That's it. Simple as that.”


  Carter lay on his stomach, propped up on his elbows, on Jenni's bed while she sat next to him with her legs crossed. Each of them was thinking of ways to try to force a conversation.

  “So, where's Adrian at?” Carter asked.

  “I have no idea,” Jenni shrugged.


  “I don't know what's wrong with her,” Jenni said, looking at her fingernails.

  “Oh,” Carter repeated. “Well, do you want to go get something to eat?”

  “I just ate right before you got here,” said Jenni.



  “What?” Carter said defensively.


  “You said that like I should have been here earlier or something.”

  “Well,” Jenni said, “maybe you should have been.”

  “You know, I can leave if you're trying to start shit,” Carter said and started to get up. “I don't need this right now.”

  “Carter!” Jenni said, grabbing his arm. “Stop acting like that. You act like everyone is supposed to agree with everything you do all the time. You're being selfish.”

  “You know what?” Carter said. “Bye.” He got up and walked to the door.


  “What?” he snapped.

  “Never mind,” Jenni said, taken aback. “Leave. It's not like you ever want to spend time with me anyway.”

  Carter took his hand off the door knob and sighed. He walked back over to the bed and sat down. “Fine,” he said. “You're right. I'm here. I'm all yours.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Whatever you want to do, I'm here. I mean it.”

  Jenni raised her eyebrow. “You sure about that?” she asked. “You don't need to meet up with your little buddies or something?”

  “Nope,” he said as he smiled and kissed her. “I'm with you right now. Whatever you want to do.”

  Her expression softened. “Whatever?” she said and kissed him back.

  “Whatever.” He kissed her some more and started lifting the bottom of her shirt. He had it up to her collar bone and her breasts out when they heard a phone ringing. “What the hell?” he said, pulling his phone out of his pocket. “I'm sorry Jenni. Hello?” Jenni moved back away from him, pulling her shirt down.

  “Hey, Carter?” Scott said.

  “What?” Carter demanded.

  “Hey, can you do me a favor?”

  “How about no. I am kind of in the middle of something right now,” he said, glancing at Jenni. The excitement in his pants needed to finish what they started.

  “Come on, man!” Scott pleaded.

  “What do you need?” Carter sighed.

  “Nick says we've got to get some equipment for the thing tomorrow night.”

  “Hey, hey, hey!” Carter said, standing up and moving away from Jenni.

  “Oh, are you with her?” Scott whispered.

  “Yeah, man.”

  “My bad, dude,” said Scott. “But we really need to go to Wal-Mart.”

  “Now?” Carter said, looking at J
enni. She rolled her eyes and plopped onto her back.

  “Yes,” Scott replied. “We've got to pick up some stuff for Nick, too, and he needs it right now.”

  “What does he need 'right now' that can't wait until later?” Carter demanded.

  “We need to get some thermals and shit,” Scott said, “and they need one of us to buy a rabbit and drop it off at the house. Oh, and a mop.”

  “What the hell, man?” Carter complained. “Call Clinton. He has a car too.”

  “I can't get in touch with him,” Scott said with a hint of a whine. “He's probably sleep or something. It’s still daylight out. You're the only other one with a car, so you've got to go.” He was right; Carter’s parents had just brought his car to him that previous weekend. They all knew he had wheels now.

  Carter moved the phone from his ear and hit it on his forehead a few times before answering Scott. “Alright. Fine. But you seriously owe me!”

  “Okay, dude. I'm waiting,” Scott said.

  Carter ended the call and looked at Jenni. “I've got to go.”

  “Of course you do,” Jenni said.

  “I'm so sorry,” he pleaded. “I don't want to, but it's really important.”

  “Okay, Carter,” she said, staring at the ceiling.

  He was not convinced he had her full permission. “It's a life or death situation, for real,” he said. “You know I have no choice in this.” He paused, waiting for her to reply. “Well, I've got to go.” He bent over her and kissed her forehead. “I'm sorry, babe.”

  “Okay,” she sighed. “I guess if it's life or death.” She pulled his head down and kissed his lips.

  “I'll talk to you later, alright?” he said.

  “Sure,” she said and pulled a pillow over her head.


  Clinton and Scott were at the frat house with Nick. They looked awkwardly at each other, feeling the weight of Carter's absence. Nick paced around aggressively, waiting on the missing pledge.

  “Where the hell is Carter?” Nick demanded.

  “I have no idea,” Scott said. “I haven't seen him since we dropped off your rabbit yesterday.”

  “And he's got all the stuff, doesn't he?” Nick said.

  “Yep,” said Scott.

  “Fuck!” Nick said.

  “Well, he's got about three minutes, according to my watch,” Clinton said.

  “Screw that,” said Nick. “He should be here.”

  As if on cue, Carter walked through the door, fumbling with Wal-Mart bags that were hanging halfway up his arm. “I'm here! I'm here!” he said. “Hold up!”