Read Most Alpha (Werewolf Romance) Page 2

  “Not much. Same ol’, same ol’,'” James said. “Some guy a couple of doors down named Scott came over earlier looking for you. I told him I wasn't sure when you'd be back.”

  “Oh, okay. I guess I'll go see what it was he wanted,” Carter said, opening the door again. “Thanks, man.”

  “No problem. No problem,” James replied as he put the ear bud back in his ear. The Goth was in his own world once again.

  Carter walked a few doors down to the dorm room tagged “Scott” and knocked on the door. The familiar scent hit him again. That’s what Scott wanted. He was the one Carter failed to identify earlier.

  He was not very enthused about following up with Scott, but Carter now felt obligated. As the frail boy opened up his door Carter actually felt a little sorry for him. The thin, frail, boy Scott quietly welcomed him inside. Scott too was a few hours from his country home and seemed to be having a hard time making new friends, although Carter wasn't so sure he had very many back home. There didn't seem to be anything wrong with him; he was just a little awkward.

  “Hey! What's up?” Carter said as Scott opened the door. “My roommate James told me you came by my room earlier.”

  “Hey, dude,” Scott said. “Yeah, I was wondering if you're still rushing for Omega Omega Psi?”

  “Yeah, I'm probably going to do it,” Carter said. “How did you know about that?”

  “I was behind you but I didn’t know how to say Hi,” Scott informed. He nervously wiped his brow of sweat and matted brown hair. Carter could sense the edginess of his counterpart.

  “Don’t take this the wrong way but have you… been around others before?” Carter quietly asked.

  “No, no,” Scott answered. His eyes diverted prolonged contact with Carter. They each were apprehensive about the topic but Carter pressed on.

  “Me either. It’s not so bad though. We’ll be fine once the others get to know us,” Carter added. “I just can’t wait to be an Alpha.”

  “I thought you had to be born an Alpha?” the fearful Scott said. “I was always told there you are born into your class whether that is an Alpha, shepherd, herder, etc.”

  “That doesn’t even make sense,” Carter dismissed. The boys were obviously taught differently on what it meant to be one of them. “Anyways, am I going to see you there?”

  “Hell yeah! If you're doing it, I'm definitely doing it!” Scott said a little too loudly, as he noticed Carter look nervously around the hall. “So, um, do you have the information on the rush?”

  “Uh, yeah. It's Thursday at seven. At the frat house on 5th.”

  “Cool beans, man. We can walk over there together,” Scott said.

  “Sure, I guess,” Carter said. “If you want. So, I'll see you then.”

  “Definitely,” Scott said with a smile. He waved at Carter and shut himself back in his room. Carter walked back over to his dorm and opened the door just wide enough to fit his head through. James looked up and took the ear bud out again.

  “Did you find him?” James asked.

  “Yeah, it's all good,” Carter said. “I'm going over to see my girlfriend. I'll be back later.”

  “Okay, man. Later.” James put the ear bud back in and bobbed his head to his metal. Carter wondered if his roommate ever did anything else.


  KNOCK! KNOCK! Carter hesitantly knocked on the door to his girlfriend’s dorm room.

  “What do you want?” Adrian asked when she opened the door. The tiny girl furiously chewed gum with an attitude. Carter and Adrian knew each other but didn’t have much of a relationship other than a few words here and there.

  “Nice to see you too Adrian. Is your sister here?” Carter was still getting used to Adrian being on campus, and he was not fond of her rooming with his girlfriend.

  “Jenni, do you want to talk to him?” Adrian asked.

  “Of course she does. Now quit it,” Carter quipped.

  “Let him in,” Jenni said as she came into the doorway and gave Carter a big hug. “Hey, you.” She smiled and gave him a kiss.

  “Um, hello?” Adrian said, clearly annoyed.

  “What?” Jenni asked.

  “You know what?” Adrian snapped. “I'm not even going there with you. I'm out.” She snatched her purse off her desk and pushed her way through the love that was happening in the doorway. The couple stood in silence as they watched her storm off, talking loudly on her phone.

  “What's her deal?” Carter asked.

  “I have no idea,” Jenni said. They stepped all the way in the room and shut the door. “Ever since she's been here she's been thinking she's hot stuff. She's like a whole different person.”

  “All these little college boys are giving her attention. Her head is inflated,” Carter said with a smirk.

  “I guess so. So, how's everything with you? I feel like I never see you anymore!” Jenni said with mock sadness.

  “Don't be like that.” Carter smiled and kissed her on the nose. “We see each other every single day. And everything's alright. I met a kid named Scott on my floor that seems pretty cool.”

  “Who’s Scott? What's up with him?” Jenni said with what Carter detected as jealousy.

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “Is he going to be all up in your business?” she worried. Her instinct was to protect Carter even though she didn’t know that Carter could tell if another one was like him. His girlfriend’s concern was cute in a human way. She could never understand the instinct and rule of his wolf blood yet tried her best to look after his well being.

  “No babe. It's nothing like that. I think he's just looking for a friend, you know? He doesn't know anyone here. I was the first person who was nice to him, and he's grateful for that. He's not so bad. He just wants to fit in somewhere.”

  “I guess,” she said with a little roll of her eyes.

  “Don't tell me you're getting jealous,” he said. “Aw! You're worried about me spending more time with my new friend than you,” he cooed. “You're so cute!”

  “Shut up. What are you doing tomorrow night?” she said, poking him in the chest.

  “Studying. Why are you asking?”

  “Oh. That sucks. I just wanted to know if you wanted to go out or something. We haven't really done anything in awhile. I’m tired of sitting in my dorm room,” she paused, waiting for him to say something. He didn't. “Well, how about the day after?”

  “Sure,” he said. “I don't have anything going on.” Carter shot his lover a sly, devilish look.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” Jenni asked.

  “We are all alone,” he grinned.

  “And what do you suggest we do about it?” Jenni asked, playing along.

  “Open wide,” Carter said with a grin. “Your mouth … for now.”

  Jenni stared at him with mock disgust and obliged by sticking out her tongue. Carter carefully placed himself onto it and watched with delight as Jenni devoured it in one mouthful.

  “Whoa, you’re pretty good with that mouth, aren’t you,” he said.

  Jenni washed the tidbit down and nodded. “I sure am. I love to please. There’s almost nothing I don’t like.”


  Carter and Scott stood around in the crowded frat house, pizza in one hand and red Solo cup in the other. They moved slowly; button-up shirts were a rarity in Carter's closet, and he was wearing the only tie he owned. Each rushee was wearing a bright orange sticker with a number written in black marker. Carter was number eight; Scott was nineteen.

  It seemed like the house was full of all different types of guys. Some were more of the natural type of Alphas Scott mentioned, like the frat brother Nick. Others were skittish Betas and shepherds. Some were like Carter and too ignorant to fit in a category, and some weren’t even wolf at all. A rush always invited freeloaders whether intentionally or not.

  The three frat brothers living in the house called attention to themselves in the living room and commanded silenc
e. Carter recognized Nick and Bartley from the booth; the third identified himself as Zach. Was like a darker version of Nick, with an equal muscular build and almost just as bad a temper.

  “Alright, alright, alright, guys!” Nick shouted. “Everyone, listen up; I'm only going to say this once.” Carter thought Nick's pecs were about to bust out of his white t shirt.

  The room was silent. As Nick opened his mouth to continue his speech, a shrill noise came from Carter's back pocket. BUZZ! BUZZ! BUZZ!

  “Oh crap,” he whispered, rushing to silence it.

  “Whoever the hell's phone that is, you better turn it off right now,” Nick began. The look on his face was authoritative and menacing at the same time. His temper was extremely short. Carter recognized him as being controlled by his blood, something his parents always warned him about especially when interacting with humans.

  “Calm down,” Bartley interrupted diplomatically. “There's not a need for all that. Guys, can you please turn all cell phones off. No further interruptions. Thank you.” The room shuffled around uncomfortably as each rushee silenced his phone.

  “Well, that was embarrassing,” Carter muttered to Scott. Scott’s red dress shirt was soaked with a bucket of sweat starting from the neck down to each shoulder. He trembled in anxiety.

  “You got to relax man. You’re going to crush it,” Carter whispered to his dormmate.

  “Are we done?” Nick asked. The room nodded and murmured in unison.

  “Now,” Zach chimed in. “We're going to be calling you guys one-by-one into the dining room for your interviews. We will be calling you by number, and it's not going to be in numerical order. You better be paying attention.”

  “Miss your interview and you're shit out of luck,” Nick added.

  “You will be notified by the phone number we have on file if your bid has been accepted,” Bartley said. “Good luck to everyone!” He paused for a moment and looked at the clipboard in his hand. “First number is nineteen!”

  “Oh man, that's me,” Scott said. He almost fainted as he swayed back and forth.

  “You got this. Go in there and kill it!” Carter said, gripping him on the shoulder.

  Scott followed Nick, Zach, and Bartley into the dining room and shut the door behind him. Bartley sat himself at the head of the table with Nick and Zach sitting on either side of him. Scott sat at the end opposite Bartley and shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

  “So, Number Nineteen,” Bartley began. “Tell us your name and a few things about yourself.”

  “Um,” Scott's voice cracked a little. He swallowed and tried again. “My name is Scott Jennings. I'm nineteen. I'm from Winston-Salem.”

  “Blah, blah blah!” Nick blurted, waving his hand around. “We can read. Tell us something that's not on your application or get the hell out.”

  “Well...” Scott started.

  “We ain't got all day, man,” Zach snapped.

  “Tell us about your family,” Bartley led.

  “Well, we are from the country. I was raised on long days and hard work. There are a lot of things I don’t know but there are a lot of good things I do know,” Scott sputtered.

  “And what would those good things be?” Nick inquired as he leaned on his massive forearms.

  “I know about family. I come from strong family values. I know about brotherhood,” the nervous Scott replied.

  “What do you really know about brotherhood? What do you know about that blood that runs through your veins? What do you know about who you really are?” Nick interrogated. Scott’s shirt was so wet with perspiration it literally began to drip.

  “I know that this is about learning how to become an Alpha. I’m willing to do anything it takes to learn,” Scott bargained.

  “Anything? Are you sure about that?” Bartley asked. Scott quickly nodded his head to signify his compliance with the frat’s demands. “We will be calling you about your bid,” Bartley said with a smile. “Thanks.”

  Scott looked at the guys sitting across from him for a moment before getting up and walking out.

  “What do you guys think?” Zach asked after Scott walked out.

  Bartley answered first. “It seems like he's missing a little something, if you know what I mean. At least he's honest.”

  “At the very least,” Nick said, “we've got someone to do our dirty work but I think he’s a couple bagels short of breakfast if you know what I mean.” The guys roared with laughter.

  “A – few – bagels – short,” Bartley said as he made a note on his clipboard. “Got it.”

  Zach got up to call in the next rushee. “Number 34!” he called out, then sat back down.

  Number 34 might have been the most awkward, nervous rushee in the building. He stumbled into the room and fidgeted with his poorly tied tie. His face was badly broken out, something he had tried to cover up with angled bangs and thick-framed glasses.

  “Get out,” Nick said.

  “Aw, man. Seriously?” Number 34 complained. “What did I do?”

  “Get the fuck out,” Nick said again. The rushee tugged at the bottom of his shirt and made another attempt to straighten his tie.

  “I think if you give me a fair chance, you'll be surprised to learn that…”

  “Dude, get out,” Zach said.

  “We'll be calling you about the status of your bid,” Bartley said as Number 34 saw himself out. “Thanks!” He waved just as the door slammed. “Well, then,” he added as he crumpled up Number 34's application and tossed it across the room. “Next?”

  The rushees came and left the room one-by-one, each a cardboard cutout of the next. The members yawned and made notes for each one. Some were wolves, some were humans, but none of them caught the frat brothers eyes. They remained uninterested until a young African American rushee named Clinton sat at their table.

  “Number 25,” Bartley said. He paused for effect and pretended to take another look over Clinton's application. “Tell us what you think you can bring to Omega Omega Psi.”

  “I've been interested in joining Omega Omega Psi for awhile because I like to give back to the community,” Clinton said full of charm and confidence. “I admire all the community service you guys have done on campus, and I'd love to become part of that.”

  “I'll admit that your application looks pretty good,” Bartley said with an air of professionalism. “But I am a bit concerned. Are you sure you really know what you’re getting into?” He made a wolf pack symbol with his hand.

  “I have no problem with that,” Clinton laughed. “My great grandfather was one. All good men below to the pack someway, right?” The four guys shared a small chuckle.

  “Right you are,” Bartley said. “Tell us more about who you are. Where are you coming from? Why should we accept your bid?”

  “Like I said, I’m a big fan. You seem like good guys and I respect that. I understand you have your own code and I’m more than willing to follow it. By far, there are things I don’t understand about the brotherhood but I feel I bring a unique element.”

  The frat brothers looked at each other. They weren’t sure how to take Clinton. He wasn’t a wolf but there was a scent to him they all could pickup. The man wasn’t human, at least not fully.

  “What’s your deal? What’s up with you?” Nick answered knowingly. He cut straight with no chaser.

  “I’m a vamp man,” Clinton said a slight shrug. He was had.

  “No way,” Zach interjected. “Do something to prove it.”

  “It doesn’t work like that. Vamps don’t transform. We are the same all the time,” Clinton responded as he showed his teeth. His two side teeth were protruded to a point. Other than the fangs he looked perfectly normal.

  “So you’re a vampire with wolf blood? How do you stay sane?” Zach continued.

  “My mom’s a vamp too, so I just learned to control it by watching her. Lots of rare steaks help too,” Clinton chuckled.

  Bartley smiled as he finished up his notes. ??
?Thank you for your time. We'll be in contact with you about the status of your bid. Alright?”

  “Alright. Thanks, man,” Clinton smiled.

  The brothers interviewed a few more rushees before meeting a young man named Derrick. Derrick was a young sandy brown haired wolf boy. He was in the mold of a Nick and Zach, in great shape with a questionable attitude. There was something peculiar about the mood of one with high levels of testosterone and wolf blood.

  “So, what are your intentions if your bid is accepted?” asked a very bored Bartley.

  “Man, I just want to be part of something special, you know?” Derrick replied. “You know what I am and I'm cool with whatever you guys want to do. I'm not going to be walking around like some jackass if I do get to wear the letters. I respect my blood more than I respect life itself.”

  “So, you're saying we walk around like jackasses?” Nick inquired.

  “What exactly would give you that impression?” Zach asked as he leaned forward on the table.

  “Not at all man,” Derrick defended. “I was just talking about those other frats, the ones I'm not rushing for that very reason.”

  “Pretty intense but that was a good answer; good answer,” Bartley said, making a note on his clipboard. “We'll be calling you about the status of your bid. Thanks.”

  Zach showed Derrick to the door and called the next number. “Number eight!”

  Carter walked into the dining room and situated himself at the far end of the table. Zach and Nick shared a yawn while Bartley checked his watch. He didn't seem to recognize Carter.

  “So, uh,” Bartley started, and then paused as if he forgot what he was about to say. “Why did you choose to rush Omega Omega Psi?”

  “I just think it would be a cool thing to be a part of. The whole brotherhood and commrod-”

  “And how would you know?” Nick commented as he squinted his eyes at Carter. “What do you know about us?”

  “Honestly?” Carter said slowly. “Not much. But that's part of why I'm here. So far, there's nothing I see to make me not want to become a part of this.”

  “And, out of curiosity,” said Zach, “how do you think the pledging process is going to be?”

  “This isn't a cakewalk, if that's what you're thinking,” Nick said. “You don't just wear letters here; you pay dues here. To be a member of OOP is to pledge your blood. Your blood. Do you understand what I am saying?”