Read Mr. Beautiful Page 18

  I pulled up gasping.

  "Just so you know, these sheets haven't been changed today." I waited a beat. "And we had a busy morning."

  "Oh God!" Javier said, jumping up.

  "That's messed up, man," Stephan said with a laugh, getting up more slowly.

  It worked. They gave us a moment of privacy. Well, more like an hour.

  I couldn't get enough of my mouth on her body. My face in her belly. Hands cupping soft flesh.

  I pulled her shorts and panties off, pushed her shirt up higher to bare her bra, snapped it open, pulled it all off, and took my mouth to her again.

  I ate her out excessively. Tenderly. I kept my tongue on her and in her until she begged for my cock.

  We were gaming in the den, Bianca in the next room, sorting through baby things.

  "I think you should have five," Stephan said to me right before he shot Javier in the head.

  Javier cursed. "I vote two. More than two kids is too many, even with nannies."

  "My womb is not a democracy!" Bianca called from the other room.

  I couldn't stop laughing for the longest time. None of us could.

  She'd taken to using coconut oil as her belly started growing. Just another reason I loved her pregnant.

  She smelled like coconuts, vanilla, and Bianca. It was a heady combination.

  "How many do you think we'll have after this one?" I asked her.

  "How many what?" she asked lazily, half asleep.

  "Orgasms." That woke her up a bit. I grinned at her. "I'm kidding. Kind of. But I meant babies. Children."

  She looked thoughtful. "I don't know. I say we take it one baby at a time, if you don't mind."

  "Just throwing this out there, but I love you pregnant. If that helps."


  She was lying on her back in bed, and I had both of her feet in my lap, rubbing them. I'd enthusiastically taken over the task of oiling her up. You might say I went overboard with it at times. There was no such thing as having my hands on her too much or too often, though, as far as I was concerned.

  We were staying at the New York apartment for a few weeks. I was getting some work done before we went back to Vegas, before Bianca had to stop flying.

  She came out of our closet, holding a silly looking pair of pants in front of her. "No, just no. Normally Jackie is pretty reliable, but she's gone too far this time."

  I smiled, bemused. Jackie was a strange one, with an off sense of humor that I'd always appreciated. I assumed that this was her version of a joke, but I wasn't actually sure.

  "Tell her no more hammer pants."

  I laughed. That's what they were! "Hammer pants."

  She gave me an exasperated, wide-eyed look. "Is this some sort of maternity wardrobe joke?" she asked.

  "We can only hope."

  Her already ample breasts had gotten huge. It didn't matter what she wore, whether she showed her cleavage or wore a shirt up to her neck, they quite simply tried to escape her clothes, pushing at buttons, swelling into and over any single thing that she tried to wear.

  Between that perfectly rounded belly and those mouthwatering tits of hers, I was useless as soon as she entered a room, throbbing in seconds, no matter the company. If she came into arm's reach of me, I was done, my hands filling with her lush curves whether I willed it or fought it.

  Even after all the years together, she still blushed for me, but never resisted, never batted me away.

  I tried to take her out a few times when she was blooming with her pregnancy, but quickly found that this was impossible for me.

  I sat across the table from her in Red, drinking her in, watching her take a sip of water, her lips wet, her throat working. That alone put me in a state. Hardcore BDSM porn could not have done for me what just watching her take one draw of water did.

  I was sitting beside her, my chair dragged with me, between one drink and the next, my arm around her, the other rubbing at her belly, then her thigh under the table.

  Her mouth parted in a gasp, and I bent to kiss her, my intent innocent enough, if anything could be innocent when I had been obsessed with fucking her senseless since the moment I'd set eyes on her.

  The years had not softened that need one bit.

  One soft wet touch of her lips made me snap, and I groaned as I nuzzled into her parted lips, sliding my tongue into her mouth, then out to lick her lips. I took them hard, sucking, licking, biting as I wrapped her close with one arm, the other snaking up to fondle her glorious tits.

  She murmured something unintelligible, her tone surprised, but I couldn't stop rubbing, fondling, eating at her lush pink mouth. She wore a loose maternity style sundress with a rounded neckline. It showed enough of her cleavage that I almost hadn't let her leave the house in it. My first instinct was quickly proving to be wise, as I barely stopped my hand from plunging in to touch skin.

  Attempting to restrain myself, I moved my lips to her brow, and my roaming hand back to her belly.

  A soft gasp out of her mouth had me losing it again, bending to nuzzle into her exposed cleavage, my hands cupping her breasts together to better feast.

  I tore myself away when one errant hand decided on its own to grab her hand and drag it to my pulsing cock.

  I was panting as I said, "I think we need to go."

  She swallowed, hand still on the throbbing bulge of my erection. "Yes."

  I bent and started kissing her, then tore myself away again.

  We didn't even try to make it to the apartment. I dragged her up to my office suite.

  The first mating was frenzied and fast. I laid her on the edge of the bed, grabbed her hips, and plunged in, fucking as hard and fast as I dared.

  I was obsessed with her tits, and I carefully climbed over her body, pushing them together. I shoved my cock in between, fixated on titty fucking her, but it wouldn't work. I'd have had to put pressure on her belly that way.

  I finally settled for sitting her up in a chair, gripping her breasts and fucking them like that, upright, grabbing great handfuls of her flesh and rubbing into her.

  Her devouring eyes kept me hypnotized all the while.

  I came on her chest and still coming, kneeled down and got under her belly to suck on her clit, fingers driving into her, making her come hard and fast.



  I've been remade five times in my life.

  You know about the first four.

  And I'm sure you can guess the fifth.

  Fatherhood suited me. I'd always suspected it would, but the reality, the day to day of it, blew me away.

  And Bianca as a mother was all that I had ever wanted. Watching her grow into the role, growing together, it was the very meaning of my life. The purpose of my existence.

  We had three beautiful children, one boy and two girls, each of them roughly one year apart. They were our pride and joy.

  Duncan was a brilliant boy. I knew he had a mind for business early on. He was enterprising, born with the shoulders to carry heavy responsibilities. He looked like me and had many of my traits, with little sprinkles of his mother apparent in the little subtle movements of his face. The twist of his smile. The wrinkling of his nose.

  He was a charmer, that one. But also sweet and loving.

  Duncan worshipped his mother, thought the sun rose and set in her smile, would move mountains to win her approval. He got that from me.

  Imogen was passionate and resilient, and terrifying in her stubborn pride. She was a fighter.

  She and Duncan could have been twins, they looked so much alike.

  She had a strong sense of justice and a compassionate soul. She was versatile in that she could have done anything, been anything, because she always excelled.

  We never tried to predict where her life would take her. We were just excited to watch her path.

  Isabella was an artist. We knew early on. She was a daydreamer. A stargazer. Our little angel was born with the ability to see and create bea

  Obviously she got that joyous talent from her mother.

  And at last we had a child that favored Bianca in looks. Except for her eyes. Those were mine.

  She was sweet to a fault, a lover to Imogen's fighter.

  Of course, I was her favorite.

  She was a daddy's girl. Absolutely. I would move heaven and earth to keep it that way.

  The real romance in life didn't come in that first sweet taste of love, as profound and life changing as it was. There was love then, yes. Obsession, passion, infatuation. All of that and more.

  But the true romance came from the slow lapse of time, the inexorable passing of days, weeks, months, years, decades.

  I'd hold onto her with the last breath in my body. My final thought would be that I hadn't gotten enough, I just knew it.

  Because I would never have enough.

  Never enough sweet moments. Never enough shared smiles.

  Never enough of touching her.

  Never enough grabbing her face in both of my hands and marveling at the miracle of love.

  Never enough of watching her grow as a person. Growing with her. Watching her journey as the mother of my children. Taking that journey with her.

  Never enough of sharing every single burden, big and small, that she would let me, and sometimes not giving her a choice, taking those burdens from her, prying them from her elegant hands and carrying them myself.

  And the fights, yes, even the most horrible ones we ever had, because they taught me something about her, and more about myself.

  The inside jokes, the shared humor may have just been the best part about sharing my life with my soul mate.

  Nothing on this earth was more romantic than a private inside joke still going, still bringing us joy, still making us laugh as we added layers to it, after twenty years together. Then thirty. Forty.

  True love was a language, so many looks, touches and one word references that told the other more than full sentences or paragraphs, more than full outpourings of speech.

  Our language was extensive and beautiful, and over a joyful lifetime together, we stayed fluent in it.

  Our wives were having a mommy pamper day at the spa with the girls while we had a BBQ with the kids at Tristan and Danika's house.

  It was a disaster, because that was the day we realized something very troubling, something that would haunt us for many years.

  We were on the patio, Tristan grilling us burgers, as we watched the kids playing in their park of a backyard.

  We were both dads that prided ourselves on being our kids' favorites, but when this group got together, they forgot we even existed.

  I pointed at Nikaloj, huddled together with Imogen. "No fucking way," I told Tristan. "That right there is not happening."

  He curled his lip at me, waving a hand at Cleo and Duncan. They were holding hands. They were only six, but that wasn't the point. "What about that right there? What the ever-loving fuck is up with that? I'll tell you right now I won't stand for it."

  "Oh you think you have it rough?" I stabbed a finger towards Isabella and Jared. They were wrestling. Oh, the outrage. "By my math I have it at least twice as bad as you."

  The bastard laughed, threw back his head and laughed like crazy. "Oh man, you are right. That's so true. You do have it worse. When these kids are teenagers you are going to hate your life."

  "Ming will be a teenager first," I pointed out, as it was only fair. She was the only child deemed mature enough to embrace a day at the spa with the mommies, so she wasn't there, but I felt she should be included here.

  "Fuck," he said, low and succinct.

  This time it was me that couldn't stop laughing. The idea of Tristan as the father of a teenage girl as she started to date was just priceless.

  "All of the kids are closely paired up in ages, every one but Ming. Our daughters, Bianca, Tristan's rowdy boys are going to try to take our daughters!" I had to get it off my chest. It was too much for any father to have to bear alone.

  She laughed, not looking at all worried, not understanding how serious and terrible this was. "Yeah, we figured that out already. And they all like each other, too. Imogen told me the other day that she was in love with Nikolaj and wants to marry him."

  I shook my head. "No, no, no. Just no. I forbid it. Categorically, no."

  "And Duncan, too. Him and Cleo. They're inseparable."

  "That's not as bad, since he's a boy."

  "That's sexist," she pointed out.

  I supposed it was, but something about boys getting near my little girls was just much more disturbing to me, more inherently unacceptable. It went beyond logic and into gut reaction territory.

  "Jared and Isabella are sweet to each other, too," she added, rubbing salt in my wound.

  I thought of something that cheered me up. "Can you imagine Tristan, when Ming or Cleo start dating?"

  She got a real kick out of it, too.

  We were still laughing when Imogen busted in on us.

  We were in Bianca's painting studio, at the Vegas house. She was painting, and I was sitting in my favorite spot, a sofa angled just perfectly to watch her work. As always, it was a joy to watch her, one of life's greatest pleasures. Sitting right here, in this exact spot, brought me peace, more peace than I thought I'd ever have, ever deserve.

  Imogen took in the room, zeroed in on me, a brilliant smile breaking out across her face.

  I smiled back. She was drop dead gorgeous and a shameless heart breaker to boot.

  She'd recently had her dark blonde hair cut into a bob with short bangs that made her eyes positively glow in her face, their brightness contrasting in a startling way with her dusky skin.

  She was bouncing on her feet, her bob bouncing with her. It was about the cutest thing I'd ever seen.

  "What's going on, princess?" I asked her, knowing there was something.

  She kept smiling, batting her lashes as she came and climbed on my lap.

  I tousled her hair and kissed her temple.

  Bianca and I shared a smile. She was up to something, for sure.

  Isabella came skipping into the room, her tangle of blonde hair flying wildly. She scrunched her face up and blew me a kiss before heading to her own workstation beside her mother, setting up her small easel and canvas all by herself and without a word, absorbed in her task. Bianca incarnate.

  Duncan came in next, holding a phone and looking at Imogen, his expression stern.

  "What's with the phone, bud?" I asked him. He was six. He was not old enough to need a phone. "And whose phone is that?"

  "Clark's," he said, pointing at the little angel in my lap. "Ask her what she did."

  I scooped her up and cradled her, smiling down into her guilty face. "What did you do?"

  She scrunched up her nose, craning her head to glare at her brother. "Tattletale. I'm going to tell Nikolaj and Jared that you're a tattletale."

  "Wouldn't that just be you tattling on my tattle? What's that going to solve?"

  I tried and failed to hide my laughter.

  "And I guess you get to ask them soon," Duncan added, "since you invited them over."

  "How long have you had Clark's phone?" I asked.

  Duncan pointed at Imogen. "She had it. I just now got it from her. She's been using it to call the Vega kids. She invited Nikolaj over for tea. And now they're all on their way over."

  I bent down and kissed the tip of her nose. "You been talking to boys? No more of that, princess. Not until you're thirty."

  She giggled.

  I set her on her feet. "I want you to return Clark's phone to him. You need to say sorry, since you were the one to take it." My tone was gentle but chiding.

  As she left the room, Duncan on her heels again, I called Tristan.

  "My daughter stole a phone to make a call to your son," I told him.

  He laughed and laughed. "Oh man, that is the best. What will they do next? My money is on them knocking off a bank. We'll have a little Bonnie and
Clyde on our hands. Better start setting aside the bail money now."

  "I heard a rumor that you're on your way over here."

  "Not me, no. Didn't you hear?"


  "We're not bringing the kids over. They left without us."

  "What? How?"

  He was laughing hard. "Imogen sent them a car and driver."























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  I felt eyes on me all through the grocery store. I had good instincts, and so when I turned and saw no one, I was surprised.

  It was a quick run, mainly for fresh produce and meat, so I was in and out quickly, my mind on Dair.

  He was hot. Tall, with a body to die for. Huge arms, a rock hard chest. And the rest was just as nice, with messy brown hair and kind eyes that always made me feel like I was with an old friend.