Read Mr. Grex of Monte Carlo Page 33



  The Bar de Montmartre was many steps under the level of the street,dark, smelly, and dilapidated. Its only occupants were a handful ofdrivers from the carriage-stand opposite, who stared at Hunterleys inamazement as he entered, and then rushed forward, almost in a body, tooffer their services. The man behind the bar, however, who had evidentlybeen forewarned, intervened with a few sharp words, and, lifting theflap of the counter, ushered Hunterleys into a little room beyond.Frenhofer was engaged there in amiable badinage with a young lady whopromptly disappeared at Hunterleys' entrance. Frenhofer bowedrespectfully.

  "I must apologise," he said, "for bringing monsieur to such a place. Itis near the end now, and with Monsieur Roche in the hospital I venturedto address myself to monsieur direct. Here I have the right to enter. Imake my suit to the daughter of the proprietor in order to have a saferendezvous when necessary. It is well that monsieur has come quickly. Ihave tidings. I can disclose to monsieur the meeting-place for to-night.If monsieur has fortune and the wit to make use of it, the opportunity Ishall give him is a great one. But pardon me. Before we talk business wemust order something."

  He touched the bell. The proprietor himself thrust in his head,bullet-shaped, with black moustache and unshaven chin. He wore nocollar, and the remainder of his apparel was negligible.

  "A bottle of your best brandy," Frenhofer ordered. "The best, mind, PereHanaut."

  The man's acquiescence was as amiable as nature would permit.

  "Monsieur will excuse me," Frenhofer went on, as the door was once moreclosed, "but these people have their little ways. To sell a whole bottleof brandy at five times its value, is to Monsieur le Proprietaire moreagreeable than to offer him rent for the hire of his room. He is outsideall the things in which we are concerned. He believes--pardon me,monsieur--that we are engaged in a little smuggling transaction.Monsieur Roche and I have used this place frequently."

  "He can believe what he likes," Hunterleys replied, "so long as he keepshis mouth shut."

  The brandy was brought--and three glasses. Frenhofer promptly took thehint and, filling one to the brim, held it out to the landlord.

  "You will drink our health, Pere Hanaut--my health and the health ofmonsieur here, and the health of the fair Annette. Incidentally, youwill drink also to the success of the little scheme which monsieur and Iare planning."

  "In such brandy," the proprietor declared hoarsely, "I would drink tothe devil himself!"

  He threw back his head and the contents of his glass vanished. He set itdown with a little smack of the lips. Once more he looked at the bottle.Frenhofer filled up his glass, but motioned to the door with his head.

  "You will excuse us, dear friend," he begged, laying his handpersuasively upon the other's shoulder. "Monsieur and I have littleenough of time."

  The landlord withdrew. Frenhofer walked around the little apartment.Their privacy was certainly assured.

  "Monsieur," he announced, turning to Hunterleys, "there has been a greatdiscussion as to the next meeting-place between our friends--the next,which will be also the last. They are safe enough in reality at thevilla, but Monsieur Douaille is nervous. The affair of last nightterrified him. The reason for these things I, of course, know nothingof, but it seems that Monsieur Douaille is very anxious indeed to keephis association with my august master and Herr Selingman as secret aspossible. He has declined most positively to set foot again within theVilla Mimosa. Many plans have been suggested. This is the one adopted.For some weeks a German down in Monaco, a shipping agent, has had ayacht in the harbour for hire. He has approached Mr. Grex several times,not knowing his identity; ignorant, indeed, of the fact that the GrandDuke himself possesses one of the finest yachts afloat. However, that isnothing. Mr. Grex thought suddenly of the yacht. He suggested it to theothers. They were enthusiastic. The yacht is to be hired for a week, orlonger if necessary, and used only to-night. Behold the wonderfulgood-fortune of the affair! It is I who have been selected by my masterto proceed to Monaco to make arrangements with the German, Herr Schwann.I am on my way there at the moment."

  "A yacht?" Hunterleys repeated.

  "There are wonderful things to be thought of," Frenhofer assertedeagerly. "Consider, monsieur! The yacht of this man Schwann has neverbeen seen by my master. Consider, too, that aboard her there must be adozen hiding-places. The crew has been brought together from anywhere.They can be bought to a man. There is only one point, monsieur, whichshould be arranged before I enter upon this last and, for me, mosttroublesome and dangerous enterprise."

  "And that?" Hunterleys enquired.

  "My own position," Frenhofer declared solemnly. "I am not greedy orcovetous. My ambitions have long been fixed. To serve an ImperialRussian nobleman has been no pleasure for me. St. Petersburg has been aprison. I have been moved to the right or to the left as a machine. Itis as a machine only I have lived. Always I have longed for Paris. Somonth by month I have saved. After to-night I must leave my master'semploy. The risk will be too great if monsieur indeed accepts myproposition and carries it out. I need but a matter of ten thousandfrancs to complete my savings."

  The man's white face shone eagerly in the dim light of the gloomy littleapartment. His eyes glittered. He waited almost breathlessly.

  "Frenhofer," Hunterleys said slowly, "so far as I have been concernedindirectly in these negotiations with you, my instructions to my agenthave been simple and definite. We have never haggled. Your name wasknown to me eight years ago, when you served us in St. Petersburg andserved us well. You have done the same thing now and you have behavedwith rare intelligence. Within the course of an hour I shall transferten thousand francs to the account of Francois Frenhofer at the EnglishBank here."

  The eyes of the man seemed suddenly like pinpricks of fire.

  "Monsieur is a prince," he murmured. "And now for the further details.If monsieur would run the risk, I would suggest that he accompanies meto the office of this man Schwann."

  Hunterleys made no immediate reply. He was walking up and down thenarrow apartment. A brilliant idea had taken possession of him. The morehe thought of it, the more feasible it became.

  "Frenhofer," he said at last, "I have a scheme of my own. You are surethat Mr. Grex has never seen this yacht?"

  "He has never set eyes upon it, monsieur, save to try and single it outwith his field-glasses from the balcony of the villa."

  "And he is to board it to-night?"

  "At ten o'clock to-night, monsieur, it is to lie off the Villa Mimosa. Apinnace is to fetch Mr. Grex and his friends on board from the privatelanding-stage of the Villa Mimosa."

  Hunterleys nodded thoughtfully.

  "Frenhofer," he explained, "my scheme is this. A friend of mine has ayacht in the harbour. I believe that he would lend it to me. Why shouldwe not substitute it for the yacht your master imagines that he ishiring? If so, all difficulties as to placing whom I desire on board andsecreting them are over."

  "It is a great scheme," Frenhofer assented, "but supposing my mastershould choose to telephone some small detail to the office of the manSchwann?"

  "You must hire the yacht of Schwann, just as you were instructed,"Hunterleys pointed out. "You must give orders, though, that it is not toleave the harbour until telephoned for. Then it will be the yacht whichI shall borrow which will lie off the Villa Mimosa to-night."

  "It is admirable," Frenhofer declared. "The more one thinks of it, themore one appreciates. This yacht of Schwann's--the _Christable_, hecalls it--was fitted out by a millionaire. My master will be surprisedat nothing in the way of luxury."

  "Tell me again," Hunterleys asked, "at what hour is it to be off theVilla Mimosa?"

  "At ten o'clock," Frenhofer replied. "A pinnace is to be at thelanding-stage of the villa at that time. Mr. Grex, Monsieur Douaille,Herr Selingman, and Mr. Draconmeyer will come on board."

  "Very good! Now go on your errand to the man Schwann. You had bettermeet me here later in the afternoon--
say at four o'clock--and let meknow that all is in order. I will bring you some particulars about myfriend's boat, so that you will know how to answer any questions yourmaster may put to you."

  "It is admirable," Frenhofer repeated enthusiastically. "Monsieur hadbetter, perhaps, precede me."

  Hunterleys walked through the streets back to Ciro's Restaurant, filledwith a new exhilaration. His eyes were bright, his brain was working allthe time. The luncheon-party at the next table were still in the midstof their meal. Mr. Simpson was smoking a meditative cigarette with hiscoffee. Hunterleys resumed his place and ordered coffee for himself.

  "I have been to see a poor friend who met with an accident last night,"he announced, speaking as clearly as possible. "I fear that he is veryill. That was his sister who fetched me away."

  Mr. Simpson nodded sympathetically. Their conversation for a few minuteswas desultory. Then Hunterleys asked for the bill and rose.

  "I will take you round to the Club and get your _carte_," he suggested."Afterwards, we can spend the afternoon as you choose."

  The two men strolled out of the place. It was not until after they hadleft the arcade and were actually in the street, that Hunterleys grippedhis companion's arm.

  "Simpson," he declared, "the fates have been kind to us. Douaille has afit of the nerves. He will go no more to the Villa Mimosa. Seeking aboutfor the safest meeting-place, Grex has given us a chance. The only oneof his servants who belongs to us is commissioned to hire a yacht onwhich they meet to-night."

  "A yacht," Mr. Simpson replied, emptily.

  "I have a friend," Hunterleys continued, "an American. I am convincedthat he will lend me his yacht, which is lying in the harbour here. Weare going to try and exchange. If we succeed, I shall have the run ofthe boat. The crew will be at our command, and I shall get to thatconference myself, somehow or other."

  Mr. Simpson felt himself left behind. He could only stare at hiscompanion.

  "Tell me, Sir Henry," he begged, almost pathetically, "have I walkedinto an artificial world? Do you mean to tell me seriously that you, aMember of Parliament, an ex-Minister, are engaged upon a scheme to getthe Grand Duke Augustus and Douaille and Selingman on board a yacht, andthat you are going to be there, concealed, turned into a spy? I can'tkeep up with it. As fiction it seems to me to be in the clouds. Astruth, why, my understanding turns and mocks me. You are talkingfairy-tales."

  Hunterleys smiled tolerantly.

  "The man in the street knows very little of the real happenings inlife," he pronounced. "The truth has a queer way sometimes of spreadingitself out into the realms of fiction. Come across here with me to thehotel. I have got to move heaven and earth to find my friend."

  "Do with me as you like," Mr. Simpson sighed resignedly. "In a plainpolitical discussion, or an argument with Monsieur Douaille--well, I amready to bear my part. But this sort of thing lifts me off my feet. Ican only trot along at your heels."

  They entered the Hotel de Paris. Hunterleys made a few breathlessenquiries. Nothing, alas! was known of Mr. Richard Lane. He came back,frowning, to the steps of the hotel.

  "If he is up playing golf at La Turbie," Hunterleys muttered, "we shallbarely have time."

  A reception clerk tapped him on the shoulder. He turned abruptly around.

  "I have just made an enquiry of the floor waiter," the clerk announced."He believes that Mr. Lane is still in his room."

  Hunterleys thanked the man and hurried to the lift. In a few moments hewas knocking at the door of Lane's rooms. His heart gave a great jump asa familiar voice bade him enter. He stepped inside and closed the doorbehind him. Richard, in light blue pyjamas, sat up in bed and looked athis visitor with a huge yawn.

  "Say, old chap, are you in a hurry or anything?" he demanded.

  "Do you know the time?" Hunterleys asked.

  "No idea," the other replied. "The valet called me at eight. I told himI'd shoot him if he disturbed me again."

  "It's nearly three o'clock!" Hunterleys declared impressively.

  "Can't help it," Richard yawned, throwing off the bed-clothes andsitting on the edge of the bed. "I am young and delicate and I need myrest. Seriously, Hunterleys," he added, "you take a chap out and makehim drive you at sixty miles an hour all through the night, you keep himat it till nearly six in the morning, and you seem to think it a tragedyto find him in bed at three o'clock in the afternoon. Hang it, I've onlyhad eight hours' sleep!"

  "I don't care how long you've had," Hunterleys rejoined. "I am only toothankful to find you. Now listen. Is your brain working? Can you talkseriously?"

  "I guess so."

  "You remember our talk last night?"

  "Every word of it."

  "The time has come," Hunterleys continued,--"your time, I mean. You saidthat if you could take a hand, you'd do it. I am here to beg for yourhelp."

  "You needn't waste your breath doing that," Richard answered firmly."I'm your man. Go on."

  "Listen," Hunterleys proceeded. "Is your yacht in commission?"

  "Ready to sail at ten minutes' notice," the young man assured himemphatically, "victualled and coaled to the eyelids. To tell you thetruth, I have some idea of abducting Fedora to-day or to-morrow."

  "You'll have to postpone that," Hunterleys told him. "I want to borrowthe yacht."

  "She's yours," Richard assented promptly. "I'll give you a note to thecaptain."

  "Look here, I want you to understand this clearly," Hunterleys went on."If you lend me the _Minnehaha_, well, you commit yourself a bit. Yousee, it's like this. I've one man of my own in Grex's household. He cameto me this morning. Monsieur Douaille objects to cross again thethreshold of the Villa Mimosa. He fears the English newspapers. Therehas been a long discussion as to the next meeting-place. Grex suggesteda yacht. To that they all agreed. There is a man named Schwann down inMonaco has a yacht for hire. Mr. Grex knows about it and he has sent theman I spoke of into Monaco this afternoon to hire it. They are all goingto embark at ten o'clock to-night. They are going to hold their meetingin the cabin."

  Lane whistled softly. He was wide awake now.

  "Go on," he murmured. "Go on. Say, this is great!"

  "I want," Hunterleys explained, "your yacht to take the place of theother. I want it to be off the Villa Mimosa at ten o'clock to-night,your pinnace to be at the landing-stage of the villa to bring Mr. Grexand his friends on board. I want you to haul down your American flag,keep your American sailors out of sight, cover up the Stars and Stripesin your cabin, have only your foreign stewards on show. Schwann's yachtis a costly one. No one will know the difference. You must get up nowand show me over the boat. I have to scheme, somehow or other, how wecan hide ourselves on it so that I can overhear the end of this plot."

  The face of Richard Lane was like the face of an ingenuous boy who seessuddenly a Paradise of sport stretched out before him. His mouth wasopen, his eyes gleaming.

  "Gee, but this is glorious!" he exclaimed. "I'm with you all the way.Why, it's wonderful, man! It's a chapter from the Arabian Nights overagain!"

  He leapt to his feet and rang the bell furiously. Then he rushed to thetelephone.

  "Blue serge clothes," he ordered the valet. "Get my bath ready."

  "Any breakfast, monsieur?"

  "Oh, breakfast be hanged! No, wait a moment. Get me some coffee and aroll. I'll take it while I dress. Hurry up!... Yes, is that the enquiryoffice? This is Mr. Lane. Send round to my chauffeur at the garage atonce and tell him that I want the car at the door in a quarter of anhour. Righto! ... Sit down, Hunterleys. Smoke or do whatever you wantto. We'll be off to the yacht in no time."

  Hunterleys clapped the young giant on the shoulders as he rushed throughto the bathroom.

  "You're a brick, Richard," he declared. "I'll wait for you down in thehall. I've a pal there."

  "I'll be down in twenty minutes or earlier," Lane promised. "What alark!"