Read Mr. Hollywood Page 15

  “Zane didn’t even try to protect himself,” Mom replied, still staring at the door.

  “No, and he never will. He believes he deserves anything Dad can dish out to him, which is why we need to talk Dad down. I can’t have this kind of tension going on between them all the time, and Zane can’t be walking around with bruises, especially while filming.”

  “Your dad won’t touch him again. The surprise is over. He can work on calming down now. Besides, you heard him. It’s not just Zane’s treatment of you that has him fired up. There’s a lot of personal pain there for him. He feels like Zane abandoned all of us.”

  “He did,” I replied with a heavy sigh. “And he feels terrible about it.”

  “How’d you find him?” she asked, her curiosity finally getting the better of her.

  “He found me, actually. He’s been struggling with some substance abuse issues and he found out I was working at Sunnybrook and was admitted there. I almost had a heart attack when I realized my patient listed as John Carpenter on my chart was actually Zane. It’s been a very trying time for me and I wanted to talk to you about it so badly, but I couldn’t.”

  “He’s a drug addict?” She looked mortified, glancing at the door as if she might jump up and bolt after Dustin.

  “He’s used a lot,” I replied honestly. “Apparently the way he left the past between us has been eating him up really bad. I’m certain that’s not the only reason, but it was a large part of it. He turned to substances to try and suppress the pain and it finally caught up with him.”

  “Are you sure it’s wise to leave him alone with Dustin?”

  I grimaced, but understood her reserve. “I trust him, Mom. Really, I do. He’s been just as brokenhearted as I have been.”

  “It sure doesn’t seem that way to me. Not if one believes the things all over the covers of those rag magazines at the supermarket.”

  “When have those things ever been accurate, Mom?”

  “Is he denying being with a parade of women then? Because apparently there’s a viral video going around right now that—”

  “Mom! That’s enough. Yes, he’s struggling with some things, but he’s trying to fix them. I want to let him. I want to repair my mistake, too. Those two need each other, and I need both of them. Hopefully Dad and you can figure out some way to forgive him, because I have, and I’m the one he wronged. If something goes awry now, I will take all the blame, but I’ve always believed people can choose to take their life in a new direction. Yes, we got sidetracked, but now we have a chance to try and change that and find the happiness we’ve always wanted. I’m just asking for you and Dad to allow us to try and find that place together. Hopefully someday you can find a way to forgive him, too.”

  She was quiet for several moments before she looked up at me. “Please be careful, Aubrey.”

  “I will, Mom. I swear. I know all the signs to watch for. If Zane falls, I’ll know. It’s my job to know. But you’re gonna have to trust me.”

  She nodded, sighing heavily. “Then I will try and talk to your dad.”

  “Thank you.” She rose and hugged me before walking me to the door.

  “On a totally separate note, I can’t believe how good looking that kid has gotten. I know we’ve seen him in pictures and movies, but I think he’s better looking in real life than he is even on the big screen. That’s saying something.”

  “He is pretty hot, isn’t he?” I replied with a smile. “It can be quite distracting, actually. I swear sometimes I forget what I’m thinking.”

  “He probably feels the same about you. The two of you always made such a beautiful couple together. People are going to think you’re a celebrity also.”

  “Whatever.” I shook my head, laughing. “Although I did spend last night with him on the Red Carpet. He even bought me a Dominic Florin gown, and Chico Bellefonte himself did my hair and make up! Can you believe it?”

  Eyes widening, she stared at me. She wasn’t as into the fashion scene as I was, but she still knew the names. Everyone knew who those people were. “I thought you were at a work function last night?”

  “Technically, I was. I’ll explain it all later. Right now I want to go spend time with my family.” Joy infused me. “I love how that sounds.”

  “Me, too.” She smiled but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. I knew she was worried—I was too. Things were so crazy right now. “Go have fun. We’ll talk later, and I’ll work on your dad.”

  “Thanks, Mom. I love you so much.”

  “I love you too, honey. Have a good night.”

  I practically bounded off the front porch as I hurried to my house with a giant grin plastered on my face. For the first time in my life, both my boys were in there waiting for me.

  I couldn’t imagine anything better.

  “Z McCartney Soldier Force Film Still Moving Forward!”

  ~Scoop It! Teen Magazine~

  Chapter Seventeen


  “I’m home!” I called through the house.

  “We’re in my room, Mom!” Dustin replied and I quickly made my way to join them.

  “These are all great, Dustin! I’m so proud of everything you’ve accomplished.” Zane set the blue ribbon Dustin had won for a science fair project down and smiled at him. “I bet it was cool to make that volcano explode. You’ll have to show me sometime.”

  “There are my two favorite people. How’s it going?” I leaned casually against the doorjamb.

  “I was just showing—” Dustin broke off and stared between the two of us before his eyes settled back on Zane. “What do I call you?”

  Zane glanced at me and I shrugged, deferring back to him. “This is between the two of you.”

  “Well, I guess whatever you feel comfortable with. You can call me Zane, or Dad, if you want to.”

  I knew he was trying to appear casual about it, like it didn’t matter to him, but he was holding his breath. The words mattered a lot.

  Dustin considered this for a moment before turning back to me. “I was showing Dad my volcano.”

  Slowly, Zane exhaled and glanced at me, a wide smile creased his mouth. “I swear that just made me feel so damn—darn good!” He shot an apologetic glance at me.

  “You can swear at our house, Dad. Mom does it all the time.”

  Instantly, I colored. “I wouldn’t exactly say all the time.”

  “Don’t worry, Dustin.” Zane patted him on the shoulder. “I heard your mom cuss a lot last night, too.” He winked at me, and I was mortified at his blatant referral to our loud lovemaking in front of our son.

  Dustin stared at me curiously and I was sure he could see the color flooding my skin. “Was Mom really mad at you?”

  Zane chuckled. “Nope. In fact, I’d say she was feeling pretty damn happy.”

  “What was she so happy about?”

  “Well, she was happy because she and I were—”

  “Okay, that’s enough chit chat,” I broke in, not even wanting to know where he’d been about to head with that. “Time to go wash your hands so we can get some lunch started.”

  “Can we have Ramen noodles?” Dustin asked, his face lighting up.

  “Actually, I was thinking we could do something more special, since this is the first time your dad will get to eat with us.”

  “I think Ramen noodles sound delicious,” Zane said.

  Raising an eyebrow, I stared at him. “You do?”

  “I haven’t had it in years. I say let’s do it. I’ve been enjoying getting reacquainted with things from my past these days.”

  Great. Our first meal as a family was going to be Ramen noodles. How unexciting. “Ramen it is, but I’m throwing in some grilled cheese sandwiches, too.”

  “Yay!” Dustin exclaimed, his face lighting up even more. “Wait till you taste Mom’s grilled cheese sandwiches! They’re the best! She does . . . fancy stuff. What’s the word again, Mom?”

  “Gourmet,” I replied supplying the word he could never rem

  “She makes gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches. Grandpa Brent said she should open her own restaurant and sell them. They’re so yummy!”

  “Really?” Zane replied, seeming completely interested. “Then I’m excited to try some of these sandwiches.”

  “Make a bunch of flavors, Mom, so he can try them all!”

  Laughing, I shook my head. “I’ll do my best. I guess you two can cook the Ramen, then. But go wash up first, Dustin, and then get the pans and Ramen out.”

  Dustin practically skipped from the room, looking happy as a clam. As soon as he was gone, I locked gazes with Zane.

  “He’s an amazing kid, Aubrey. You’ve done a great job—with everything—him, the home you’ve provided, a loving family.”

  “And yet, despite all that, I wasn’t ever able to provide him a dad.”

  Zane moved closer. “That’s because that was my job. I’m so sorry I messed everything up until now. I know we both did things that lent to that, but I promise you, I’ll do everything in my power to be the best dad on the planet from here on out, as long as you’ll let me.”

  “Thank you. It warms my heart to see him connecting with you so easily. I think we need to set up some ground rules for all our sakes though, so things don’t get confusing for him.”

  “I agree, and I’ll do whatever you say. You’re the boss. You run the show.”

  I shook my head. “No, I want us to decide things together. We’re partners in this.”

  Slipping his arms around my waist, he dragged me closer, kissing my forehead. “I want to be your partner in every way possible, if you’ll let me.”

  I snickered. “I’m pretty sure you covered all that ground last night.”

  “I’m hoping you let me stay tonight and give you a repeat performance.”

  “Hmm. I might need some convincing,” I teased.

  “And I’m more than happy to do any convincing needed.” Nuzzling his face into my hair, he whispered against my skin. “I love smelling my shampoo here.”

  Just hearing that gave me goose bumps. “If you stay, your hair will smell like mine tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, I’m gonna like that, too.” He kissed my neck.

  “You know we’re both going to have to learn to be . . . quieter.”

  He glanced down the hall. “Which one is your room?”

  “The one at the end.”

  “That’s good. At least he’s not right next door.”

  “Two rooms will be a good cushion for sound,” I agreed, closing my eyes as he nipped at my neck.

  “Not with the way I had you screaming last night. If you’re that loud all the time, everyone on this block is gonna know exactly how often I give it to you. People will start calling the police.”

  I snorted. “I wasn’t that bad!”

  “Then why are my ears still ringing?” Pulling back, he grinned. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining. I loved every second of it and I’m greatly looking forward to round two.”

  “Round two? I thought we were on round twelve or something like that now.”

  “Nope. That was just round one. I’m barely getting started on all the things I want to do to this delicious body of yours.” His hand slid higher and he cupped a breast, squeezing gently.

  Heat instantly flooded between my legs. “It’s not fair for you to start this, when there’s no chance of us finishing it until hours from now.”

  Smiling, there was a wicked glint in his eye. “Don’t you know anticipation and foreplay is half the fun? I’m gonna have a lot of fun with you today.”

  “Is that a threat?” I asked.

  “It’s a promise,” he replied, leaning in again.

  “I have the stuff out, Mom!” Dustin called and the two of us broke apart right before he appeared around the corner. Even though I was sure he hadn’t seen us, I still felt like a kid caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

  “Thanks, sweetie. If you want you can try out some of the new games Zane brought over while we get washed up.”

  “Do you want to play with me?” Dustin asked Zane.

  “I will after we eat. Right now I need to clean up and help your mom.”

  “Okay.” Dustin hurried back into the living room and Zane turned to face me.

  “So, do I need to use the guest bath, or do I get a tour of your bathroom?”

  “Is that your way of asking to see the master suite?” I grinned.

  “It is.”

  “Come on, then.” Taking his hand, I led him down the hallway and opened the single door to my room. While it wasn’t the biggest bedroom ever, it was still nice, with vaulted ceilings and large glass sliding doors that led out onto a small patio that ran across the back of the house. I loved working in my flower boxes out there. It was a favorite hobby of mine.

  The master bath had a decent sized Jacuzzi tub, which was a favorite way for me to relax, along with a separate shower and double vanities. It wasn’t fancy like he was used to, I was sure, but it was still homey and comfortable just the same.

  “I love the way you’ve decorated everything,” Zane said, releasing my hand and walking around. “The furniture and colors compliment the house well.”

  “Yeah, I like the old world theme. It goes well with the Spanish architecture.”

  “I think if you ever quit being a nurse, you could be a designer. I don’t know what it is about this place, but it just gives off this incredible vibe of comfort and relaxation.”

  I was thrilled that he liked my house. Especially since I knew he was one of those people who could afford anything he wanted. Coming from him, it was a true compliment. “Thank you. I’m glad you like it.”

  “Want to see one of my favorite things about this house?” he asked.

  “Sure,” I replied, wondering what he meant. Taking my hand, he slowly pulled me inside, and locked the door behind us.

  “You’re one of my favorite things. The other one is in the living room.” Bending, his lips captured mine and excitement raced through me. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I kissed him back, sliding my tongue into his mouth and he moaned.

  “Better be careful,” he whispered, breaking away to kiss my neck. “If you keep being aggressive like this, you’re gonna end up with something else inside you.”

  I snickered. “You mean that wasn’t your end game anyway?”

  His laughter joined mine in between kisses, and he slid his hands down to my pants, releasing the tie on his sweats I was still wearing.

  “We don’t have enough time,” I rasped out, grasping his hands and stilling them.

  “Wanna bet?” He pushed the sweatpants and panties down, and lifted me, setting my bare butt on the counter in between the sinks, before pulling the items completely off my legs.

  Reaching for his pants, he quickly shoved them down just enough to free his cock, and then grabbing my hips, pulled me to the very edge of the counter and shoved himself inside.

  “Fuck, Aubrey. I’ve wanted to do this to you all day.”

  “All day? It’s barely noon. You already had me all night.” Still, his words intoxicated me.

  “It wasn’t enough.” Desire burned in his features, and I could see his quick pulse, pounding away in his neck. Yearning filled me, and he answered it immediately, giving me exactly what I was craving—repeatedly. I tossed my head backward and rocked my hips closer, wanting more.

  “How much is enough?” I was still so sensitive from last night, but it made what he was doing to me now feel so good.

  “I don’t know, but I’ll let you know if I get there.” He thrust more forcefully and I whimpered at the incredible sensations he was causing inside me.

  “Okay,” I huffed out, feeling my release building quickly. “What happened to anticipation and foreplay?” I asked with a laugh.

  “Nothing.” He grinned. “This is just foreplay for later.”

  “This is foreplay to you?” Shit, I was gonna come. I bit my lip, trying not to scream with the
sweet torment.

  “Fuck, yeah. Just a little reminder to your sweet pussy about what is coming when I get you alone tonight.”

  With his words, I broke, falling over the edge as a loud gasp escaped my lips. Instantly, his mouth was over mine, muffling the sound as he kissed me. Wave after wave of pleasure rolled through me as I clung to him and his thrusting grew even stronger.

  “Fuck!” he whispered loudly groaning as he pumped into me. “Fuck! Here I come! Ahhhhh!” The low moan continued as he ground his body against mine, his semen flooding my insides and coating me. It was so incredibly good, and I felt transfixed as I clung to him, my body singing. I’d just been with Zane—in my house. He was really here. I simply wanted to cling to him and relish this moment forever.

  “That was amazing!” I said softly, slumping back against the mirror, my body feeling like gelatin.

  “Yes, it was. Thank you.” Leaning forward, he put his hands on either side of me and placed a light kiss against my lips as he continued to slide his wet dick in and out of me sending aftershocks to tremble through me. “I look forward to christening all the rooms in both our houses this way.”

  “Sounds like fun,” I replied, as images of him being intimate with me in all those rooms filled my head. It was the most erotic thing I’d ever imagined.

  “Oh, I’m sure it will be.” He kissed me again, still moving his body against mine. Glancing down, I could see his cock glistening with our mixed body fluids and it turned me on so much I wanted to go again. Looking back up into his eyes, I found him staring at me. “Like what you see?” he asked.

  I nodded, not even embarrassed to admit it. “Yes. A lot.”

  “Me, too. Get used to seeing it, baby. I plan on living between your legs as much as possible.” His words caused renewed heat to flood through me, and I grabbed his shirt and pulled him back to my mouth, kissing him deeply.

  There was a knock outside on my bedroom door and it caused us both to stiffen.

  “Yes?” I called out guiltily.