Read Mr. Hollywood Page 2

  Eyes widening in disbelief, I stared at her. “Aubrey, don’t you know? You had all those girls beat before I ever even touched you for the first time. You’re complete perfection. Those girls have nothing on you.” I paused, sliding my hand over her bare skin, from her shoulder to her hip. “And this—this is the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt in my life.”

  “I love you,” she said, her eyes looking teary, and she hugged me tighter.

  “I love you, too.” I meant every word. This wasn’t just afterglow. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this girl. She meant everything to me. I was struggling with leaving her already, and I wasn’t even gone yet.

  Rolling over onto her stomach, she crossed her ankles behind her, waving them slightly in the air. “So next time, I want to be on top.”

  Her words surprised me, but I loved hearing them. “Next time?”

  “Well, we need to get as much as we can in before you leave. I need my memories to keep me warm at night while you’re off becoming some famous super model.”

  I snorted. “I think you’re making a bigger deal out of this opportunity than it really is.” I ran my fingers down her spine as I spoke.

  “Whatever! You just won a national contest! You do realize that, don’t you? It is a big deal.”

  I shrugged, not caring one whit about that stupid contest right now. “If you say so. I only entered it because you begged me to. Personally, I think this is a bigger deal.” I gestured between us and smiled. “And I can promise you, I’m way more excited about what just happened here than any modeling gig.”

  “Me too.” Smiling, she leaned forward and pressed her lips against my shoulder, before slipping her arm around my waist. “Thank you for today. I’m sorry I’ve been so nervous about it, but you were totally right. It was awesome. I look forward to doing it a lot more.”

  “Just hearing you talk this way makes me ready to go again, right now.” Hooking my arm around her waist, I dragged her on top of me and she squealed, her legs flopping to either side of mine.

  Slapping my shoulder, she gave me the stink eye—or tried to. The cute grin that slid onto her face kept it from landing. “You scared me.”

  “That’s what you get for tempting me. You can’t be doing stuff like that. I’m a man—with needs. When you talk that way, my body demands to have those needs filled. It really is all your fault.”

  Rolling her eyes, she shook her head. “That was the lamest thing I’ve ever heard.” Shifting her position, she guided me inside, her eyelids fluttering as she settled down on top of me, with a moan.

  “It might have been lame, but it still got you where I wanted you,” I teased back, flexing inside of her and another sound escaped her.

  “Everything is so . . . intense feeling, and so . . . full.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay to do this? You’re not too sore?” I didn’t want to cause her any more discomfort, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to stop her either, if she was game to go again.

  “I feel fine. A little tender at the moment, but nothing I can’t handle. It kind of heightens the sensation.” Her eyes closed. Placing her hands flat on my chest, she rocked her hips against me.

  “Damn.” It was all I could say. Not only did she feel amazing, she looked amazing, perched on top of me all . . . naked. Reaching out, I fondled her breasts, loving the weight of them in my hands as I tweaked each of them, watching them pucker into tight buds. Another groan escaped her and she moved faster.

  “I like that,” she whispered.

  “I know,” I replied. I’d always been fascinated with her boobs and how tight her nipples got when I played with them. I wondered if they throbbed like my dick did when it got hard like that.

  Anchoring my hands on her hips, I guided her faster, my eyes traveling from the expression of ecstasy on her face, to where her round breasts swayed back and forth over me.

  Holy hell! I was going to come again already. It was like I was a damn fourteen year old again experiencing his very first time, only my first time was never this good.

  The sound of a vehicle pulling up outside interrupted us. Glancing over her shoulder, Aubrey looked out the loft doors. “It’s my parents!” she whispered sharply.

  “Don’t stop yet!” I held her hips tight, thanking heaven above as she continued to ride me. The danger of getting caught only served to heighten everything—at least for me—I wasn’t sure about her, but she kept going.

  “Are you close?” she asked, sounding nervous. “Because I am, but—” Tossing her head back, she let out a long, soft moan. Immediately, I started coming, I couldn’t hold it back.

  “Up! Up!” I whispered frantically, and she practically flung herself off me, but I was worried that most of the first shot made it inside her. Rubbing myself, I jacked off the rest. Fuckin’ hell! It felt amazing!

  “Get dressed!” She hissed before I was even finished, throwing my clothes at me. Regret filled me. I wasn’t finished with all the things I wanted to do with her yet. Rising, I grabbed my pants first, trying to hurriedly put them on and we both snickered as we stumbled around, fumbling with our clothes. She quickly pulled her dress over her head.

  “Aubrey? You in the house?” Her dad’s voice called loudly over the idling engine and she moved to the loft doors. I knew she didn’t have her panties on, because they were on the blanket beside me.

  “No, I’m over here,” she replied to him as I buttoned my pants. Standing, I shoved my boots on and quickly grabbed my t-shirt, thankful Brent couldn’t see me up here with her. I didn’t want to get shot when things were just starting to get good.

  “Mom forgot her purse on the counter. We came back to get it. I was going to have you bring it out. Did Zane show up?”

  “Yeah, he’s down there stacking feed.” She nodded in the direction of the ladder.

  Quickly, I grabbed her panties and stuffed them in my pocket, before hurrying down to the main barn floor. Snatching a bag of feed, I began stacking again, just as Brent appeared in the doorway. Hopefully he’d think I was flushed and out of breath from working hard.

  “Everything okay this morning, son?” he asked, eyeing me. It wasn’t unusual for him to call me that. I didn’t mind. He’d been more of a father to me than mine had ever been.

  “Yeah. My dad needed some extra help this morning. Sorry I was late.” Basically, that was the nice way of me telling Brent my dad was drunk off his rocker. I didn’t need to elaborate. He knew what I meant.

  “No problem. Is your dad okay?”

  “He’ll be fine. Just needs to sleep things off.” Everyone knew my dad lived in the bottom of a bottle these days. He’d never recovered from my mom’s death twelve years ago.

  While we lived on the neighboring farm, it had dwindled into disrepair—at least the outbuildings had. I tried to keep up the farmhouse the best I could and had worked for Brent all through high school, earning money to keep food on the table. Brent also rented some of our pastures, which helped out too. I was very appreciative to him. Who knew what my life would be like if he wasn’t around?

  “All right. Aubrey probably already told you, but I’m running into town with Daphne to get some supplies. We won’t be home until early evening now, since we had to come back.”

  “Okay. I’ll get all the late chores done up for you before I go home then.”

  “Thanks, Zane. I always feel better knowing things are in your capable hands.”

  He’d shit a brick if he knew exactly what had been in my capable hands, or riding my very capable dick.

  “Happy to help. I love it here.”

  “We love having you here, son. You’re family.” He paused, shuffling uncomfortably. “Daphne always wished we could’ve adopted you.”

  I paused, my eyes going wide. “She did?”

  He nodded. “We even asked your dad about it once, a couple years after your mom died. He got pretty angry about it, so we never brought it up again.”

  This was news to me. I’d
never heard a word about it before this. “I’m sorry. I had no idea.” I wasn’t sure what to say. “Thank you for caring.”

  “We always have. Daphne and I have watched you and Aubrey grow up together. You both get along so well. We thought you’d both enjoy being brother and sister.”

  I was pretty sure I blanched at that comment. If there was one thing I was positive I never wanted, that was for Aubrey to be my sister. Girlfriend? Yes. Sex slave? Hell, yes! And I even hoped she’d be my wife at some point in the distant future. But we had plenty of time for that. Right now, I just wanted to explore every inch of her body—repeatedly—for days on end. But sister? Hell, no! There was nothing but trouble in store for us down that road, because regardless of her title, I’d never be able to stop fucking her now that the line had been crossed.

  “Well, I better get going,” Brent said, pulling me back to reality.

  “Enjoy your day trip,” I replied politely, feeling just the tiniest bit guilty about my previous activities. Brent trusted me. Right now I was violating that trust in the worst way possible.

  “Thanks. We will.” He gave a wave and headed back to the vehicle.

  Soon the truck was meandering out of the yard, but my attention was fully riveted on the brunette beauty descending the ladder, flashing me her bare butt as she did so.

  Instantly, my body stirred to life again. Damn it! I’d already taken her twice today. How was it possible to want her even more than before?

  “I lost my panties,” she said as she reached the bottom and turned to face me.

  “I see that,” I replied with a grin, not divulging their whereabouts. “Not that I’m complaining.” I planned on keeping them. Maybe I’d hang them on some of my sports trophies in my room and they could be my favorite trophy ever, since I’d be reliving this day for the rest of my life. Or I could bronze them and hang them on a plaque that said, “The first time I fucked Aubrey.” Just the idea of it made me smile.

  “Sorry we got interrupted.” Wrapping her arms around my neck, she popped up on her tiptoes to kiss me.

  “Guess we’ll just have to pick up where we left off.” Lifting her, I set her on the bags of feed and spread her legs, smiling as I wedged my way in between them, pushing her dress up until her pretty pussy was showing. “Ready for round three?” I grinned and she giggled.

  “Yup. I want to do this with you all the time.”

  Staring into her eyes, I wondered how I’d gotten so lucky. “I’d like that, too.” Pressing my mouth to hers, I kissed her deeply.

  So many great things were happening for me right now, but all I could think about was how much I wanted to experience it all with Aubrey. Only Aubrey.

  Unfastening my pants, I released myself and pushed back inside her. This . . . this was perfection, and I just knew our future together was going to be perfect!

  “On the Red Carpet Tonight with Mr. Hollywood, Z McCartney!”

  ~Glitz Magazine~

  Chapter One

  Z McCartney – Ten Years Later

  I couldn’t believe how far I’d fallen—so far in fact, if someone held up a mirror, I wasn’t sure I’d recognize myself anymore.

  “Z!” Hearing the name most of the world knew me by shouted into my ear brought me back to the present and I forced a fake smile.

  “Are you close, sweetheart?” I taunted, watching as she tossed her head back against the prime leather seats of the limo. Driving against her harder, I felt my own release building . . . finally. I was beginning to think I’d never find it.

  “Ahhhhh!” she screamed, tumbling over the edge, and watching her sent me spiraling right after her.

  Groaning heavily, I spilled into the condom, my muscles shaking. Holding my breath, I waited—hoping for satisfaction, completion, or something—anything. Yet, all I felt was the same hollowness inside me. I was broken, it seemed, unable to fill the void, despite my release. It had been this way for a long, long time. Ever since—no! I was not going there. What was the point?

  “Z, we’re almost to the Red Carpet.” My personal assistant, Penelope’s, voice crackled over the intercom from where she was seated behind the privacy window in the front of the vehicle, and I was thankful for something new to think about.

  “Showtime!” I said, attempting to sound cheerful even though there was nothing remotely exciting to me about this event. Winking at the stunning brunette, I pulled out a box of wet wipes from the console. I always insisted these be kept in my cars. I had lots of sexual encounters in vehicles and needed a way to clean up afterward. Cleanliness was next to godliness after all—at least that’s what my Sunday School teacher had taught me as a kid. She probably would frown on this though, no matter how clean I was. The thought made me grin.

  As soon as I was finished straightening my clothes, I slid back into my seat. “Does my hair look okay?” I asked my companion, knowing she had been running her fingers through it.

  She studied me momentarily. “It looks like you just got fucked in the back of a car,” she replied and I laughed, in spite of my semi-sour mood.

  “Then it’s perfect.” My eyes fell on her lips. She really was gorgeous. Not that that was really anything special in Hollywood. I’d had a steady parade of beautiful women in my bed almost since I’d arrived here ten years ago. While I liked sex, and never turned down an opportunity for it, everything was beginning to feel old and stale for me. The only thing that ever changed in my life was the face of the women in my bed. Everything else pretty much blended together into one giant blur, except for a few really bad moments I wished could be permanently removed from my head. Why was it we could always remember the things we didn’t want to? It sucked.

  “Something for the road?” she asked, lifting a mirror with several lines of white powder on it from the sidebar.

  “Sure. We got a little distracted, didn’t we?” I said, taking it from her and quickly snorting a line. After all, this whole little private party we’d been having was for the drugs. I loved the drugs, and was always game to try something new when my dealer recommended it. Alcohol was a big one for me too, for that matter. True, drinking and doing drugs had gotten me into this mess in the first place, but that didn’t stop me from continuing to use them. They were the only things I could take that stopped the pain inside me, even if it was only for a short while. Any escape was a blessed relief.

  “Yes, but it was worth it,” she said, drawing my wandering attention back to her, and her hand slid up my leg toward my crotch, clearly showing she was hoping for more. Suddenly, I felt inclined to give it to her again.

  The car slowed, progressing forward inches at a time as we waited for our turn.

  “Too bad we don’t have more time. I could go again, right now,” I said, enjoying her roaming hand that was steadily making its way higher. I loved girls who liked to fuck a lot, and this one fit that bill perfectly. I’d already ridden her twice today before we even made it to the car.

  She giggled, rubbing her hand over me, finding my cock hard already. “What did you do? Take a whole bottle of Viagra? I’m going to be bow legged by the time this day is over.”

  I snorted. “Baby, I don’t need that shit. I got all the natural drive a girl can handle. I’ll keep you up all night long.” The car stopped, signaling my cue to depart. “What was your name again?” I quickly asked, hating that I’d forgotten. If she was hurt, she didn’t show it.

  “Stephanie,” she replied without even blinking an eye. I wondered if it was her real name or an alias. Z wasn’t my real name. It was simply what my agent had decided to shorten my name to, in an effort to make it sound trendy. But even though it wasn’t my real name, Z was who I was. Zane McCartney had been dead and buried for years and I did my best to never think about him or the things he wanted in life. It was easier to simply pretend I was this “Z” person who didn’t give a fuck about anything except for where the next party was and who was my next lay.

  Leaning over, I quickly kissed my current hottie—at lea
st for this minute—on the cheek. I didn’t do relationships. Not anymore. Relationships fucked a person up. “Thanks for the ride, Stephanie. I’ll see you soon. Real soon.”

  Smiling, she twirled her fingers at me. “Have fun, Superstar!”

  The door suddenly flung open, and I stepped out into the lights, the sounds of screaming fans filling the air. Steeling myself, I adjusted my tie and slapped a casual grin to my face as I strolled forward. Penelope appeared by my side, almost like magic, as four hired bodyguards moved around us. This wasn’t new to me. It happened everywhere we went. I didn’t know what all went into coordinating of these things, and I didn’t question it. It was simply the way it was.

  Except for tonight. Tonight was going to be different, but no one needed to know that right now.

  “You’ll be speaking with Margo Tamson from Glitz,” Penelope spoke loudly as we strolled, filling me in on the details like she always did. I didn’t need to know anything; it was all fed to me. I waved at the cheering crowds leaning over the barricades, begging for pictures and autographs, smiling as if I didn’t have a care in the world. It was a total lie. I was seriously fucked in the head.

  While I loved acting and felt fortunate with the success I’d had, fans had no idea of the shithole side of this career. They had no idea how it could break you up into little tiny pieces, sucking out your soul bit by bit until there was nothing left of you. All they saw was the glamor of it—or whatever the media wanted them to see, not even realizing that Hollywood was just one carefully crafted line of bullshit. Hell, I was one carefully crafted line of bullshit.

  Pointing to the Glitz platform, I shrugged and mouthed “sorry” to those begging for me to come to the barricades so they could get an autograph. Waving one more time, I hurried my way up the steps to do my bit with one of Hollywood’s most popular television magazines at the moment.

  “Look, everyone! It’s the star we’ve all been waiting to see tonight, Mr. Z McCartney!” A microphone was shoved into my hand.