Read Mr. Marx's Secret Page 15


  It was eleven o'clock on the following morning. I had been reading in thegarden for some time, and was just thinking of starting for a walk, whena dogcart from the Castle stopped at the gate, and Mr. Ravenor'sservant--the man who had conducted me from the lodge to the Castle--wasshown into the house. I went to him at once and he handed me a note.

  "Mr. Ravenor has sent you this, sir," he said respectfully.

  I tore it open and read (there was no orthodox commencement):

  "Before going to Dr. Randall's there are a few things which you are notlikely to have which you will find necessary. Remember that it is part ofthe education which I intend for you that you should associate with theother pupils on equal terms. Therefore, be so good as to go intoTorchester with Reynolds and place yourself entirely in his hands. He hasmy full instructions.--R."

  I folded the note up and put it into my pocket.

  "Am I to come with you now?" I asked.

  "If you please, sir."

  I went upstairs to get ready and in a few minutes was prepared to start.The groom offered me the reins, but I declined them and mounted insteadto the vacant seat by his side, which Reynolds had silently relinquishedto me.

  Torchester was scarcely a dozen miles from the farm, but, nevertheless,this was my first visit to it. Many a time I had looked down from BeaconHill upon the wide-spreading, dirty-coloured cloud of smoke from its tallfactory chimneys, which seemed like a marring blot upon the fair,peaceful stretch of country around, and by night at the dull red glow inthe sky and the myriads of twinkling lights which showed me where itstood. But neither by day nor night had the scene been an attractive onefor me. I had felt no curiosity to enter it. I had never even cared tofigure to myself what it would be like.

  So now, for the first time in my life, I found myself driving through thestreets of a large manufacturing town. It was the dinner-hour and on allsides the factories were disgorging streams of unhealthy-looking men andwomen and even children. The tramcars and omnibuses were crowded, thebusy streets were lined with swiftly rolling carriages, smart-lookingmen, and gaily-dressed girls and women. Within a few yards I saw types ofmen and women so different that it seemed impossible that they could beof the same species.

  "This is the 'Bell,' sir, where we generally put up," remarked Reynolds,at my elbow. "You will have some lunch, sir, before we go into the town?"

  I shook my head, but he was quietly though respectfully insistent. So Ilet him have his way and allowed myself to be piloted into a long, darkcoffee-room, where my orders, considerably augmented by Reynolds intransit, were received by a waiter whom we discovered fast asleep in aneasy-chair, and who seemed very much surprised to see us.

  Afterwards we went out in the town, Reynolds and I, and began ourshopping. I was measured at the principal tailor's for more clothes thanit seemed possible for me to wear out in a lifetime, from riding-breechesto a dress-coat; and the quantity and variety of hats, boots, shirts, andties which Reynolds put down as indispensable filled me with half-amusedastonishment, although I had made up my mind to be surprised at nothing.But our shopping was not finished even when Reynolds, to my inexpressiblerelief, declared my wardrobe to be as complete as could be furnished by aprovincial town. The gunsmith's, the sporting emporium, and thehorse-repository were all visited in turn. And when we returned to thehotel about six o'clock I was the possessor of two guns, which were aperfect revelation to me, a cricket-bat, a tennis racquet, a smallgymnasium, a set of foils, and, besides other things, a stylish,well-built dogcart and a sound, useful cob.

  I sank into an easy-chair in the coffee-room and, refusing to listen toReynold's suggestion as to the propriety of dining before setting outhomewards, ordered a cup of tea. While the waiter had left the room tofetch it I strolled to the window to look out at the weather, which hadbeen threatening for some time and on my way I discovered that I was notalone in the apartment. A man was seated at one of the further-mosttables, dining, and as I passed he looked up and surveyed me with a cool,critical stare, which changed suddenly into a pleasant smile ofrecognition.

  "Mr. Morton, isn't it?" he said, holding out his hand. "Mr. Ravenor toldme that I should probably come across you."

  I was so surprised that for a moment I forgot to accept the offered hand.Mr. Ravenor's secretary was the last person whom I should have expectedto find eating a solitary dinner in a Torchester hotel.