Read Mrs. Mcgillocotty Finds A Body Page 7

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  Willie moved along the series of connecting breezeway porches. Each one connected with an unlocked door, all the way through to the front room where he had placed Nicholas’ body earlier. Then out the door through the hall, took a left and stopped at the table with the phone. He set the cold candle down and picked up the receiver. It was dead.

  “Damn!” He said and slammed the receiver back into its cradle.

  Willie returned to the parlor and found both ladies had returned.

  “Does anybody’s cell phone work?” Willie drew their attention.

  “Nope dead,” Tamika said followed by agreements from the others.

  “Mine is still in my car, I suppose.” Randy raised his head up and said. “You can have my keys if you want but I’m not going out in that rain.”

  “I don’t want to go either.” Willie agreed.

  “Willie, why don’t you go get VD’s phone. The Deputy’s should have a full charge and she’s not going to need it.” Elva suggested.

  “That’s a very good idea, thank you Elva.” Willie turned and left the room.

  “Elva, I’m surprised that was an excellent idea.” Agnes said snidely.

  “I’m forgetful not stupid Aggie.” Elva gave her a fake smile. “Which reminds me would anyone like some delicious Mud Pie?” Elva raised her left eyebrow and gave Agnes a discourteous smirk.

  “Very funny,” Agnes grumbled. “You got your zinger in so sit down somewhere.”

  “I’m serious, how about some Mud Pie?” Elva reiterated, “Tamika? I know you love it. Anybody else want any?”

  “What is this mud pie?” Karalina was the first to ask.

  “It’s made out of bittersweet chocolate, chopped pecans, with heavy cream in a deep dish chocolate cookie wafer crust. Mmm, it’s delicious.”

  “That’s sounds good.” Karalina said, “Maybe with some milk?”

  “Sure.” Elva agreed. “I tell you what. I’ll bring it out,” she turned and looked at Sarah, “with some milk and paper plates and cups.”

  “I’ll help.” Sarah stood up slowly.

  “That’s okay Sister. I can handle it. I’ll make two trips.”

  “Are you sure?” Sarah asked reluctantly and smiled slightly when Elva held up her hand indicating she stay where she was at.

  “I’ve got it. I’ll be back in a jiffy.”

  “Do you want me to help?” Tamika offered.

  “No I’m fine. It won’t take me but a moment.” She picked up a lantern and hummed a merry tune as she headed to the kitchen.

  In the kitchen Elva placed the lamp on the sink, opened the cupboard doors above and pulled out a package of pills. She kept a close watch on the door leading out and then went to the refrigerator pulled out the still cool mud pie. She couldn’t resist the temptation and with a quick whip of her index finger sampled the sweet pie.

  She set the pie down and pulled out a small dish. Reaching behind the dish drainer, found a garlic press in its holder and set it down while she popped twelve pills on the plate. Then carefully she used the garlic press and crushed the blue pills to powder. When she was finished she took her finger and pressed it against the powdered pills and tasted it.

  “Ugh! That’s bitter.” She said as she took the powder sprinkling it liberally on the pie. “Now it doesn’t look like mud anymore. Let’s see what I can do.” She walked over to the refrigerator again and pulled out a can of maraschino cherries and a large can of whipped cream. She carefully covered the pie with the whipped cream and placed several cherries on top.

  “Beautiful.” She said. Then took the can of whipped cream and stuck it in her mouth pressing the valve.

  She stuck the knife into the pie, set the pie on the plates and picked up the lamp.

  “Ooh, that looks yummy.” Tamika jumped up to help as Elva entered the room.

  “If you will take this over to the bar and cut it up, I’ll go back and get the milk.” Elva suggested.

  “No problem.” Tamika headed to the bar with the pie and began to cut slices, placing them on the paper plates. She found a box of plastic forks under the counter of the bar.

  As she sliced, several of the group started gathering around salivating over the tasty looking portions.

  “Here’s the milk.” Elva called out as she came through the door.

  Elva entered through one door just as Willie returned through the door on the other end of the room.

  All heads turned to Willie as he stopped and cleared his throat rather loudly. “You’re not going to believe this. The Deputy’s body is gone.”

  “What! But you locked the door. You did lock the door?” Elva asked.

  “Yes I locked the door!” He grouched. “And when I got there the door was closed. I unlocked it and it was empty.”

  “Willie,” Randy said while chewing his mud pie, “my phone should still be in the car. You might as well have a slice of this pie. It’s awesome.”

  “I am feeling a little weak. I think my blood sugar has dropped. I’ll go get the phone after I have a piece.” He continued walking over to the bar and picked up a nice slice. “This is so good.”

  “Who wants milk?” Elva asked as she began pouring cups.

  “That does look good Sister. I believe I will have some too.” Sarah said working her way into the crowd. “It is too bad it isn’t freshly cooked, the smell would bring Nicholas running.”

  “Sarah, maybe you shouldn’t have any pie tonight. I don’t think it would be good for your sugar.”

  “My sugar? Why Elva, you know I don’t have problems with my….” She stopped as Elva’s eyes, forehead and brows squinted. She shrugged finished with, “My, my, you’re absolutely right. I do need to watch that.”

  “Thank you dear. It is for the best.” Elva said and began watching the group. Everyone had pie and milk except her and Sarah.

  Sarah walked over to the other side of the room and indicated with her head she wanted Elva to come over. Elva recognized the movement and knew what Sarah wanted. She wanted an explanation.

  In a very low whisper Sarah said, “What is wrong with the pie?”

  “Nothing dear, I just wanted to have some fun.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Remember earlier when they were talking to Karalina about what she does for a living?”

  Sarah nodded.

  “They said she sold drugs. She sold Valium. It’s a tranquilizer.”

  “Elva!” Sarah spoke so loud everyone turned to look at her. She was glad it was dark because she knew her face was red. “Sorry.” She said and waved her hand lightly. When everybody turned away, she whispered to Elva, “Have you lost your mind?”

  “Maybe,” Elva grinned. “Heck if I know. But everybody is just way too agitated they need to be calmed down.

  “How long does it take?” Sarah asked.

  “Sarah, you’re asking the wrong person. Ask Karalina, she’s the expert.”

  “Well quit gawking.” Sarah said and then found herself watching also. “Besides I can hardly ask her such a question.”

  Elva giggled. “Me?” I think it’s you who’s gawking. I don’t see anything.”

  “Maybe it takes a while?”

  “Maybe I didn’t give them enough.”

  Both ladies continued to stand there watching and waiting for several minutes.

  “Well wasn’t that silly.” Sarah said turning away. “I’m going to go get a trash bag and empty that one.”

  “It’s not full.” Elva pointed out.

  “It’s full enough.” Sarah countered.

  “It’s just a waste to change something that can hold more.”

  “But it looks so much better.” Sarah refuted.

  “Why kill another plastic tree.” Elva rebutted.

  “There’s no such a thing. So I’m going to change it.” Sarah defied.

  “If you ch
ange that I will chase you down and clomp you on the head.”

  “You can’t catch me.” Sarah defied.

  “I’ll get the car and run you down.”

  “With that hip of yours you can’t use the clutch on the car.” Sarah said triumphantly.

  “You’ve got that right Sister,” and groaned slightly as her hip stung with pain reminding her who was boss.

  “Elva!” Willie called from across the room. “I noticed that there was some yellow rain gear in the front closet. Would you mind if I use it to go get Randy’s cell phone?”

  “That’s fine. Use whatever you need.” Elva sighed loudly. “I’m just getting too old for this.”

  “You’re doing better than I expected.” Agnes remarked snidely.

  “Agnes, since I feel this bad I can only imagine how truly bad you must be feeling at your age.” Elva countered with a smirk. “I’ll get the trash bags for you Sarah. Is the pitcher and pie pan ready to go back?” She said picking up the empty pitcher.

  “Thank you again Elva. The pie is all gone and it was delicious. I’ve never had it with whipped cream. That really set it off.” Tamika complimented her and handed her the pie pan.

  “I’ll come with you Elva. I have some things I want to do.” Sarah finished gathering the empty plates and cups tossing them in the trash can. She then pulled the bag out, tied it up and followed Elva out of the room.

  Patrick waited until the ladies had left and then asked. “What is it with Mrs. McGillocotty? Why does she have an anxiety attack when she hears the word sheriff?” He lowered his voice to a whisper as he announced the word sheriff.

  “I don’t know. I’ve seen her do that before. I’ve asked Agnes but she won’t tell me.” Tamika turned to Randy and ran her finger up his arm. “Randy you will tell us won’t you?”

  Randy’s eyes widened and he smiled. “I wasn’t listening what were you asking?”

  “About Elva… why does she hate the word Sheriff?” Tamika repeated.

  “Oh that! It goes back to when we were teens. She was in a car accident. She spent time in a regular hospital and a psychiatric one. The sheriff thing happened afterwards. Seems the flashing light and her physical and mental state, plus she lost a loved one. It was all too much for her. I think they call it an anxiety fugue state.”

  “You said she lost a loved one. Was she married when she was a teen?” Tamika questioned.

  “No, this was before she got married, long before that.”

  “So what’s the hostility between Agnes and Elva?” Tamika probed.

  “Now that’s something that you need to talk to Agnes about.”

  They stopped talking at the sound of Willie’s footsteps coming down the long corridor.

  “I swear the weather just don’t want to let up yet.” Willie wiped water from his face and moved over to the fireplace.

  “Did you find the phone?” Randy asked.

  “Yeah, here it is. I haven’t called yet. For a tropical rain it’s a cold one.” Willie handed the phone to Randy.

  “I’m good. Got nobody to call, you hold on to it.” Randy held up his hand in rejection.

  “Okay, soon as I warm-up a moment I will call. Where are our hostesses?” Willie pocketed the phone and rubbed his hands together then held them out palms out towards the fire.

  “They’re busy cleaning up trash.” Tamika answered after waiting for someone else to answer. She then turned back to Randy and looked at Agnes. “Agnes? Do you want to share anything? Why are you and Elva at such odds?”

  “I told you I won’t talk about the past.” Agnes fussed.

  Willie whipped around. “What are you talking about?”

  “Ask Tamika. She has taken it upon herself to inquire into Elva’s past history of gross moral turpitude.” Agnes scoffed.

  “Gross moral turpitude? Agnes you couldn’t, pardon the pun, hold a candle to the beautiful soul of Elva.” Willie roared in an angry loud whisper.

  Everyone in the room jumped at the hostile low gravelly voice.

  He balled one fist and punched his other flat hand. “I’ll tell you their little secret. Take a look at two of the biggest bullies of our high school class. That’s right. Look at the goddess Agnes Petrie and the studly Randy Reed.”

  Agnes’ eyes widened and Randy hung his head down as Tamika, Patrick and Karalina turned to look at them.

  “That’s right. Stare at the evildoers. Let me tell you what happened. We all went to high school together back then. And someone, I won’t say who… Agnes ― decided to have a buddy of hers ― Randy, spread hate filled rumors.” Willie stared at Agnes. “You should be ashamed even to this day.”

  Willie stopped and inhaled a moment to reel in his temper. “There was a rumor started. Now it may have been based on truth but that is beside the point. Its intent was to hurt. Randy and Agnes were very popular then and decided to spread a tale that Elva was in love with another girl. That’s right, a girl. Even in those days we had gay people. Oh, that wasn’t bad enough but they then planned the seduction of Elva. Randy somehow convinced Elva that if she were romantic with him it would rid the school of those rumors.”

  “I swear we had no idea it would end up like it did.” Agnes cried out the interjection.

  “Somehow, Randy got Elva into the back of his car while Agnes and a few of her friends hid in the woods. Randy had a signal set up that when he got Elva out of her clothes Agnes would take a picture. So sure enough Randy managed to do it. And Agnes took a Polaroid picture. Polaroid’s were popular during those days. They were self-developing. So they got the picture and showed it around school.”

  “Willie, please don’t.” Agnes pleaded.

  “Shut up!” He barked. “Oh they passed it around. Only part of Randy’s body was in the photo you couldn’t see his face but Elva’s face was shown. Elva was still a sweet teenager then and they did that appalling thing to her. It was worse than just that you see. Elva has a birthmark on her rear end. It is a fairly moderate size one that just happens to be shaped like a bright red rooster.”

  Randy looked up at Willie, sheepishly a flush of guilt passed across his face.

  “That’s right, a rooster. So Elva developed a nickname ― cock-ass!” Willie nodded to reaffirm what he was saying. “The kids back then were like those now ― vicious. Different times then, but just as bad. So the nickname stuck. The kids went around calling her cock-ass.”

  “Well as if that wasn’t bad enough Agnes showed the picture to Valerie Higginbottom. She was the girl the original rumor was about. It was late one night during a school dance and for some reason Valerie ran crying from the gym got into her car and sped off. Of course the reason she ran was Agnes and Randy showed her the photo and made vicious statements. Anyway, Elva saw her leave and went after her in her car. Valerie eventually ran her car off the road at mills run. Elva lost control of her car and wrecked behind her. Valerie was thrown from the car and her body was crushed beneath Elva’s car. You see part of Elva’s car ran over Valerie and stopped on top of her. Even though Elva had numerous broken bones and was bleeding, she crawled out of the car and managed to get to Valerie before she died. When the sheriff arrived Elva was cradling as much of Valerie as she could in her lap; both of them were washed in blood. Valerie was dead and Elva was in hysterics. Rocking and crying. Elva wouldn’t let the rescue department take her until they had pulled Valerie’s body out. For some reason the flashing light and the word sheriff from the police vehicle’s door embedded a visual scar in Elva’s mind. If she reads or hears the word sheriff she goes into severe panic attacks.”

  “My God, Agnes, how could you two have done such a despicable thing?” Tamika accused.

  “Elva’s has had cognitive behavioral therapy which helped her a lot and….”

  “Yoo-hoo Willie,” Elva called out. “Did you find the phone? Have you found out any new news?”
r />   “I’ve got the replacement trash bags.” Sarah added and walked over to line the empty can.

  “No, ladies I haven’t made the call yet. I was just getting ready to call as soon as I warmed my hands. Actually I was admiring the bright blue flames the fire seems to be given off. So odd, I don’t think I’ve seen a flame like that before.” Willie answered. “If you will excuse me I will make that call now.”

  “I think I will put on some music.” Sarah walked over to the Edison and cranked the handle several times and said, “How about something nice and soft for us to relax too. Patrick, would you bring a lamp over here so I can see the records?”

  “Certainly,” Patrick said as he sat up a moment and waited until everyone had looked at him and then turned away. He stood up slowly; turning away from everyone then reached down and adjusted himself. He then stuck his thumbs in the waistband of his pants and moved his trousers downward trying to add extra slack in the crotch area. He moved behind the coach, trying to stay in the darken shadows, twisting sideways as he walked across the room to the bar and the lamp. He picked up the lamp raising it high and holding it to his side to keep the front of his body obscured in darkness.

  “Are you okay Patrick?” Karalina opened one eye and watched him crossing the room. “You are acting as if you’re in pain.”

  “Uh, I’m fine, just stretching my legs. I think they went to sleep.” Patrick answered and turned away and then set the lamp on a table near the Edison. “How is that?”

  “That’s good.” Sarah said without looking up. She searched and found the cylinder she had been looking for placing it on the spindle. “This is the Mozart-Symphony No. 25 in G minor.” The sweet cacophony of notes gently filled the room and Sarah began to sway. Rich and brilliant notes round and full, carving paths of joy and energy into the listeners. Lulling and yet lustfully powerful.

  “I spoke to dispatch they said the storm is sitting over the area and they’re not sure how long it will stay on top of us. There’s still nothing on when they might restore the power.” Willie announced as he watched Sarah’s gentle rhythmic movement in sync with the melody of the music. His eyes widened and he turned back toward the fire.

  “So what do we do now?” Karalina asked. “I’m really getting sleepy. I’ve had a long day. But I’m afraid of whatever is going on in this house. The word zombie comes to mind.”

  “We should stay in groups.” Willie said as he hunched over a little.

  “Well I think we should go to look for Nicholas again.” Sarah suggested from across the room. “Constable! Did you hear me?”

  “Yeah you’re right.” Willie said without turning around.

  “I didn’t hear you.” Sarah said again.

  Without thinking Willie turned around to answer further than he had intended to and then turned back quickly. He then yelled. “Yeah, we need to go look for him and whoever else is wandering around this house.”

  Randy walked over to the fire and stood. He turned his hands outward to warm them some more. Still weak and slightly drunk he swayed, stumbled a bit and reached out involuntarily grabbing Willie’s shoulder to steady himself.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Willie snapped. “Don’t touch me!”

  “Sorry I tripped.” Randy responded. “What’s your problem?

  “Nothing! Just get the hell away from me.” Willie said moving away.

  “Patrick, why are you sitting way over there?” Tamika asked.

  “I’m just resting over here.” He yawned loudly.

  “Come over here and sit beside me.” Tamika ordered.

  “I’m good right where I am.” He answered.

  “Awe, come on over.” Tamika added sweetly.

  “I’m okay right here!” Patrick barked.

  “What got his knickers in a bunch?” Elva spoke loudly. “That’s no way to speak to a lady.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be so grumpy.” Patrick grumbled. “Guess I’m just a bit tired.”

  “Don’t apologize to me. I believe it is Tamika you owe the apology too.” Elva corrected. “If you ever snapped at me like that you would be learning one lesson you would never forget.”

  “I’m sorry Tamika.” He said. “I’m just not feeling well.”

  “I’ll accept your apology if you come over here and sit beside me.” Tamika patted the love seat.

  “Okay.” Patrick said and then pointed to the fireplace. “Is that fire about to jump out of the fireplace?”

  When everyone turned to look he hurried over and sat down beside Tamika.

  “It looks fine.” Willie said moving over to one side of the fireplace into the shadows.

  “What’s the matter with you Patrick and you too Willie?” Elva asked.

  “I’m fine.” Patrick said with a slight sharpness to his voice.

  Elva walked over to Sarah and in a very low whisper, “Do you think the tranquilizers are making them irritated like this?”

  “I don’t know the ladies seem fine but don’t let Randy see you but look at Randy’s pants and hips.” Sarah said barely audibly. “Now don’t say anything just watch him.”

  Elva watched as Randy slowly moved his hips from side to side, trying not to be obvious in his movements. It was as if he was having some discomfort. When Randy moved closer to Willie ― Willie moved further into the corner.

  “I’m going to look for the boy.” Willie suddenly exclaimed and stormed out of the room through the dining room door.

  “What is the matter with him?” Sarah said aloud but to no one.

  At that moment Willie stuck his head back into the room through the door and said, “Sarah may I speak to you in the kitchen for a moment?”

  “Certainly Constable, is something amiss?” Sarah said heading towards Willie.

  Willie watched as Sarah came towards him and Elva fell in behind her.

  “Alone!” Willie ordered.

  Elva stopped and inhaled sharply. “Well, my word. Of course you can.”

  “I think I will go to the library and get a book to read.” Patrick said as he jumped off the love seat and headed toward the door.

  “I’ll go with you.” Tamika said.

  Patrick paused half way across the room for a moment and then grinned. “Sure, that’s a great idea.”

  Before they left Elva called. “If you look on the round table there are several books that were left by guests who were authors. They were husband and wife ― both authors and a book by their daughter. They were very nice and big tippers too.”

  “Would you bring me back a book?” Karalina requested.

  “What kind?” Patrick queried.

  “A who done it.”

  “Okay, we will see what we can find.” Patrick said picking up a lamp and heading out the door with Tamika close behind.

  “What is all that about?” Agnes asked breaking her volunteer silence.

  “Everybody’s acting crazy all of a sudden.” Elva said walking over to Randy then stopped beside him. He was facing the fire.

  “Randy are you still drunk?” Elva asked point blank.

  Randy turned and winked at her without saying a word.

  “He’s still snookered. Bloody hell Reverend you’re a pissy sort.” Elva laughed.

  “Why do you insist on pretending you’re British?” Agnes reproached.

  “Why do you pretend you’re human?” Elva snipped back.

  “Please ladies. I have a headache.” Randy turned around to look at them.

  Both women gasped loudly and Karalina started to laugh.

  “Randy!” Elva started laughing. “I would say you do have a headache. It’s the head that holds your brains. You’re exposing your short comings.”

  Randy quickly turned away, his face red from drink and embarrassment.

  Elva grinned and thought about the pistol she had on her and couldn’t help but say, “Hey Rocking Randy, is
that a pistol you’re packing or are you just glad to see us?” Then she broke into raucous laughter.