Read Ms.HollandBerry Page 1


  Ms. HollandBerry

  Vol. One

  Ms. HollandBerry Vol.1

  Hazel Cartwright


  Mahogany & Cartwright

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One Pg, 1-5

  Chapter Two Pg, 10-12

  Ginger’s Party Pg, 11-14

  Ginger Meets Uriah Pg, 19-21

  Farewell Mr. McKinney Pg, 20-23

  Apollo Shine Pg, 25-27

  New Encounters Pg, 27-33

  Animal Control Pg, 33-35

  Blind Dating Pg, 35-37

  Lips of Honey Pg, 40-42


  Stepping out onto the patio and placing her yoga mat on the smooth brand new installed flag stone she just put in last summer. When she decided to renovate her back yard, Ginger took a long slow deep breathe then began her daily yoga & meditation followed by a little tai chi to make sure each and every day started with positive energy. Her Alarm went off and she quickly wrapped things up and took a hot shower, ate three pieces of mango and a nature valley bar then headed to work.

  Always arriving thirty minutes early, she parked her Nissan two door convertible in the (HONORARY TEACHER OF THE MONTH) designated parking spot, which was so convenient because it was literally five footsteps from the Faculty entrance. This was the fourth time achieving it at Gavinstone Academy in the last seven years that she has been employed.

  Chapter One

  Since she had prepared today’s lecture to be on development of character she went for a more casual professional ensemble, of course it was still with a selection from one of her favorite brands. Silk button up charter club blouse, Misty Gray Pin –stripe slacks & tiny tennis bracelet. At times she just found it difficult to keep the attention of young pupils yearning to be out exploring the world.

  “Quiet Down class-Good morning, today we take a look at character development, who can give the class some examples of great ideas that build character?”

  “No ...sit down Mr. Patterson let one of your other class mates answer for a change… Ahh, yes Ms. Montgomery go ahead my dear.

  “Well what about confidence in yourself, I mean like not letting anyone put you down or nuthin; she said then took her seat.

  Great example yes –you must be assertive, this is one way to build character by having confidence in yourself …Good Job Ms. Montgomery. After college ladies and gentlemen you will be in the real world in society you will need to have a certain type of character. I want you to embrace your individual identity with professionalism in the occupation or career you achieve in the corporate world. So you have to take a look at building your character, I’d like a 300 word essay due Friday on today’s lecture. Soon the jazz selection came over the public announcement system indicating class was to be dismissed for the day.

  While taking some time to enjoy her late lunch in the faculty room, ginger glanced over her calendar on her Note3. It was empty as usual not one scheduled date or social outing to look forward to-still she didn’t let that discourage her while at work.

  Amanda Lockhardt who was a close Acquaintance she taught Architecture & came over and set at her table to eat lunch with her, she was grinning. “So Ginger we have a new faculty member, have you heard? – Anyway the rumors are true we have a new faculty member coming aboard! He is from New Zealand that will be taking over our Artistic and Theater Arts division. Mr. McKinney was offered a promotion at Stanford University that he just couldn’t refuse. They are even going to compensate him for all relocation cost.

  The Holland-Saga

  “How did you find out all these juicy details Amanda sometimes I wonder about you”, I shook my head amazed. Can I help if I like to be fully informed about what goes on in my place of employment, besides I wish you would engage a bit … who knows it may improve your social life - Any way he starts tomorrow this whole place is buzzing about him, apparently he is a former model for Boss when he was in his early twenties which isn’t saying a whole lot as he still evidently is in his twenties! I appeared un-amused and while she carried on about the new teacher, she noticed my lack of interest and rolled her eyes” Ginger aren’t you just a little bit curious?

  I sighed, Hmmm alright I am interested and then I could actually care less Amanda, quite frankly I have weeks of lectures and doctrine to prepare. Still I am interested and even curious if this new teacher is qualified as Mr. McKinney, David was excellent I think he has a tough task at hand to replace such talent.


  Amanda tilted her head to the side annoyed, “Oh honestly allow yourself to gush for one moment, Christ… Ginger I mean we can use the new blood that is coming up in here!”

  As she slipped more of her garden salad into her mouth she began to interrogate me more. “Oh - I failed to mention it, but how did it go? The blind date that I nearly had to blackmail you to go out on – yes do tell”… I grunted, why you are even mentioning it – I mean it was fine.

  Just fine? - No wedding bells...are you kidding me, Ginger! The man was a doll face, educated –Tall. Really am I missing something here? A night out with a promising highly successful Attorney on the rise and it was – Just Fine?

  “Alright what happen – just spell it, how did you sabotage this one, I am waiting…”


  I mean the date went fine, as I just already stated… he made us reservations at the lovely Italian restaurant Butoli’s. The wine selection he choose was perfect, I engaged in intriguing conversation which was followed by dessert then I ended a pleasant evening at my front door step. Amanda just leaned back and began to burn a hole in her head for more information.

  Amanda started to tap her silverware on the table, “Something – Something else happen… you’ve been single for almost three years now and been working here for seven. So I ask again – what… did you do? Actually you don’t even have to answer that I know what you did, shaking her head at ginger she ran her left hand through her hair. You blew him off – didn’t you ginger? You ruined perhaps a great connection… he was charming ginger, owned his own Beach house for Christ sakes. Why – ginger – why?

  He had no children, I am completely confused as to what was wrong with a guy like that. She continued to shake her head in disbelief are you not over Garrett? Suddenly I was full and this conversation took a turn down a dead end fast.

  I am completely over Garrett the third, thank you very much and this whole conversation. In fact I just didn’t feel the spark I didn’t feel the intensity behind his eyes it was like a Luke warm attraction at most.


  Well ginger Luke warm is better to me than frosty artic ice cold! How long did I pitch him to you…months and months? I started gathering my things the work day was over it was time to head home & I was looking forward to my glass of wine. As we began walking out to the parking lot we continued to vaguely argue back and forth on my decision.


  Once I arrived at my car I bid her farewell” well sweetie I am off, have a good evening alright. I disarmed my car opened the car door and proceeded out of the parking lot. As dido played during my ride home I briefly pondered what Amanda & I spoke about, in my open I was considerably open to dating I thought.

  I mean did I need to revamp my social life? Thinking to myself as I pulled into my garage. (Ugh) I am a beautiful successful intelligent woman, I just haven’t met my husband yet I concluded. Besides just because Amanda had been happily married for the past nine years, expecting their third child that did not make her some expert. She was in marital bliss pretty much but she did mean well I suppose.

  She definitely did not lack education she graduated from an Ivy Leagu
e university, and was extremely intelligent just with a witty sense of humor & she made my work days interesting to say the least.

  Chapter Two

  Once inside my comfy town house I kicked off my shoes, grabbed my stereo system remote and pressed play. Finally Relaxation followed by a glass of wine then two more.

  After one sip I formed a smile of satisfaction, and suddenly there was some one knocking on my front door. My quiet storm of relaxation was interrupted, I thought why didn’t they just rang the doorbell. Quickly I announced I was coming, as I opened the door I was met with endless balloons & shouting!

  “Happy Birthday”


  They began to sing the dreaded birthday song – my friends and closest associates, old college buddies and to my surprise my very own best friend have staged a very clever surprise birthday party. They all came inside with gifts and bottles of wine & proceeded to take over the place.

  Ginger’s Birthday

  Oh- wow is all I could manage to do is laugh and embrace the ring leader herself – Courtney we had been friends since the fourth grade. While we had a brief moment before the party commenced I announced how much I appreciated this “thank you –thank you guys are awesome. I am lucky to have such great friends in my life –Wow! Then after the music and birthday cheesecake everyone slowly went home until it was only me and Courtney.

  Courtney turned it into a slumber party and she slipped on her daisy cartoon Pj’s that she brought with her in her luggage. She had flew in from Missouri and would not allow ginger to have a simple dull day.

  She decided to stay the night over and help me clean up.

  (More Giggling) “So it looks like everything is cleaned up Ginger, I hoped you liked the chip n dale dancers – that was all my idea and she winked. She held up a glass of wine and handed a glass to ginger.

  “Happy 27th Birthday….Cheers Darling”

  Haa-Haa I did, it was a great party and surprise you were clever this time, I did not see it coming. I need it I was feeling a bit down earlier today. This made up for my meager morning indeed I will never forget these moments. So we kinda stayed up late catching up, my mind drifted off for a moment to think about tomorrow.

  “Hey do you miss Arizona ginger?” Like the Tulsa weather and atmosphere there.

  Uhm sometimes I do miss my family and the back yard BBQ’s we would have on the holidays. Raleigh North Carolina is nice, but it is different from the little small town I grew up in. I am hoping to schedule more trips back home this year.


  I took a sip from my glass of wine as we set up in bed. How is life in Missouri Courtney? Do you think Jacoby regrets giving up on medicine? Courtney sipped on her glass of wine, “I am sure he will be fine with whatever choices he has made.

  We talked it over of course but I am supportive regardless.” So while we are on the subject of men…Garrett Hamilton the third was in Sports Illustrated this month, he is apparently dating some Spanish Sports model. Ginger rolled her eyes at the sound of his name. “I know you and him were pretty hot & heavy Ginger, I didn’t want you to be caught off guard if you saw him on a cover…ya know and it be alarming.


  She gulped down her half-filled glass of wine, “I am over him actually, I hope he has a wonderful life. I could care less who he beds at night. We had a relationship, it was serious and I admit that it was serious. However it ended and … and it’s in the past. I don’t want him back if that’s what you’re thinking, I am over him. She looked for the bottle of wine on the nightstand, poured another glass for herself and gulped it down. You know Courtney I went out with a gorgeous Judge just a few weeks ago…so, I would say my social life is definitely looking promising. As she began pouring another glass Courtney decided to intervene… “Okay, Alright uhm let’s save some for me.

  She took the wine bottle and filled up her glass and then set it back on the nightstand on her side of the bed.

  How’s Emily did she have a baby already? Ginger was swirling around her wine in her glass. “Uhm – No she hasn’t actually she moved to Montana a few years back. I got a post card last Christmas. She’s happy and her husband decided not to pursue medicine and is a chief fire fighter.


  Courtney ran a hand thru her hair I sure hope Jacoby makes our wedding date final this year. You know we still live in a one bedroom apartment. I want to enjoy landscaping and decorating our dining room. He has been really busy with his career lately and I told you I support him, you know that. I myself have been a little busy as well being promoted to account representative for the Ad company I work for and all still I wouldn’t mind entertaining the idea sometime soon. Courtney smiled.

  Chapter Three

  You two are engaged it will be soon, you have nothing to worry about. Courtney placed her head on ginger’s shoulder and sighed. We dozed off while re-runs of chopped played on the food network channel.

  It was going to be an eventful day a new faculty member, saying good bye to David. I thought I need to remind myself to get him a card on the way to work. Wednesday Morning would be another hectic day I was sure of it…thinking to myself.

  When I got to the school parking lot I was stunned, there was a sandstone colored Mercedes convertible in my parking spot! I mumbled under my breath, are you serious right now, while I ended up parking right next to it, resisting the urge to scratch the paint.

  So once in my classroom I concealed my disgust and remained in control, “Alright class today’s lesson will be on Kindness. To have a strong sense of character you must consider being courteous –thoughtful. Kindness is a part of having an assertive strong character. So let us look on into our curriculum shall we, one more thing class before I dismiss you for the day. I expect to be floored by your essay that is still due Friday I gazed at all the students…Good day.

  One by one they replied; Good day Ms. HollandBerry as they walked out the classroom, once I entered the faculty room there a dark haired man stood, he was maybe 6ft 5’ and was making jokes with the staff and college personnel. So I briefly interrupted; yes; well everyone be sure to sign our going away card for Mister Mc Kinney. He had ocean blue eyes, midnight baby soft hair & a well groomed goal tee that sculpted his full lips. Lips that would occasionally reveal pearly white teeth each time he smiled. He wore a dapper tailored vest suit I had to admit his voice was enticing.

  Galvinstone Academy

  Hi, I’m Uriah Lachlan, I am the new teacher over the –“ yes well I think it’s obvious who you are, I shook his hand nice to meet you really but David McKinney will need his card.

  I want to be sure he doesn’t leave without it so (clearing my throat) if you will excuse me sir. Oh certainly –certainly I take it you are Mrs. Hollandberry, I didn’t get the chance to formally introduce myself earlier. Uh- there is no need for formal introductions in a dusty old faculty room I assure you. If I may correct you its Ms. …Miss HollandBerry I am not married.

  Feeling a bit embarrassed he repeated, Well Uriah Cooper Lachlan Ma’am, from Auckland New Zealand. I noticed this morning I parked in your parking spot. My apologies –uhm Mrs. Lockhardt assured me I would be fine there for the day.

  I almost swallowed my own tongue, Uh- Ahh well did she? Nervous laughter well I will just have to thank her for being so kind as to offer my parking spot to welcome a new member aboard. She is so---- Caring (exhaling) mhmmm a real sweet heart. Now really if you will excuse me I have to catch Mr. Mc Kinney. I murmured Amanda you little sneaky… Ohhh- I’ll get you Dorothy & your little dog too- imitating the wizard of Oz as I walked out the door.

  Shouting as I went down the steps as I noticed Mr. McKinney was almost at his car, “Mr. McKinney – oh –oh Mr. McKinney we all have a farewell card for you, and He turned around and waited for me to catch up. Ms. HollandBerry how kind of you and the staff. I really do appreciate this …thank you, thank you all very much he said with a smile. Certainly I just tho
ught that you should know sir we’ll miss you indeed, and I am sad you are moving but very happy for you to have received such an offer. Stanford University-wow it is a rather prestigious opportunity.

  He nodded; Ms. Hollandberry I shall miss you all as well… this place has made me a better teacher. It would appear my replacement is very qualified as the faculty room gossip goes. I rolled my eyes hmmm well I doubt he will fill your shoes David as I fiddled with my family ring. I guess he will just have to suffice, I giggled. As he took up my palm into his hand and laid a kiss upon it he said; “Good Bye Ms. Hollandberry. I nodded I did not want to see him go, he was such a valuable asset to this academy.

  While he pulled away I briefly waved & noticed Amanda walking out to her car door. I met her at the door and greeted her with a pinch to her left arm. “Ouch! - “So you little devious snake you! Our new faculty member disclosed just who insisted…He Park in my parking spot this morning! Amanda rubbed her arm where I pinched her “well how else could I get you to meet Mr. Un-married young and handsome Lachlan~

  Amanda can I not just accept that I am going to die alone, suddenly in the middle of my statement, the math teacher bumped into Amanda stunning us. “Oh- I am sorry miss- let me make it up to you ma’am, I apologize really-I just kinda uhm became caught up in this novel…my sincere apologies. Amanda brushed him off instantly “Apollo it’s alright just be careful alright. He did have remarkable physique to be a math teacher still I paid him no mind at all. To me he seemed to be always deep in thought. He gave a somewhat charming smile that closely resembled a smile from the actor tom cruise while his Misty Gray eyes roamed the ground.