Read Murder, Magic, Merthings, More. Page 17

The next day everything was back to normal. My mother called me for a barbeque. I went into the garden, sat on the grass and laid the biggest egg you’ve ever seen!

  Agent Billy [Extract]

  Ioan Ings, Bro Myrddin

  Hello, my name is Billy Yorkshire. Or should I say my name is Agent Billy Yorkshire? I’m thirteen years old. Here is my story.

  It was just an ordinary school day. It won’t seem that ordinary to you. Nobody actually knows this except the headmaster: I’m the school spy. I brought up the idea in a school council meeting. Now I’ve come to think of it, five other people know. Bobby Jackson, Robin Rogers a.k.a. Reliant Robin, Steven (nobody knows his last name), Franck Frankson and William Williams. All I do is if I see somebody do something bad I take them down. I live in a secret underground base off the A1. It’s actually signposted. You were not meant to know that. I do that sometimes - accidentally tell people my plans. Did you know my real name is actually Billy Bond. My dad is James Bond. Sorry you weren’t meant to know that. Sorry again.

  Anyway back to the story. like I was saying, it was a normal day in school. I took down three people. So I got back home, told my dad about my day. Then I noticed something. It looked like he’d been crying. He told me that he’d been fired from MI6. That they said they wanted me. I asked why he was so upset. Then suddenly he perked up a bit and said that I was going to be the next 007. I asked him why he got fired. He told me that he shot his boss accidentally.

  ‘You shot your boss!’, I exclaimed. My father went on to say that his boss was fine.

  ‘How?’ I exclaimed.

  He went on to say that his boss created a gun that automatically fires when there is a bad person. I took the gun and it automatically fired it at my boss. I stood there, astounded. Then I said ‘When do I start?’

  I arrived in London at 8pm at what looked like a big deserted house. All the windows and doors were boarded up. I walked slowly towards the boarded up door, then suddenly the floor gave way. I fell for what felt like days before landing on a nice, soft bed. I quickly stood up – I was in a massive lab.

  A man walked up to me – he looked very familiar. Then I realised it was my head teacher.

  “Greetings, Billy Bond,” he said.

  I told him I preferred Agent Billy Yorkshire.

  He was showing me around the lab. There were all these gadgets, or as head teachers would say, gizmos. There was a grappling hook and a deadly remote control helicopter and, my favourite, a self-controlled Aston Martin.

  When he finished showing me around, he gave me an envelope. On the front it said ‘ CLASSIFIED’ stamped in red ink. I opened it carefully:

  ‘Dear Billy, nice to have you on board. Your first mission – spy on the Queen of England. We think she is up to something. P.S. Don’t kill her, whatever you do!’

  I was hoping to go abroad to America or Italy or somewhere. I guess England will do. The plan was that I would be the Queen’s new bodyguard.

  We arrived at Buckingham Palace in record time with my new Aston Martin. The palace was huge.

  ‘How are you going to keep track of her?’ I hear you ask. Well, first of all, I can’t hear you, because this is a book and second of all, you have to wait and see. Actually at the time, I had no idea.

  The Queen came out all smiley and happy. She seemed a very nice lady. OK, I’m going to stop there. To get the next bit you need to listen very carefully.

  When I was in the lab, I saw this little black thing on the table. It looked important. I later found out that it was a tracker. If you didn’t get it from the name, it tracks people. On my laptop it shows someone’s every movement.

  Right, so where are we? I met the Queen. I went in for a hug and placed the tracker on her back. So far it had been a piece of cake. Then suddenly she pushed me away! She claimed that she didn’t like hugs. Then she went on to say that she prefers a good, firm handshake.

  So, we made our way inside. Inside was wonderful, it was golden. It was full of chandeliers and antiques. Then along came what I can only describe as a butler. He had a nicely trimmed moustache. Anyway, back to the story. He asked me if I wanted him to take my suitcases. I said yes – biggest mistake so far of my life. You will find out why in a minute.

  So the Queen asked me if I wanted a cup of tea. I accepted. Then I realised that in my suitcases were all my gadgets. I ran up the stairs as fast as I could. I reached what I assumed was my room. Then I opened the door. I couldn’t believe what I saw. All my gadgets spread out across the room. The butler turned to me and then he said that I knew Her Majesty’s plans. He drew his gun. I had no choice. I took out my gun from my jacket and shot him.

  Believe me, it wasn’t a pretty sight. I hid him in my bathroom and put a sign on my door: ‘No Room Service’.

  My Dog

  Carys Mason, Cwrt Sart

  My dog is a short black and white Jack Russell. His name is Gus and I got him when I was five years old. My mother and father said “We will be back in a bit. We are going to pick up our Chinese.” But really they went to pick up my dog.

  When they got back they had an orange sheet in their hands. Me and my sister looked at each other and wondered what it could be?

  As soon as they put it down and took off the sheet we saw the dog. It was the cutest little thing ever. He had big brown eyes and a short little tail that would wag if he was happy and go down if he was sad.

  Within one hour of having him we could tell he was a naughty dog because we were all playing with him and he bit my dad’s ear!

  Even today he is still a naughty dog. Every time you open the door he would be gone, up the road and out of the drive.

  One time we lost him and he had been lost all night; but luckily we found him in the Pound.

  Other than running away all the time he’s a lovely cute dog.

  That night when he went missing it felt like there was a piece gone from my heart. I felt like I was all alone in a dark shadowy tunnel.

  It Wasn’t Me!

  Grace Chard, Cwrt Sart

  It was like a normal day. I was woken up at 7:30 by my alarm clock as it beeped so loud that I had to put my pillow over my head to try and block out the noise. It wouldn’t go away so I got out of bed and turned it off.

  “Your breakfast is ready,” shouted my mother from downstairs. I went downstairs in my pyjamas, my hair like Jedward.

  I ate my toast then went back upstairs to get ready for school. When I was finally ready I looked at my clock: 8:15! “I’m going to be late!” I ran downstairs, grabbed my bag and was out of the door like a shot.

  I sprinted down the street and just about made it to registration before my teacher.

  “Right everyone, take your seats please,“ said my form teacher Mr. Spart. No one liked him because he was strict and loud. When the bell went off for first lesson we were all glad to get out of there.

  Our first lesson was science. I didn’t mind as long as we were doing something fun or making something explode. But today we were going to the I.T room which was good because we never listen to the teacher. All we do is play on games or look at pictures of celebrities.

  “Ok, make your way down to I.T3 please,” said our science teacher, Mrs. Hynes.

  Everyone went downstairs except me, Lewis and Mike.

  “OK, so what are we going to make explode today then?”

  “Ummm how about some matches or a lighter to help?”


  They got some petrol that the teacher was keeping out the back for an experiment and poured it over a little bit of the floor. Then they lit a match and were just about to drop it when I shouted “No stop!”

  “OK, OK. We were only having a laugh. We weren’t actually going to do it,” replied Lewis.

  I took the match off him and was about to blow it out when a teacher walked in!

  “What are all of you doing up here?”

  She gave me such a fright that I dropped the match and then BANG!!!…

  I was in hospital for one month after that because I had lost two of my fingers on my left hand and had to have an operation on my back because I was so badly burnt that I had hardly any skin left.

  That will teach me not to play with fire: because you will get burnt!

  Durvey’s Adventures

  Madison Davies, Cwrt Sart

  Durvey, Magne and Kalista ran through the alleyway.

  “Come on guys,” shouted Kalista. They were running from a group of thugs who were trying to mug the teenagers. Kalista came around the corner.

  “That was close,” she said. “For a moment, I thought they had us.” She was breathing hard.

  She turned around and saw Magne sprinting towards her.

  “Wh–where is Durvey?” asked Kalista. Magne was panting. He shook his head and pointed to the alleyway.

  Bang! Bang!

  Undeniable gunshots were fired.

  Her best friend was dead!

  Magne slowly paced towards her and hugged her. There was quite a lot of noise coming from the alleyway. Not like a limping sound, more like a wriggling sound.

  All of a sudden the thugs came around the corner with their collar up to their chins.

  “Wha…?” questioned Kalista.

  Magne spun around only to see the thugs being pushed by policemen holding guns behind their back.

  “Where's Durvey,” asked Kalista.

  “I don't know, I think he is quite lucky to find the police behind him,” answered a voice coming from the alleyway.

  Durvey came around the corner without a single hair on his head harmed. Kalista leaped on him with joy.

  “Oh my God! I thought you were dead,” screamed Kalista.

  “You got me good, man,” chuckled Magne.


  Kalista, Durvey and Magne were in Raging Ralph’s Raving nightclub.
