Read Murder in Bermuda: Book 1 in the Murder in Paradise Series Page 10

Anna walked into the darkened Banquet Hall and held her breath. She knew Nancy was in the room with her and wanted to be sure that she would be able to keep an eye on her.

  Flipping on the light, she saw Nancy in the back of the room. The woman turned her attention to her and glared. Ignoring the look, Anna approached her.

  “What are you doing here?” Nancy demanded.

  “It’s over Nancy.” Anna replied. I know you killed Tony.” “I don’t know what you are talking about.” Nancy snapped.

  “I know you positioned the cameras for the wedding reception. When I was watching them, I noticed you said you needed to move them so they caught the happy couple. This pulled the wedding cake out of view. This allowed you to sneak over to the cake and lace the slice of cake with poison.” Anna began.

  “How could I know who would get a particular piece of the cake?” Nancy asked sarcastically.

  “Based on how they were placed on the table, you assumed the one on the left was for the bride, which is where it was delivered originally. Cassandra made a mistake and despite telling her that the slice with three hearts was for the bride, she gave her the wrong slice. So, when the change took place, Tony ended up with the poisoned piece of cake. But he was never the target, was he?”

  “No, he wasn’t.” Nancy agreed. “Meadow was always the target. I’ve wanted her dead from the moment I first laid eyes on her. You know, Tony never offered to marry me, but then he took off with that woman and ruined my life. I vowed that I would make certain her final days were miserable. So, yes, I tried to kill her. I wanted nothing more than to have her perfect day ruined. I even tried to seduce her father and let her know her father would cheat on her mother but he never gave in.”

  “Frank is a good man.” Anna stopped her. “But why continue to pursue him after Tony was dead? You already killed Meadow’s husband.”

  “I still planned to kill her this weekend. I knew you were talking and poking around. I was going to set things up for you to reveal our affair to her. Heartbroken, I anticipated she would confront me and I’d be alone with her and have the opportunity to kill her. Unfortunately, that story is going to change.”

  Nancy reached into her pocket and pulled out a handgun with a silencer on it. “That’s because you are the one is going to die, Anna.” Nancy snarled.

  “Let’s take a moment to think this through, shall we?” Anna replied, her heart pounding in her chest. “If you shoot and kill me, what does it accomplish?”

  “It would be tying up loose ends.” Nancy answered coldly. “I feel terrible that this room will have two deaths in it. Hopefully, you and Tony can haunt it for eternity.”

  Nancy pulled back the hammer on the gun and gave a sinister smile.

  “So, I guess my body count goes up to two today.” Nancy laughed. “But, don’t worry, I have at least one more person who will be joining you in the afterlife.”

  “Please, you really don’t want to do this.” Anna replied.

  “But I do.” Nancy replied and closed one eye, then directed the aim of the barrel at Anna’s heart. “Let’s end this now.”

  Anna closed her eyes and heard the sound of gunfire. She expected to feel pain, but felt nothing. Being dead didn’t seem to change anything. Opening her eyes, she saw Nancy on the ground. The hand that had been holding the gun was stretched out in a pleading gesture and the woman was wrestling with several officers.

  “That was pretty stupid.” Detective Maese snapped at Anna. “You could have been killed. What the hell were you thinking?”

  “I was trying to do your job for you.” Anna smiled. “I couldn’t wait for another go around of not having enough evidence.”

  “Well, we have her confession now.” The detective frowned. “Don’t ever pull a stunt like this again or I’ll have to file charges against you.”

  “Noted.” Anna smiled.

  Watching the detective lead Nancy away in handcuffs brought a smile to her face. She turned and saw Mr. Puccio sitting there, looking at her. A big smile was on his face, a first for the normally grouchy man.

  “You are perfect!” he said and hugged her. “This is great for the image of our hotel. The super sleuth who solved the murder of a beloved man! The headlines will be in our favor. You have to stay on staff, promise me!”

  “I would love to remain on the staff of the Grand Palatial Hotel.” Anna smiled. He hugged her once more and took off out of the banquet hall.

  Walking out of the Banquet Hall, she noticed Sean was getting ready to leave. Noticing her, he walked over to her and gave her a hug.

  “I don’t know how I can thank you.” Sean smiled. “Now, I get to be there when my grandson is born. I knew you wouldn’t let me down.”

  “Give him an extra kiss for me.” Anna smiled and hugged him goodbye.

  As she watched him leave, she saw Roger and Meadow checking out of the hotel along with Frank.

  “I am very sorry for accusing you guys again.” Anna replied. “I hope you’ll be able to forgive me.”

  Roger offered Anna a meaty hand and she shook it.

  “I’ve been accused of a lot of things, but never murder.” he laughed.

  “You are good for each other. Maybe take some time to grieve the loss of Tony. When you are ready to get back on your feet, you guys have a lot in common.”

  “Don’t encourage them.” Frank laughed. “Thank you, Anna. I’ve underestimated the help at hotels and other places for far too long. You’ve proven that brilliant minds do more than make millions.”

  Anna embraced him with a warm hug and he smiled. “I am just glad I can help.” Anna replied.

  As they left, they waved at Anna. She smiled to herself and felt a pair of arms around her and a soft kiss on her neck.

  “Now, what about our date?” Pierre asked. “Will you let me take you out? Or are you going to play hard to get?”

  “I’ll go out with you.” Anna laughed.

  “Tonight? I will take you somewhere very nice.” He smiled.

  “As long as it isn’t here, I think I would like that every much.” Anna smiled.

  Pierre nodded his head and took off out the door and jumped for joy as he headed toward his car. “So, you got your fairy tale ending.” Pauline said from behind her.

  “What is up with everyone being at the same place at the same time?” Anna laughed. “You’d think everyone wanted to leave the hotel.”

  “I’d say that is a safe bet.” Pauline laughed. “Guests were delayed and some of us have places to go to, yourself included.”

  “I know.” Anna smiled. “I am just kind of bummed the mystery had to end. I was hoping there would be something more for me to do. I guess the most excitement in my life will once again be making sure weddings go off without a hitch at our hotels.”

  “Or, maybe another mystery will come your way.” Pauline smiled. “Anna and the case of the missing truffles.”

  “As long as it doesn’t involve another murder, I’d be okay with that.” Anna laughed.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Pauline sighed. “Time to tidy things up her and begin planning for the Bahamas wedding.

  “It’ll be a gala event.” Anna nodded and watched as Pauline left through the doors.

  Anna walk toward the doors and turned for a second. She noticed Cassandra was looking at her with a slightly annoyed look on her face. Deciding to see what was wrong, she made her way over to her assistant.

  “What’s the matter?” Anna asked.

  “I just missed out on all the fun, I guess.” Cassandra forced a smile. “Yet again, you overstep boundaries and get rewarded for it. I guess I shouldn’t have told you to ignore it from the start. I am glad things worked out for you.”

  “Don’t be upset. I didn’t do anything special.” Anna put an arm on Cassandra’s shoulder. She could feel the young woman tense. “Everything worked out in the end. I’m fine, and we still have weddings to execute with perfection. What more could you ask for?”

  “Nothing, I
suppose.” Cassandra sighed. “So, we’re off to the Bahamas tomorrow. That will be fun.” “Yes.” Anna nodded. “More importantly, it is something I can’t do without you. So, I am very glad you’ll be here to help me with it. After all, we’re a team and we stick together and help each other out as often as we can.”

  “That’s true. “ Cassandra nodded. “I am glad to be part of a team. I just wish I didn’t feel so unimportant and overlooked all the time. I’d like to be the belle of the ball once in a while along with you, if that makes sense.”

  “It does.” Anna smiled. “Before you know it, you’ll have a chance to be the superstar. I’m just in a position right now that gives me the main focus. But your time in the sun is coming, I can promise you that.”

  “Yes, well. We’ll see about that.” Cassandra replied shortly. “I think I am just tired, I need to go home. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Sleep well, my friend.”

  “You do the same.” Anna replied. “Tomorrow will be an incredible day.”

  After all was said and done, Anna had finally had a chance to find some resolution to many of the concerns she had. Outside, a big blue sky welcomed her and the sparkling ocean water and salty sea air embraced her with a warmth that she had been missing.

  Looking out into the distance, she decided she would seize the moment and go shopping for a new outfit for tonight and maybe even have her hair done, just so she looked amazing for her first date with Pierre.

  End of Murder in Bermuda

  Murder in the Bahamas - Chapter 1