Read Murder in Bermuda: Book 1 in the Murder in Paradise Series Page 8

Anna looked over the information Pauline had left. There was so much to go through and over the last day, she had scanned it a hundred times over. Despite her best efforts, she was unable to see anything helpful she could use to bring her any closer to who the killer was.

  The seating arrangements were deciphered. She managed to figure out why people were being placed at certain tables. She had viewed the wedding reception videos time and time again. Nothing was standing out and it seemed as if she wasn’t doing anything more than keeping herself busy. What if that is something Pauline wanted her to do? To keep her out of the way and distracted until the police finally let the guests go and then she gets away with murder?

  It wasn’t until she watched the video again that something made sense to her. Anna was the only one who knew which piece of cake went to which person. But when Cassandra gave the cake to the bride and the groom, there was a switch necessary. She had accidentally provided the groom with the piece of cake with the hearts.

  What if the killer had noticed the cake pieces were laid out and they assumed the one on the left was going to be given to the bride? Not knowing which was which, it would make sense to place the poison in the piece that would logically go to the bride. With no other piece of cake poisoned, that meant only one thing.

  “Meadow was the intended victim.” Anna whispered. “It’s why the original threats before the phone call were to a woman. It wasn’t me at all. It was supposed to be her, which means the final phone call was the killer knowing their hand was likely tipped and I was coming for them.”

  She paused and waited for an answer, then realized she was talking to herself. The question of who would want to kill Meadow rather than Tony changed the list of possible suspects. Clearly, Roger wasn’t interested in killing her. So that meant the entire time, he suffered from anger issues and was not trying to cover up anything. Well, except the affair. Thinking back on the conversation and knowing everything else that had taken place, it made sense that they were hiding the affair.

  It also cemented the fact that Frank was also innocent. Although he had motive to kill Tony, he wouldn’t kill his own daughter to put an end to the marriage. It wouldn’t make sense. He could forbid her, cut her out of the will, or just not show up. There was someone else now who would have wanted to kill Meadow.

  Anna started looking over the list of people who were in attendance at the wedding.

  It was certain that no staff were involved in the murder, especially because it was her family that was footing the bill. If the bride were to die, the chances of checks clearing and people being paid were slim to none. So that would rule them out.

  Tony’s family were in awe of the bride. They were fawning over her in the video and embraced her warmly. He came from a modest background and there was no tension apparent.

  But would it be an inside job among her friends and family? Anna looked over the guests who were on her side. Again, no one stood out like a sore thumb and screamed killer.

  “This is crazy.” Anna said out loud. “One of these people tried to kill her but none of them seems logical at all.”

  Her phone rang again and she nervously checked the caller ID. It was Cassandra. “Hi, Cassandra.” Anna replied with a warmth to her voice.

  “What are you doing right now?” the younger woman asked.

  “I just realized the bride was the intended victim, not the groom!” Anna exclaimed.

  “You really need to drop this.” Cassandra warned. “If Mr. Puccio finds out you’ve been snooping still, he’ll fire you.”

  “Only you and I know about this.” Anna replied. “In the event he finds out that I am still snooping, he will also be brought to light about the petty cash theft.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.” Cassandra replied.

  “No, because I am a friend and I keep secrets for you, too.” Anna replied coldly. “You know I love and trust you but you need to stop being so self-serving on things. I know your intentions aren’t always sincere. The wool isn’t over my eyes but I still value your friendship. So, you need to knock this off and start being more of a friend than you are right now.”

  “Fine, I won’t say anything. But don’t die.” Cassandra replied sarcastically. “I would hate for you to come back as a ghost and blame me for that, too.”

  With that, the other woman hung up the phone.

  Anna rolled her eyes and considered how she was going to determine who the killer was. There were only two logical choices in the mix.

  For the one who made the most sense, she was going to need a little help along the way. It would take some convincing, but she knew if she played her cards just right, she would be able to get this taken care of now.

  First, she called Mr. Puccio on the cell phone.

  “What do you want?” His voice was cold.

  “Can I go down to the bar to get out of my room for an hour or so?” she asked coyly. “Fine, but don’t cause any trouble.” Mr. Puccio replied and hung up the phone.

  Walking over to the oak desk in the room, she opened the drawer and found the napkin with Frank’s number. She dialed the phone and waited until he picked up.

  “This is Frank.” his voice boomed.

  “Hi, Frank, it’s Anna from the bar.” she began.

  “Oh, yeah, I remember you. Would you like to meet for drinks?” he asked. “I was very taken with you. I was hoping you’d call.”

  “You know what, I would love a drink.” She found herself smiling.

  “Good. Let’s meet in the bar in about five minutes?” he began. “If that will work for you?”

  “Of course, I can’t wait to see you.” Anna replied and walked to the door of her room and opened it. Nancy Henderson was standing outside.

  “Oh, hi!” Anna replied. “It’s Nancy, right?”

  “Yes,” Nancy replied. “I don’t mean to bother you but I was wondering if you can make any recommendations from the kitchen. I am tired of BLTs and other foods I have actually heard of.”

  “I’ll tell you what.” Anna smiled. “Call the kitchen and tell them you want Anna’s usual. They’ll make you up a really good meal and they’ll have it brought right to your room. I promise you that I don’t eat anything outlandish. I just like good home-style cooking.”

  “That sounds like precisely what I want.” Nancy smiled. “Thank you again for your help. You’ve been one of the few genuine people here. I am really glad I had the chance to meet you.”

  With that, the woman gave Anna a warm hug and went on her way. Anna made her way to the stairwell, went down the stairs, and exited on the first floor. She half expected people to stare at her but the staff greeted her warmly as usual. Knowing Mr. Puccio, he did his best to keep things under wraps in hopes that very few people ever found out what she had done. After all, it would hurt the image of the hotel and how the hotel was viewed meant everything to Mr. Puccio.

  “Anna.” Frank motioned for her to come over. “I took the liberty of ordering your drink. A

  Cosmopolitan as I recall?”

  “Yes, thank you.” Anna replied and took a sip. It was strong and doubled up. “You look surprised.” Frank said. “Did I get the drink wrong?”

  “No, the bartender blended the wrong spirits.” Anna lied. “I’ll have him remake it.” Walking up to the bar, Anna handed the bartender the drink.

  “Sorry, ma'am.” His words seemed sincere. “It’s okay!” she offered warmly.

  “I didn’t know it was for you.” he replied under his breath. “It came as a surprise to me, too.” she whispered.

  Creating a new drink, she took it and sat down next to Frank. His eyes looked deep into hers and she felt herself becoming uncomfortable.

  “I’m really glad you took the time to meet with me.” He smiled. “I didn’t think I would ever hear from you again.”

  “Oh?” Anna asked. “Why is that? Was there a reason I shouldn’t want to?”

  “Our ages are very different.” he replied calmly. “I am old enough to be you
r father.”

  “Why can’t two people of vastly different ages share a drink?” Anna asked. “It seems very silly to distance yourself over a few trips around the sun.”

  “You do have a point.” Frank smiled and took a sip of bourbon. “But, tell me, are you interested in enjoying more than a drink with me?”

  “I would be leading you on if I said yes.” Anna replied. “I am not one to get involved with a committed man. You are with Nancy Henderson right now.”

  “Why would you say that?” Frank asked, slightly confused.

  “The other day, I saw you two coming down the hall. You looked like you were having a very good time together is all.” Anna offered. “It seemed to me that you were an item.”

  “Heavens, no.” Frank laughed. “Oh, she is a flirt. Writes me these over the top love notes. But I am not interested in her at all. In fact, I feel more like her pawn at times. You see, I had tried to get to know her when she first came and she was too interested in what Meadow and Tony were doing.

  Didn’t give me two minutes of her time. After Tony died, she become obsessed with me. It was strange. I’m sure she was just dealing with the grief of losing her first love and all but I wasn’t interested in her. She had her chance and she blew it.”

  “You said you have notes from her?” Anna replied.

  “I do.” Frank replied. “Several of them. Rather detailed ones. Very impressive handwriting. I really do think she has good penmanship.”

  “Do you think I could see these notes?” Anna asked. “I would be interested in seeing them.” “You’ll have to come back to my room to see them.” He smiled. “I mean, if that’s okay and all.”

  “I’ll go up to your room to see them. That’s fine.” Anna replied. “It is important that I see those notes.”

  “Not as important as it is that you and I sit here and savor our drink and our time with each other. Those notes aren't going anywhere, are they?” His words were very calm. “Then you can see the notes. Go through them. Whatever it will take to make you happy. But, for now, I want to enjoy this delicious bourbon. I want to savor the warmth and get lost in the notes of the drink. This is important to me.”

  “Very well.” Anna sighed. “Let’s enjoy our drinks and talk. Then we can look at the notes in your room.”

  “Mmm. I like that idea.” He smiled and winked.

  Anna chose to ignore the advances. He was in for a rude awakening when all she did was look and compare the notes in his room. But he was anxious and nervous. Nancy had watched her leave her room and had asked for food recommendations. She also knew what foods Anna liked. Was it possible she’d try to kill her?

  Giving him her best smile, she realized it was possible that she was having her last drink in this life. If Nancy was the killer, she knew that Anna was getting close and would kill her. However, if she was wrong and someone else was the killer, she could end up putting her trust in the wrong person. That trust could ultimately kill her.

  Chapter 9