Read Music of the Soul Page 2

  “Oh, don’t apologize, Mia,” Abby said.

  When I didn’t respond, Abby elbowed me in the ribs. “Oomph,” escaped my lips before I could stop myself. “Yeah, uh, it’s fine,” I replied. Gently, I set Abby down on her feet. I jerked my chin towards the bathroom. “You go on and get a shower. I’ll use the one off the guest bedroom.”

  “You don’t want me to come with you?” Abby asked coyly.

  I scratched the back of my neck furiously. Part of me really wanted to shower with her, so we might finish what we started. But the other part was so traumatized that I knew there would be no way I’d be ready. “Um, no. I better take a rain check.”

  Abby’s blue eyes widened in surprise. She stared at me for a moment before turning to Mia. “Excuse us,” Abby said, as she grabbed my hand and led me into the bathroom. “What is wrong with you?”

  With a shrug, I replied, “We were interrupted.”

  “It’s never stopped you before.” She cocked her head at me. “Did seeing Mia bother you that much?”

  I couldn’t help shuddering. “Yeah, it did.”

  “It’s just a breast, Jake. I mean, you’ve seen your fair share of them.”

  “Not like that I haven’t.” At her amused expression, I threw up my hands. “That’s my best friend’s fiancée out there. I don’t need a mental image of her boobs seared into my mind.”

  “You are too adorable,” she said, before leaning up to kiss me.

  “It’s not funny,” I argued feebly. When Abby’s warm lips covered mine, I decided to shut the fuck up and not argue with her anymore. Knowing that she was trying to start something up again, I reluctantly pulled away. “You need to get ready.”

  “Are you sure?” When I nodded, she sighed. “Okay then. To be continued tomorrow night?”

  I smiled. “Oh yes.” I leaned over and pressed my lips to hers. “Love you.”

  “Love you, too,” she murmured.

  When I exited the bathroom, I kept my eyes glued to the hardwood floors. “Jake?”

  Shit. It was AJ. “Yeah?” I questioned still not glancing up.

  “What’s this I hear about you ogling Mia’s boobs?”

  I jerked my head up to glare at him. “Excuse me?” I demanded.

  Mia smacked AJ’s arm. “You’re such an ass!”

  He grinned at her and then back at me. “I’m just screwing with you, man. Mia and I don’t give two shits about what happened.”

  As I took a step toward him, he motioned down to where he balanced Bella on his hip. “Easy now.”

  “Using a baby as your shield? You’re such a pussy.” When I glanced at Bella, who was giving me a toothless smile, I grimaced. “Sorry for the p-word.”

  “It’s okay. He deserved a lot worse,” Mia replied with a grin.

  “I gotta go get ready,” I said, as I motioned to the door.

  “I’ll walk you out,” AJ said. He glanced at Mia. “Do you need any help getting Bella ready?”

  “We’ll be fine. Of course, if you want to go get changed and come back to get her while I’m getting ready, that would be wonderful.”

  AJ smiled. “Anything for you, amorcito mio.”

  “Thanks, baby.”

  I snickered as I went out the door. “What?” AJ demanded behind me.

  “I just never thought I would see the day that you were completely and totally whipped.”

  “Oh yeah, well, I could say the same damn thing about you,” he countered.

  I skidded to a stop in the hallway, causing AJ to bump into me. “Oh God, we’ve become the dudes we used to make fun of, haven’t we?”

  He winced. “Yeah, I think so.”

  With a sigh, I added, “We probably owe Brayden an apology for ragging his ass all these years.”

  AJ grinned. “Nah, no use in letting him know he was right. It’ll just inflate his head even more.”

  Poking his head in the hallway, Brayden said, “I heard that, dickweeds.”

  “Dammit,” I groaned, as we came into the living room.

  Brayden rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Like I didn’t already know I was right, and you two shitheads were wrong,” he scoffed.

  “Daddy, what’s a shithead?” Melody asked.

  As Brayden flushed, AJ and I busted out laughing. He glanced up to narrow his eyes at us. “Laugh now. Your time is coming.” He pointed to AJ. “Especially you.”

  I laughed at AJ’s grimace. I could only imagine he was thinking of how bad his potty-mouth was, along with Mia’s. If Bella’s first word was a cuss word, I wouldn’t be surprised. “Well, on that note, I’m going to run upstairs and get ready. See you guys in a few?”

  Brayden nodded while AJ replied, “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  After Jake left me partially sexed-up with no finish in the bathroom, I slipped into the cold shower that I knew was in order to get me through the night. As I lathered up my hair, I could barely contain the excitement that bubbled within me when I thought about my wedding day. I was probably most excited about the honeymoon, which for me wasn’t just about the sex. It would be the first time that Jake and I were actually alone together. The last few months had been so hectic with our touring schedule. Since my brothers wanted to cut a new album, most of my free time was spent working on material with them. Even though I’d helped Jake write I’ll Take You with Me, I still felt like a total and complete newbie when it came to songwriting. Luckily, Micah was willing to lend his skills to our cause.

  While I was spending late nights at the studio, Jake and Runaway Train were also working on their next album. Considering the last one had been Grammy winning, the pressure was on to make the next album even bigger. So, between the touring and the albums, we rarely had time when it was just the two of us. And while we would only have a week alone together, I planned on making the most of every single second.

  After I finished showering, I got out and toweled off. Grabbing my robe off the door, I slipped into the silky material. At the sound of a squeal in the bedroom, I grinned and padded over to the door. When I opened it, I saw Bella on the bed with Mia bent over her. As Mia blew raspberries on Bella’s naked belly, Bella giggled and kicked her feet. Mia pulled away to cock her head. “Now can we put on your pretty dress without you pitching a hissy fit?”

  Bella replied with a coo and a wave of her arms. Mia glanced over her shoulder at me. “I’m putting her in the one you gave her at her baptism.”

  I smiled. “She’ll look beautiful in it, I’m sure.” I had been both surprised and honored when Mia and AJ had asked me to be Bella’s godmother. I felt there were other more deserving family members, especially AJ’s sister. But Mia had insisted. So four months ago I’d stood with AJ’s brother, Antonio, at the altar of Christ the King as Bella was baptized. Among several gifts I’d gotten her was a dress I’d hoped she’d be wearing to her parent’s rehearsal dinner since it was lacy and frilly. But it looked like she was going to be debuting it at mine since Mia and AJ weren’t getting married for another four months.

  “Sorry about Jake freaking out like that on you,” I said, as I toweled my hair.

  Mia adjusted the enormous lavender bow on Bella’s head. “It’s okay. I’m surprised it didn’t happen to him sooner like it did to Rhys when we were out on tour.”

  “Oh no. Did he have a similar reaction?”

  Mia laughed. “Worse. He ran into the wall trying to get away from me.”

  “Seriously?” I asked.

  “Sadly, yes.” With a smile, she shook her head. “Men spend their lives being obsessed with boobs, and then the moment a baby is attached to it, they lose their minds.”

  I grinned. “I know, right?”

  “Well, when it’s all said and done, I’m really, really sorry that I interrupted you two.” She winked at me. “You guys looked pretty hot and heavy there.”

  “It’s okay.” When Mia gave me a ‘yeah right’ look, I shook my head. “Trust me, it was fine. Besides, Jake was trying to break my resol
ve on abstaining until our wedding night.”

  Mia’s dark brows furrowed in confusion. “Excuse me?”

  “Oh, I decided to make our wedding night special, we wouldn’t have sex for a week before the wedding.”

  “Hmm, maybe I should torture AJ with that in a few months.”

  I laughed. “Why not?”

  She grinned. “Considering we’ve already done everything backwards, I don’t think we need to worry about our wedding night being very special. In the end, you make your special moments, and they usually happen when you go off the script.”

  “The script?”

  “Oh, you know. The life script—the way you’ve meticulously planned out how everything is going to happen in your life.” Mia picked up Bella. As she stared into her daughter’s face, pure love emanated in her eyes. “My life script never would have ever included AJ. I mean, a rock star? Who in their right mind would want to marry someone who lives a rootless existence on the road with beautiful women constantly throwing themselves at their feet?” She snorted. “Not me, that’s for damn sure. But that’s where I was wrong. And when I decided to just screw the script, that’s when I found the truest of loves and the greatest of happiness.”

  “I see what you mean.” I’d been pretty rigid with my life script lately, and I couldn’t help wondering if it was for the best. “Maybe I should go to Jake tonight after the party,” I murmured.

  Mia adjusted Bella on her hip. “And finish what you started?” she asked with a sly smile.

  “Oh yes.”

  She grinned. “I think that sounds like a wonderful idea.” She then motioned to the bathroom. “Now go finish getting ready so you can put this plan in motion.”

  I laughed. “Yes, ma’am,” I replied, before hurrying to the closet for my dress.

  At a few minutes past six, Jake and I made our way down the hillside to the tent. It was already teeming with people as waiters in white jackets hurried about serving hors d’oeuvres. With a champagne flute in my hand, I weaved in and out of the tables as I tried to greet each and every one of our guests. “Don’t you look like a living dream?” Frank complimented when I came to the table full of Runaway Train roadies and their families.

  I glanced down at my dress. I had picked a white, strapless, Grecian-styled dress with a glittering bodice for tonight’s party. Around my throat were Susan’s pearls. As I turned to the side, I asked, “You like it?”

  “It’s beautiful, but you’re even more beautiful in it.”

  “Aw, you’re too sweet.” I leaned over and kissed his cheek, which earned hoots and hollers from the men.

  “Hey, now, save some loving for me,” Jake teased from behind us.

  “Fine, fine, you can have some too,” I replied, before kissing his cheek.

  “Thanks, Angel,” Jake murmured with a wink. As he stayed joking with the guys, I moved on since dinner would be served promptly at seven. While I chatted and laughed with friends and family, there was one table that I kept putting off going to, and that was the one where Jake’s father and stepmother were seated. Taking a long gulp of my champagne, I bit the bullet by plastering on my best smile.

  “Hey, how are you guys?”

  Jake’s stepmother, Nancy, returned my smile. “Great, thank you. Don’t you look exquisite?”

  “Thank you.”

  “I can’t wait to see what your dress looks like tomorrow,” Nancy said.

  “It’s a little more poofy than this one,” I replied with a smile. When I turned to address Jake’s dad, Mark, he stared expectantly at me.

  “Can I talk to you for a moment?” Mark asked.

  I couldn’t help nibbling on my bottom lip before I responded. “Um, sure.”

  When he rose out of his chair, I couldn’t hide my surprise. “I thought it would be better to discuss this alone,” he said in a low voice.

  “Okay,” I replied. With his hand at the small of my back, Mark eased me away from the crowded tables to the outside of the tent. He made sure we were out of earshot from the others before he spoke. “Abby, I just want you to know that I couldn’t be more pleased that Jake has found a girl like you to settle down with.”

  “Thank you,” I said, hesitantly. I knew from his tone and expression, there was a lot more Mark wanted to say.

  With a ragged sigh, he gave me a tight smile. “Because of the woman you are, I know if there’s anyone who can mend the relationship between myself and Jake, it’s you.”

  My eyes widened. “I think you flatter me a little too much.”

  “Jake values your opinion more than anyone else’s. Ever since Susan died, he’s cut himself off even further from me.” He shook his head sadly. “I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve made mistakes in my life. But I love my son, and I want to be a part of his life. Please, Abby, please try and talk to Jake.”

  My heart ached for Mark as he stood pleading in front of me. “I don’t know what I can do—” When Mark opened his mouth to protest, I held up my hand. “But I will try. I promise you that.”

  “You will?”

  “Yes. I want peace and happiness for Jake in all areas of his life, including you. Someday when we have children, I want you to have a part in their lives.”

  Tears shimmered in Mark’s eyes. “Thank you. That means so much to me.”

  He reached over and gave me a quick hug. When he pulled away, he glanced over my shoulder with a smile. “Evening, son.”

  “Evening,” Jake replied.

  “I apologize for stealing your beautiful bride-to-be for a few minutes.”

  “It’s fine.” I inwardly cringed at the coolness of Jake’s tone.

  “I’m looking forward to the wedding tomorrow. Allison is really excited to be a bridesmaid.”

  “We’re happy to have her. She’s such a sweetheart,” I said.

  Mark swayed on his feet, and I could tell there was more he wanted to say. “Well, I’ll leave you two lovebirds.”

  “Goodnight,” I said.

  He turned to go but waited until Jake finally replied, “See ya.”

  As Mark walked away, Jake wrapped his arms around my waist. He nuzzled my neck with his warm lips before asking, “What did he want?”

  “Just to talk.”

  “Mmm, hmm.”

  “He loves you, Jake.” When I felt him tense behind me, I quickly added, “He wants nothing more than to mend the broken fences, so that you two can have a real relationship.”

  Jake snorted. “Too many years and too much shit have passed between us.”

  Turning in his arms, I brought my hand to his cheek. “It’s never too late for forgiveness.”

  His brows shot up at my words. “And just whose side are you on?”

  “Yours.” I emphasized my words by drawing myself close to his chest. “I’m always on your side, and you know that.”

  He kissed the top of my head. “I don’t know, Abby. Some things are better left the way they are.”

  Pulling away, I stared into his face. “Just promise me that you’ll try a little harder where your dad is concerned.”

  A defeated growl came from his chest. “Fine. I’ll try.”

  “Thank you,” I said, before bestowing a kiss on his lips.

  “Come on. Let’s go eat.”

  “Sounds good to me.” I let Jake take my hand and lead me through the crowd to the table at the head of the tent. It was for us and our wedding party. As the catering staff bustled around serving the first course, Jake picked up the microphone off the table.

  “Everyone,” he began. When people kept talking, he tapped the top of the microphone. “Helloooo? Can you guys hear me out there?”

  At the top of his lungs, AJ shouted, “Hey everybody, shut the fuck up!”

  At the dead silence, Jake shook his head and grinned. “Thanks, buddy.”

  “Anytime,” AJ replied with a wink.

  “Yeah, so, I’m not one for speeches and shit like that, but I did want to take a second before everyone start
ed stuffing their faces to say thank you from both myself and Abby for being with us on the eve before the big day. Everyone in this room is family, whether we’re related by blood or by a business or personal relationship. You’ve seen us through some tough times over the last few years, and we can never forget how your love and support stayed consistent through the bad times, as well as the good.” He turned to me and smiled. “Most of all, I hope you’re with us for many more to come. So thank you very, very much.”

  “Now let’s eat!” AJ exclaimed banging his fist on the table.

  Jake rolled his eyes. “As the caveman said, let’s eat.” As applause rang out around us, Jake eased down into the chair beside me. Although my nerves were working in overdrive, my stomach was not affected. I couldn’t wait to finally eat what I had picked out so many months ago. Plus, I had been eating as little as possible in that week or so to get into my dress. All my willpower seemed to go out the window when the Caesar salad. I dug in like a woman who hadn’t eaten in weeks. “Pace yourself, Angel,” Jake joked.

  “I can’t help it, I’m starving,” I mumbled through the mouthful of bread I had just stuffed in.

  Jake grinned. “I’m so glad I’m marrying a woman with an appetite.”

  “You might not be saying that for long, especially if I can’t get into my dress tomorrow afternoon.”

  He snorted. “I highly doubt that.” He leaned over to where his warm lips brushed against my earlobe. “Besides, more of you is just more to love, especially loving your delicious curves in the bedroom.”

  “Hmm, we’ll see if you keep that attitude when I get pregnant and put on fifty pounds.”

  Jake stiffened beside me. I had found the right words to cool his advances. Although he loved cuddling with Bella or playing with Jude and Melody, Jake was still gun-shy about the idea of us having children. When anyone mentioned us having kids, he would scoff at the idea. He claimed we had at least two more American tours and a world tour to get through before he even thought of knocking me up. With the world tour scheduled to take off in a year, I had a feeling even after that, he still wouldn’t be ready. There was something deep inside him that didn’t feel like he was capable of being a father. Thinking that was how he felt broke my heart. He had so much love to give a child. I wanted more than anything for him to be able to see that, but I didn’t want to press the issue now. We had time to work on it.