Read Mvp Page 6

  I held back the laughter that was at bay and sat on the armchair. “Ysa, you look fucking amazing in anything. Although I prefer you in nothing.” I smirked, getting her to glance up and smile.

  There’s my girl.

  “Do you want me to help?” I suggested.

  “No, I’m almost done. I think…”

  “No…I think I can help.”

  I gripped her wrist, bringing her over to me and she giggled. She straddled my lap with her ass on my cock, facing away from me.

  “I actually love what you’re wearing right now,” I huskily praised while my hands moved from her hips to the sides of her body, up to her breasts. I slowly touched them and she curved her back.


  “You know what the color white does to me. Do you do it on purpose?”

  She sucked in air when one of my hands moved to the back of her neck and I nudged her backward, making her hips sway on my cock.

  “Why do you provoke me?”

  She deviously gazed into my eyes. “Because I can,” she snickered and I immediately jerked her head back by her hair.

  “You know I like it rough, Mr. Vanwell,” she added, baiting me.

  “Oh…it’s Mr. Vanwell is it?” I murmured, inclining her head back further. Her body was stretched out for me; she felt tinier in that angle. I could do anything I wanted to her and she would let me, begging me to keep going. That’s just the kind of woman she was.


  My hold on her hair grew harder and she whimpered, not in pain. In submission. I slowly inched her head back further until her breasts were upright and her eyes beheld the ceiling. I could see every rib protruding as her back was perfectly extended in the shape of a U.

  “I’ll ask you again…why do you provoke me, Ysa?”

  She didn’t hesitate. “Because I’m yours.”

  “Prove it.”

  She didn’t move or make a sound while I used my other hand to untie the strings of her bathing suit top and bottom; they fell to the side. My nails dug into her soft, delicate skin from her neck all the way down her incredible body. They left a trail of red, almost like a rake had been taken to her skin. Nothing. No sound. No movement.

  Her pussy was bare for me and I could see her throbbing clit.

  I placed my lips right by her ear. “I’m not going to touch you,” I whispered. “I know you want me to. I can see your greedy cunt just begging to be played with.”

  Her breathing hitched.

  “Tell me what you want,” I added, tugging her hair back slightly to get her to speak.

  “I want to come,” she panted.

  “Show me.”

  She hesitated.

  “Now,” I urged.

  Her fingers found her pussy and she started touching herself. I licked my lips and sucked on her earlobe.

  “Harder,” I demanded.

  She stimulated herself at a quicker pace, monopolizing the little bundle of nerves until her body started to tremble. I bent her back further and my other hand reached for the front her neck. She withered and moaned.

  I caressed her neck and then lightly squeezed; her breathing slowed, but her body was quivering. She was close. I gripped a little more until I could feel her pulsating vein beating rapidly, her body burned and her face reddened.

  “That’s it…fuck that tight, wet, perfect pussy that I can’t get enough of. Do it. Let me see you come apart like you know I love.” I clutched until I knew she couldn’t take one more breath and then held her there for a few seconds. When her eyes watered, I immediately let go of her neck and simultaneously tugged her hair further back. She gasped for air and came apart on my legs with such force that her entire body shook and she screamed out my name.

  My girl.

  I tried not to panic as we boarded the plane, I hated flying. We were going back to Miami, together. I hadn’t been back in over two years. I was going to meet his parents, his son, and his ex-wife, officially. I barely comprehended the severity that this would implement on our relationship, but I was going with it. That’s what I do.

  To make matters worse, I had no fucking clue what to do about Madam.

  Yes…I just said Madam.

  Brooke knew we were coming. I called her a few days ago to tell her and she screamed in my ear for a good five seconds before I got another word in. She was thrilled that she would be seeing me and finally meeting Sebastian. That wasn’t what was plaguing me. It was Madam; I knew Brooke would tell her that I was in town. I had skipped out on the last two VIP reunions. However, we talked maybe once a month, but they were always brief and Sebastian had absolutely no idea. I never told him. I figured we had enough obstacles to overcome and get through, the last thing I wanted to do was add the burden of The Madam.

  I wasn’t fucking stupid enough to think that he would be okay with it. I knew he would flip the hell out. It would cause another major rift. We were already in limbo and I didn’t need to add Satan, so to speak. But in all honesty, I wanted to see her. I missed her. I didn’t miss VIP, not really. I mean, I think it was the familiarity of what was comfortable for me. VIP was home for such a huge part of my life. I found myself there, and when I left, I took a huge part of that with me. I still use my sexuality and wear it on my sleeve; I still craved attention, except now it was from one man versus all men.

  My independence was such a strong factor and it’s hard for me to give and take that. I knew Sebastian wanted all of me, and sometimes I worried if I was capable of truly handing that over to him. I didn’t know if that was in the cards for us. Could he ever truly love me if I could only offer him fifty-percent? Would that be enough for him? For us?

  I was emotionally torn and it ate away at me the closer we got. All I could do was keep trying, and that’s why I was sitting there beside him, going back to a past I didn’t know if I was ready to face. Again, I did the only thing that came natural to me; I pretended to have my shit together.

  “You okay?” he questioned.

  “Yeah, I just really hate flying,” I lied.

  “I find that really hard to believe, Miss World Traveler.”

  I laughed. “That was so different. I flew on private planes that were bigger than what we’re flying in now. You felt like you were on land. Plus, I was usually fucked up on drugs or at least alcohol,” I carelessly replied.


  “I mean–”

  “So I talked to my mom and she was thinking about having a dinner for all of us at the house I grew up in,” he interrupted.

  I nodded. I would have agreed to anything at that point. I was too much of a coward to look at him, terrified of what I’d see.

  “Great. I’ll let her know as soon as we land. I think she was trying to aim for tomorrow since it’s Sunday.”

  “Right…Sunday fun-day,” I nervously chuckled.

  We rode in silence the rest of the ride.

  Lost in our own thoughts.

  We landed around 6pm, and by the time we made it back to the suite, it was almost 8. Ysabelle took a shower and I ordered room service. When I was done, I called my mom.

  “Hello,” she answered.

  “Hey,” I replied.

  “Honey, how was the flight?”

  “It was good, no turbulence. How are you guys doing?”

  “Your dad’s on call and I’m just cleaning up.”

  “Great. I talked to Ysabelle and tomorrow sounds like a plan.”

  “Oh, fabulous. I already went grocery shopping; I was thinking we would just grill out. I’ve invited some of the neighbors who would love to see you. Julia said she would be a little late and arrive around 2pm with Christian and a friend.”

  “A friend?” I asked, caught off guard. “One of Christian’s friends?”

  She paused. “Ummm…I’m not quite sure, honey. I guess we will find out tomorrow. Anyway, I’m so happy to get to see my boy. I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I’ve missed you, too. Ysabelle is excited to meet you, both of you gu

  “As are we. If you guys would like to head over around noon, that would be perfect, it would give us some alone time before everyone arrives around 1.”

  “That sounds great, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Perfect, I love you.”

  “Love you, too,” I repeated, hanging up.

  I saw Ysabelle in my peripheral vision, standing in the doorway from the bedroom to the living room. Her expression was unreadable.

  “That was my mom. I told her we’re on for tomorrow.”

  She nodded. “Yeah, I heard. Your son’s bringing a friend?”

  I guess she could hear the other line.

  “I don’t know, I guess Julia said she was bringing a friend.”

  She cocked her head to the side. “Oh…maybe she’s bringing a guy? Is she dating someone?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know and I honestly really don’t care. Good for her if she is.”

  Her eyes narrowed like she was trying to see if I was lying. I wasn’t. I didn’t care if Julia had a boyfriend; it just caught me by surprise.

  “Right,” she half-whispered and turned into the bedroom.

  I couldn’t tell if she believed me or not, and a part of me knew…

  She didn’t.

  Ysabelle tossed and turned and I feigned sleep.

  “I know you’re not sleeping,” she announced into the dark room. “And you know I’m not sleeping, so since neither of us is sleeping, maybe we should talk.”

  She’d always been able to open up to me when we were shielded by darkness, I made sure to make a mental note of that.

  “I’d love to talk,” I encouraged.

  “Sebastian, what if they don’t like me?”

  “They’re going to love you as much as I do,” I simply stated.

  My parents were the most supportive people ever. I knew that they would have reservations about her, but once they got to know her like I did, they would love her. It was hard not to. I wished she could see that.

  “How do you know that? I mean, really…I’ve never met anyone’s parents. I don’t know how to act in front of them and I want them to like me so bad. I want to make a great impression and not just be the woman who broke up your marriage.”

  I wanted so badly to turn on the light and look into her eyes, to take away every reservation, but I knew better. This is how she preferred intimate conversations and I could give her that. The darkness made it easier for her to tell her secrets that she held so dear to her heart. Although, I reached for her and she let me, laying her head on my stomach. I placed one arm behind my head while the other played with her hair; I knew when she was under distress, this soothed her. I loved feeling the soft and silkiness between my fingers.

  She sighed contentedly. “Is Julia going to be a bitch to me? I mean…I don’t blame her if she is; I’d just like to be prepared on what to expect.”

  “Julia is fine. You don’t need to worry about her or anyone else.”

  “Does she hate me?”

  “We’ve never talked about it. I know that you feel responsible for the demise of my marriage, Ysa, but you couldn’t be more wrong.”

  “What do you mean, Sebastian? We had an affair, an emotional affair the worst kind. I was the other woman, I knew you were married and still got involved with you. She has every right to blame me.”

  “Julia and I made sense on paper. Our marriage was great; I’m not going to lie about that. I thought I was happy, but the minute I met you, I knew I wasn’t. I never was.”

  She breathed out, wanting to say something.

  “Tell me, please, tell me what you’re feeling. I need to know,” I urged. I waited for what felt like an eternity. Her body tensed; the internal battle she was fighting was radiating and I knew it was wrecking havoc on her fear. I grabbed the side of her face, making her look at me. The trepidation on her face was evident, even in the dim lighting. “It doesn’t matter what you say to me, Ysa, I’m not going anywhere. Please don’t be afraid of me.”

  She bit her bottom lip.

  “If you tell me, I promise to try to make it better. I will ease every one of your concerns.”

  She glanced down and nervously drew what felt like a heart on mine. “If I didn’t look like Olivia…”


  “I mean…if we still met on the yacht that night and I looked like someone else, would you have still wanted me?”

  I took a deep breath, contemplating how to express what I felt in my being. “Initially, your appearance was a major draw to me. I can’t lie about that. But the second you opened your smart mouth…” I chuckled. “…I was yours. You may look like her, Ysa, but you’re nothing alike. It’s like night and day and I noticed that immediately. I was drawn to you as a person, but your appearance was the first thing I noticed. I’m grateful to Olivia for that. I truly believe she came into my life so that I could meet you. You’re my soul mate.”

  She smiled and laid her head to the side, finally looking up at me. “I love you, Sebastian.”

  “I know.”

  And I did.

  The next morning came at rapid speed. I slept in Sebastian’s arms all night and it was the first time my mind didn’t wander. We woke up fairly early and ate breakfast on the terrace that overlooked the water. Miami was beautiful, but it was nothing like my paradise at home. We had casual conversation and I tried to control the turmoil that plagued me in the back of my mind, completely ignoring it and hoping it would go away.

  It didn’t.

  I dressed in a sherbet colored maxi dress and Sebastian said I looked like ice cream. Then he proceeded to eat me, literally. It helped. He rented an Audi A8 for the week and I couldn’t help but remember that this was the same car Madam had given me after we broke up. It was the same color, white with tan leather interior.

  We drove in silence, holding hands and listening to XM radio, BPM station. Sebastian was dressed in dark blue cargo shorts, a white button-down shirt that made his bright blue eyes pop, and flip-flops.

  We drove through a gated Mediterranean community. “This is a beautiful neighborhood.”

  “It is. Welcome to where I grew up, Ysa.” He kissed my palm and lingered there for a few seconds. “You okay?”

  “I think so,” was all I could reply with.

  We pulled up to a large roundabout driveway with a sprawling staircase that led up to the front door. The house was dark green with tan trim and white accents. It was immaculate.

  “What do your parents do again?” I questioned, exiting the car.

  “Mom’s a housewife and Dad’s a cardiologist.”

  “Oh yeah, I remember.”

  The front door opened as he rounded the car.

  “My baby!” his mom shouted. She swiftly made her way down the stairs and pulled him into her arms.

  “Hey, Mom,” he greeted, squeezing her and hauling her up in the air.

  She looked so tiny in his arms. It was endearing to see the love that displayed in front of me. I had never been around a family before. I could see the love that they shared for one another and it made me happy that he grew up around that. He placed her back onto the ground and grabbed her hand to bring her toward me.

  “Mom, this is my girl, Ysabelle,” he introduced.

  I extended my hand and she curved her head to the side and laughed.

  “Honey, we do not shake hands in this house.”

  She immediately pulled me into her arms for a hug. My eyes widened as I stared up at Sebastian, who had the most gratified smile on his face.

  “Oh...okay,” I breathed out, wrapping my arms around her.

  She hugged me like she had known me for years.

  She hugged me like she loved me.

  She hugged me like a mom hugs their daughter.

  And in that moment, I knew I’d never known the touch of a mother. I bit the inside of my mouth to hold the tears that were at bay. My eyes were getting watery and when I glanced back up at Sebastian, he knew exactly what I wa
s feeling and said, “I love you,” with just his lips.

  She pulled back and held my hands out in front of me, taking in my appearance.

  “Wow, you’re gorgeous. Sebastian didn’t do you justice, honey.”

  I smiled. “Thank you. I can see where Sebastian gets his kindness.”

  She beamed and grabbed Sebastian, putting her arm around each of our waists as we walked inside. The inside of the house was just as breathtaking as the outside. Although it looked luxurious, it had a home feel to it. I instantly fell in love.

  “Son,” his dad called out from the living room.

  They both moved simultaneously, embracing each other much like he had with his mother.

  “Dad, this is Ysabelle,” he announced, bringing him over to me.

  I took in his appearance, and although Sebastian had his mother’s eyes, he was the spitting image of his father. The man was handsome, devastatingly handsome. They made a gorgeous couple. He hugged me just like his wife had and I took in the comfortable and welcoming embrace.

  We made our way into the backyard where there was a huge Olympic size pool. The pavers matched the modern décor, and the outdoor grill had a granite countertop. We sat on the patio furniture as his mom gathered some drinks. I had a glass of wine and Sebastian had a beer.

  “So, Ysabelle, Sebastian tells us that you own a bar and it does very well,” she questioned, taking a sip of her wine.

  I smiled. “Yeah, it does extremely well actually. I’m really lucky, I love it.”

  “That’s amazing. What made you want to get into that?”

  “Oh, I love being near the water, there’s something about it that calls to me. I decided that I might as well do something that makes me happy.”

  She nodded. “I agree. Are you from Miami?”

  Oh man…

  “No, not originally. I had lived here for about eight years before I moved to the island.”

  “Oh lovely! Where are you from?”

  Sebastian and I locked eyes. “Tampa,” I nervously responded.

  “Great! I love Tampa; we go there often for medical conferences. Sebastian used to love going to The Florida Aquarium when he was younger.”