Read Mvp Page 9

  Did Ysabelle miss it? Was she thinking of going back? Was I interpreting this all wrong?

  I desperately sought answers and I knew I wasn’t going to get them from Ysabelle. I had to go to the source…with or without her consent.

  Ysabelle came in the suite from her run as I was buttoning my shirt.

  “Hey,” she addressed.

  “How was your run?”

  “Great! Definitely what I needed. Where you going?”

  “I have to meet Julia, we’re going to discuss Christian.”

  “Oh…I thought…umm…never mind.” She turned away and I grabbed her arm.

  “Say it,” I ordered.

  My patience with her lack of communication was wearing thin.

  She looked down at my grip on her arm and I instantly let go, and then she looked up at me. “I just thought I was going with you, is all.”

  We had enough problems and drama going on; I didn’t want to pile on anymore. That’s why I decided to go by myself.

  I smiled, trying to break the tension that I created. “I don’t want to bore you with family legal stuff. Go shopping and enjoy Miami or go see your friends; I know how you miss them.”

  Her eyebrows lowered in confusion. “Okay, I guess.”

  I forcefully grabbed her by the back of her neck and pulled her toward me. My mouth caught hers urgently, I kissed her like I hadn’t seen her in years, I kissed her like a starved man needing food, I took out my frustrations and insecurities in that kiss. And when I pulled away, her eyes were sated.

  My girl.

  She grinned at me and I pecked her one last time before making my way out the door.

  What the fuck just happened?

  One minute he’s telling me he wants me to be a part of the decision-making process and then the next, he’s telling me that he doesn’t want to bore me with the details. I knew he was restless last night when we were laying in bed. Was it because he changed his mind and didn’t want to tell me? Did he want to spend time alone with Julia? Had seeing her brought feelings back for him?

  That didn’t make sense. Sebastian loved me. I knew that.


  What if?

  I followed the man dressed as a butler up the stairs into an office. The walls were lined with shelves of books and a desk with two leather wingback chairs sat dead center. It was the focus of the entire room. There was a sitting area near the right side with white leather couches facing opposite of each other, a black granite table separating them.

  “Welcome to The Cathouse, Mr. Vanwell.”

  I turned and saw Madam standing there, leaned against the doorframe with her arms crossed and one leg over the other. She was wearing a red pantsuit with a shit-eating grin that I wanted to slap off her face. I’ve never wanted to hit a woman, but The Madam was no lady.

  “You know…this office means a lot to me.” She contemplated what she was saying and cocked an eyebrow. “It’s where I was born. It’s also where Ysabelle was born. You see that couch over there?” She nodded toward it. “I witnessed firsthand how much she was created for a life of privilege. I have shaped several VIPs throughout the years, but none of them can measure up to Bella Rosa.” She pushed off the doorframe and slowly walked over to the couch. “VIPs are chosen, that’s what makes them so precious and valuable.” She sat on the couch and crossed one leg over the other, placing her arms on the back of the settee.

  “I am sitting in the exact place that Ysabelle proved herself to me, in more ways than one,” she stated.

  In an instant, the TV that was sitting on the dresser in the corner turned on and my girl appeared on the screen. She was wearing a white silk robe that was open in the front, her tan skin and luscious body exposed. Brooke was at her side.

  “Spread your legs, Bella Rosa.” I heard Madam’s voice demand on the screen, and she did as she was told.

  “Your pussy is sweeter than I thought it would be, you’re just the right shade of cream. It’s a nice surprise that you don’t have any tan lines. Your caramel skin color is natural. That pleases me,” she added.

  I recognized the look on Ysabelle’s face immediately. She was aroused. She wanted it.

  She turned to Brooke. “Do you know that you have a deep erotic smell about you? It’s addicting,” Ysabelle stated, before grabbing the back of her hair and pulling.

  I could see Madam looking at me through my peripheral vision. “You see…that little move...although it’s small and miniscule, with that little action, she proved to me that she was born for this,” she gloated. “Bella Rosa doesn’t wait for what she wants, she goes after it, she controls the situation, she governs the room. They’re not made; they’re born. She’s a motherfucking VIP.”

  I tried to ignore every vicious word she spewed, but I couldn’t tear my eyes off the goddamn screen.

  I watched as my girl seduced Brooke.

  I watched as she kissed her.

  I watched as she caressed her neck and breasts.

  I watched as they fucked each other on their legs.

  I watched as my girl’s eyes screamed for need and want. They always told me everything I needed to hear.

  I watched as Brooke got down on her knees and had her beg to come, exactly how I have done so many times before.

  I watched my girl shamelessly come apart.

  And when it was over…

  I watched my girl’s eyes…want more.

  Madam’s clapping took me out of my daze and I looked over at her. She was smiling like a Cheshire cat.

  “I never get tired of watching that video. Now…Sebastian, I can call you Sebastian, right? I mean, we are family,” she mocked, deviously laughing. “You tell me, honestly, do you think you can fully have your Ysa? Do you think that you can satisfy her or make her happy? Does she look happy to you? Huh? Or is she putting on a show? Trust me, darling, I taught her everything she knows. Ysabelle will be whatever you want her to be. It’s how she’s made.”

  She placed her finger on her lips in a thinking gesture. “See…I am not an evil woman, contrary to what you think. I actually love her, more than I have ever loved anyone. I want her to be happy, but unlike you, I know when she’s faking it. I bet she didn’t tell you she went to lunch with me.” She grinned.

  “Though you already know that or else you wouldn’t be standing here. Would you like me to tell you what we talked about? I don’t mind sharing.” She paused. “All right…I’ll take your silence as a yes. She confided in me that she thinks you’re going to hurt her again. She doesn’t trust you. And she doesn’t think she ever will.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I could be being biased but…given your track record with women, Sebastian, hmmmm…I can’t blame her. You said you loved Julia and you fucked Ysabelle behind her back…ouch…you know?” she ridiculed.

  She shook her head as I slowly walked over to her.

  “It’s only a matter of time before she’s back at The Cathouse where she belongs,” she emphasized.

  I stopped when I was standing over her and she looked up at me.

  “This is her home. She’s mine,” she vowed.

  I didn’t think and just reacted. I snapped and lunged forward, catching her off guard, and gripped on to the front of her neck; her eyes widened. It was the first time that I’ve ever seen fear in her eyes and then it was gone. I clutched on harsher until her breathing slowed and her face paled. I used all my body weight to shove her into the back of the couch.

  “Listen to me, you sadistic fucking cunt! Are you FUCKING LISTENING?! Nod your pretty little head if you’re paying attention, be a good little demon,” I baited.

  She subtly nodded and I gripped harder, making her mouth slightly part for air.

  “I am not one of your fucking pawns. Don’t for one goddamn second think that I don’t know what the fuck you’re doing. You can’t manipulate me,” I sneered, grasping harder.

  “If you for one minute think that I will let her walk back into this house for anything more than your mo
therfucking funeral, then you’re crazier than I thought. I will kill you before you have your hands on her.”

  Her vein was beating rapidly and she was trying to suck in air. I didn’t let her, I held on tighter.

  “Now. Do. You. Understand?” I snarled through gritted teeth.

  She started wheezing and I lowered my mouth to her ear.

  “I could fucking kill you right now and no one would know it was me. You would die in the office that you love so much. It would be your beginning and ending. How’s that for irony?” I whispered.

  I maliciously held on to her neck firmer and watched as her eyes glazed over and her head leaned sideways.

  Against my better judgment…

  I let go and walked away. I heard her instantly gasp for air.

  “Thanks for the pep talk,” I stated, not stopping to turn. “You have yourself a great fucking day, Madam,” I shouted.

  The truth was…

  I meant every last word.

  I tried to calm down before I met with Julia–she was already waiting for me when I was seated.

  “Sorry I’m late,” I greeted.

  “Not a problem, I was just looking over my notes for this case,” she informed, not looking up at me.

  The waiter arrived. “What can I get you to drink, sir?”

  “I’ll take a whiskey neat—actually, make it a double.”

  He nodded and excused himself. Julia finally tore her eyes from her document. “Wow, double?” She looked at her watch. “It’s only one o’clock, you got that ‘it’s five o’clock somewhere thing’ down, huh?” she teased to no avail. “Hey…” She placed her hand on my arm. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t even know where to fucking start, Julia. Plus you’re definitely not the person I should be talking to about this.”

  She cocked her head to the side. “You know, Sebby, before we were married and together, we were best friends,” she reminded.

  The waiter brought back my drink and I took it down in one gulp before he was even done taking Julia’s order for a glass of wine. I ordered another double.

  “Feel better?” she cautioned.

  “It certainly helps.”

  Once we ordered our food and I was about done with my second drink, I started to feel more at ease.

  “You ready to share now? I’m a good listener, I’m also a woman and from what I know, most women can relate to other women. It’s like a girl gene or something.”

  We laughed.

  “Ysabelle,” I simply answered.

  “Yes…I’m aware of that part. What about her?”

  “It’s like I’m losing a fighting battle that I never had a chance to win in the first place. I feel like she’s slipping away from me, and the more I try to hold on to her, the worse it gets. I thought bringing her here to Miami with me would be a blessing, and now I feel like it’s been a curse. Her past is here and I never even took that into consideration. I thought she was done with it. Come to find out, it’s very present. I am at my wits end with it all and she won’t talk to me about any of it.”

  “Have you tried to talk to her?” she questioned.

  “She’s not like that, Julia. She doesn’t open up like normal women do; she actually hates fucking talking about feelings and shit. Sometimes I can get her guard to come down and she will tell me how she feels, but only when she’s backed into a corner,” I explained, taking a sip of my drink.

  “That must suck for you,” she giggled. “You’re Mr. Communication.”

  “Yeah…well…I grew up with my best friend being a girl and if I didn’t tell you how I felt, you would cry until I did. It was the only way I could get you to shut up.”

  She gasped at first, then shrugged it off, grinning. “Maybe…”

  “She had a rough upbringing and to go from that to VIP, it’s left her jaded and fucked up. Then add what I did to her, it’s like icing on the cake, you know?”

  “You can’t blame yourself forever, Sebby. I know you lied—trust me, I hated you for a while—but when I think about it…I’m to blame, too. I knew you loved me; hell, I still know you love me. And although the love that you feel for me now is exactly the same love you felt for me then, it’s the same love you’ve always felt. I pretended that you were in love with me when I knew in my heart you never were. I took advantage of that and that’s not right. So I got what I deserved, too. We both did.”

  “Julia, wow, I don’t even know what to say.”

  “You don’t have to say anything. We’re in a much better place than we have been since we got married. I married my best friend and I tried to make him my lover and husband, and for a while, it worked. In reality, if it weren’t for Ysabelle, it would have been something else. I don’t blame her and part of me is thankful to her because it made me see the truth that I tried to hide since the beginning. You’re a good man, Sebastian, you always have been. What you did was wrong but no one’s perfect, and it looks like your paying for those mistakes now.” She hesitated.

  “I feel guilt for allowing you to sacrifice so much for me…first with Oli, I knew, Sebby…I always knew you loved her and I knew she loved you, too, and I used both your devotions to me as a ploy for you not to be together. And as for Ysabelle, she absolutely adores you; she loves you. I think even a blind person could see that. However, women are fickle beings and when you hurt us, it’s hard for us to forget that. We hold grudges and we analyze everything and make a problem out of nothing. You just have to be patient…she’ll come around. Just keep doing what you’re doing. It might take her more time to realize it, but she’ll get it.” She smiled.

  “As for Christian we have a handle on it. This co-parenting thing will be easy; even though you’re miles away, we’ll make it work.”

  “Thank you, Julia.”

  “I love you, Sebby.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “How was lunch?” I asked, looking up from my e-reader.

  “It was surprisingly great.”

  “Oh yeah? What made it so great?”

  He removed my e-reader from my hands and laid his head there instead.

  “I missed you.”

  I smiled. “I missed you, too.”

  “Lunch was exactly what we needed. We’ve never discussed anything prior or during the divorce. So…I guess it was somewhat like closure. We’ll figure out Christian along the way.”

  “That’s awesome.”

  “How are you?” he questioned.

  “I’m good, just been relaxing. Devon stopped by for a little bit and we had lunch downstairs. You actually just missed him.”

  “I’ve been thinking that we haven’t enjoyed ourselves and maybe you would allow me the pleasure to wine and dine you tonight.”

  “Really? And to what do I owe that honor?”

  “I’d like to take my girl out for dinner and drinks.”

  “I think she can oblige.” I flirted.

  “Perfect. I think that we should shower. Together.”

  He effortlessly lifted me off the bed, making me giggle, and threw me over his shoulder, spanking my ass and making me shriek as he carried me into the shower. We spent the next hour “showering” and then I started to get ready. I dressed in a white fitted cocktail dress that rested right below my knees and red stilettos. I added product to my hair to make it curlier and did smoky eyes with red lips to match my shoes. I finished it off with silver hoop earrings, a bracelet, and a gaudy ring on my left middle finger. I had sprayed some Armani Code, Sebastian’s favorite perfume, before I walked out into the living room.

  Sebastian was on the terrace, admiring the view, and I couldn’t help but remember St. Barts. It was exactly what he was doing while I was getting ready, except this time, he wasn’t dressed in casual attire. He was wearing black slacks, black leather dress shoes with a black button down shirt, and a black vest. He looked good enough to eat. He turned around, catching me gawking at him.

  “Well, hello there, handsome. Are you my date tonight

  “I’m your date every night. You look breathtaking; I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with red lipstick before.”

  He came right over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me toward him, and then leaned in and breathed into my ear. “How am I suppose to kiss you if your lipstick is cock blocking me and you’re wearing the perfume that makes my dick hard from across the room. You’re teasing me, Ysa,” he murmured.

  “Who me? Never,” I snickered.

  He playfully spanked me and I yelped.

  “Let’s go before I decide to eat you for dinner instead.”

  “You can eat me for dessert,” I chimed in.

  We were seated immediately at one of the new restaurants Devon was telling me about. Our booth overlooked the water and our table was separate from everyone else’s.

  “How did you get reservations here? Devon said that the waiting list is full for the next several months.”

  He grinned. “You aren’t the only one that knows people.”

  We both ordered lobster and steak and he asked for one of the most expensive bottles on the wine list, three thousand dollars. The server opened the wine and Sebastian tasted it before approving, and then he poured us both a glass.

  “Are we celebrating something I’m not aware of?” I questioned.

  He lifted his glass. “To new beginnings. I think it’s safe to assume that we’re both leaving behind our pasts and moving forward, together.”

  I smiled and nodded, lifting my glass. “Absolutely.”

  By the time the food arrived, the wine was almost empty and I was feeling tipsy. We ate and enjoyed each other’s company all evening. We went to a bar for some after-dinner drinks, and once we made it back to our suite, I was drunkity, drunk, drunk. I couldn’t stop laughing and I’m pretty sure nothing was really funny.

  “You’re drunk,” he stated.

  “Hmmm…maybe a little bit, does that mean you’re going to take advantage of me?”

  He chuckled. “It’s not taking advantage if it’s yours.”

  “Let’s go swimming,” I randomly yelled, running into the bedroom to change before he had a chance to reply.