Read My Best Friend's Brother Page 12

  He leaned down and messed my hair even more than it already was with his hand and said

  “Well it’s time to wake up now and get dressed or else...”

  I raised one eyebrow curiously. “Or else?” I copy him.

  He gave me an evil smirk. “Or else I will have to send your ‘boyfriend’ up to make you.”

  My eyes widened as he continued “and we don’t want him seeing your bed hair do we?”

  He started to walk towards the door.

  I quickly called to him to stop “Is he really here?”

  He nods. “Yes, he was panicking because you weren’t answering your phone.” He almost laughed saying that.

  He soon left leaving me to get washed and dressed.

  I couldn’t help but feel happy at the fact that Nate was worried when he couldn’t contact me.

  Once out of the shower, I towel dried my hair and threw on a pair of high waist skinny jean and a pretty retro print crop top.

  Then pulling my hair into a casual bun and putting on light natural make up, to try and cover the bags under my eyes.

  Before heading down I decided to look at the messages that had been sent to my phone.

  There were a lot of missed calls, but one was from Nate.

  The others were from Heather.

  There was also a message from her number saying ‘Nate took my phone to call you because he thought you might be ignoring his calls... What happened last night? Text me ASAP. X’

  I smiled reading that and sent her back a quick reply ‘It was fantastic. I’ll tell you more later. X’

  The texts were also mostly from Nate.

  I couldn’t help but smile more and shake my head reading them.

  ‘Morning Honey, still want to hang out today? xx’ Text 1 sent at 8 am.

  ‘Hey Honey. Don’t know if you got my last text, but just wanted to know if you still want to hang out today? xx’ Text 2 sent at 9 am.

  ‘You awake? Text me back xx’ Text 3 sent at 9:45 am.

  ‘Is everything ok? xx’ Text 4 sent at 10:30 am.

  ‘Did I do something wrong? xx’ Text 5 sent at 11:12 am

  ‘I am sorry if I did anything, please just speak to me. xxx’ Text 6 sent 11:48 am.

  I couldn’t wait anymore. I had to go downstairs.

  I felt so bad for worrying him like that.

  As I walked down the steps, I heard speaking coming from the kitchen.

  “Are you sure she didn’t say anything?” I heard what sounded like Nate, say.

  Someone grumbled something inaudible before replying.

  “She said nothing honestly man. She’ll be down in a minute and you can ask her yourself.” The voice I now recognized as Ricky said.

  “Man you are such a girl today.” Another male voice teased, making him and Ricky laugh.

  I made my way down the remaining steps before heading to the kitchen.

  As I stood in the doorway I saw Ricky, Matt and Nate all sat at the dining table at the side of the room, with their backs to me.

  I decide not to let them know of my presence, wanting to listen to them a little longer.

  “I am not a girl!”

  Ricky and Matt looked at each other, not noticing me and laughed more.

  “You are a bit.” Ricky confirmed.

  “No I just have a heart.” He glared between the two. “Unlike you guys.”

  “I have a heart.” Ricky said defensively.

  “Yeah me too.” Matt added.

  It was now Nate’s turn to laugh. “Yeah, I can tell by all those girls in college you both .... um how did you put it gain... ‘Boned and thrown’”

  “Like you were any better?” Matt chimed in.

  “In my defense that was only a couple of times. And before you say anything Ricky, I would never do that to Hope, She means so much to me.”

  I felt jealous hearing him speak about other women, but was happy to hear his confession at the end.

  “You best not or I’ll kill you.” Ricky said in a very serious tone.

  But Nate didn’t seem fazed much to mine and Ricky’s surprise.

  Matt laughed. “He wouldn't do that. He’s been lusting after her since we were little.”

  My mouth dropped open at that statement.

  I remember Nate telling me before that he has always liked me, but I never really thought it was true.

  “Oh really? So now we get to the real reason why you hang out with me?” Ricky teases.

  “Why of course.”

  I decide enough is enough and quietly walk over to where they are sat.

  Nate is drumming his fingers on the table anxiously.

  “Why isn’t she here yet?” He sounds almost distraught.

  "Stop being a girl." Matt groans.

  I walk up behind him; finally get noticed by Matt and Ricky.

  I placed my finger on my lips, indicating them to keep quiet; they both smirk and nod with their eyes.

  I slowly move closer until my head is next to his ear.

  I couldn’t believe he still hadn’t noticed me.

  “Hey, how about we go somewhere more quiet.” I say breathlessly. But quietly enough so neither Matt nor Ricky could hear what I said, while making sure to breathe on his neck making him shiver and also jump up from his seat.

  I quickly step back, not wanting to be knocked over, as he turns to see who it was.

  When he noticed it was me he immediately followed me, grabbing hold of my hand and pulling me into a hug.

  “Someone’s a bit possessive.” Matt said lowly to Ricky.

  Nate completely ignored the two and kept hugging me.

  “Um...hello.” I say nervously.

  “I was so worried.”

  “We will just leave you two to it.” Matt said whilst he and Ricky both stood up.

  “Yep, if you need anything we’ll be in the living room.” He said, giving me a look as if to say ‘If he tries anything shout.’

  I roll my eyes and nod.

  Once the two had left them on their own. I pat Nate’s back to get his attention, as he seemed to be in a world of his own.

  “What’s the matter?” I ask in all serious.

  He mumbled something into my shoulder, but I couldn’t tell what.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t understand a word of that.”

  He pulls away very reluctantly, but keeps hold of my waist as if scared I’ll run away.

  “I was worried... Did I something wrong?” He asked, his face full of worry.

  “No no, why would you think that?” I ask moving my hand to his face.

  “Well I called and text you and when you didn’t answer any I started talking to Dean and...” He trailed off.

  “I couldn’t sleep until early morning and only just got up.”

  His face relaxes on hearing that, but then tenses again.

  “But Dean told me...”He stopped mid sentence.

  “Dean told you what?” I said through gritted teeth.

  “It doesn’t matter. All that matters is you are not mad and we are ok.” He said, trying to hug me close again, but I stop him by put my hand on his chest.

  “Tell me what he said?!”

  He looks at me confused “What does it matter?” Sounding slightly annoyed.

  “It matters, trust me...”

  He sighs, but reluctantly tells me.

  Apparently I spoke to Dean and told him it was all a mistake and I wanted no more to do with Nate.

  I was so angry.

  “How dare he! I never said anything like that”

  “Then why did he say it?” Nate asks.

  “I told you he’s jealous.” I turn to see Matt and Ricky back in the room.

  “Sorry we couldn’t take it anymore.” Ricky sends me an apologetic look.

  “But you did speak to him last night?” Nate inquires.

  “Yes, but I hardly had a choice.” I state.

  “What does that mean?” Ricky asks, moving closer.

  I sigh. ?
??Well before I got home last night did anyone come around or did you let anyone into my room?”

  They all look confused, but Ricky still answers

  “No, why would I?”

  Well when I went to my room last night after our date, I found Dean there waiting for me.”

  I paused and looked at everyone and noticed their worried looks

  “Don’t worry he didn’t do anything. He just hugged me and kissed the top of my head. But he said a few weird things...”

  Nate looked jealous, but quickly hid it.

  “What did he say?” Nate asks while still holding my waist.

  “I don’t want to sound like a tell tale or something. I thought he was just jealous or maybe I had given him the wrong impression or something.” I tell truthfully.

  “It's ok. Just tell us.” Matt says this time.

  “Well at first he just said that he knew about us. So I thought he had just come here to ask about that or something. But then he started rambling on about something about how he knows I want him and you are brainwashing me and then he just jumped out of my window and left.”


  I was so worried after what Dean told me that I couldn’t help but panic.

  This only earned me a lot of teasing from Matt and Ricky.

  When she finally did come down and I saw her, I couldn’t help but hold her.

  I know we have only been together a day.

  But I know my feelings and I feel the same I did before, when I was speaking to my brother and sister at the pool.

  I love her. I couldn’t tell her that though.

  I didn’t want her to think I was crazy.

  That is why I panicked so much and Matt knew this.

  But I never told Ricky, not knowing how he would react.

  After explaining what Dean said to me, she confessed that me had been in her room last night after our date.

  I felt jealously threaten to take over.

  I manage to hide it and continued to listen to her.

  “Brainwashed? What the hell?” I look at the others who mirror my same shocked expression.

  “Was there anything else?” Matt asks.

  I keep my arms firmly around her waist, never letting go.

  Hope stands looking to the side as if thinking before replying “”

  I watch her unsure expression.

  “Are you sure Hope?” I place my hand on her cheek and giving her a knowing look.

  She doesn’t answer.

  “Hope!” Ricky moves next to Hope.

  “It’s probably nothing...”

  “Hope.” He said again.

  She pulls out her phone and does something on it before handing it to Ricky.

  He looks at it and he stiffens.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about this?!” He says through a clenched jaw.

  I look at him answering “What?”

  He passes me her phone and Matt walks over to and looks over my shoulder.

  “What is it?” He asks.

  “If you give me a second you will know!”

  I look down at the phone to see an open text message from an unknown number.

  ‘Remember you are mine!’

  “Who sent you this?” I demand.

  “I don’t know.” She said, looking at the ground.

  Ricky clenches his fists at his side and asks, “Why didn’t you tell me about this before? Was there any more?” trying to sound calm, but it sounds forced.

  “No, that’s the only one. I thought it was a wrong number. But now I’m not sure...”

  “I agree, maybe it is nothing. But we should probably have a word with Dean to make sure.” Matt said, as if trying to convince himself.

  We spoke for a while longer about it, before deciding to go over to our house later and speak to him.

  “Ok but now Hope needs to have some lunch or breakfast or whatever you want to call it.” I state, remembering she hasn’t eaten yet.

  “Good idea. I am hungry too.” Matt smirks rubbing his belly.

  I glare at him, but Hope answers first.

  “Ok go and sat in the other room and I’ll make us all lunch.” They agree happily and rush off into the other room.

  “You know you didn’t have to do that?” I tell her.

  She looks up at me and smirks. “I did if I wanted to do this.”

  Before I knew what was happening, she had pulled me down to her and was kissing me deeply and hard.

  A moan escapes my lips as our tongues fight for dominance and she runs her fingers down my neck.

  I feel her smile into the kiss before pulling away.

  I look at her wanting more, but she shakes her head. “Later. We need to make some food now.”

  She starts to walk away as I feel a pout on my lips.

  I look down her and watch her walk away and I smile.

  “Ok maybe this isn’t so bad.” I smirk.

  She stops and looks at me.

  She follows my eyes and blushes when she notices what I am looking at.

  “And you can stop that too.”

  I look up to her face “But it’s hard to when you look so sexy.” I say with a wink, just making her blush more.

  “It’s a good thing I like you.” She says and walks the rest of the distance to the cooking area and I follow her.

  “So, what we cooking chef?” I say, placing my hands on her hips.




  I was sitting in the front room, playing a game of COD with Matt, whilst we wait for Hope and Nate to finish making lunch for all of us in the kitchen.

  I had just been shot for the tenth time and killed.

  Matt was obviously getting annoyed if his sighing was anything to go by.

  "Man what's up with you today? You are normally beating me to hell at this. But today you don't seemed to be able to stay alive more than two minutes"

  I rubbed my head and sighed.

  "I guess I'm just worried about this whole 'Hope and Dean' thing." I told Matt honestly.

  "I hear you man."

  "Do you think he really did this maliciously?" I asked him.

  Matt seemed too been thinking before answering.

  "Um, I'm honesty not sure. I mean I know he used to be a good guy, but the last few months he's been acting strange. Like changing his friends, his style and he seems much more a loner than he used to be. But I'm hoping it's all just some misunderstanding.

  As much as he annoys me, he is still my brother." Matt answered with a far away look in his eyes.

  I nodded in agreement "I hope you’re right"


  I was in the kitchen preparing lunch for me and the guys.

  The food was finally cooking, no thanks to Nate who insisted on helping.

  His idea of help was hovering around me, with his arms wrapped around my waist, as I tried to walk around the kitchen and prepare everything.

  At first it was cute, but it got annoying fast.

  "As much as I love you holding me, can you give me a second to walk around freely? I am starting to feel like a penguin"

  Nate found this highly amusing and laughed.

  "And a sexy little penguin you are too"

  I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help but laugh.

  Between the two of us we (meaning me) decided to make spaghetti and meatballs.

  Once the food had finished cooking I sent Nate to tell the boys while dished it up onto plates.

  I placed the plates on the table just as the boys ran into the room.

  Ricky was running in socks, sending him flying across the tiled floor and into the ground.