Read My Best Friend's Brother Page 15

Everyone started the talk among their selves, as did Dean and Hope.

  I couldn't help but watch in envy as the pair spoke.

  "I'm starting to think maybe you should be worried." I heard Matt say.

  I didn't like what he said, but kept up my facade and shrugged my shoulders as if I didn't care.

  Matt glared and shook his head; I knew he agreed with everyone else, that I was being a dick.

  But I just continued for another minute to watch as Dean rubbed circles on Hope's back.

  How I wished it was me comforting her.

  I missed holding her so much, but this was the best way... wasn't it?

  Shortly after Dean told everyone Hope had to go and everyone, but me said goodbye to her, as she waved and went to leave the room.

  "Be right back." I tell the others before standing up and following Hope out of the room.

  She is just about to close the door when I stop her.

  She turned to look who it was and hope flashed through her eyes when she noticed it was me.

  Part of me, well actually most of me was beating myself up for what I was about to do, but another part was telling me it was for the best.

  I tried my best not to look her in the eyes, as I knew I wouldn't be able to do what I had to if I did.

  I felt as though I had ripped out my heart as I began to say

  "I need to say something." I paused to psych myself up.

  Hope nodded and I closed the door, so the others couldn't hear us.

  "I think it is for the best if we don't see each other anymore" I said avoiding her gaze, I then quickly spun around and headed back into Dean's room, but not before saying "Sorry."

  I walked in and closed the door behind me, not looking back.

  I looked up from the floor and saw everyone's gaze on me.

  "Yes?" I asked, knowing the question already.

  "You made up?" Matt was the one to ask trying to hide a smile.

  "No, I broke up with her." I said nonchalantly.

  Matt's smile fell and turned into shock and confusion.

  "Why the hell did you do that?" I was surprised to hear Dean ask.

  "It doesn't matter, it's already done." I say taking my seat again.

  "The hell it doesn't matter." Heather joins in.

  "Yeah, why would you do that? You were so much happier when you were with her." my Mom asked.

  I didn't answer.

  "Because he is a stupid idiot." My Dad said, still reading his newspaper.

  My Dad was normally a quiet man, but you didn't want to get on the wrong side of him.

  I never said anything again.

  Dean sat glaring at me "Seriously, why?"

  "Why what?" I ask.

  "Don't play dumb, you know what he means." Matt yells getting annoyed at me evading the question.

  This went on for another couple of minutes before my Dad had enough.

  "Just answer the bloody question already." He said, slamming down his paper.

  He wouldn't admit to out loud, but we all knew both my parents thought of Hope as another one of their children.

  After all, she did spend most of her holidays since childhood playing or staying with us.

  "It's for the best." I said in a hushed voice hoping they wouldn't hear me, but they did.

  "For the best? How did you work that out?" Dean growls.

  Before I had a chance to answer Matt interrupted. "It's for the best to not only break her heart, but also your own? Geez man, I really don't understand you at all sometimes." There was obvious annoyance in his voice.

  Heather got up from her seat and stood in front of me. "I have had enough of you using and hurting my best friend all the time. I've tried to call her and text her and she's not even answering me. I hate you so much right now." She hit me in the head, but I just sat and didn't react.

  I was too depressed, I deserved worst.

  "Why do you always play with her?!" She yells, hitting me again.

  This time I snapped and yelled back. "I never played!"

  I heard Dean laugh sarcastically. "Could have fooled me!"

  "What the hell? I thought you would be happy. She is single now, you have a chance." I snap at him.

  "Is that what this is all about? You think I want to steal her from you?" He asked shocked.

  "Not entirely..."

  "Then what? I'm not going to deny I like her, but I know you care for her a lot too, as does she for you and I would much rather have a happy brother and her as a friend, than a depressed her and idiotic depressed fool as a brother." I am taken back by his sudden confession.

  But I still wasn't sure.

  "But ..." I trail off sadly.

  "But what?" Matt asked more calmly.

  "It's all my fault." I clutch my face into my hands.

  "You were ok until we got together and then I hit you and this happened..."

  Everything become too much, I broke down and began to cry.

  I half expect Matt to start laughing at me; call me a wussy or a girl.

  "That's what this is all about really?" Mom asked this time walking over to me and hugging me.

  "You really are stupid." I heard Matt mumble in a hushed voice.

  "Yes. You’re right." Both Dean and Heather agree.

  "You know why?" He asks.

  "No." I didn't move out of my mom's grip.

  "None of this was your fault. I was sick even before you got home and the punch I deserved and saved my life.

  I am glad you hit me, not only because it saved me, but also because I don't know what I would have done to her if I had taken her with me. And one last thing I have to confess, which I am not proud about, but I wasn't thinking straight at the time remember..." Dean paused to make sure everyone was listening.

  "I was stalking her; if you look at my phone you'll see all of the photos of her. Plus I had hacked into her laptop and would watch her through her cam.... I also broke into her room and watched her sleep a few times. I know how it sounds now and how crazy I was able to do it. But at the time, it seemed like a totally normal thing to do. It was like... I don't know how to explain it... it was like everyone else was acting weird and I was the only normal one." He laughed at the last part.

  Everyone was shocked by his admission, but understood he was sick.

  I pulled away from my Mom and looked at Dean.

  "I understand honey, it wasn't your fault it was the tumor. But I think you should tell this all to Hope another time. Maybe not today, but soon." Mom said now holding Dean.

  "You really don't blame me?" I ask, having second thoughts about what I did earlier.

  "No of course not you prat. Do you blame me for everything I did to Hope?"

  "No not at all, you were sick." I say without a second thought.

  "Exactly, so why do you blame yourself?"

  I realized that I made a huge mistake.

  I jumped out of seat and ran out the room.

  "God I am such an idiot!" I yell at myself.

  I didn't notice someone calling after me until I got out.

  "Nate...Nate stop a second." I hear my twin yell to me.

  I do as he asks and wait for him to catch up.

  He stops in front of me and bends over, holding his hands on his knees.

  "You’re fast." He sounded like he was trying to get his breath back.

  "What is it?" I didn't want to stand around too long.

  I needed to beg Hope for forgiveness and tell her I was sorry.

  "Is that all you have to say, after I ran all this way to help?" he said with fake hurt in his voice.

  I roll my eyes. "Help?"

  "Yes help. How else are you going to get to Hope's? Run?" he smirked standing up straight, pulling out his keys and jangling them in front of me.

  "Thanks." I beam and go over to his car and wait.

  We were soon driving to Hope's.

  "So what are you going to do?" Matt asked whilst driving.

  "I have no idea...Just beg" I

  "You know Ricky will kick the crap out of you?" He said, amused.

  "I know, but you don't have to sound happy." I wasn't really concerned, I felt and knew I deserved much worst.

  "I'll go in with you and keep Ricky out of the way and you can try and speak with Hope" he said with a smile rather than a smirk.

  "Thanks man."

  We arrive at the house only fifteen minutes later.

  We both got out of the car, but before we reached the front door it flew open to reveal a very angry Ricky.

  "Just give him a secon..." Matt tried to say to Ricky, but it was too late, because with seconds Ricky had me on the ground and repeatedly punched me. I didn't fight, much to his displeasure.

  "Why aren't you defending yourself?" he growled as Matt tried to pull him off.

  "Because I deserve it." I state honestly.

  Ricky lets himself be pulled from me.

  "I don't get you man..." He said running his hand through his hair.

  "He's an idiot." Matt states nonchalantly.

  I nod and Ricky laughs.

  "So what you doing here?" He asked knowingly, but wanting confirmation.

  "I came here to beg on my knees to your sister for forgiveness." I tell him honestly.

  He looks at me, as if trying to find a lie.

  He sighed. "Ok, but if you do anything else to hurt her, I will have no problem killing you" He said with all seriousness.

  Matt nods and pats Ricky on the back. "I will take responsibility for him, he won't do anything stupid again"

  I agree and silently thank him.

  "You best not. You know when she got home earlier she was heartbroken and wouldn't stop crying. She fell to the floor as soon as she got into the house and I had to carry her up to her room. I wanted to go and kill you when she told me what you did, but she wouldn't let me. She didn't want to be alone, she fell asleep crying in my arms. I swear to god if..." I cut him off.

  I couldn't believe I had done that to her, I hated myself so much right now.

  "I promise if I ever hurt her like that again, I will personally hand myself to you." They both looked at me with smirks.

  "I'll take your word on that." He started to walk back into the house and both Matt and I followed him.

  Once we were all inside Ricky stopped and told me she was still upstairs, but then quickly added before I left.

  "If I hear anything..." He warns.

  "I know, I promise I'll do my best not to hurt her anymore." I then left the pair downstairs chatting and waiting.

  I slowly open the door to her room after lightly knocking and getting no answer.

  "Hope?" I call softly as I enter the room.

  I look around her room and see her beautiful self sleeping, damp faced on her bed.

  I didn't think twice, I walked over to her side and lied down beside her, wanting nothing more than to hold her in my arms.

  I would beg her when she woke up, I told myself wrapping my arms around her.

  I closed my eyes and breathed in his beautiful scent.

  "I love you Nate." I heard a sleepy voice say.

  I quickly opened my eyes and looked in shock at a still sleeping Hope and I smile.

  "I love you too Sweet pea. So much, I am so sorry for everything." I whisper into her ear and kiss the top of her head.

  Her eyes shot open and look at me wide eyed.

  "Are you really here?" She said pinching my arm, making me jump.

  "Ouch. Yes I am my sweet darling." I say, laughing slightly at her sleepy state.

  Her face turns into a smile and then a frown.

  "But you dumped me..." She said lowly, her eyes filling up.

  I pull her so her beautiful body was flush with mine and placed one of my hands on her cheek.

  "I know, I was an idiot. I'm sorry. I want to beg you for forgiveness. I'll do anything to get you to take me back Sweetheart. Please just give me another chance." I plead.

  "Why did you do it?" She asked, letting a couple of tears fall, but I wiped them away and kissed her cheek.

  "I was stupid, I thought it was my fault what happened to Dean and I thought you deserved better, I still do think you do, but I love you and it hurts too much to be without you" I stroked her cheek.

  She bites the corner of her lip. "So I wasn't dreaming when I heard you earlier?" she half asks, half states.

  "No Sweet pea, did you mean what you said?" I ask hopeful.

  Her eyes shot up at me and then she looked away embarrassed "You heard that? I thought I was dreaming I didn't know I said it out loud." She said shyly.

  "You didn't answer my question Sweet darling" I said, amused at her now blushing face.

  She went shy and hid her face in my chest. "Yes, I love you." She mumbled into my chest, making me laugh.

  I pulled her face out and up to me and looked her into her eyes "Good, because I love you too Sweetheart more than you know." My voice was thick and deep.

  She smiled and leaned in until our lips were almost touching, but then stopped and smiled.

  "Good." She laughs and jumped up before running towards the bathroom.

  I lay there shocked and open mouthed, as she stood outside the bathroom grinning.

  "Oh you’re going to get it." I shot off the bed, making her let out a loud squeak. She sounded so cute.

  Before she could close the bathroom door I stopped her and grinned.

  She grinned back and said innocently, "Yes, can I help you?"

  I smirk and nod, before grabbing her waist and capturing her lips.

  But before the kiss could deepen, we heard door open and hurried footsteps and then they stopped.

  "They aren't fighting."

  We both pull away and looked to see both an amused Matt and Ricky watching us.

  "So you two back together?" Ricky voiced what I wanted to ask.

  "I'm not sure." I said honestly.

  "Are we?" I looked to Hope and asked.


  Begging on your knees


  I was about to say yes when I noticed the mischievous look Matt was giving me.

  'Say no' he mouthed to me.

  Ricky saw this, but hid his grin.

  Nate looked at me with a mixed expression of both worry and panic.

  "Ummm" I tapped my chin looking upwards, as if thinking.

  "I'll have to think about it." I answered finally after making him wait a minute.

  Nate's face fell. "Why? You just said..." his voice cut out, sounding like he was about to cry, making me want to cave and take back what I just said.

  "Well little bro." Matt cut me off before I could cave.

  "By two minutes. Just two minutes." Nate sounded more annoyed this time.

  Matt smirked, Ricky rolled his eyes and I tried to hide my smile as Nate turned back to me with the same sad expression.

  "Please take me back Hope? Please sweet pea give me a second chance. I'll do anything..." He begged me, holding his hands together.

  I noticed the two boys behind him giving me a knowing smirk.

  I knew if I let these two have their way, poor Nate would be cleaning their cars or some stupid stuff like that.

  "Well if you want to do something..." Matt started to say but I cut him off.

  "I'll take you back..." Nate's frown turned into a huge smile, back then I continued "...if you do whatever I say"

  I look at him, watching and wait for his answer.

  Nate's smile didn't fall at all. "Yes, yes anything darling. I'm going to treat you like a princess, you won't have to do anything."

  Before I had a chance to say anything I was being lifted up from the ground and held in against Nate's body bridal style.

  "So where to first Princess?" He grinned down at me.

  I looked at him gob smacked, but then smile back. "Surprise me." I say wrapping my arms around his neck.