Read My Best Friend's Brother Page 17

  "You ok?" I ask concerned.

  "Um... yes... Just surprised... I didn't know you were into them kind of thing." He sounding amused and began to smirk.

  "What thing?" I say quietly.

  He looks at me and raises his eyebrow, but continues to smirk at me. "Spanking." He winked and turned back to the road.

  "Oh crap, did I really say that out loud?" I hide my face.

  "Umhum" he nods his head.

  'God kill me now'


  Road Trip


  I almost choked when I heard what Hope said.

  When I mentioned it, she blushed and started mumbling something about saying it out loud or something.

  I am sure that she really didn't mean to say it out loud.

  But I am happy to know that she thinks about me in that way.

  Don't get me wrong; I am not some kind of sex mad pervert or anything.

  But I do have a sex drive, as does every man, but I will not force her into anything.

  I will wait as long as it takes for her to be ready, even if that means waiting years.

  I am certain by how innocent she is that she is a virgin, so when we do it, I want it to be special and her not to regret it later.

  Hope seemed to keep quiet for a while after that, I guess she was feeling a little embarrassed about what she said.

  I looked back and forth between Hope and the road "You know you don't have to be embarrassed around me?" I told her truly, hoping she would speak to me again.

  She looked at me shyly out of the corner of her eye. "But I made a fool of myself." Her voice was very quiet.

  I looked around the road for a place to pull over and stop the car.

  Once the car was safely out of the way, I took off my seat belt and turned back to Hope.

  I place my fingers on her cheek and began to run them over her soft skin. "Hope, this is me you are speaking too. You can say anything to me and I will never judge you Sweet pea." She looked at me from behind her hair. I moved my fingers from her cheek and took the lose strands behind her ear.

  "Really? Do you mean it?" Her voice unsure.

  I couldn't help but laugh. "Hope, after everything I have done to you in this short week we have been dating and you still ask me? Seriously?"

  She bite her lip, which just made me want to groan and take her in my arms, but now was not the right time for that.

  "I guess when you put it that way..." She trailed off and gave me an embarrassed smile.

  I place a single kiss on her cute button nose and rest my forehead against hers, as I looked deep into those perfect grey eyes and her into my blue ones.

  "I was thinking, this drive is taking longer than I expected, we will probably need to add another day to the trip. This means calling Ricky again and begging for him not to shoot me. Plus we will need to stop at a store somewhere and pick up some clothes." I told her about what I been thinking while driving, at least before the whole spanking thing.

  I saw her wanting to say something, but I pressed my finger to her lips and stopped her.

  "And before you say anything, I have money, I will pay for everything. You are my girlfriend and that is what men are meant to do for the woman they love." I quickly add.

  She sighed, but didn't mention it anymore.

  I moved back into my seat and belted myself in before driving back to the road.

  "I'll call him this time." Hope began to say. "When we reach the motel and then you won't have to deal with him again."

  I replied with a nod, not taking my eyes from the road.

  I was glad not to have to deal with him again, he wasn't all too pleased last time and I'm positive he will be worse this time.

  We continued to speak about random, unimportant stuff while I drove us, until I noticed it was getting dark.

  "It's getting late. We should probably find a motel to pull in at. I promised your brother I wouldn't drive in the dark."

  It took us about another half an hour to find an exit road which lead to a motel.

  I told Hope to wait in the car whilst I got the rooms sorted, but she wouldn’t listen and followed me anyway.

  Once in the reception, I rang a small bell that was placed on the counter and waited.

  After a few seconds of waiting the back door opens and a slightly disheveled man walks out combing his finger though his hair, as if keeping it tidy.

  "Hello, what will it be?" The man asked in a thick European accent.

  "Hello, we would like two rooms?" I ask keeping my arm tightly around Hope's waist, especially when I notice him looking out of the corner of his eye at her.

  He typed away on his computer and sighed heavily. "I am sorry sir, but we are fully booked and only have one room available" He said, looking up from the screen.

  I looked at Hope who shrugged as if to say 'if that's all you’ve got then go for it'.

  I turned back to the man "Ok then we will take whatever you've got."

  He types again on the computer and asks for a cash card number and my driver’s license for id.

  I hand them over and he makes a photocopy of my license and places my card in the system, for any charges that we make to the room.

  "Alright, all sorted sir." He hands me my cards and turns to Hope and nods his head. "Ma'am." He bends down and reaches for something under the counter, making me a little nervous.

  But thankfully he only comes back up clutching a room key, which had a bright pink tag attached which said '15b'.

  "Your room number is '15b'. Would you like any help locating your room?" He said, holding out the key.

  "No, thank you. If you just point us in the right direction..." I take the key from his hand.

  "If you head out of this door, you take the first right and go up the stairs to the first floor and your room is the last on the left"

  Me and Hope both say thank you and go to leave, but not before the man gave Hope a good once over with his eyes when he thought we weren't looking.

  As soon as we get out of there I stop and growl. "If this wasn't the only place around I would have punched that guy"

  Hope gives me a sad look, but doesn't say anything but, "Come on, let's find this room."

  We follow the man's directions, until it leads us to a normal looking white door with metal lettering on.

  "This looks like the place." I say checking the key number against the door.

  I unlock the door and we both step inside.

  Our eyes widen immediately. We had only been given what looked like Barbie's honeymoon suit.

  "Oh my... It is very..." Hope begins, but I finish. "Pink"

  "And fluffy." She adds, pointing to the large heart shaped bed in the center of the room, which was covered by a very bright pink fluffy throw.

  "Um yeah." I say, awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck noticing only one bed.

  "I saw a store around the corner from here. Why don't you get a shower and I'll go to the store and buy a change of clothes for us and some snacks." I tell her, hoping to avoid the bed talk for a while longer.

  She seems too engrossed in the room to answer in too much detail, so just grunts a yes, making me smile.

  "Ok, I'll try and not be too long. Lock the door and I'll knock when I'm back." I tell her.

  She nods and walks over to the bed, whilst I head out of the door.

  As soon as I close the door I hear a gasp, forward by a loud laugh and then Hope speaking to herself.

  I shake my head in amusement and head to the store I saw only a few minutes earlier.

  I was happy to see the store was a lot bigger inside than it looked.

  It may have not been the type of place I would normal buys clothes from, but they were only really for sleeping in.

  I would stop off at a different store tomorrow and buy her a proper outfit.

  I made my way to the stores small clothes selection and picked out an extra large men's t-shirt and a pair of panties for Hope to sleep i
n and another t-shirt and a pair of boxers for me.

  I would normally sleep in the nude of boxers, but I couldn't this time.

  I didn't want Hope to think I was expecting anything, because I honestly wasn't.

  When I set out on this trip this morning I didn't even think about the time the drive would take.

  That only came into my mind when I received a text message from Matt asking where I was off to.

  As I picked out the items and placed them into the basket and made my way to the food section, I was not oblivious to the eyes that were following me around the store.

  I pick out a large bottle of soda and a carton of fresh orange juice and several other items, before making my way to the checkout.

  There was only one person in front of me.

  She was a woman in her mid twenties by the looks of it, talking and laughing with the woman on the till, who looked around the same age.

  The woman took a long time to finish paying and I was getting impatient and neither seemed to notice my presence as they continued to laugh and joke about 'doing' some guy they just met.

  "Well we can always share him." The woman with the shopping bag said.

  The one behind the till nodded. "Yeah, it's not like we haven't done that before."

  I had to cover my mouth to stop myself for being sick.

  'What whores.' I thought to myself.

  If Matt or Ricky even was here they would probably love it, but I really am not that kind of man.

  I couldn't take it anymore.

  I sighed and then cleared my thought loudly, getting both their attentions.

  I glared at them, whilst they both looked at me surprised for a second before facing each other again and smirking.

  They turned back to me again with flirty smiles.

  "Hiya sexy, my name Texas and this is Hallie." The woman behind the till said pointing to her friend.

  I shrugged, watching and waiting as she put the items through the scanner, not even looking at what she was grabbing.

  Hallie and Texas both continued to stare at me the whole time, until the final item was scanned and bagged.

  "That'll be just $25." Texas’ annoyingly high pinched voice said.

  I hand her my card and she leans over more than needed until her chest was almost falling out.

  She feds to through the machine and hands me the receipt to sign.

  I hand her it back, she makes sure both times to brush her hand across mine.

  Only making me dislike her desperate attempts more.

  "So..." she paused and looked at my card and handed it back to me "...Nathan, you staying at the Moonslone motel or just driving through?"

  "None of your business." I said coldly grabbing my bags.

  I started to walk away, but was stopped by a hand grabbing my arm tightly.

  I turn and quickly knock it off.

  "Don't be like that sexy; we three could have some fun later. Call me." Hallie said lowly in an attempt to sound sexy, but failing miserably.

  She slides a piece of paper with her name and number into my bag and I walk away mumbling. "Don't hold your breath"

  Once outside I fish the paper out of the bag, not wanting Hope to find it and get the wrong idea.

  I walked over to the closest bin and dumped it in, before finally heading back to the motel room.

  I don't hear any sound as I approach the door.

  "Probably in the shower still." I say to myself.

  I look at my watch and notice I had been gone a little over an hour.

  So much for a short trip, no thanks to the two bimbos at the store.

  I knock at the door and wait for her to answer.

  Leaning against the wall beside the door I wait whilst the sound of the lock turning gets my attention.

  "Nate?" Her sweet voice calls through the door before opening.

  "Yep Sweet pea, it's me" I call back.

  The door clicks and then opens, to reveal a very wet Hope standing in just a towel.

  My eyes widen and my throat dyes up, as I look over her hot body.

  Hope gives me a pointed look.

  My face heats up at being caught checking her out.

  She turns and walks back inside with me following close behind.

  I drop the bags on the ground once inside and close the door, before going back to watching Hope walk into the bathroom.

  "You are so hot." I say, losing all control of my brain and vocal cords.

  Hope turns and blushes. "Ummm, thank you I guess" She said shyly, but not before adding, "You are pretty hot yourself" she said stepping back into the bathroom and closing the door.

  Lord knows how I was going to survive these next couple of days.

  It was bad enough when I saw her dressed, but now...

  God only knows.




  While Nate was at the store I decided to call Ricky.

  "Hello?" His voice questioned.

  "Didn't you look at the caller ID? It could be anyone."

  "Hope!" He exclaimed. "Where the hell are you? When are you coming back? Do I need to beat that bas...idiot's butt?" He corrected himself.

  "We are at a motel. We will probably be back the day after tomorrow." Before he could say anything I quickly added, "Don't worry, Nate is buying me some clothes so I don't have to sleep in the nude.”

  Probably not the best time to joke something like that.

  "That's it! I am coming to get you. Tell me where you are!" I heard what sounded like Matt laughing in the background and telling him to calm down.

  "Don't tell me to calm down!" His muffled voice replied. "Your brother is going to take advantage of my sister."

  "He isn't going to do anything. He loves her too much. I think if she asked him to wait until they were married, he would." I heard Matt tell him.

  "Good idea." Ricky mumbled before returning his attention to me.

  "You will tell Nate you want to wait until you are married to do anything sexual with him." He ordered me.

  I roll my eyes. "Ricky, Nate isn't going to do anything with or too me without my say so."

  I guess I didn't word it right because he started up on a rant about ladies giving it away like it was biscuits. I couldn't help but laugh and Matt was no better.

  "Stop laughing. This is serious." He scolded us, mainly me.

  "Alright daddy." I say, trying to calm myself down.

  "Hope!" He warned.

  "I know." I took a deep breath. "I promise I will come back home with all my biscuits and I will call you if Nate tries to take any." I promised.

  "And you will both call me tomorrow and answer my texts."

  Sometimes Ricky takes the over protective brother a little bit too far, but that is one of the reasons I love him.

  "Alright, I promise."

  He went on to tell me that Dean was still doing well, but was bored and he and Matt had been hanging out at the hospital a lot with him.

  Maybe this could be the thing to finally make Dean and Matt friends, as well as brothers. OK, probably not. But it might help.

  Soon I was finished on the phone and decided to go for a bath.

  I had only been in the large Jacuzzi bath for a few seconds when I heard a knock at the door.

  Nate had been gone for more than an hour, so I was certain it would be him.

  I jumped out of the bath and wrapped a towel around me quickly.

  I hurried to the door being careful not to slip on my way.

  "Nate?" I called through the door to make sure it was him.

  "Yep Sweet pea, it's me." the familiar sexy voice called back.

  Unlocking the door, it clicks as I open it.

  Nate is standing leaning against a nearby wall, with shopping bags in his hands.

  I notice his eyes widen as he look over my almost naked body.

  I look at him with a pointed look as I watch him openly checking me out.