Read My Best Friend's Brother Page 9

  If it weren’t for Dean rushing out, it would have been the best day ever.

  But now I think about it, I still think it is either way.

  I know I should probably be taking things slowly, but I can't help it.

  After so many years of waiting and thinking this would never happen.

  I can't hold it back anymore, I just have the need to kiss and hold her constantly.

  I told her I like her because I didn't want to scare her away by telling her I love her so soon.

  We both decided that we would finally head but inside and speak to Ricky about everything.

  I grabbed a hold of Hope's hand. "Come on, we should probably go in before he gets more angry."

  Hope pouted and stuck out her bottom lip.

  I leaned in and took it into my mouth, then gave her another kiss.

  But pulled away before it could get too deep.

  Hope gave me a disappointed look.

  I smiled and stoked her cheek. "Sorry, but you know I'm right."

  "I know." She says, standing up.

  I stood up too, whilst still holding her hand.

  She started to walk towards the back door and I followed her lead.

  She stopped suddenly just outside the back door and turned to me.


  I smile. "As I'll ever be." She smiles back and takes a deep breath before opening the door.

  Stepping through the door, I was greeted by an unexpected sight.

  Hope seemed surprised too, if her open mouth is anything to go by.

  The back door led straight into the kitchen and in the kitchen stood not only Kira, but my sister Heather, my brother Matt and Ricky.

  But what was most shocking was that they were no longer shouting, but were now laughing and joking instead.

  Hope looked at me and struggled her shoulders.

  They somehow hadn't noticed our entry into the house.

  Hope walked further into the kitchen, not letting go of my hand at anytime.

  She stopped near the edge of the island where the group were sat, still not noticing us.

  I cleared my throat to gain their attention.

  As I expected, all heads turned to us.

  Ricky's face changed into one that I couldn't read.

  "I need to have a word with you in private." He said in an emotionless voice while looking at me.

  I gulped, but agreed.

  Hope looked back to me and shook her head "No you can't." her voice full of worry.

  "I have to Hope." I whispered.

  "Don't worry, I won't do anything" Ricky said, getting Hope's attention.

  While Heather, Matt and Kira all wore similar blank faces.

  But I could see a hint of a smile in Matt's eyes.

  He has never been any good at trying to hide his true emotions.

  This made me relax slightly.

  If Matt was happy, then that means I should be ok, right?

  Or at least that's my theory.

  I turned a worried looking Hope around and leaned forwards and whispered into her ear

  "Hope, I promise I'll be fine. Just remember our date tonight." I wink and kiss the top of her head.

  She grins and nods.

  I turned back and walked towards the door, which led to the rest of the house and waited for Ricky.

  Ricky stood up, still emotionless and walked out of the door, motioning for me to follow him.

  I take a quick look back before exiting.

  Matt grins widely and gave me a thumbs up.

  Heather sees this and slaps his head.

  Kira shakes her head in amusement, while Hope doesn't take her eyes off me at all until I am finally out of the room.

  I turned back to Ricky and notice he is headed to the stairs.

  "It will be more private upstairs." He says as if noticing my reservations.

  I carry on following him and we eventually end up in his bedroom.

  He motions with his hand for me to close the door behind me and I nod and do it.

  Ricky started loom towards me, I took in a deep breath.

  'Maybe this wasn't such a good idea' I told myself silently.

  I relaxed myself and closed my eyes.

  Ricky punched me straight in the jaw.

  And I have to say it hurt like hell.

  I moved hand to my face and opened my eyes.

  Ricky had backed away and was now sat on the edge of his bed.

  I rubbed my jaw and waited for something else to happen.

  "That was just a warning." He stated in a firm tone.

  "If you do anything to hurt my sister..." He paused and looked me straight in the eye.

  "I will kill you." He said seriously.

  I gulped and nodded.

  "I understand man, but I promise I would never do anything to hurt her." I told him truthfully.

  He looked at me and said, "How can I trust you?"

  I furrowed my eyebrows "You mean with Hope?" I asked confused.

  "Yes and everything." He said standing up again.

  "After all you never did tell me... your best friend..."

  He put his hand on his chest in what looked like mock hurt.

  He continued. "That you had the hots for my baby sister." His face now showed amusement.

  I stop rubbing my jaw, as I open and close my mouth a couple of times unsure how to reply.

  Ricky laughs. "So I guess it's true?" he asks now smirking.

  "Well kinda, but not really." I state truthfully.

  "What does that mean? Are you using my sister?" He asked angrily clenching his fist.

  I raise my hand and wave them across each other "No, no, no! That's not what I meant!" I sighed and ran my hand threw my hair.

  "What I meant is that I really care for her... I always.." I tell him without actually saying the words and hope he understands.

  He unclenched his fist and stood up, then walked over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

  "I know man. Your brother told me after you and Hope left." He smirked.

  "He did?" I asked.

  "Yep, he told me so I wouldn't run out of the house and kick your butt. I have got to say I was skeptical at first, but if you make my sister happy and don't hurt her then I'm OK with it."

  I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

  He stopped smiling and gave me a serious look again. "But I really meant it! You best not hurt her!" He warned.

  I smiled to him and patted his back "Don't worry man, I won't. I like her too much for that." I told him truthfully.

  "Good then. Let's go back down. I'm sure Hope is wearing a hole into the floor by now." He teased and patted my shoulder as he opened the door and left.

  I stood there a moment to take everything in.

  Hope like me back, she agreed to go on a date with me and her brother wasn't going to kill me, or at least not now.

  And I hell as sure wasn't ever planning to do anything to hurt her, not now I finally got her.

  "You coming man?" Ricky called, bringing back to reality.

  "Yep, coming." I called back and jogged out of the door and to the stairs where he was waiting.

  We reached the kitchen, but before we went in Ricky stopped me.

  "Play along." He winked and walked into the kitchen glaring at everyone.

  I kept my head down and tried my best to keep a straight face.

  "Oh man" I heard Matt say.

  "You ok? Still alive?" He smirked.

  "Yeah, no thanks to you." I glare and start to walk over to Hope.


  Ricky and Nate have been upstairs a while now and I keep being told to sit and wait.

  But all I want to do is go upstairs and make sure he is OK.

  "Don't worry." Heather tells me.

  "They'll be down soon." Kira added.

  Just then Ricky stepped in followed by an unreadable Nate.

  Ricky was wear a glare and walked over to me, while Nate and Matt spoke.
  "What did you do?" I glare back at my brother.

  A smirk made its way on his face. "Not too much."

  "You best not have hurt him." I say as I start to walk over to Nate, who is also walking to me.

  Ricky stops me. "I don't want you seeing him anymore." He tells me.

  I stop and stare at him. "Why? You can't stop me." I say, ignoring him and continue to walk over to Nate.

  "Me and Nate have talked about it and he agrees" Ricky adds.

  I looked at Nate with tears in my eyes. "Is that true?" I say trying to stop my tears from falling.

  "Don't you want me anymore?" I ask my voice full of sadness as my tears start to fall.

  Nate rushes the remaining distance between us and cups my face "No honey, I want you." He tells me before glaring at Ricky.

  "Your brother just has a sick sense of humor." He added hugging me to his chest and kissing the top of my head.

  "Ricky you are such a dick." I hear Heather say.

  "You do anything like that again and I'll hurt you myself." Matt says next.

  "I second that." Kira adds.

  "Oh come on." Ricky explains.

  "You know I didn't really mean to make her cry. I guess I never really thought it through properly." Ricky admits.

  "Do you ever?!" Matt teases.

  I hear Ricky walk over to where Nate and I are standing.

  I am standing wrapped in Nate's arms, with my face in his chest, whilst he rubs circles on my back and kisses my head every now and then.

  "I'm sorry Hop. Don't cry. I didn't mean it." Ricky said sadly.

  I indicate for Nate to let me go before turning and slapping Ricky.

  "You know I hate you sometimes!" I yell out of frustration and lean my back into Nate's chest and he happily wraps his arms around me again.

  "I know." He frowns, but quickly adds, "But you love me again now, right? After all I let you slap me." He grins.

  I roll my eyes and slap him again. "OK, now I feel better and I guess I love you again." I smirk back.

  "You guys are so weird." Kira laughs.

  "Sometimes I wonder if we are really related." She adds.

  We all laugh. "You have no room to speak." I tease her.

  Nate just stayed quiet, still with his arms around me, watching us, amused as did Heather and Matt.

  "I am perfectly normal." Kira replies through mock hurt.

  "OK Mrs. Hippo" I laugh.

  "I'll clean this one up." Matt says getting everyone’s attention.

  "You are all weirdos." He smirks.

  Heather and Nate both laugh.

  I sent her a glare and hit Nate's arm.

  Whilst Ricky walked over to Matt "Says the man who only a week ago..." Ricky was cut off by Matt placing his hand over his mouth.

  "You said you wouldn't say anything."

  I hear Ricky laugh under Matt's hand at this.

  "OK I take it back, happy?" Matt says trying to keep Ricky from telling his secret.

  Ricky nods and Matt moves his hand.

  "What was that all about?" Nate asks his brother.

  "Nothing." Matt says with a guilty expression.

  "You are a bad liar. So you’re keeping secrets? You gonna tell me what it is Ricky?" Nate asks my brother.

  "Sorry man, you'll have to ask your brother." Ricky says, not revealing anything.

  "I'm not saying anything." Matt states flatly.

  "Don't worry, I'll get him to tell me later at home and I'll tell you later tonight." He leaned in and whispered into my ear and then placed one kiss on my right.

  I shivered and lean my back in closer, if it is even possible and he grins.

  "So love birds," I hear Heather saying, getting our attention.

  "So you like a couple now or what?" she asks.

  I really didn't know.

  I tipped my head backwards until I was looking at Nate and he was looking down at me.

  "Are we?" I ask.

  "I would like to be. Would you?" he asks hopefully.

  I give a bright smile that says ‘yes’ and he leans in and kisses my lips.

  Someone clears their throat and we break the kiss and look forwards at Matt and Kira smirking, while Heather and Ricky both had mock disgusted looks on their faces.

  "That is so cute." Kira swoons.

  Ricky scoffs. "Rather not see that."

  "So shall I take that as a yes?" Heather half asks.

  Both of us grin a "yes" and I hear Nate answer from behind me.

  "So you gonna ask her out on a date?" Ricky asks.

  "He already did." I smile.

  "Oh he did, did he?" Matt smirks.

  "Did you say yes?" Heather asks in a hurried voice.

  "Of course she did dumbie" Matt teases.

  Heather glares at her brother, but then quickly looks to me and smiles "So when you going out?"

  "Tonight." I answer.

  "Woo that does give us much time to get you ready." Heather says looking to Kira who nods.

  I laugh. "It's only one pm! I have hours"

  "No we have to start now." Heather states.

  "Can I eat first? I'm hungry"

  She thinks about it. "OK you have thirty minutes to eat and then you’re mine."

  "Yes sir." I laugh and salute her.

  "I think she looks fine the way she is. She doesn't need to do anything." Nate exclaims.

  I look back at him and smile.

  He is so unbelievably sweet. I am so happy and proud to have him.

  "Butt kisser." Matt scoffs, earning him another slap from Heather.

  "It's sweet. But she has to dress up and you," she says the last part pointing to Nate.

  "You need to arrange where you are taking her, because I bet you haven't yet."

  Nate stays quiet.

  "Just as I thought." Heather grins proudly.

  "OK you can have Hope and I will sort out the other details. But first I want to eat lunch with my 'Beautiful Girlfriend'." He states, kissing the crown of my head.

  'Beautiful Girlfriend.' I like when he says that.

  The boys both scoff at Nate, where as I hear Kira swooning.

  Heather sighs. "OK thirty minutes and counting, so get on with it."

  "Yes boss." Me and Nate both say at the same time. I turn around to him and smile, as he leans in and kisses my lips.

  "Not that kinda eating! Get real food!" Matt teases making Ricky laugh.

  I pull away and Nate pouts.

  I mouth 'Later' and he smiles.

  "So what would you like to eat?" I ask Nate.

  He smirks and gives me a knowing look.

  'Roll on tonight already' my mind yells.


  First Date


  Heather rushed Nate out of the house once we had finished eating.

  She then proceeded to drag me up the stairs.

  "Don't you think you’re going a bit... um.. 'OTT'[1]?" I ask from behind her.

  She stops mid step with my arm still in her hand.

  "OTT?! No! This is your first real date. You have to look good and as your best friend. It is my job, no my duty to make sure neither of you mess this up." She says, hardly stopping to breath between words.

  I look at her shocked but amused and we continue to my bedroom.

  When we reach my room Heather sits on my bed, whilst motioning for me to close the door.

  I do as I am told and then turn back to her.