Read My Favourite Muse Page 35

Nicole was alone in the locker room again; all dressed up for home. The surgery took less than an hour but went well. The fact that she had counted another success had uplifted her spirit a bit. And even though she's refreshed, her mind never let go of Maggie's tattoo.

  She wasn't certain whether or not what she's doing is the right thing. For once, she had never searched a dead body for clues before; neither did she ever felt such an urge to do that. But she believes it's a sacrifice she has to make to fulfil Maggie's last wish. The task ahead seemed difficult but she believes there's a way, somehow or somewhere, to crack it.

  She walked casually out of the locker room for the exit; waved good night to some colleagues and grabbed a can of diet Coke in the corridor.

  The waiting was full with people. There were patients pushed up and down on wheelchairs by relatives and nurses; some kids ran up and down carelessly while others just sat there with gloomy faces, bracing themselves by hugging their jackets.

  'Oh; my little baby... My poor little baby' a lady cried in her husband's arms at the far end of the waiting room.

  Nicole was very much familiar with those feelings. She was once like those people bracing themselves and wearing gloomy faces. It was a long time now. She had since csme to understand that hospitals are places where life is most treasured. It's a place where life and death battle for supremacy.

  Doctors strap up and battle with brains, skills and technology to win death at all cost, so that life shall once again be protected and preserved. Nicole feels proud to be one of those gifted with the skill to battle death; and she fights it with all her heart and might till she wins. Whenever she loses, she promises herself never to lose the next one.

  But some battles linger on even after life is saved or lost. Like Maggie's; she left behind an obscure mark that's proving hard to decipher. Nicole sees it as another battle that shouldn't be lost at all. She's never going to let that happen. Never!

  "You know; the last time you were at Bobby's was like six weeks ago. You looked all stressed up; A.K.A you badly need to be at Bobby's." Joe stood just outside the main entrance of the hospital, also with a can of diet Coke in his hand.

  Nicole stopped; turned around and saw him. Even though it's dark, he looked fresh as if he just got to work. She just stared at him.

  "I know you probably hate me right now; but you should know that's the last thing I want. So I'm going to make it up to you right now by holding your hand and taking you to Bobby's for a drink."

  Nicole shook her head and smiled; then stretched out her right hand to him. Joe grabbed it and they walked towards the parking lot.

  "How was the day?" Joe asked. "Mine was..."

  "Don't spoil it or I'll change my mind." She gave him the hand.

  Bobby Mark is a 34-year old guy from Michigan who owns a bar not far from the hospital. The bar had been in business for almost ten years but Bobby bought it four years back from the owner who at that time was facing a terrible bankruptcy.

  Bobby had a rough ride getting the bar back on track. He had to deal with the complete overhauling process of the place at a price that cost him a fortune, plus a very low patronage which he overcome by hosting singers, dancers, magicians and free drinks. But all the efforts have paid off. Now, it's party everyday at Bobby's; and wild partying at Bobby's on weekends. Thanks to the banks, loyal customers and good management.

  Bobby is everybody's friend. It was a full house at Bobby's that night. The entertainment was good and people were glued to the young R and B singer doing what she knows best; it went on for a while. Joe, Nicole, Bobby Mark and Bobby's girlfriend, Jenny were sitting together at the VIP corner. Jenny was telling them about a funny event during her vocation in Nairobi.

  "So, at the camp, some rich kids drove through in a convertible and said they were going on safari in it. Can you believe that?" Jenny giggles. "One of the tour guides said to them 'all of you; are you mad? We use pickup trucks and buses for safaris, not Ferraris." Nicole and the rest laughed on the African accent Jenny used.

  "That was a nice one." Bobby crushed his cigarette on the ash tray.

  "The guys spoke something in Kiswahili and the guide pointed to a big tree that was toppled from the roots and said 'You see that big tree? A baby elephant was having a bad day and she took it down at a go. What will you do if you meet a flock of six hundred elephants advancing at you? A leopard could dive at your bushy heads for a quick meal. So you either get out of that toy and enter to the truck or you take your car back to papa.'"

  "That was so unbelievably awesome." Joe laughed. "I can imagine an elephant having a bad day at Bobby's. That'd be the end this place."

  "I bet my shot gun would help." Bobby took a sip from his drink.

  "Jenny, is it true that park rangers in Nairobi keep leopards as pets and hawks for errands?" Joe poured another shot for himself.

  "I doubt that, but it could happen. I mean, most of them are very well familiar with the animals and their behaviours. Animals could be loyal if trained well and not abused. They can be friendly." Jenny took a drag from her cigarette. "I love animals."

  "Yeah, she does. She went to Africa every year to see them." Bobby looked at Jenny. "You should open a pet shop around here, and maybe someday you could ship in a live King Kong."

  "I agree totally." Joe said. "And we'll pray he never gets a bad day."

  "I'll be sure to keep Bazooka close. Short guns would be useless on something that big." Bobby grinned.

  "Ok; you guys obviousely hate animals." Nicole said, finally.

  Bobby and Jenny took a hike, leaving Joe and Nicole sitting alone. Usually, they sit directly next to the bar tender but since they have the host for company and some making up to do, they kept the tables.

  "So, how was the surgery?" Joe asked

  "The bullet didn't hit the heart. I really needed you in that surgery today."

  "I asked if I may scrub in, you said no"

  "I said no because you were a jerk twelve hours before the surgery; and you know that, so don't sweat it"

  "I'm not sweating anything. I'm just... worried about you, that’s all. I really don't want anything to happen to you and this whole PABLO thing scares the shit out of me."

  Nicole looked at him for a second and said. "You know what; this whole thing scares me too. And like you said, maybe I'm going too far with it. But whenever I remember how Maggie struggled to get that name out of her chest, I feel as if she had given me something to do, something to save, or protect; you know, like a last wish. It's a burden I didn't want to carry." She sipped her drink. "The scary part is; what if I couldn't find anything; what if I fail to fulfil that wish?"

  Joe reached for her hand and gave it a gentle squeezed; didn't say a word.

  "I know you tried to stop me just because you think she has an heiress; well, that's true. But what if Kim still isn't responsible enough to take care of it and fulfil her grandmother's wish? Maggie is too precious to me that I can't let this go without battling it to the end."

  Joe gave the gentle squeeze a little more pressure that she felt his mind in her hand; he understood her obsession clearly now.

  "We found Kim." she said.

  "What? Whoa; that's great news; where?"

  "In a hospital in Seattle; had an accident last night and it's said the other guy she's with died"

  "That's awful. Did she know her granny just died too?"

  "No she didn't. Owen will be going there in the morning. And since she's ok, he might probably bring her home"


  "Here; he's bringing her here. And she could be under my watch for a little while" Joe just stared at Nicole. "I know what you’re thinking. But I promise you, it's not going to be as bad as you think. She's not a teenager anymore and she'll need little of me. Maggie's house is hers now but she might need a little help getting some answers. That's where I come in." Joe was still mute. “Look Joe; I need you in this. I need your backup, buddy. I can't do this alone without a hand. Please stay
with me."

  "Hey, you don't have to beg. I'm in"

  "Oww; Thank you"

  "Speaking of Owen, I saw you guys talking. He's expensive" Joe sipped his drink and squirmed.

  "Get out of here; what do you know." Nicole laughed.