Read My Favourite Muse Page 37


  Kim had never been so confused. She must confess though, that the moment was the most bizarre she had ever experienced.

  She woke up with a headache earlier before the doctor came to tell her the good news about her condition. Then the plump black lady came; gave her some motivation and a hug; and then the cop; then the attorney. Now she waits for what next to come.

  The two men were outside talking. Although she knew what the little chat was about, but she didn’t know what's going to happen. Would she be going to jail? Cops are not stupid; she knew that. The detective must've known the accident was caused by something other than what she had told him; that's why he seemed unsatisfied by her answers.

  Only God knows what could’ve happened to her had the lawyer guy didn't show up. He made a perfect timing.

  I should say the truth. I must be punished for what I've done.

  Owen strode back into the room, alone. She moved to speak "It's ok Kimberly, there's nothing to worry about."

  "Are you sure? Cuz that guy obviously doesn't seem to like me much."

  "Yeah, he doesn't. But I took care of it. He still wants a statement though."

  "Isn't what I told him enough for a statement?"

  "You know cops, they are too official?" He walked closer to her "How are you feeling?"

  "What does it look like? I had a car crash that took my best friend's life; I got cops on me and a guy I've never seen before just showed up here acting as my lawyer."

  "I'm sorry about all that. It must've been hard for you."

  "Hard hun;" she chuckled and looked at him. "What did you say was your name again?"

  "Owen Craig"

  "You know, Mr Craig; I know some lawyers that patrol hospitals looking for desperate clients that want to be compensated for slipping over wet floors and twisting their ankles; some sort of bitchy way to make quick cash. I'm not one of those clients. So I guess you should look elsewhere if you..."

  "I'm Margaret Fletcher's attorney Kim; I’m not what you were thinking."

  The mention of that name silenced Kim instantly. She looked at him with curious eyes.

  "Surprised? You don't expect an eighty two year old woman to fly all the way from Carson City to Seattle on such a short notice, do you?" She was mute."Or maybe you thought she doesn't care about you anymore and won’t get back to you when your doctor called. You are mistaken Kim. There's a lot about that old woman that you don't know."

  "Oh yeah; Like what? Calling her granddaughter 'little devil' about a thousand times or that she didn't seem to belong to their roots?"

  "Like spending her last days trying to find you; trying to know if you were still alive and well. You never called or wrote." She didn't get the nerve to retort on that. "You are the only family she had; forgiven the old lady if she pushed you hard some years back."

  She looked at him for a moment "Excuse me, did you say 'had'? What are you talking about?" a lump formed in her chest "Where is my grandmother?"

  "Well, that's another reason why I'm here."

  Owen broke the news and it hit Kim hard. It was as if she's having a bad dream; only that it's not a dream. She kept starring at Owen until her vision got blurred by tears. She felt weakened by an aching heart. Kim couldn't believe what's happening to her.

  Owen kept on talking but she didn't seem to be listening. It's now confirmed that she's all alone on planet earth. Been alone didn't use to bother her, but been all alone with no family felt really scary right now.

  Owen stopped talking; he had reached the stage where he understood she needed a moment to exhibit the appropriate natural reaction. He watched her cry out her eyes; and her heart.

  An hour later, Owen helped Kim into her apartment. Her ankle was sore so he took her home.

  The apartment was on the sixth floor of a building on Liberty Street. The building housed apartments for low income earners. Kim's apartment was modest and neat. Owen hit the lights on and led her to the bedroom. She climbed up the bed and he put the sheets over her.

  "You alright?"

  "Yeah, thanks." She bit her lips on the sharp pain that surged through her sprain.

  "Would you like some coffee?"

  "Coffee would be fine."

  He motioned to walk out of the bedroom but hesitated, then looked back at her.

  "Kitchen is to the left." She said.

  Owen stood in the kitchen, looked around for a few seconds and sighed. Making coffee is perhaps, one of the things he's perfect at making; but for a moment, looking for what to brew in Kim's kitchen was a little more difficult than making the brew itself. Unlike the living room, it was untidy in the kitchen and things were kept everywhere. After close to sixty seconds searching, he found what he was looking for, put it in the coffee maker and hit on the switch.

  "That's more like it, I think." He murmured.

  He walked around the kitchen as if looking for something. Well, the place was dusty, evident from the dirt on his fingers as he worked on the coffee maker. There were small framed pictures on the wall, about three of them. None has pictures of Maggie or Kim's mom, but candles, a baker and cake; and of a beach.

  He remembered PABLO. Could Kim know something about it? She could; after all, she's a Fletcher.

  Just when the coffee's aroma began to fill the air, his cell phone rang. He fished it out from his jacket pocket and pegged it to his ear with the left shoulder while he took out a mug.

  "Hello." He listened then he froze. In a few seconds, his whole reaction changed. His jaw muscle tightened; his face turned dark and lined. It was as if he was stricken by a thunderbolt.

  Gently, he lowered the phone from his ear and closed his eyes. He clenched his feast and hit it on the kitchen table so hard that Kim heard the sound.

  "Owen; is everything ok?" she yelled

  "Yeah; I'll be out in a minute." he said, trying hard to maintain some composure. Shit!

  The phone rang again; he picked it without looking at the caller ID.

  He got into Kim's bedroom a few minutes later with two mugs of coffee.

  "Thanks." She took a sip. "It's everything alright? I heard a..."

  "Fine, I dropped the mug" he replied.

  But there seemed to be something about him that's different. She noticed how grim he looked.

  "You're sure you ok?" she asked again."You look somehow...emotional."

  He looked up and sighed. "Well; I'm afraid I have more bad news."

  "I've seen and heard bad enough; so shoot."

  "Your grandmother's doctor was attacked by a thief in the house an hour ago. I don't know exactly how it happened, but it seems as if the guy got into the house unaware she was inside."

  "Is he alright?" Kim didn't flinch.

  "I guess so. She's in the hospital right now; she's the one that called"


  "Yeah, her name is Dr Nicole Ingermanson. She operated on Maggie."

  "Oh." A pause "But what was she doing in the house? I thought grandma lived alone."

  "Nicole was her only friend. She took care of her and Maggie cherished their friendship. She used to spend the night with your grandma when she was ill."

  Kim cupped the mug between her two palms and stared at the black content for a moment; then she looked up at Owen. "You know, I never took the time to know my grandmother; maybe it's because I was young and crazy; and hurt. I'm still hurt because I never thought of giving it a trial knowing she's the only family I've got left. Ever since mom died, I found it hard to let someone in; now I guess it's too late."

  "Life could be unfair sometimes, but I think it's not just life, but the people. Hell; we make mistakes a lot of times; but not learning from those mistakes could make the worse news out of our lives" he smiled.

  "Do you honestly believe people can change?"

  He sipped at his coffee "I used to think people can't change because they are what or who they are naturally. But then I've seen people trying hard to change up, you know; paying for ther
apies, voluntarily checking into rehabs to quit bad habits like smoking, drinking, drug and sex abuses just to be better people. And they do end up becoming better people. So I guess the answered is yes; people can change but only if they really want to."

  "What if what they naturally were keep coming back?"

  "Then it depends on their ability not to let it reposes them again."

  She lowered her eyes to the coffee again. "I wish I could change for Maggie, if only she was alive. It sounds crazy right?" Kim couldn't raise her head up.

  Owen observed her for a second; he stood up, went to the living room and came back with his briefcase. Kim watched him. He fished out some documents and passed them to her. She hesitated to take them.

  "Go ahead, it’s ok" he said. She took the papers and looked at them. They are Maggie's legacy; the Will.

  "I need to be on my way back to Carson City later today to fix some things. I'd like to take you home but considering your ankle, I know it's not going to happen. Maggie had included Dr Nicole in the will but you are the main beneficiary. So whenever you come home, I..."

  "This is my home" she said sternly.

  "Is that right?" he sighed. "Kim, aside been your grandmother's lawyer, I've also being her friend. And there were times she spoke to me about you. Maggie would give anything to find you, to know whether you're alive or not. And from the look on her face, I had a strong feeling she had a lot to say to you. She had wanted to tell you things she needed to get off her chest. Kim, the only person on earth that deserves to be told that, is you." He looked at the papers in her hands; "You want to change; this is your chance."

  "My grandmother is dead. What difference will it make?"

  "A lot; you don't think a person that lived for eighty two years had a perfect life, do you? We're humans Kim; we have dreams that die with us. Some of those dreams are fulfilled by the loved ones we leave behind— a son, a daughter, wife, father, friend— who take it a point of duty to fulfil those dreams when we're gone. And they fulfil those wishes, one way or another. I bet if Jason could speak to you right now, he must have something to ask of you to do for him." She looked away from his face when he mentioned Jason. "Think about it"

  She was silent. The thought of Jason speaking to her from the land of the dead was scary. She bet, whatever he’d say could blow off her ear drums.

  "Here; I need you to sign the first two papers." he gave her a pen. She signed and passed it back.

  "Thank you" he stuff back the papers into the briefcase.

  "Well; that's it. I guess you'd be ok by yourself?"

  "I'll be fine. Thanks."

  "Well then, I have to go, you take care; and I'm sorry for your losses" Kim nodded. "This could be a new beginning for you if you want it to be. You have a lot now; how you chose to use it, is up to you."

  "Owen;" Kim called just when he was about to exit the room.


  "What do you think Grandma Maggie would like me to do for her? That's if she could speak to me now."

  "I can't say exactly. But I'm sure you'll figure it out." And he left the room.

  Kim looked at the papers in her hands, and then shifted her gaze back to the door. The last gift she got from her mother was a black pocketbook. That was the only item she took with her out of their little home to the cemetery on the day of her mom's burial. She had abandoned everything her mother had back at the house. Now, she has gotten much more. But she felt it's a legacy she doesn’t deserve.

  When she heard the front door drew shut, she felt a fresh, heavy and dull aura of loneliness engulfed her heart. Kim recalled the dream about her mother, Maggie, the bleeding Jason, and the empty alleys, the cold and the horror of it all. She wished what Owen said regarding Jason could actually happen.

  She would tell Jason she was sorry.

  She would tell her mother she has failed.

  She would tell Maggie she was sorry for being a bitch.

  And what would she tell herself?


  For the first time in Nicole's life, she became a patient in her own hospital; not only was that embarrassing, it was also infuriating!

  She had spent years conducting rounds with interns, some of whom are now residents. Today she's been examined by them. The news of her attack spread like wild fire in Australia; and trooping into her room every second, are doctors, nurses, interns, patients, the handy men, the guys from the cafeteria and those she'd never spoken to before.

  And when they came, they take pictures; bring flowers, cakes, chocolates, pies, cards, wine and other goodies. That’s the embarrassing part.

  Nicole was irritated. She finds it kind of offensive whenever they posed to take pictures with her; and they said 'Cheese'.

  Her room looked like a flower shop on a Christmas morning. Joe spoke less all through the day. He kept on doing what he had to do as her close friend and colleague. Since he saw Nicole in that condition, he felt more of anger than empathy for her and the whole 'PABLO' stuff.

  Nicole observed, Joe had been avoiding eye contact with her. She knew what he was thinking but couldn’t talk to him about it because of the crowd in the room. Joe observed how the crowd was making Nicole more uncomfortable, so he did the only thing rational;

  "Ok people, visiting time over; time to get back to work. Thank you!

  "Awww... "

  "Can't we just stay a little longer..."

  "Com'on man, I just got here... "

  "Can I at least take one last shot..."

  "Don't sweat it Joe, I just got off!"

  "Sorry guys. Later; thank you"

  The room was cleared of people and that was a huge relief for Nicole.

  "That's one hell of an embarrassment. Phew!” she sighed

  Joe didn't answer; he closed the door, came back and took some flower bouquets off the bed. Nicole looked at him.

  "So you're not talking to me now?"

  "It looks like we had a funeral in here." He said

  That hurts.

  "Cake; these people love you" Joe took a slice and munched it "The last time I tasted a cake this good was at my nephew’s birthday. I like the icing and the vanilla taste."

  That's enough!

  "Look at me Joe." Nicole said. Joe shunned her; he licked his fingers and went for another slice.

  "Look at me!" She yelled. Her voice took hold of the room; Joe doubted if those outside didn't hear her barking out the words. He stopped, shocked. There was something more than rage on her face. He saw fire.

  "Ok, you have my attention; now what?"

  But she was already angry. She stared at him, too angry to speak.

  "GET OUT!"

  He stared back for a moment. The harsh look on her face confirmed to him how dead serious she was. And by the way her eyes twitched, he knew it had come to the point where she'll never change her mind even if he apologises.

  The door opened gently and both of them turned their gazes to the person coming in.

  "May I come in?" The familiar deep voice asked. It was the Chief of Surgery.

  "Yes sir. Dr. Fleming was just leaving." Nicole said, her eyes back at Joe.

  "Oh; hey Joe, how is she?" The Chief asked.

  "Well, thank God she's still breathing Chief. She's lucky; it's luck and it doesn't come every time. I was just leaving." Joe said; his eyes on her.

  The chief made way for Joe as he walked out.

  "Now what the hell was that about?" Chief closed the door.

  "It's nothing."

  "Looks like something to me. You look like Incredible Hulk just about to transform."

  The Chief of Surgery was a Texan with few but eloquent words. He had been the Head of the Surgical Unit for over a decade and have known all his surgeons too well like he fathered them himself.

  In particular, his affection for Nicole was more than just been her boss. He was her father's friend. They went through internship together at John Hopkins before Nicole’s father joined the marines. He's Nicole's

  "So how’re you feeling?" he asked, sitting by her bedside.

  "Alive." she replied curtly.

  "Hey; I don't know what happened between you and Joe, but you got to lose the attitude right now" Chief wore the usual strong face as he spoke; she observed.

  "I'm sorry; I'm ok."

  "Good" He glanced at her knee; it's been wrapped with a Goode Wrap "This looks good on you, you know that?"

  "Are you kidding me?"

  "No I'm not. It looks good for a patient that escaped death; but not good for the hospital."

  Yeah, I should've seen that coming.

  "You know damn well what it'll cost me to lose someone like you in my department. That's beside the fact that you are the only daughter I never had."

  "I'm sorry it happened. I have no..."

  "No one is blaming you, but you need to be more careful. I know about Margaret Fletcher and how close you were; but you nearly lost another patient in 214 the day she died. I know you heard the call, but you ignored it"

  "Maggie was in a Code situation"

  "So was the patient in 214. You were standing by Maggie's window when you were called but you made Maggie a priority, that's wrong. You prioritized a patient over another; that's not what you're supposed to do. Then you got attacked in her house two days after she died. What are you doing to yourself?"

  Nicole was mute

  "You are losing focus."

  "I'm not losing focus."

  "Oh yes you are; it's not good for your skills; it's not good for me and it's not good for the hospital. Now; it broke my heart when they brought you down here unconscious; I thought I had lost you. But I won't let that happen again. Right now get well first." He stood up from the bed and walked to the door.

  "I'm keeping you under my radar from now on. And like Joe said; you are really lucky to be alive and luck doesn't happen all the time. Get well." He walked out

  Nicole thought the Chief’s visit would be much relieving; but she felt worse. And coupled with Joe's attitude, she felt like screaming. She didn't scream though, but she cried.

  Nicole looked again at the wrap on her knee. She felt like her present condition had stalled her life completely. She knows she'll be out of work for weeks and that would be killing. She couldn’t stand spending weeks without holding a scalpel. She sobbed

  She sighed and closed her eyes. She felt tired and sleepy. Her head and knee hurt a little due to cumulative stress, most of which was due to Maggie's death and Pablo.

  She remembered a rape victim brought to the hospital about a month ago. It was a Monday night. The victim had four fractures on two fingers, left leg and a rib. Nicole took a while asking herself what was the rapist thinking that had made him brutalize the lady like that? Why couldn't he just get a call girl? He needn't not to waste that much energy breaking a woman’s bones for sex. Then she thought of herself and her attacker.

  He obviously wasn't after sex; he was after her life.

  You are dead bitch; you are dead… It’s too late for that bitch!

  How did he got into the house? It wasn't long that she left upstairs and went into the cellar.

  And the cellar; what was he looking for in it? She remembered the way he casually opened the door and went down the stairs, then went back and turned off the switch as if he had left it turned off earlier.

  Could he have been there earlier?

  Could it be he's after the cellar or something in it?

  Oh no!

  Nicole opened her eyes and pulled herself up. She prayed what she was thinking isn't true. She has to be sure; and to do that, she must act fast. The thief might go back to the house.

  She picked up her cell phone and dialled Owen’s number. She got his answering machine. She cursed.

  The banging in her head worsened and her knee breathed with pain, but it's not the moment of whining any more. It's the moment to make a move.

  I got to get back to Maggie's. Now!