Read My Kinda Poetry 2 Page 2

  pride, enable the blind to see,

  a cripple to walk again.

  Without you there would be no

  bright future, no days without

  sorrow, no tomorrow.

  Through you I think we can find

  a way to solve the world crisis

  and bring about a lasting peace.

  I hope...

  I am Me

  I feel good, I feel bad, I feel happy, I feel sad.

  I love and I hate, I mourn, and I celebrate.

  I get up, I fall down, turn in circles,

  round and round.

  I am me, that's who I am, if you don't like me I could give a damn.

  My Best

  Sometimes I feel sorry for myself, lonely and sad.

  Often times I'm angered, ill-tempered and mad.

  I'm melancholy and blue, I'm happy and excited.

  Confused and dismayed by feelings uninvited.

  I lash out for no good reason,I hold things in.

  It seems like sometimes there is no one on whom I can depend.

  I live within my self, I do my best to achieve success.

  All I strive for in my life is the satisfaction that I've done my best.

  I can ask for nothing more...

  Not a Tasty Treat

  I sometimes have a tendency of

  Being outspoken,

  I'm sorry but I have much to say.

  I do not mean to offend but only

  To vocalize my thoughts before

  I explode.

  Yet I know I need to put a muzzle on

  My mouth for a wagging tongue can

  Be my undoing.

  And a foot is not a tasty treat and

  One I should at all costs avoid chewing.

  One Precious Moment

  No one knows the time or place

  Of their own demise,

  The day when the earth will be no

  More and forever stop revolving.

  The last sunrise in a beautiful blue

  Sky or moon glow in a starry night.

  If a breath will be our last, when our

  Future will collide with the past,

  Or when a bird will sing his final song

  And fly no more south.

  The moment, this precious moment

  Is all we have, savor it, live it.

  Love and be loved, soar on wings to

  Great heights,

  For the moment, one precious moment, is all we have.

  Adam and Eve

  A handsome man and a beautiful

  Lady sat under an apple tree.

  The handsome lad's name was Adam

  And the fair lady's name was Eve.

  He said "take a bite of this fruit it

  Will bring you wisdom come tomorrow's light."

  So she did as he requested, and

  Promptly took a bite.

  But when the next morning had come,

  She was still just as dumb,

  Can't believe everything people

  Tell you...


  Life can be a dead end road,

  Without a good map I am told.

  Failure to have a good plan,

  Will leave you in a garbage can,

  With the lid slammed tightly on your head,

  And what should have been the beginning will be the end instead,'

  Because you failed to plan...


  Pieces of my mind, remnants

  Of my soul, left on scraps of paper.

  Their beauty or wisdom lost

  In long forgotten refuse.

  Heaped in piles of recycled

  Memories lying somewhere in some landfill.

  Foul waste and putrid rotting

  Flesh covers and conceals

  Words that once might have

  Meant something but are now

  Just garbage.

  Scraps of a discarded life.

  The Lion

  The lion is in my heart,

  He hungers, he prowls,

  Untamed in the jungle.

  The lion will devour the lamb,

  For the lamb is weak.

  In the jungle,

  Only the strong survive.

  Live Life

  Live, love, laugh, life is much too

  Short for sorrow,

  Enjoy each moment of every day

  As if there were no tomorrow.

  Soar, fly, spread your wings, reach

  For the heights you have dreamed of.

  Look down with joy in your heart

  From your cloud high above.

  Our time on this earth will pass as

  Quickly as the blink of an eye,

  And before we know it comes the day

  to wish this ole world goodbye.

  Why Not Me

  Why not me, why not you, we've

  Got as good a chance as anyone.

  To make it big, to strike the gold,

  To triumph, to win, to get it done.

  Why not me, why not you, there

  Is absolutely nothing we can't do.

  Reach for the prize, be the big

  Hero, soar high in that sky so blue.

  Why not me, why not you, it is our

  time, we are as deserving as the rest,

  To have great blessings, riches and

  Success, love, money and happiness.

  Why not me?

  Why not you?

  My Little Ballerina

  My granddaughter, my little ballerina

  Dancing her way through her young

  Life, stars in her eyes.

  She is blinded to the real world, oblivious to the death and destruction,

  As she whirls and spins.

  My little ballerina, heart full of love,

  Always a smile as she greets her day

  Hope in her soul.

  She sees only the good in everyone,

  Only the beauty in the world,

  As she dances.

  Through her eyes there can be no


  There can be no hate,

  No war,

  Only peace and happiness.

  I wish the world could be so,

  The way it is viewed,

  Through the the eyes of my

  Little ballerina.

  My Shadow

  A strange dark shadow followed me down a dimly lit street.

  But he wasn't like all the other shadows that you would ever meet.

  He seemed to have a life of his own,

  As he playfully danced around,

  Big shoes and a floppy hat, just

  like a circus clown.

  He had a big red nose like a neon sign, and bright shining blue eyes.

  And you can just imagine my surprise,

  When he began to sing,

  "Me and my shadow, walking down

  The avenue,"

  I joined in the chorus and sang along

  With him too.

  Yeah, me and my shadow...

  Life Goes On

  Sometimes in bed late at night while

  I chase elusive slumber and dreams are hard to find,

  When shadows dance in a spot light waltzing to a symphony of beautiful

  silent music.

  The stars in the night sky play tag,

  chasing each other in a carefully

  choreographed nocturnal game.

  The darkness touches all and the street lamps eerily glow as the traffic comes and goes in the city.

  Lovers rendezvous, train whistles

  Blow, lives are lived, the planet turns,

  And the moon glows.

  While sleep eludes me and I chase my

  Dreams life goes on.


  Lost is the memory of that moonlit

Night when we first kissed,

  Oh so long ago.

  Forgotten is that feeling of tenderness and the warmth

  Of that summer's night.

  The rain tapped playfully on the

  Window pane refracting multi-

  Colored rainbows.

  Our shadows danced playfully on

  The wall as a beautiful symphony

  Of melodic sounds played.

  The smell of your perfume permeated

  The air delightfully as I held you tight

  Afraid to let you go.

  But now that night and you are just

  A vague memory taken too soon

  Away from me.

  And I feel only numbness and

  the lost of love, I will never know


  My Great American Novel

  I set out to write the great American

  Novel with a twinkle, a gleam in my

  Eye, an itch that needed scratching.

  I had a vision of what it would be,

  All the profound, marvelous, spectacular words I would write to

  Share with a world starved for my

  Literary genius and my sharp wit.

  But when I sat down to write I found

  I no longer had anything to say.

  It had all been said before.

  Little Boy Afraid

  Confused and afraid the little boy

  Awoke suddenly in the darkness.

  Where was mommy, why had she left

  Him in this terrible place all alone.

  There are monsters here waiting to

  Get me the little boy feared as he cried.

  He cautiously got out of bed,

  the floor ice cold on his bare feet.

  A hideous shape danced delightfully

  On the wall tormenting him.

  It moved and played and swayed back and forth

  in perfectly choreographed movements in the

  Dim light of the room.

  A giant bear in the chair loomed

  Across the room, sitting perfectly

  Still with a menacing look.

  A hideous clown with an evil frown

  Stood motionless but threatening


  As the little boy creeped across the

  Creaking floor to the only door,

  It suddenly flew open, the room erupted in radiant light.

  A lady's questioning voice said, "Tommy, what are you doing out of


  The Key

  I found a key on the ground, it was

  Partially hidden from my view.

  I knew not what the key was for nor

  What if anything it meant to me.

  But it was a curiosity, hidden all

  Alone in the grass as if it was meant for me to find.

  I pondered on its meaning, a hundred

  Ideas ran through my brain.

  My head spun, my stomach churned

  As if I were a man possessed.

  I turned the key in my hand, it glistened magically in the sunlight.

  I became more curious, more intent

  On its meaning, somehow I must know.

  I must know the why, the what, the

  Reason why this object was revealed to me.

  But I in my infinite wisdom decided it

  Was just a key and tossed it unceremoniously back on the ground,

  Smart Phone

  It's a hell of thing to get

  outsmarted by a smart phone.

  Makes you just want to leave

  the damn things at home.

  Pull up to a phone booth

  and rock in a coin or two.

  Check the change slot to maybe

  get lucky, when you're through.

  Of one thing you could always

  be sure of, the phone couldn't spell,

  or make you want to get a gun and

  blow it straight back to hell.

  The World That Passes Me By

  I am often perplexed and puzzled

  By the world and the people that

  Pass me by,

  They hold children by their hands,

  Tied to them like rubber bands,

  Some are happy, others cry.

  The smiles and the laughter, the frowns and the tears, the burdens

  And hardships that they bear.

  Some nod their heads and say hello,

  I speak to them as well, some lower

  Their heads and pretend, I'm not even


  They wear dark shades to hide their eyes from those who wish to know

  their affairs.

  Wishing and hoping that it doesn't

  Rain, or it's not too hot, some pretending not to care.

  Their faces are young and old, male and female,

  ugly or fair, dark or light

  And all shades in between.

  Viewing the world through shades of

  Eyes that range from brown, blue

  And green.

  They walk with a strut, they glide

  Smooth as air, they shuffle and hustle, limp and drag.

  In clothes made of cotton, rayon,

  Silk and satin, leather and lace, well

  Dressed and in rags.

  I am often perplexed and puzzled by

  The world that passes me by.

  The Eyes of a Child

  Through the eyes of a child the

  World is an enormous place

  Full of scary mysteries and

  Unanswered questions,

  Viewed innocently without hatred,

  Colored with love and sunshine.

  Through the eyes of a child a

  Mother is a super hero, life is

  But a game, every day is a new

  Adventure filled with joy and

  Happiness, hugs and kisses,

  Songs to be sung and rainbows.

  Through the eyes of a child the

  World is a beautiful place full of

  Wonder and surprise, hope and

  Promise, pets and lovely blue skies,

  Billowing clouds and the man in the

  Moon smiling down on you.

  We should all remember what it

  Was like to be a child and seek

  With all our hearts and souls to

  See the world as it was in those

  Days when we ourselves saw the

  World through the eyes of a child.

  The Bounty

  Seems I'm always chasing after

  A rainbow,

  But when I reach the end there's

  No pot of gold.

  Pursuing that elusive dream but

  It slips through my fingers,

  Like sands in the hourglass of

  My days.

  Rewards for me are few but I am

  Still grateful for what I have,

  For you must cherish what you do

  Have, no matter how little, in order

  To fully appreciate the bounty you

  Might some day receive.


  Home you are so far away, only a

  Distant memory, vague and fading.

  My heart aches to see you again,

  To feel your warmth and love.

  A blazing fire, a cup of tea, in my

  Mind wait there for me,

  An old movie, an old song, my family

  With new stories to share.

  My faithful dog, my most comfortable chair, a book left unread,

  A homemade meal, a sip of brandy,

  My old classic car, my nice warm bed.

  In my mind's eye, home you wait for me,

  But I must wait a little longer I'm afraid,

  For it will be months before I will

  See my beloved one once again,

  But I will visit you often in my memories, my good and loyal friend.

  Thanksgiving Day

  Carve the turkey, say a few

  prayers, serve a meal at the

  homeless shelter to help soothe

  your guilt.

  Your thanks for the giving day

  is no penance for the taking and

  the lying and stealing you do the

  the rest of the year.

  Feeling false pity in your heart, is

  not even a start, when you do it

  only to be seen as charitable when

  you really don't give a damn.

  If you walked in their shoes only

  for a moment and felt the pain and

  suffering that won't go away maybe

  you could understand.

  But when the meal is over you'll

  wash your hands, put on your fine

  tailored jacket, jump in your fancy

  car and drive away.

  Satisfied you have done your good

  deed for the year and will not

  give them a second thought until

  next Thanksgiving day.

  A Horny Toad

  A spell, an incantation , was put

  upon me by an evil shriveled witch,

  She had a pointy nose with a wart

  on the end, she was quite a hideous bitch.

  She rode a broom in a dark flowing

  cape and screeched like a banshee.

  Pointed a bony finger and spoke

  with a whine, when she cast her spell on me.

  I was destined to be a toad for the

  remainder of my days, there would

  be no reprieve.

  I shuttered to think what other incantations this evil shrew had up