Read My Life Would Suck Without You Page 10


  So after band, Haley and I headed to the mall. Normally, I’d be taking the bus. One, because I’m cheap, and two, because I didn’t have a car, but Haley did, so we walked across the parking lot to her snazzy Mustang. Haley’s dad was a very busy dentist. Her birth was a surprise to her older parents. She had a brother, who was in law school. Her mom and dad give her things and money to keep her happy and out of their way. She shrugged it off. It was just the way things were.

  I’d been babysitting since I was eleven, had a paper route before that, and worked after school and summers at the Dairy Queen, all the while doing some tutoring on the side. I was saving for college and rarely spent any money. But this year I was taking time off. The ‘wicked smart’ had paid off. I’d applied for early admission to Notre Dame, was already accepted, and had a full ride scholarship. It had been worth it to not have any kind of social life all these years.

  “Okay, you got me here. What are we doing, Lizzy?” Haley said as we parked.

  While we looked around the mall, I drew up in front of the window of a popular teen clothing store. “This is our senior year; we’re off to college soon. Don’t you think it’s time for a makeover? And not just on the outside. We should at least have a little fun, show everyone you can be smart, artistic, still be nice, and look great. What do you think? Are you in?”

  She looked at the clothes in the window and our reflections in the glass. Her long wavy hair and my long straight hair veiled our faces, and our usual jeans and t-shirts helped us disappear into any crowd. Touching her hair, I saw her look at the clothes again. “I’m in.”

  I grinned. “Good. First stop, hot wardrobe.” An hour later, with several bags in hand we headed back to the car and piled everything into the trunk. “Ready for the next step?”

  Haley cast me a nervous glance. “I guess so.”

  Two hours later, when our side-by-side salon chairs swiveled around, we hardly recognized ourselves, let alone each other. Our long hair had been shortened and tamed, side swept with layered bangs, and featured soft curls which ended just below our breasts. Our faces were lightly made up. They’d taught us how to replicate the look and loaded product in two large bags. The heels we’d bought were going to take some practice, but other than that we were all set.

  I glanced at my watch and gasped. “I have to get home. I have to meet someone to do a homework assignment and it’s at six.”

  “Relax, plenty of time to get you home. I can’t wait to show everyone our new look tomorrow,” Haley said as we reached the car.

  “Yeah, me too.” My heart was pounding, Liam would be waiting when I got home and he’d be the first one, other than Haley to see my new look. We pulled in the driveway with five minutes to spare. I grabbed my bags from the trunk, waved to Haley as I fumbled with my keys and rushed up the stairs to my room. I was just dropping everything onto the bed when the doorbell rang.

  “Calm down,” I told myself, knowing full well it was impossible. I took a deep breath, dried my palms on my jeans and went down the stairs to the front door. Through the oval frosted glass pane in the door, the sun haloed Liam’s silhouette like an aura and my stomach clenched. I tried to swallow, but found I had no saliva…none.

  I opened the door, he looked up, a sweet smile on his face and a shiver snaked up my thighs.

  His eyes widened as his gaze washed over me. “I hope you haven’t eaten yet. I thought we might as well eat together.” He held up the boxed pizza and I stepped aside and he strode past, backpack slung off one shoulder.

  “No, I haven’t eaten. Actually I’m starving.” I led him into the dining room and flipped on the light. We never used it for dinner. It was really my study.

  “I hope you like everything on your pizza.”

  “Uh, yeah, of course, well not anchovies, but I can deal.”

  He shifted on one leg and set the box down on the table, giving me another sexy smile. “You, uh, you look amazing.”

  “Oh, thanks, it was time for a change. I actually gave my hair to Locks of Love and still have plenty. Well, that’s obvious. I’ll get some plates and napkins.” I could feel his gaze on me, and he followed me into the kitchen. I got the plates down and pulled some napkins out of the package on the counter.

  “You were just fine before, but this look is pretty hot. Not one girl in school rivals you, Elizabeth.”

  “Lizzie.” I stared at him for a moment and my face felt hot again, this time from anger. I pushed past him and banged the plates down on the table. And was fuming by the time he joined me and opened the box.

  “You make me so mad, Liam. You’ve lived next door to me for ten years and never given me a second look. I’ve seen you here with your friends, boys and girls. Our houses are seven feet apart, our bedroom windows side by side. Now all of a sudden you act like we’ve always been friends. That’s not right.”

  “No, it’s not. I’ve been pretty self absorbed, and admit my friends can be cruel. I’ve grown up, Lizzie. I realized the way people treat me isn’t because I’m so great. It’s because I’ve won a few games for my school. I needed a change too. I’m off to Notre Dame next fall…”

  “Wait, you’re going to Notre Dame?”

  He shook his head yes. “You don’t think I’m smart enough?”

  “No, I know you are. I pay attention to the scores, and you’re on the honor society.”

  “Yeah, it’s more of a popularity organization, but thanks, I am smart. You’re smarter, I know that.”

  “Liam, I’m going to Notre Dame too, I just haven’t told anyone except Mom. I received a full scholarship. I was just surprised we’re going to the same school. So you’ll be playing football for the Irish?”

  “If I walk on. No, I’ll be running track, I have a scholarship too. I’m not surprised you’re going there, and I’m glad. I hope we’ll see a lot of each other.”

  Time seemed to stand still for the moment and I smiled. “Pizza is getting cold.”

  We decided on a scene from Romeo and Juliet for our project, it only had to be one scene and of course the balcony one was the best one ever written.

  “The pizza was great, thanks for thinking of it. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?”

  “Yup, see you tomorrow.”

  I finished the rest of my homework just as Mom was getting home. Another double shift, her workday was finally over.

  “Hi sweetie. Wow, you look great,” she said as she kissed my forehead. “Did you eat something?”

  She always asked me the same question. “I had pizza with a classmate. We have an English assignment to do together.”

  “Oh that’s nice. Anyone I know?”

  “Yeah, it was Liam.”

  Her eyes widened. “Liam Eidleman, from next door?”

  I smiled and rolled my eyes. “Yes Liam from next door. Oh and I have two classes with Jordan. He got his braces off and wears contacts. It was great to see him.”

  She stopped what she was doing and looked at me again. “Is Liam why you cut your hair and are wearing make-up?”

  “No,” I insisted. “I thought it was time I looked more like an adult. I’m off to college soon and I should look like I belong and not like I’m a high school sophomore on a field trip.”

  Mom winced. “Oh, don’t talk about it. Every time I think about you leaving, it makes me want to cry. Not that I’m not proud of you. I really am, but you’re my baby. You always will be.”

  “I know. You should take some classes, Mom. You’re really smart, you could have a new career. I’m sure you could get a grant.”

  “Thanks sweetie, maybe I will. I’m going to take a hot bath and go to bed.”

  She gave me another kiss, she looked so tired. Maybe if my deadbeat dad paid all the back child support he owed, she wouldn’t have to work so hard. I’d decided a long time ago that I was going to make something of myself and take care of her.

  The next morning I got up extra early to make sure I had enough time to do my hair and makeu
p. For the first time in my life I chose an outfit that wasn’t jeans and a t-shirt. I picked out a cute skirt and top and a pair of reasonable shoes. I hadn’t practiced with the higher heels yet.

  I walked outside to find Jordan waiting to walk to school with me. His mouth sagged open when he saw me. “Wow! Were you visited by your fairy godmother last night or what?”

  I flashed him a smile and joined him. As we started down the sidewalk I elbowed him. “I appreciate your reaction, but no fairy god mother. Haley and I went to the mall after school yesterday. We just thought it was time for a new look for our senior year. So you think it’s okay?”

  “Okay? It’s…you’re hot, Lizzie, maybe too hot for me. Like, maybe I should walk behind you.”

  “Stop it. You’re my best friend and you always will be. Did you apply to any colleges yet? I really want you to go to Notre Dame with me.”

  “I’m having a little trouble getting schools to accept my credits for last year, and Lizzie, I’m just not sure Notre Dame is for me. I really want to go out of state for college, Berkley maybe.”

  I stopped, my forehead furrowed in a frown. “Berkley? Really? You can’t be serious, Jordan.”

  “I am. I’m tired of being so serious about everything all the time. I want to try something different. Maybe I’ll just work for a year first; you know until I decide what I really want to do.”

  We started to walk again. “I don’t know what happened to you in Europe, but that doesn’t sound like you at all.”

  “No? Well, maybe that’s a good thing. Still want me for your best friend?”

  I socked him in the arm. “Of course I do.”