Read My Ratchet Secret Page 5

through with this bullshit. That’s my brother we are talking about,” she announced.

  “And I’m your best friend. Are you saying that blood is thicker than water?” I asked trying to make a grab for her hand before she snatched away.

  “Correction, you were my best friend. A friend wouldn’t even think about doing the shit that you are trying to pull. And the fact that you think it’s nothing wrong with it is really twisted. You done completely lost yo’ damn mind. If you don’t think I will tell my brother you got me all fucked up!”

  With that she headed for the front door.

  I begged and pleaded with her not to tell him. I even blocked the door in an effort to talk her down before she did something stupid.

  “Please I’m begging you! Don’t tell Adrian. I’ll tell him I promise.”

  “You really must think I’m boo boo the fool. You had plenty of time to tell him. Your ass was planning on not saying shit but your cover was blown. Now move out the damn way,” she scowled as she pushed me aside.

  I couldn’t deny the fact that she was telling the truth about everything but despite the facts that were laid out on the table I couldn’t let her tell Adrian the truth.

  “Please let me tell him myself Tasha. He’s already going to be crushed. I got myself into this mess. At least let me be the one to tell him the truth. I will come clean with him, I give you my word.”

  I wasn’t saying shit to Adrian but I had to slow this bitch down She was about to put a monkey wrench in my whole plan.

  “You got 24 hours.”

  “Tasha you know that he doesn’t have a phone with him. I have to wait for him to call me. I need more time.

  “You have one week. When he calls you, you better tell him the truth if you don’t I will” she snapped before walking out the door and letting it slam behind her.

  End Of The Road

  As I sat in the tub for over an hour reflecting on all the events that had transpired in my life I realized that I was now faced with the difficult decision of choosing between my best friend and the man I loved. There was no way I was going to let Tasha come between me and Adrian. I had come too far to turn back now. This bitch had to be stopped.

  I just couldn’t understand it; I thought she would be happy to see that her brother and her best friend had found true love regardless of the facts at hand. If she could just accept the fact that Adrian and I are happy we could be the sisters that we always called each other as kids, but noooo she wanna try and blow my damn cover. Bitches stay hatin’, they can’t stand to see a sista come up.

  I had finally come to grips with the fact that I had completely lost it. I was actually sitting here contemplating on killing my best friend.

  Over the next few days I would be hit with a brigade of emotions. I teetered between rage, depression, sadness, and fear which would prove to be the most powerful of them all.

  I had finally gotten the man that I love to love me back and I wasn’t about to give that up. I cringed at the very thought of doing bodily harm to Tasha but she just didn’t understand. She was beautiful and getting boyfriends came with ease for her. She didn’t understand what it was like to long for someone for so many years and not have them give you the time of day. She didn’t know what it meant to have her heart aching and pining over her one true love only to have him dismiss her like she didn’t exist.

  Now that Adrian thought I was a woman he had come full circle. And I knew deep in my heart that I would never find another man that loved me the way he did, or I him. She left me no choice. It was settled. I would have to kill Tasha.

  I don’t know if I was being driven by love, rage, or pure insanity but for some reason I didn’t have any fear for what I was about to do. I found so many reasons to justify murder for the sake of love.

  I would spend the next few days deciding on how I was going to do it as well casing her house and watching her pattern. She left for work every morning at the same time. And she always came out to warm her car up ahead of time. It was still dark this time of morning so it would make it easy for me to go undetected. I had made up my mind; tomorrow I was sending Tasha to meet her maker.

  My weapon of choice would be a butcher’s knife that I spent an hour sharpening the night before. I owned a gun but I didn’t want to risk drawing attention to myself from the noise. I only had a few more days before she was threatening to tell Adrian everything so there wasn’t any time to hatch a plan to poison her. I needed to move quickly and put this bitch down before she fucked up my fairytale.

  The plan was set. I would arrive at her house before she left in the morning while it was still dark. I needed to find myself a hiding spot plus survey the area for any witnesses. If there were any neighbors out the plan might have to be halted. She wouldn’t be hard to take down if I surprised her seeing as she was only 5’1 and I was 5’8 and much stronger. Much to my advantage I still possessed the strength of a man. This would prove to be valuable in slicing her throat with one quick swipe.

  The outfit I chose was all black everything. A black track suit, black shoes, black gloves and a black face mask. I had to make sure I wasn’t recognized if push came to shove and someone saw me. I got up super early that day and after getting dressed I took off on foot with a duffle bag in hand. It was still pitch black outside so I blended in perfectly.

  I had already surveyed the area to make sure there weren’t any loud ass barking dogs that would give me away as well. Thank God there wasn’t any snow outside so I didn’t have to worry about leaving footprints.

  The plan to make her death seem like a robbery went off without a hitch. I lurked in the shadows beside her side door. She never even suspected that I was there when she came out the first time to start her car. When she came out the second time to leave I pounced.

  In one fast swoop I covered her mouth and slit her throat at the same time. The jagged edge of the blade seared though her flesh like melted butter. Her blood was warm as it spilled to the ground and onto my exposed wrists. I loved my friend so I wanted to make it as quick and painless as possible. There was no need to prolong her suffering. When I hit the jugular the blood spurted like a water fountain. Once she fell to the ground it became surreal for me. Tasha was dead.

  I quickly emptied the contents of her purse and snatched up her wallet. My heart raced and my palms were sweating profusely inside the leather gloves. My eyes darted around the immediate area to make sure the coast was clear before fleeing the scene.

  Crazy In Love

  “Although we've come to the end of the road…….Tasha I can't let you go….it's unnatural, you belong to me, and I belong to yoooouuuu.”

  These were the lyrics I sang as I burned the clothes I had worn along with Tasha’s wallet. Once I scrubbed the scent of death and smoke from off of my body this would all be a distant memory. Adrian and I could get on with our life without any interruptions. My only regret was the fact that I had to witness how tore up my baby was over his sister’s death. He vowed to catch the person who had done this to her. I knew this would never happen seeing as how I had covered my tracks. And with me here to comfort him, I knew my boo was gonna be alright.

  Present day

  Lao Tzo said that new beginnings are often disguised as painful endings. Although Tasha’s death had a tremendous impact on her family, especially her brother, there was no denying the fact that Adrian and I had not only found love but he had taken it a step further and married a woman who made him happy in every way, a woman who would complete him. That woman was me. These basic bitches out here didn’t have shit on me. I had to make some hard choices for love but in the end it was well worth it.

  What’s that you say? If given the chance would I do it all again? In a heartbeat. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. Don’t get mad at a bitch like me ‘cause she did what she had to do, not only to get her man; but
to keep him as well. It was gonna be smooth sailing from here on out.

  “I love you Mrs. Pebbles Michelle Ramsey” Adrian proclaimed as he held up his glass of champagne to toast our union as man and wife.

  “I love you too Mr. Adrian Ramsey.”

  After we toasted we shared a tender kiss before he made a statement that would leave me frozen in my tracks.

  “I’m ready for little AJ.”


  “Yep, Adrian Junior. I’m ready for you to start having my babies woman.”

  “What the fuck?” I thought to myself. The whole time I had worked this scheme I never once factored in that he might want kids. Why wouldn’t he? I was so worried about deceiving him into thinking I was the perfect woman…. a real woman that I was in my own little world. It never crossed my mind that he would someday want a family of his own. What the hell was I going to do now?

  The End

  Midnite Love

  Part 2 is here!

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