Read My True Essence Page 1


  by Shawneda Marks

  copyright 2011 Shawneda Marks

  Chapter One

  “I’m not sure I understand exactly what it is you mean?” Rebecca’s demeanor fell as she held the phone Dani released Rebecca’s long tresses from the flat iron and placed the instrument back in the oven.

  Rebecca placed one finger in the air. She pointed to the frosted glass doors and rose from the salon chair. Dani’s Diva Den was her place of refuge. Whenever she had a hard week or an unbearable client, she made an appointment with the on-site masseuse. If she wanted to get spruced up for a night on the town with Colby she would let Dani tame her exotic curls to complement her heart shaped face.

  The modern colors and bright salon chairs lost their luster a bit as she stepped out onto the hot Houston sidewalk. Oblivious to the odd stares of the pedestrians who shook their heads at her half curly, wet hair and half thick, pressed hair, her focus stayed on the call. She pressed the cell phone so close to her ear it pinched the back of her ear.

  “You can’t think this is funny, Mama. You’ve never been one to play practical jokes. I know I haven’t come to see you like I promised but this is unnecessary. I’ll fly home next week. Let me clear my calendar.”Rebecca’s voice caught in her throat. “I don’t believe you. That’s impossible. Aunt Marisol can’t have breast cancer. It doesn’t even run in our family. I need to call you back.”

  Dani opened the doors and waved for Rebecca to come back inside. Rebecca knew her legs were moving but didn’t know how. Breast cancer was something that happened to other people’s families.

  Not hers. The people in her family were healthy eaters and active. It didn’t make sense. She had to figure out a way to fix this.

  “Is everything all right?” Dani sat Rebecca back down in her chair, picking up the hair she released before Rebecca walked out of the salon. She blew on the irons before she passed them over the strands of her hair.

  “My favorite aunt is in the last stage of her second bout with breast cancer. They believe it has already spread and she has only been given a few months to live.” Rebecca clasped and unclasped her hands in her lap. “How can I go celebrate my wedding anniversary when my Aunt is dying? Colby is gonna have to get over it but I have to leave.”

  “Becca, you need to calm down and just allow yourself a moment to think about what you’re saying. You have two big ad campaigns and you’re courting FA Square. You don’t have time to fly off to New York. Especially since you can’t do anything about what is going on…you’re a Christian not the Christ.” Dani patted the last hair she finished pressing. “You need to pray for her and thank God for that fine man you got at home and remind him why he needs to do the same for you.”

  Rebecca looked past Dani at the large mirror in front of her. She stared at the artwork reflected from the wall behind them and smiled. It had been a great year with Colby and she was being a bit emotional. She did need to put it in God’s hand. Had he ever failed her? Of course, he would heal her Aunt Marisol. It was Aunt Marisol who said she’d been praying for her after she left New York. Rebecca remembered how Aunt Marisol gave her life to God while Rebecca was married to her first husband and she remembered how she prayed for Rebecca to have the strength to leave him.

  “I see those wheels turning in there. You know I’m right. Now, we gotta get your face right. Let Sheila take you in the back and get your nails done while Beth hooks up your make up.” Dani pulled the cape off of Rebecca and brushed her off with the “hair broom.”

  “Thanks, girl. I’m so glad Toney brought me here before she moved to Atlanta. God knows I wouldn’t know what to do without you.” Rebecca hugged Dani before following the tall, statuesque, deep brown woman to the back of the salon.

  “You know I’m immortal so you’ll never have to worry about it. “ Dani pulled her motorcycle helmet from beneath her stylist station. “I’m going to the bank. I’ll be back before you leave so we can pray for your Auntie so stop frowning. You gotta stay cute for Colby.”

  Rebecca smiled and wiggled her fingers as Dani pulled a white and fuchsia mesh reinforced riding jacket from the coat tree next to the door. She lifted a prayer for her friend to be safe on her bike. Even if Dani didn’t know it, Rebecca was well aware that her friend and stylist was not immortal.


  Rebecca dabbed the handkerchief to her forehead as she smiled at the older white haired man sitting next to Jenessa Armstrong. Rebecca’s husband looked at her with a raised eyebrow and handed her a cup of water. In place of the handkerchief he took the remote control for the overhead projector and gently guided her to the opposite side of the room.

  “Ms. Armstrong, I believe you’ll find the information we have presented is above the expectations you have for the current marketing and advertising you have in place now. Our average ROI for a campaign on the scale we have presented with modest results is closer to forty five percent. Our most successful to date is seventy five percent. That client is still using the main commercials and online components of that plan today. We update it every three months for a reasonable fee.” Colby curled his lips into a half smile. “We included the contact information for that hotel in Vegas as a reference, with their encouragement to do so.”

  “Thank you Mr. Thorn. You have shown us enough to know what to expect. I’ll meet with my colleagues and we’ll get back to you by the end of the week.” Ms. Armstrong stood along with the other gentleman and two younger associates sitting around the table. “I would like to ask you and your wife a few more detailed questions in my office if no one else has anything.”

  The standing executives still in the room shook their heads. Each person shook Colby’s hand and nodded to Rebecca still propped on the wall behind the projector. Rebecca gave a weak smile in return, between sips of water. She prayed that her face didn’t look as flush as it felt. It had been ages since she’d been sick but the pressure of her new accounts, missing three weeks in the gym, a steady diet of fast food, and restaurant delivery to the office, and working late left her immune system compromised.

  “Mrs. Thorn I’ll send my assistant to bring you once you’ve finished gathering your things. Mr. Thorn please follow me this way.” Ms. Armstrong turned and walked down a corridor with Rebecca’s husband close behind.

  Colby shrugged before he followed the short shapely woman out of the room. Rebecca was not at all threatened or concerned. She prayed the woman was not one of those bitter black women, upset because Colby had chosen to marry a Latino woman. It didn’t happen as much as it used to but she would never grow comfortable with the hate she felt in some of the stares they received in public.

  With all of her media storage and equipment packed up and placed in her roll away she rested against the wall and finished the water in the cup Colby handed her. A tall woman appeared at the door with a scowl on her face. There was that look she knew so well, pure unwarranted animosity. It was futile to point out she hadn’t ever dated outside of her race or considered marrying a black man before she met Colby. Women with the attitude of Ms. Armstrong’s assistant were too nasty to be persuaded to think rationally. How could they know it was a God thing that brought them together, that their love was God’s way of showing them what love is daily? She couldn’t, so Rebecca decided not to allow the assistant’s nasty attitude to take anymore of her mental real estate.

  The assistant knocked and opened the door to Ms. Armstrong’s office without looking back at Rebecca or speaking. With a sigh Rebecca entered the room and attempted a smile at Colby and Ms. Armstrong. Before she could reach the chair she felt the room begin to spin and she felt her husband’s arms around her waist before everything went black.


  Rebecca open
ed her eyes when she felt the cool wet napkin on her forehead. She placed her hand on top of her husband’s and smiled. Her eyes flew open when she remembered they were still in the FA Square building and in the office of the woman who held the fate of their firm in her hand. “Ms. Armstrong, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t feeling well this morning and I didn’t believe it was this serious. I apologize for this. I hope it won’t be held against the firm.”

  “It’s Jenessa and no it won’t” Ms. Armstrong looked at Colby first and then looked back to Rebecca. “I believe it just solidified what I thought about you two and you should be expecting a signed contract for the campaign. Anyone who has your dedication and work ethic needs to be on our team.”

  “Thank God.” Rebecca let her eyes close. “Excuse me, thank you. We look forward to working with you.”

  “Were there any other questions you had for us, Ms. Armstrong?” Colby gave Rebecca one of his brief get it together stares then turned and smiled at Ms. Armstrong.

  “I’ll email you Mr. Thorn. No need to worry about your wife’s statement. We need all the Jesus in this corporation we can get.” Ms. Armstrong gave them a genuine look of concern. “I hope you feel better. You look like you’re coming down with that nasty flu making its end of spring rebound.”

  “I’ll take her by her doctor when we leave here.” Colby stood up and helped Rebecca by the arm as she grabbed her head and wobbled. He offered his other hand as Rebecca’s hand shot out.

  “I have to thank you for your understanding. Let me treat you to a day at Dani’s Diva Den. She has the best staff and facilities this side of Houston.” Rebecca pulled a card for the salon and spa out of her purse. After writing something on the back of the card she handed it to Ms. Armstrong.

  “Alright, but only if you come with me. I’ve been looking for a new stylist since mine moved out of town.” Ms. Armstrong smiled as Colby opened the door.

  Colby shook his head and smiled.

  “Well if that is the only way,” Rebecca smiled at Colby.

  They all laughed as they walked out of Ms. Armstrong’s office. Ms. Armstrong walked in front of them and led them to the elevator.

  Colby extended his hand towards Ms. Armstrong. “It has been pleasure speaking with you. We hope to hear from you soon, Ms. Armstrong.”

  “Please call me, Jenessa. You should expect those papers by the end of the week.” Ms. Armstrong shook his hand and patted Rebecca on the shoulder. “Now get her to the doctor and back to 100 percent. We have a lot of work to do.”

  The elevator doors opened. Rebecca smiled at Ms. Armstrong. She stepped on as Colby held the doors open for her. Rebecca sighed as she let her head rest on her husband’s shoulder. She hated going to doctors.


  Rebecca flopped back into the passenger seat. Colby closed the door and tapped the hood as he ran around to the driver’s side of the SUV. Three days of bed rest with no work was Rebecca’s worst nightmare. Sitting at home in bed alone was not her idea of a good time.

  “I know you think you’re gonna hate this but I promise you I’ll be in from the office as soon as I can each day. I’ll check on you at lunch too.” Colby said. He picked her hand up and kissed the back if it. “You’ll be better in no time.”

  Rebecca’s cell phone rang at that moment, DANI and a silly picture of her flashed up at Rebecca. Without a second thought Rebecca pressed the talk button and placed the phone to her ear. “Hey chica, how is everything?”

  “I’m good. Just wanted you to know before you came in that the lady from FA Square called and told me to schedule her with you for her spa day. Also I had a little spill on the bike. Nothing serious, just a little pummeled skin. I’m going in to see the doctor because it’s still sore and starting to look a little gross.” Dani said.

  “Arghh, how I wish you would just drive that little green machine you bought instead of that pink monster you love torturing me with. How fast were you going when you spilled?” Rebecca rolled her eyes and mouthed Dani’s name to Colby.

  Colby started the engine, chuckled and shook his head.

  “You don’t worry about all of that. I’ll be seeing the doctor tomorrow. We’re still on for skating Friday right?” Dani said.

  “No I have this stupid flu so we’ll have to rain check on the skating until next week.” Rebecca’s line beeped. MAMA and a picture of her mother flashed on the screen. “Hey Dani, that’s my mom I have to go, I’ll check on you tomorrow. Bye.”

  “Becca, I wanted to call you before your uncle or cousin told you. I’m flying back home with Aunt Marisol so she can be with the family and be comfortable for her last few months.”

  “How can you make a decision like that at the spur of the moment? Who’s going to look after your affairs in New York? What am I supposed to do if I need to talk to you? Can you wait until next week before you do anything? I can’t get a flight out until then.” Rebecca tapped her finger on the door of the SUV.

  “Alright, Becca I’ll wait, but you’re not changing my mind. I talked to the same God you do. We’re taking this trip home for Marisol to be comfortable and tie up loose ends before she dies.” Her mother sighed into the phone.

  “Mama, I have to go, I’ll call you with my flight details.” Tears welled up in Rebecca’s eyes. “I love you, Mama, bye.”

  Colby placed his hand on Rebecca’s knee. “Is everything okay?”

  Tears rolled down Rebecca’s cheeks as she gently shook her head. She looked out of the window. “No, my mother thinks my aunt is dying.” Rebecca turned and looked at Colby. Then she grabbed his hand. “We need to fly to New York, Colby.”


  Colby strummed his fingers on the steering wheel. His finger itched to turn the ignition but instead he tapped out an abstract beat.

  “Could you puhleeze stop making that noise. I need to get home to pack and fly to New York.” Rebecca looked at him. She rolled her eyes before looking out of the window at the other cars in the parking deck.

  Colby cut his eyes at his wife then wiped his wet palms on the top of his trousers. He prayed for God to give him the right words and tone when he opened his mouth.

  “Are you going to start the car so we can go home? Please. Have you heard a word I said? We have to get to New York to stop my mother.” Rebecca sighed.

  “I’m going to give you a second to calm down before we continue this conversation. “ Colby turned the key in the ignition and turned on the air conditioning. He prayed again because he could see his wife’s chest rise and fall faster and faster which meant she was getting more upset by the second. As he put the car in reverse Rebecca placed her hand on top of his.

  “I’m not upset with you I just need to get home to my mother. I can’t let her go back to the Dominican Republic. She is all I have in the states.” Rebecca wiped a tear from her cheek.

  “What am I Rebecca? I understand you’re upset but I’m your family now. I don’t want your mom to go either but she is a grown woman. She hears God’s voice just like you do.” Colby cleared his throat. “The doctor just ordered you to stay home and rest. No work. That also means no New York.”

  “And just who is going to stop me from going to New York?” Rebecca’s voice rose two octaves as she unlatched her seatbelt and shifted her body to face Colby.

  “I’m not about to try to talk to you when you’re like this. How about God is going to stop you? We were just in the doctor’s office because you fainted in a client’s office. Becca, you aren’t going anywhere.” Colby put the car in reverse and backed out of the parking space.

  “I’d like to see you stop me.”Rebecca put her seatbelt back on and crossed her arms. “I would really like to see you stop me.”

  “You have me confused with your ex-husband if you think I’m going to try to control you or explode on you. You wanna go traipsing off to New York? Go right ahead.” Colby shifted to drive and pulled to the curb and waited for a moment to enter the flow of traffic.

?So you think I wanted Antony to hit me? I can’t believe you said something that stupid to me. I don’t care what I said it was never his place to beat me or try to run my life. Don’t think because I’m saved now I’m going to let you do it Colby Lawrence Thorn, ring or no ring. You are not the boss of me. I answer to one God alone and his name is not Colby.” Rebecca crossed her left leg over her right knee and leaned as far away from Colby as possible in the passenger seat.

  “I never asked you to answer to me, and while you’re answering to God why don’t you let him know I didn’t sign up for marriage to a stubborn, bitter, woman afraid to allow her husband to take care of her and love her like Christ loved the church. Don’t try to turn this on me Rebecca. I’ve never tried to control you and I never will. Don’t listen to me or the doctor, fine. Don’t call me from New York to come get your sick behind out of the hospital, either.” Colby turned onto the street and turned the radio on to the local gospel station. His prayer seemed to go out of the window so he decided to let it stay there. The constant battle to love Rebecca over the last few weeks was beginning to wear him down. He turned the volume up to drown out the sound of his wife mumbling in Spanish under her breath.

  Chapter Two

  Dani eased her top back on over a pink camisole. Bras were too painful since she fell off of her bike and slid across the pavement. She had thanked God at least a thousand times for her helmet after being picked up off the side of the road by an off duty police officer. The dip in the road hadn’t been there the year before so she didn’t maneuver her bike well when the concrete lowered. The next thing she remembered were her gloved hands being grabbed by the state trooper.

  Dr. Justin walked into the room and sat down on the backless chair next to the exam table. He opened the folder with the first three letters of her last name printed in orange. A white slip of paper with what looked like chicken scratch fell to the floor. A slight smile came and went across Dr. Justin’s face and Dani crossed her ankles and tapped the back of her foot against her sling back.

  “Well, what’s the prescription Doc?” Dani eased down from the table until her she was more leaning against it than sitting.