Read My True Essence Page 9

  Her mother’s name popped up next to the email message.

  [Becca, don’t be mad. Prayed about this since coming home and I’m not up to battling this out with you in a call right now. I’m staying here in the Dominican Republic and starting a foundation in memory of Teva to raise awareness and money to help with screenings and other things for the less fortunate here. Call you later. Praying for you. Love you. Kiss my son in law and make me some grandbabies, so I can visit!]

  “This day cannot get any worse.” Becca dropped the phone into the console between the passenger and driver’s seat and turned the key in the ignition.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Colby walked into the church and stopped at the ministry listing to find the room number for Sister Greene. He turned around when he heard someone clear their throat.

  “What are you doing here?” Dani cleared her throat again.

  “I got a message from Sister Greene to come in for a meeting.” Colby said.

  “Oh, well the room is this way. Jenessa is down the hall so let’s all walk in together. Or are you on Sister Greene’s side and want Rebecca to quit?” Dani crossed her arms.

  “This is important to Becca so I want her to finish it. Despite what you two told her about me and Vichonda, I love my wife and only want her to be happy.” Colby placed his right hand in his pocket and leaned against the wall. “Next time you talk to her, convince her of that so she can come home.”

  “Look, we didn’t tell her we saw anything more than you two eating together at her favorite spot.” Dani said.

  “I agreed to meet with Vichonda while picking up something quick to eat up before a meeting. I ended up sitting with her while I waited for my meeting to start. We used to all be in the singles ministry together so we chatted while I ate.” Colby shrugged his shoulders.

  “Oh,” Danielle looked down at her feet. “Why didn’t you tell Becca?”

  “It wasn’t important. I eat with people I know all the time. I don’t tell Rebecca each and every detail of my life when we’re not together. Before all of this foolishness she trusted me enough not to require me to check in and give her my itinerary. But if that is what she needs for us to work, I will because I love my wife. You tell her that too.”

  “So Vichonda wasn’t trying to talk you into having her step down or trying to complain for Sister Greene?” Jenessa walked up behind Colby.

  Colby jumped a bit when she appeared at his side. “She tried to bring up the event, but I told her I was proud of everything Rebecca does for the church so she dropped it. Where are we meeting? I have to get home and finish up some work.”

  “Just come in with us.” Jenessa adjusted her strap on her shoulders.

  “Well, once this is all over, next time you two see her, please tell her that I have her back and that I want her to come home. I miss my wife.” Colby stopped behind them and reached around to open the door to the room before Jenessa could do it.

  “Good evening, everyone.” Sister Greene stood up. “Thanks for coming on such short notice.”

  Jenessa, Danielle and Colby all nodded and smiled as they sat down at the table in the center of the room.

  “I have spoken with Becca about some of my concerns with the low participation from the congregation in helping with the event this year. I would like your input about the matter before I make my final decision. When I prayed about it, God did not give me a release to remove her as some recommended. I’d like to hear from Colby first.”

  “I have had a few friends tell me they wanted to volunteer but were advised not to do so. A few people I know from the youth basketball team I coach on said they sent emails but never received a response. Becca doesn’t handle that. She said Vichonda was over that. Becca is committed to making this event a success and because of that, I think she should continue on as chair.” Colby folded his hands on the table.

  “Jenessa you’re a member what is your take on things?” Sister Greene and everyone else at the table looked at Jenessa.

  “Well, I’ve had some people ask me some weird questions about things Vichonda told them. What happened once they attempted to volunteer again? I don’t know. I can tell you that anytime I try to interact with or get any information from Vichonda, it’s not fruitful. We were instructed to give our data to her, but I refuse to do so because I’m not comfortable turning over the sensitive information of so many influential people into her hands.”

  “I see.” Sister Greene tapped her pen on the table. “Dani, do you have anything to add?”

  “Becca is not the problem.” Dani crossed her arm and sat back in her chair.

  Sister Greene cocked her head to the side and then looked back at Colby. “Has this event placed a strain on your marriage?”

  “With all due respect, Sister Greene, please tell anyone with our names in their mouths to mind their business or pray. My wife and I are like every married couple. We welcome prayer not gossip. Becca’s going through a tough time right now; therefore, giving back through this event is important to her. As her husband, seeing her complete it is important to me.” Colby said.

  “Are you able to assist with the planning?” Sister Greene leaned forward on the table.

  “If the people in the congregation are unwilling to help, I’ll be happy to call in all the favors and help when I can.” Colby looked at Jenessa and Danielle. “I think it’s safe to say we all are willing to help Rebecca make this event effective in honor of her aunt who recently passed away.”

  “Great, I’ll let Becca know my decision. I look forward to everyone making this year better than ever.” Sister Greene smiled. “In honor of her aunt.”


  “Rebecca Thorn, speaking.” Becca pressed the Bluetooth volume up button.

  “Good morning, Becca, this is Sister Greene.”

  “Good morning, how are you today?” Rebecca checked traffic and signaled to change lanes.

  “I’m great. Thanks for asking. Under your advisement, I took a closer look into things. I would like for you to continue on as chair for the event. I’ve also spoken with Vichonda, and as a result, Danielle will be over the database and email responses going forward. She is following up on the emails that have been sent by members who have not received any responses. Your husband and friends love you very much and have all signed on to help us make this event a success.”

  “My husband and friends?”

  “Yes, I’ve had even more people sign on and sponsors commit to give. You’re a blessed woman, Becca. I appreciate all of your hard work. I have another call coming in, God bless you Becca.”

  “Thank you Sister Greene. God bless you too.” Becca pressed the end button on her Bluetooth to disconnect the call.

  She pressed the button on her console that connected it to her phone. “Call Dani.”

  The sound of numbers dialing bounced around the car. “Dani’s Diva Den, Chandra speaking, how can I help you?”

  “Hey, Chandra, please squeeze me in for the works, wherever Dani can fit me in today.” Becca turned left.

  “Okay we had a lunch cancel just for you. Be here no later than noon.” Chandra popped gum.

  “Thanks,” Becca pressed end on the console. “One butt to kiss down, two to go.”


  “Jenessa, thank you for talking to Sister Greene for me. I showed out pretty bad at our one on one. Vichonda almost got knocked out.” Becca said.

  “I understand. I apologize again for not telling you about my diagnosis.” Jenessa patted her forehead with a damp rag.

  “It’s okay.” Rebecca smiled. “How is your treatment going?”

  “Okay, I am gonna need some extra hands when I start the next round of chemo. It’s supposed to be more intense than the phase I’m in now,” Jenessa said.

  “Well, I can check on you after work. Things are going better with the event so I don’t have to be onsite at the church as much anymore. How are the kids holding up?” Becca smoothed her hand over her hair.
  “They’re fine, strong like their momma.” Jenessa asked God to forgive her for omitting the truth again.

  “Alright well just send me the information so I can set it up in my calendar. Thanks for all your help with the event. You and Dani amaze me.” Rebecca smiled.

  “Girl please, between you and Harold, I don’t have time to let this cancer keep me down.” No she didn’t let it get her down except when the muscle spasms woke her up screaming in the middle of the night or nausea swept over her so violent she could barely make it to the bathroom.

  “I’m praying for you guys, me and Colby too,” Becca said.

  “We ‘re praying for y’all too. You in particular. That man loves you girl. Y’all need to work things out.” Jenessa patted Becca on the hand.

  “I know, I just don’t know how or what is going on.” Becca shook her head. “I can’t even explain it. It’s like we were happy one day until I woke up and all hell broke loose.”

  “That’s because that’s exactly what happened.” Jenessa looked at her hands then into Becca’s eyes. “You know when you’re a believer, the enemy ain’t happy unless you’re not. You have to approach your marriage the same way you do everything else, like only God can keep it together because the devil wants to tear it apart.”


  [Can you meet me for dinner? We need to talk. Becca]

  [Anytime, anyplace…as long as you’re around. Colby]

  [Tomorrow after the special service at our place. I love you.]


  As Becca walked into the shop, Dani smiled and waved her over to her chair. They were announcing the information about the event today. Becca wanted to put her best foot forward when she apologized to Danielle and Sister Green.

  “Before we get started, I think I owe you an apology.” Becca paused in front of the stylist chair. “Can we use the private booth and talk?”

  Dani nodded and shooed Becca towards the private salon in the back for VIP, celebrity and other private clients they serviced. It was also where clients could go if they needed to discuss something in private.

  “Why is all of your stuff in here?” Becca sat down in the chair.

  “I knew you’d come in here getting all mushy and what not. You don’t need to apologize or thank me for talking to Sister Greene.” Dani placed the cape over Rebecca’s shoulder and snapped buttons together at the nape of her neck.

  “Well, I appreciate you all and while I understand your explanation, I really do want everyone to stop coddling me. I’m not a baby.” Becca sighed.

  “Ok, point taken. How do you want your hair?” Dani held a rattail comb in her hand.

  “Soft curls. You know that thing you do where it looks like I sat under the dryer for hours with big rollers in my hair?” Becca said.

  “Good cause we don’t have time to straighten it if we’re going to make it to church on time. When are you going back home to your husband?” Dani pulled the tail of the comb from the front of her head and sectioned off a portion and began scratching Rebecca’s scalp with a different wide tooth soft point comb.

  “I don’t want to talk about that.”

  “You know he is the reason you’re still doing this event. You think about that while you’re doing whatever it is you think you’re doing over in that apartment.” Dani pulled the tail of the comb through her hair again.

  “It’s complicated alright…I just need some time.”

  “You need to go home.”

  “Are you wearing that to service?” Becca looked at Danielle’s outfit.

  “Don’t try to change the subject.” Dani smiled. “That’s okay I know who to talk to about it.”

  “There you go telling Jesus on me. You are the most interceding heathen I know.” Becca chuckled.

  “Hush, you know I love the Lord and when he leads me to the right place. I’ll join, but not a moment before then. Church people hurt people because they forget, before they were church people, all they did was hurt.” Dani said.

  “I hear you, but some of those people won’t stop hurting because they need what is inside of you. Like the way you pray for me when you do my hair. I’m better for it.” Becca picked up a magazine. “Speaking of which I’ma be quiet so you can do your thing.”

  Two hours later Becca and Danielle exited the rear of the shop. They climbed into Dani’s hybrid sedan and drove to the church, enjoying the new Christopher Lewis CD. When they arrived at the church, Dani pulled into the side parking lot.

  “Who told you about the side entrance? You know this is where all the serious members park so they can leave without worrying about traffic.” Becca tapped Dani on the shoulder.

  “Hey, this is where the smart people park because it’s closer to the door. Members and visitors.” Dani shook her head as she walked through the door Becca held open for her.

  “Well, I hope whatever God needs to say to you for you to join, is said today. I love the way you minister to people at your shop, but just like some people will never come to church, there are some who need your anointing who won’t leave it.” Becca smiled as she held the doors to the sanctuary open. “What do you think about that?”

  “I don’t. Never even considered it.”Dani said.

  “Well, it’s the truth so you should. C’mon let’s get close to the pulpit so I can see.”

  “You aren’t slick Rebecca Thorn.”

  “I wasn’t trying to be…you know me. Just trying to get the word.” Becca smiled as she sat down.

  “And increase the membership.” Dani sat down beside her.

  “Of course, mature Christians are hard to find.” Becca smiled and stood as the praise team entered the pulpit.

  “Well, how can I resist an invitation like that?” Dani smiled. “I guess I should tell you I’ve been praying about joining. Perfect churches don’t exist, but I think this may be the right place for me, for right now.”


  Chapter Seventeen

  Jenessa accepted the glass of water from Harold and patted her hair. Her eyes closed and she forced back the tears threatening to run down her cheeks. She was mortified by the amounts of hair that had begun falling out. When she opened her eyes, she looked up to see Harold watching her.

  “Why don’t you allow me to help take care of you? You shouldn’t be going through this alone.” Harold rose and sat next to her.

  “You know I won’t do that Harold. I don’t believe in living together without being married.” Jenessa leaned back and settled into the cushions of the sofa.

  “Well the courthouse is open we can handle that if it is the only thing keeping us apart,” Harold said.

  “You are hilarious. I would laugh, but I’m really tired right now.” Jenessa placed the glass on the end table beside her. “Where is all of this coming from Harold? You’ve never talked about marriage before.”

  “You haven’t been alone before. I would love for us to be together, and now that the children live with their father, it is possible. We could finally be together, in every way.” Harold inched closer to Jenessa.

  “So when they come home, then what? You live in your house, and I stay here and we make conjugal visits. My children are coming home again, and they come every weekend. I can’t believe that you think I want them to stay with their father. I would go pick them up right now if they called.” Jenessa said.

  “I always planned to wait until Charles’ senior year of high school, propose and then get married after he graduated. When they moved out, I believed it was God answering my prayers. He knows how much I love you.” Harold stood up and walked over to the window.

  “How can you say that you prayed for my children to leave, and in the same breath say you love me? Anyone who loves me also has to love my children. Whether they live with me or not, they will always be a part of my life.”Jenessa sat up and leaned forward.

  “You know they don’t care for me, Jenessa, and they’re too old for me to make any real kind of connection with the
m. They don’t want or have to like me because their father is active in their lives. I’m an annoyance to them. If they loved you, wouldn’t they try harder to get to know me?” Harold sat in the chair across from Jenessa.

  “I didn’t know you felt this way, and my children don’t think you’re an annoyance. I don’t think they do.” Jenessa sighed. “How can you believe that they dislike you so much when you’ve hardly spent any time with them?”

  “You know, we should have this chat when you’re feeling better. I apologize for bringing it up. I’ll go. Get some rest and call me if you need anything.” Harold stood and walked over to Jenessa, leaned over and kissed her on the forehead.


  The sound of the front door opening pulled Jenessa from her sleep. She shook the fog from her mind and lifted a silent prayer for God to smooth out the kink in her neck. Just enough strength to lift herself up from the bathroom floor, filled her arms and legs. Wobbly, but standing upright Jenessa tilted her head, listening for more sounds from the living room.

  Jenessa picked up the baseball bat she kept in the corner as she left her bathroom. She poked her head out of her bedroom “Who’s there?”

  A sigh that could only come from her daughter floated up the hallway and her shoulders relaxed.

  Jenessa set the bat back in its place. She brushed her teeth, hoping her stomach settled for good, well for the rest of the day. After putting her robe on, she left her bedroom.

  “Good morning, Jenessa.” Charles Sr. looked briefly at her hair and walked back out of the front door. He reappeared with a large duffle bag.

  Dominique walked in behind her father, carrying the smallest of her suitcases. “Hi, mom.”

  “Good morning, Nique.” Jenessa looked at the bag, with what would have been her eyebrow arched. Instead the muscle simply bulged as she looked at Charles Sr., then at Dominique. “Is someone going to clue me in to what is going on here?”

  “I’m moving back home if that is okay with you. I mean I do still get mail here, don’t I?” Dominique walked back to her bedroom.

  Charles Sr. opened his mouth to speak; then gave Jenessa a half smile and shrug.